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Fantasy Mystic High School


Aqua and the guy (I keep on forgetting to introduce himself.....) were in her dorm playing cards. The guy seem rather happy while Aqua was having fun. Aqua was winning every time since the guy was purposely did so. She noticed and try to let him win for once, they both went silent as they stared at the card waiting for both of them to do something...
Aqua perked her ears, her ears twitching. The guy noticed and said worriedly,"What's wrong?"

She put down her cards and suddenly got up, the guy who was confused said,"Aqua?"

Aqua quickly ran out as the guy quickly followed. She went to the training room seeing Phoenix on the ground, she quickly rushed to him as The guy was running in also seeing Phoenix. Aqua knee down by Phoenix as the guy stood beside her crossing his arm. He looked rather irritated as he stared at Phoenix,"Stupid idiot."

Aqua gently shook him wondering what had happened.
"I'm sorry, what did you call my brother?" agnus said as she walked in with an ice pack with a pillow and blanket. She was clearly angered by the man's choice of words to use on the unconscious nephilim. @AquaSly
Aqua perked her ears seeing Angus and sad worriedly,"What happen here?"

The guy said blankly,"A stupid idiot. Are you deaf?"

He was kinda expecting a slap as Aqua tugged on his sleeve with a stern look on her face,"Angel-san please."

The guy just sighed and looked away as Aqua looked back at Phoenix.
"And it's obvious that he just went a little overboard with his punching..... since he is pissed off about something." agnus said in a heavy scottish accent. "And i would watch me tongue, mister." she said as she put the ice pack in the pillow, and wrapped phoenix in a blanket.

Aqua for some reason apologize, looking down,"I'm sorry."

The guy ignored Angus as he stared at something else. Aqua stared at Phoenix worriedly.
"You should not be sorry lassie, it's just...... he has issues.... with conveying his feelings to others." agnus said as she sat down. "Ever since we left the underworld....." @AquaSly
Aqua looked at Angus tilting her head a bit,"Underworld."

The was listening to their conversation in case anything useful was heard. Aqua was confused,'Why were you two in the underworld?"
"Look, our kind was created there, and my family thought they did not belong, so what did they do? they kill off the rest of our race to keep balance, but what my brother got when he was born was communication issues our father had. he was never one to tell how he felt, he just assumed everyone else should know how he felt." she said, getting defensive. @AquaSly
Aqua was silent as she stared at Phoenix. The guy was silent as he sigh, he was bored to death and wanted to go back to playing cards. Glancing at Aqua he understood that Aqua cared for other like she had done with the guy.
"That is why he is so angry... so frustrated. he thinks you should know that he has feelings for ye, aqua." agnus said, which revealed his whole nice and gentle demeanor to aqua. @AquaSly
Aqua looked clueless as the guy cleared his throat trying to put this nicely,"Aqua......kinda has a lack of....understanding emotions. The reason is unknown, but for some reason most of the emotions she doesn't really understand."

She looked at the guy then looked at Phoenix,"It just doesn't make sense to me, it might seem dumb, but it seem so strange to me. I don't really know how to explain. It like......getting a test on something you don't know right away, something like that."
AquaSly said:
Aqua looked clueless as the guy cleared his throat trying to put this nicely,"Aqua......kinda has a lack of....understanding emotions. The reason is unknown, but for some reason most of the emotions she doesn't really understand."
She looked at the guy then looked at Phoenix,"It just doesn't make sense to me, it might seem dumb, but it seem so strange to me. I don't really know how to explain. It like......getting a test on something you don't know right away, something like that."
"You will learn in time....... we all will." was all agnus said before taking phoenix to her room.
Rachel had went to the garden for it was one of the places she could truly relax without the stress of others being expelled onto her. She appreciated the silence as much as she appreciated books such a trustworthy bliss. She might of sat in silence but her mid thought of many things that she would rather ignore she preferred life being more simple like this.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"You will learn in time....... we all will." was all agnus said before taking phoenix to her room.

They both watched as Angus and Phoenix disappeared from sight. The guy sigh and held out a hand to Aqua,"Cards?"

He smiled excited to return to their game, Aqua nodded not sure what else to do. Her ears twitched as the guy suddenly picked up Aqua walking back to her dorm.
They just got back to Aqua's dorm as Aqua looked a bit worried. The guy noticed and said,"What's wrong now?"

Aqua said looking up to him,"Do you think Phoenix is fine?"

In the guy's mind he was like,'Of course! He just fainted out of recklessness which is why I don't want you hanging around him.'\

Instead the guy replied, patting her heat,"I'm sure he's fine, he only fainted after all."

Aqua nodded looking down.
then a demonic laughter filled the air as phoenix was being possessed, due to his anger and frustrations. A scream came from agnus' room as he being changed physically. Agnus wakes up and cowers in fear, never seeing a possession before.
Cypher walked the halls of the school after finishing up some extra work. After which, he decided to go to the library to read a book or something to calm his nerves and brain after the stress. He remember all of the people he had met so far at the school and tried thinking if he wanted to look for any of them.
Nevaeh stretched and yawned. She opened her window and flipped off the window sill, as always it never harmed her even if her room was on the third floor. Her feet blanced her not the giant tree and she sat in it. She didn't expect anything to happen, but she was getting bored. No one to fight or talk to. Just the wind. "What am I going to do..? The wind isn't the one thing I need, I need friends..." A small force of wind tried to take her balance, but she laughed and hopped down. Her hair danced in the wind as she quickly moved her body in circles. Like... Like a ballerina. She smiled at the thought and sat down on the bench under the tree.
Atsoku finished up his food and disposed of his trash. He wasn't in a great mood, not sad or mad, just empty? Empty. He felt like life was going nowhere and that he had no one. His antisocial tendencies made things worse, all he had was his music and the sky. He walked up to the roof, surveying the campus. It was full of lively students, he didn't like that. He layed on his back atop the roof, head dangling over the edge.
Out of interest and more over, her growing boredom, Nevaeh looked up and smiled. Her vision was as sharp as usual. It was a person, a boy, if he is on the roof, likely to want no attention. She shrugged and continued to look at him. Her eye glowed blue.

Activation Processing...




Shadow Demon


Information flood...

Information flood...

Information flood...

Deactivation Process...


Her eye stopped glowing blue and she smiled. She continued to look at him, even if it was creepy.

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