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Fantasy Mystic High School

Nenma sat down but stopped when he heard the man's question. "I-i-I mean I'm a-a genetic test subject me and my my sister we..." Nenma couldn't put the words together then he remembered where he was a nurse's office images of the institution flashed in his mind images of his sister as well. "nonononononononononono I have to go." Nenma got up and tried to walk out but his leg prevented him from doing that. "Ow damn it!"
Aqua made him sit down again and said,"Calm down, if you keep on moving that it's going to be sore longer than it should."

Her tail swished as the guy said,"A test subject human, Aqua don't you smell blood on him?"

Aqua was silent as she said,"Very faintly."

The guy sigh and said,"I don't know why you want to fight me if you're going to end up dead."

Aqua widen her eyes and looked at the guy, the guy sigh and said,"It not like I can control it I am cursed after all."

The guy looked away as Aqua made Nemma lay down, she said with a smile,"Relax, you want that pain in your leg gone right?"
Nenma took deep breaths. He looked at the guy and laughed. "Don't think just cause I'm a test sub I was created to kill people like you bud." he looked at the smiling girl. "My aren't you pretty."
The guy said irritated,"Don't get us supernaturals mixed with you, yes we do kill, butfor a reason. Your life was being used as a tool as for us supernaturals, we run free. I wasn't created to kill, I was angel. Don't flirt with Aqua, it makes me see to see a human flirt with a girl like her."

Aqua felt awkward as she felt a chill up her spine feeling his coldness.
Cypher looked around the area as he walked past the human and female in some awkward mating ritual. He scoffed and carried on his way toward the nearest tree. He placed his hand on it and closed both of his eyes just seeming at peace. He was silently analyzing every atom and molecule, every material of the organism. He shook his head and opened his eyes looking up towards the leaves.
Nenma gritted his teeth and sat up. "Shut you mouth I don't care what you say about me but you make it sound like sis wanted to be a living weapon so watch your mouth and don't talk like you know people when you don't know anything!"
The guy sigh and said blankly,"Oh I forgotten how emotional humans are, also how good they are at jumping to conclusions. Look I said was being used as a tool, I never said anything about your dead or alive sister. Plus I never said I knew the people there you said you were a test subject, am I wrong? Like I said before you're not the boss of me human."

His eyes glowed a bit as he coldly looked at Nenma. Aqua was silent for she felt like she shouldn't interfere with this fight. She said to the guy,"Angel-san that's enough you know how much emotions a human can handle."

The guy just walked to the door and open the open to exit the nurse's office for a bit, Aqua sigh and said,"I'm sorry about Angel-san, he normally doesn't act this harsh."

She looked a bit sad as she stared at the floor, she looked at the time and wonder how long has she been in the nurse's office.
Nenma ignored Aqua and was focused on how he lashed out. ("Damn it I lost my cool and made a fool of myself I cna't think straight in this place man my leg should be fine now I need to clear my head.") Nenma got up and jumped out the window and landed fine. "Yep all better hey Aqua tell Angel-baka that I hope he and I can have a soda together later see ya!" Nenma ran off he needed a pick me up so he saw a big tree and kicked it down in one strike. "Okay feeling a little better after that."
Cypher walked back inside into the building with a wilting flower and dead leaf. Slowly he walked into the office of the nurse ignoring the other people. "Fix it." He said with his artificial eye closed and hand out to her. He looked at her with his one open eye and ignored the conversation of the other two males.
Aqua looked confused then even more confused when a random guy came to her and told her to fix it,"Fix what?"

Her ears lower mid-way as the guy was walking down the hallway.
Cypher held out the wilted flower that was in his hand to the little girl when he heard the thud of the tree hitting the ground. "Fix it..." He said as he jumped a little and his eyes started to water from sadness. He looked down at the ground now still waiting for her to fix the plant he held so gingerly. "Please..." When he finished speaking he looked at her with both eyes now showing his golden eye with the engraved transmutation circle glowing.
Nenma looked at the fallen tree then to another tree and got ready to kick it but stopped. "Man what am I doing?" He sat the fallen tree up and looked at it. "Maybe Aqua can fix it. He ran back to the window and jumped in. "Yo Aqua I need you to fix this tree." He stopped when he saw the boy. "Hey your that kid I saw when I was on the roof any way Aqua come fix this tree you can do that right."
Aqua's ears lowered as she said,"I'm sorry I can't fix, we can put the flower in vase with water thought, that might help a bit....t-the leaf is already dead thought."

She bowed repeatly,"I'm sorry."

Aqua didn't really know why he was so sad, but was glad someone cared on the living things around him. She flinched and said panicking,"Wait why am I being ask for help to fix things!?"

Aqua sigh and said started giving out orders she pointed to Nenma,"You go find a vase and put some water inside, so we can put this dieing flower there. I'm not going to fix tree until you do"

Then she point to Cyper,"You keep holding the flower and stay here while I find someone else to help me."

Aqua instantly ran out looking for Angel-san.
Nenma patted the kid's head. "Don't worry I won't let that plant die and then we can fix the tree." Nenma ran off to find a vase and water. "Damn I ran off without knowing where to go guess I could look in classrooms for a vase there."
Cyphers neck cracked as he turned toward Nenma and his eye glowed brighter. He raised his arm and pointed a finger at him saying "Fix it...fix it...fix it..." He started laughing quietly before he ran off and then dropped his arm back to his side. He still laughed and under his breath was still saying fix it. He probably sounded insane but with a big grin on his face he said "...fix him!" As he crushed the flower in his hand and his eye glowed then went dull as he opened his hand again. It revealed the flower to now be a small handful of seed.
Aqua found him, ordering a drink from the vending machine. He nodded as he spread his huge dark purple shredder wings and flew off. Aqua seem like she gave him something as she waved good-bye to him. She ran to where the tree had fallen and summon her blue flames as she carefully guide it to burn it. Sure it wouldn't be like what Cypher had expected, but replacing it was for the good of it. As it the remaining of the tree vanish and ran off the find a shovel, then came back digging a same spot the tree used to be. Aqua seem to be hardworking hard, not knowing of what Cypher was doing at the moment. The guy flew back with a tree and place it in the hole. Aqua ran off and got a watering pot, as she held the tree, while the guy quickly pulled the dirt around it. Aqua watered it, after they finished they both panted and went inside the school. They rested at the nurse's office as the guy handed her the drink he bought earlier. Aqua accepted it, drinking it as she drank she wondered where Cypher was. The guy loosen his tie to let the air cool him.
"What happened to the tree?" Cypher spun around gritting his teeth together as he walked toward him. "What happened to the tree?" He looked strait into his eyes with the gold one lit again and reaching an arm out towards him just trying to touch him. "What...happened to my tree!"
Nenma didn't move he looked at him and pointed to his own cheek. "I snapped in two with my kick so go on hit me if it makes you feel better and I'm sorry as well." Nenma stuck out his left cheek. "Go on hit me."
Cypher touched his chest and his eye flashed at him. He transmuted the tendons, ligaments and cartilage into bone and frowned at him. "Now kick a tree over." He pushed him over by the forehead and walked past him back to where the tree was located.
Nenma looked at his leg. "Huh man if that's all he wanted could have just asked." Nenma body shook and he split from his body now a clone had taken his place and could not use it's leg. "Man better go see what he's going to do."
AquaSly said:
The guy and Aqua stared at it for a minute before he started talking,"At least it makes him seem less pathetic now."
Aqua's ears twitched as she came over to Phoenix, wonder if he was awake or not,"Phoenix?"
he moans and groans from the pain. "Aqu...a?" he asked in a pained tone.
AquaSly said:
The guy and Aqua stared at it for a minute before he started talking,"At least it makes him seem less pathetic now."
Aqua's ears twitched as she came over to Phoenix, wonder if he was awake or not,"Phoenix?"
"The pain..... the pain.....!" he said as he rolled over on right side, a burned left portion of his face was black with crispy flesh.
Nenma saw the flesh. "Damn dude hang on maybe I can do something." Nenma made a clone and sent it to look for Aqua while the real one stayed. "Hmm maybe the pain killers are bingo." Nenma took out some pain killers and sat the boy up. "Sorry if this hurts here take these they may help." He held out the pain killers.

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