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Fantasy Mystic High School

Phoenix refused to take them. "No....! they are not effective.... in this sssssituation....." he said as he winced as some burned flesh fell off, leaving scarred skin behind.
Nenma grabbed a pair of gloves and began to peel saying sorry every time the boy winced in pain. Most people would find this gross but Nenma had seen worse at the institute far worse.
Cypher stood where the fallen tree once was but saw that it was replaced already with a smaller one. He sighed looking for the old fallen tree alone, once he came across it he took out some chalk and made a transmutation circle on it. He put his hand on it and closed his eyes as the tree started to whither away into dust. He drained it of all its nutrients and walked back to the small tree now passing on the nutrient. Cypher watched, pleased with himself as the tree grew about five feet taller.
Nenma nodded. "No prob um name please." He looked out the window and saw the tree. "Wow way cool looks like the kid did something alright. So then what's your name cause I'm Nenma Takashi."
Kayla had nothing to do. She finally realized that. She doesn't know where her brother is, nor does she know where the boy she bumped into earlier had wandered off to. To this thought, she shrugged her shoulders, sauntering about the school halls as she continued to lose herself in thought. She incidentally mumbled to herself, oblivious to the fact that others could hear her. "What to do....keep it up..."
Aqua and the guy walked back in, the guy looked in disgust and pulled Aqua close to him, covering her eyes. Aqua perked her ears sniff,"What's is that smell?"

The guy said still looking in disgust,"That's Phoenix.....I think....what the hell happen to him? Nenma, what the hell did you do with Phoenix!?"

Aqua was confused of what it was happening,"W-What happen to Phoenix? Why does Phoenix smell burned rotted flesh!"

She was getting nervous now as The guy pulled Aqua to a hug making sure she didn't see Phoenix.
("Wait if they are here then where is my clone damn he better not be getting me/him in trouble!?") Nenma's clone walked the hallways with a certain cocky stride he went to the library grabbed a few mangas and walked out laying on a bench reading the book. "Man it's good to be able to just walk around once in a while dude never gives us freedom it's like he doesn't trust us. But that would mean he doesn't trust himself hahaha." The clone gave out a little chuckle. And went back to reading.
Rachel took a pause this was serious business "I would like you to gather the troops while I return to the school for sanctuary there should be a portal to retrieve me when the time is right" she took to her tent where she opened an portal to the school prepared to continue to lie of her identity Sarah Alucard. It has only been a couple days but she had noticed that the school had become ever so larger then it had been before she left as she saw many new students roam the halls. "I guess all I can do is what for the plan to come into action" she walked down the hall glaring at anyone willing to look at the girl causing them to stare the other way.
Nenma's clone looked up from his manga at the girl glareing a people and stood up. "You know eyes as beutiful as your shouldn't be filled with hate." He said giving the girl a cheery smile.
AquaSly said:
Aqua and the guy walked back in, the guy looked in disgust and pulled Aqua close to him, covering her eyes. Aqua perked her ears sniff,"What's is that smell?"
The guy said still looking in disgust,"That's Phoenix.....I think....what the hell happen to him? Nenma, what the hell did you do with Phoenix!?"

Aqua was confused of what it was happening,"W-What happen to Phoenix? Why does Phoenix smell burned rotted flesh!"

She was getting nervous now as The guy pulled Aqua to a hug making sure she didn't see Phoenix.
"It'ssssss because my flesh healed, but remains as a sssscar. the burned layer fell off my face." he said in humility.
The guy said still looking in disgust,"So you don't need Aqua, okay good, bye."

He picked up Aqua quickly heading out the door.
Nenma opened his jacket. "I got cherry,lemon.lime.lemon lime,grape,watermelon,strawberry,raspberry,coke,sprite,pepsi,mountain dew,and chocolate.
"Maybe you don't conceal enough hate" she returned bluntly not affected by his charms almost willing to kick him for calling her beautiful. She didn't like the smirk on his face either she squinted into his eyes to further look into his even though all she can see is her reflection. she then scoffed and looked away "Its not like I would care how much hate I have" she said still bluntly as she turned back to him.
Cypher walked back in after finishing his tree and went to the library to grab some books. As he walked in he saw the boy that kicked down his tree reading a book. He snapped his fingers and said "Burn" as the book lit on fire and suddenly combusted. He grabbed a few books from the shelves and checked out paying for the burned book as well. He stopped and looked at the girl he was talking with, staring for about twenty seconds before saying "analysis complete." And left to his room.
Nenma's clone chuckled by what the girl said and the burning of his book. "So you think I don't have enough hate maybe I'm just good at hiding it?" He said smirking some more he saw how she didn't care for his smile. ("Cute a tsundere.") The clone thought to it's self.
She was bothered by the boy who was staring at her but she brushed it off for she did not think it would cause any harm. "Well I would LOVE to waste my time with you but I shure I have better things to do" she walked towards the shelves filled with the many books most of which she found delightful as she summoned for a new cup of tea to ease her nerves. She still felt like she was being watched by the boy any turned to shoot him a death glare and returned to the books and siting in one of the uncomfortable chairs provided.
Nenma grabbed a comfy chair and in one motion switched her chair with the comfy one he also bowed and said with a smirk. "If you need more tea madam just ask and I shall fetch it."
"I can retrieve my own tea thank you very much" she spoke stubbornly towards him like he wasn't getting the hint of her of her wanting him to vanish so she could be in peace. She continued to read almost thinking about taking refuge in her room but it would only make it worse so she put down her book "what do you want?" she said with irritation as she slid the book back on the shelf. She felt like she was still being watched but she rubbed that feeling off as well to confront her current situation.
Nenma chuckled at her question. "I thought I was being very clear what I want." He paused to get up and walk over to her. "Is your love madam." He said smiling again.

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