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Fantasy Mystic High School

Cypher sat in his room watching the scene with his golden eye and shook his head with disapproval. He spun around in his chair whiled debating about what he should do with given situation. He decided to wait a little longer until something actually compelled him to move out of his room.
"you" her anger will no longer be ceased by tea as her yes glowed deep red and her hair started to defy gravity "you are just as bad as the suitors I don't even know you!!" she wished to vanish for she fears she will actually hurt the boy but she was starting to have no choice. She was hoping he would just end up running in fear so she wouldn't have to use violence to solve her problems she was already on edge from having to leave Iak momentarily and not speaking to Atsoku before she left in the first place.
Nenma slightly laughed. "Sorry I was just kidding but if the problem is you don't know me then all you got to do is get to know me. Anyway sorry that I was a little bored was all so I felt like joking with you later madam." He said as he walked away waving behind him as he walked. "Oh and that glare of yours is pretty cute to hahaha." He left after saying this.
"that that fool' she rushed out of the library while continuing to drink her tea "BAT I NEED YOU" her bat calmly appeared from thin air as she gripped him by the wings "do they need me yet I don't know how I would ever survive here" she was whispering franticly to the bad which she forgot she was still in a public place "why do other students have to be so infuriating" the bat returned with an inelegant answer and continued to say they don't need her. She slumped for she hated having to hide "I hate being royalty" she said even more quietly "then I could help more I can hold my own ground" she sighed now cooled down with a new composure.
Nenma lened against the wall he hadn't left he just gone around the corner. "Hmm so Madam is royalty huh heh looks like my guess was right someone needs better acting lessons I could see right through her act but still what a cute gale." He began to chuckle as he opened a can of soda and drank it.
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Nenma opened his jacket. "I got cherry,lemon.lime.lemon lime,grape,watermelon,strawberry,raspberry,coke,sprite,pepsi,mountain dew,and chocolate.

"Hand me..... the watermelon." phonix said, sinve he needed a sweet kick to wake him up.
Nenma gave him the watermelon and pulled out cherry for himself. "Drink up bro." ("Damn my clone is stalking some chick right now sipping tea and talking to a bat man where did I go wrong with myself?")
Rachel rushed off to her room making shure she wasn't being followed before she went to the dorms "I can't believe this" she slammed the door and locked the door twice and sat at her vanity and set her face down on the surface. "What am I doing here I should be rallying troops but Iak would just get rid of me" she moved to her bed and attempted to sleep but ended up reading a book. Her eyes practically glimmered as she read of different fairytales that she may had missed when she was a child.
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Nenma gave him the watermelon and pulled out cherry for himself. "Drink up bro." ("Damn my clone is stalking some chick right now sipping tea and talking to a bat man where did I go wrong with myself?")

Phoenix opens the can and chugged the whole can in one sitting, but made a massive burp heard throughout the whole school. He then becomes depressed. (Dunno, but it is hilarious.)
Atsoku shifted his attention to the dark fairy, "I for one don't typically go to classes. As long as I do all my homework and pass my tests it doesn't really matter to me." He looked at his phone did the time, "welli guess time doesnt matter because class times depend on your schedule." @Yonsisac
"well Fuck it...Im not gona Go...stupid Classes"she says with a frown as she dint whant too go too Classes but she needed too for the sake of her sister she dosent Blow the school down.....actually....maybe she shoold let her do that....Nhaaaa...as Both would Look up at Him and Natalia says "well that is all i needed thank you very Much....Hmmm....like we are new can you give us a Tour around the school?"she ask in a Polite and Chieldish manner with a smiel as she really like if some one show them around

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I hate starting school later than everyone else... Fade thought to himself as he pulled his satchel into his lap as someone sat down next to him on the bus. He was thankful for public transportation but he also hated it and for this specific reason...

"Hey, isn't that a guy? Why's he wearing a dress?"

"Hey look at that homo over there. Freak must have some fucked up fetish."

"Look, a cross dresser."

"Loser gay."

"That's just disgusting. God made him a man, why's he wearing girl's clothes?"

Fade could feel a low growl bubbling up in his chest at all the comments of the people on the bus. All he was doing was trying to get to school and this had to happen. He didn't cry though, not wanting his mascara to run.

Humans...judgmental asses. He couldn't stand how close minded and inconsiderate the human population could be. He couldn't stand it one bit and one growl, a flash of his wolf-ish teeth, and a glare from behind his sunglasses was enough to shut some of them up.

Soon enough his stop came and he got off the bus, deftly avoiding being tripped by one of the rather rude teens on the bus. He discretely snatched his wallet as he faked a fall then growled at him but was secretly celebrating his victory in his mind as he got off the bus, shoving the wallet into his satchel and walked onto the school grounds.

It seemed like a pretty quiet place, but then again it was probably because all the students were in the building and not outside. He sighed and headed for the dorms, having already received his number a few days prior.
Nenma sat up from the bench as the bus rolled up he tilted his head as he saw a boy wearing a dress walk off. He walked over. "Yo nice dress." He said sincerely Nenma was not one for sarcasm.
"Thanks." he replied, not saying much else, not really great with small talk. He didn't really know what to compliment him on in return. He wasn't sure if this male was a student attending the school or a passerby.

"What's your name?" he asked, so he wouldn't forget to ask later.
"Well I've actually got some things to do, but if you go to the front office they'll give you a map." He got up from the table and started walking away, "cya guys another time." He walked towards the cafeteria.
"Memios, but you can call me Fade." he said, claws clicking softly on the sidewalk.

"Do you know where dorm room 128 is?" he asked, his hazel eyes darting around behind his sunglasses, hoping that this stranger knew otherwise he'd have to search for a while until he'd be able to find it, and more than likely get lost in the process.
Rachel left her dorm with a sigh as she walked down the hall. She was thinking about leaving through a portal once again but how would Iak respond she would have to hide amongst the trees. Her idea was shot down by her common sense as she walked down a hall with a clack. she went into the main hall connecting to the dorms.
Nenma pointed to the dorms. Yeah I'm room 129 so it's right next door nice to met you neigbor or I mean Fade." Nenma gave him a cheery smile.
( I just realized that I wrote this on page 128 of the roleplay! xD )

He returned the smile and chuckled, "Hopefully I don't accidentally do something that makes us not like each other, right? It'd end like a bad sitcom." He was a bit odd to think that but it didn't seem like much of a thing to think about at the time.

He made his way to his dorm and pulled the key from his satchel and unlocked the door, looking around curiously. It had a rather nice set up; kitchenette, bathroom, bedroom, and some extra space for a desk or tv if he wanted. The kitchen appeared to be somewhat stocked (probably by his caretaker ahead of time).

"Mmm...nice." he hummed in appreciation.

His caretaker also seemed to have put a few of his belongings in already; stereo system and his DJ equipment (he was dabbling, not too great but not half bad either).
Nenma let himself in Fade room and ran over to the DJ set. "Oh man I love these things please let me play on this!" Without waiting for an answer from Fade Nenma started messing with the set pumping out a blend of hip-hop and jazz. "Man my sis loved this stuff to she's the one that got me into this!" Nenma yelled over the music.
At first Fade was appalled that he would go ahead without waiting for an answer but once he started playing he allowed it but gave a quick warning, "That's the only set I've got until I get four more paychecks so be careful with it. Basically, break it and I'll break your arm." He smirked playfully and listened to him as he got his things situated, putting his clothes in his dresser and setting up his little shrine on the floor under the window, facing east since his rituals took place in the evening and he didn't particularly want to be blinded by the sun. He was glad that it was late afternoon currently and slipped off his glasses, revealing his yellow-hazel eyes that looked like someone had filled his eyes with wheat. It was a rather pretty color.

"You're pretty good." he chuckled once Nenma finished, standing beside him and gently bumped his hip with his own to get him to scoot over. He wasn't really one to ask someone to move over, his wolf instincts were more dominant that human pleasantries. He started out his beat, a simple kick-snare pattern - two quick heavy kick, one soft snare in between - it started out pretty low key, basic then he let the rhythm seep in, gradually but soon he was mixing out an intricate, rough but not unpleasant, jumpstyle song. The beat felt like it was set deep into their bones and it made you want to dance, primal tones overlaid with a more modern base.
AquaSly said:
//No. I got kidnap by Magical gannies ._.
(haha... very funny.) When phoenix felt recovered enough, he went down to the training room, still pretty upset that aqua does not understand him, Yet. agnus then goes onto studying about human anatomy.

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