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Fantasy Mystic High School

Tenji walked around campus with Madaro summoned looking for his dorm, still no luck and this was really starting to aggravate Tenji. In the end he grew bored of looking and walked into the library he pulled books of the shelves and read them in seconds his eyes translated the words into the authors true emotions and feelings that he was putting into the book. Madaro looked up at Tenji "sorry I couldn't help you find the dorm, mabey we should ask someone here."

"Yeah mabey but you know I don't like talking to strangers." Tenji pulled out another book and read threw it.

"I'll do the talking for you as always come on let's find someone who looks like they may know there way around the campus." Tenji followed Madaro till they walked up to two people. Tenji being to shy to do anything else stared at the ground and didn't say a word.

"Hello there im Madaro and that's Tenji my master he would like to know where the dorms are, if you would be so kind to tell us."

@AquaSly @TheFrozenShadows
Aqua's ears perked at Tenji and Madaro. She smiled kindly as her tail swished,"Sure! You must be new, I hope you enjoy this school. Anyway give your dorm room number and I'll lend you there."

Ryou woke up at the talking and walked to Aqua, using her head as a arm rest. Seeing the two it took him a few second to get what was happening,"...........Oh hey noobies. What did I must when I fell asleep?"

Aqua said,"Nothing much....."

She thought,'What is this noobies word you speak of???'
Madaro looked at Tenji. "So what's the dorm number come on you can say it you're not that shy are you, plus this girl seems nice." Tenji looked at the girl. "Oh the dorm number it's um 452 I think. Thank you for offering to help." Tenji shut up after that and went back to staring at his feat and waiting for his pulse which rose from fear to returne to normal. "Thank you for helping us. But could I ask you to lead us there I know Tenji would like that very much and so would I." Madaro a tail wagged and he gave a face as if he were begging.
Aqua as she said,"Your welcome, I was about to lead you there don't worry. Come on."

Walking out of the library, Ryou followed Aqua looking quite bored as they went to the entrance to where Tenji came from,"Well let's start here."

She started walking to his dorm slowly and said,"Make sure you remember this, you'll regret it if you don't."

Ryou walked beside Aqua glancing at the two.......they seem to interest him.
Atsoku was focused on the task at hand and ignored the people who were talking to him. He made his way over to the librarian. "Excuse me ma'am, but would you happen to have a book on the vampire family the Alucards?" She didn't day anything but began flipping through a large book.

"It says here that the book was checked out already," she said pointing to a spot in the catalog she kept.

"Might the person who checked it out have been a young looking girl in a black dress?" He remembered the book he'd taken from her before, this could have been that book. Maybe that was why she was so worked up about it.

"I'm sorry but I'm not allowed to divulge thay information," the librarian closed the book and went back to reading a novel.

'Great, now I have to pry the answers out of her,' Atsoku left the library and walked toward his dorm room. He passed the group that had approached him before. He decided to have a little fun with these people.

He hid himself around a corner and as the people walked he froze the floor beneath them causing them to fall.

@Marvelous Chester
Ryou quickly picked up Aqua, his torned wings spread out before flying in the air. Aqua quickly melted the ice with her blue flame, making a puddle of water. Ryou set Aqua back down away from the puddle as he stared at where Atsoku stood,"Having fun aren't we?"

Aqua's looked at the direction Ryou was looking to see the guy she saw earlier.
Tenji didn't know what was going on but he didn't want to get lost again. He had Madaro grow three times his size but nowere near spirit mode. Tenji jumped on Madaros back and chased after the two people until he came to a halt in front of them and got off of Madaro. "So what is this about." Madaro looked confused. "It's not nice to ditch people who don't even know we're there going in the first place."

Tenji stared at the people and felt unsafe so he summoned Kouya as well for protection.

Kouya had no words to say he hated humans and people and already had the urge to kill the two people in front of them. Plus the fact that Tenji looked scared pushed him over. He changed to spirit mode and towered over everybody he kept Tenji safe behind one of his tails and growled.
"Well you guys aren't a very fun crowd, now are you?" He stuck his tongue out at the girl and her companion. He saw as the new kid's wolf grew, "woah boy calm down, it was only a joke. FOR FUN." Atsoku leaned back on a wall.
Ryou said grinning,"I must not let little Aqua fall. There's a 88% chance that her panties might flash."

Aqua perked her ears blushing lightly,"D-Don't say that!"

Ryou patted her head, chuckling a bit,"But, you sir don't want to see that now do you? Or are you one of those naughty lads."

As soon the wolf got bigger Ryou made Aqua backed away,"Whoa clam- I mean calm down. There's no need to cause a fight here. Besides you don't want that guy of yours to get in trouble? Look little Aqua and I are harmless, we won't attack unless we need to. I am protective of Aqua as you are protective of that guy."

Aqua stared at the wolf with her blue eyes as she stared at his tail, her ears twitched. She smiled brightly at the wolf before bowing.
Kouya spoke telepathicly to Tenji. "Should I kill them or let them live." "No please don't hurt anyone I panicked I'm sure I'll be safe." Kouya shrunk down to wolf size and stood on the other side of Tenji opposite of Madaro.

Madaro sighed "Tenji and Kouya are sorry for scaring you or at least Tenji is, Kouya probably still wants to kill you. Know I understand if you don't want to lead us to the dorm and in that case we will be on are way."

Kouya began to walk away as Madaro finished talking. He was surprised to see Tenji not following him and Madaro it actually looked as if Tenji was gonna say something.

Tenji stood frozen looking at the ground for a moment before looking at the two again. "I'm im sorry I paniced and had Kouya protect me he could have killed you and it would of been my foult. Is there anything I can do to make up to you."
Atsoku was still laughing at the little panties bit. "We er at least I don't need anything from you. Just learn to keep calm in situations like these." He pointed at the pair of wolves, "and those two need to be kept on a tighter leash, at least that angry one of yours." Atsoku put out his hand to shake Tenji's.
Ryou just grinned while Aqua smiled Devilishly as they both said at the same time,"We don't die easily."

Aqua went back to her cheerful expression as she said shaking her head,"No I will continue to lead you there, please follow me."

Ryou sigh glad it was over while Aqua said when she heard what Atsoku said,"Wolfs aren't meant to be put on leashes, you know."

Aqua and Ryou waited for Tenji and the two wolfs to follow.
Tenji took a step back in shock. Then shook her hand this must have been the first time he had done this since he was six mabey. He lightly smiled "they don't need leashes technicaly there Akashi animal spirits that couldn't pass on for a reason or another. They tend to stay in a more pysical form but can take on the spirit form which you just saw Kouya youse." Tenji went back to following the people.

Madaro was happy he was glad that Trenji was talking again it was rare when that child actually talked beyond the telipathic connection he had with him and Kouya. He ran up in front of the people and walked backwards so he could look at them. "Thank you so much you got Tenji to talk again even I can't do that."

Kouya looked agrivated possibly by the fact he didn't get to kill anybody. He despawned and returned to the pocket demension Tenjis summoning magic created. He sat there in a half asleep trance. And cracked a slight smile as he replayed the words Tenji spoke. The last time he heard Tenji speak was when the child was still just a boy and let Kouya do what he wanted and kill who he wanted. Kouya enjoyed those days a bit more then when Tenji gained the power to control them.
After a it of silence Rachel became annoyed and furrowed her brows. "I don't know who you think you are, but I have things to do, you know. " The scent of poison was still wafting in the air, clinging to her clothes as a reminder of a narrow escape. She pushed him twords the door the sound of feet dragging trough the hall "I am shure you can find the way to your room" she spoke bluntly as she slammed the door before he could respond and took an shower an left her room hoping no one would come in this time. She made her way to the library to pay for the book she had recently 'set on fire' and noticed Atsoku was there she attempted to ignore hi "I'm sorry mam I know that was a rare family history book but it isn't like I did it on perpous."
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(( Sorry I haven't been active. Internet's been acting funny and holiday bull going on. XP Bluh...familipy interactions are never fun. @Aroura ))

Fade had been about to move toward her but he had froze, opening his mouth and closing it repeatedly as if he were going to say something. In reality it was a complex partial seizure as a result of his earlier idiocy of knocking his sunglasses off and blinding himself for the time being. He wasn't really aware of her moving him outside of her dorm room so when he came to he was really quite confused and couldn't remember we're he was. Complexe partial seizures were a bitch to deal with...

He couldn't remember anything of the encounter with the girl or being in the wrong room so he just silently made his way down the hall and back outside, thinking that he'd just been standing outside his out dorm and didn't remember his sunglasses he'd had in his hand, which had fallen from his weak grip when the girl had moved him out of her dorm room, still sitting in the middle of the floor of her main den area. He slowly made his way away from the dorm area and through the campus, following drifted scent trails, wandering around in a dull haze of confusion. He didn't exactly know what to do, mind so fogged over he barely even knew he was at the university still.

Eventually he caught scent of another wolf and one mind surfaced; his natural one. His body jerked as his bones repositioned and muscles tore and regrew, fur covering his body. It was a bit of a weird sensation, wearing that rather tight dress in his werewolf form but he put up with it was he started sniffing around, pushing his nose to "see", tail flicking behind him underneath the skirt of the dress. What was he doing?...
Atsoku watched as the pair walked off, "I didn't mean a literal leash," he caught up with them. "I meant that if you're the one playing alpha wolf, you've got to keep your pack in check." He looked at the wolf that had been doing the speaking, "but it seems this guy's more of the alpha based on how he's done most of the talking and leading around and such."
Eventually he got a hold of his own mind and slowly shifted back to human, readjusting his dress and vaguely remembered dropping his satchel somewhere and now realized his sunglasses were missing as well. He sighed and made his way over to the nearest building and ran his hand along the wall until he found a plaque on the wall next to a hallway that he felt read restrooms. He really wished the dorm rooms had that...

He made his way down the hallway and slipped into the guy's restroom. He made sure no one else was in the bathroom before he locked the main door to the restroom behind him and went over to the sinks, running some cold water over his face, mainly rubbing his eyes. Eventually the cold helped return his vision some but it was hazy, like he'd been crying. He might as well have been. He stared at his blurred reflection for several minutes before his back stiffened and he lashed out, punching the mirror that held the reflection of himself. He looked at his hand, now bloodied and covered in countless small cuts. He slowly picked out any pieces of glass that had gotten stuck and licked the cuts clean, reaching up to run his hands through his white hair, groaning in frustration.

Werewolves were supposed to be strong... Werewolves weren't supposed to be weak little shits that wanted to die, that had fucking seizures, that went fucking blind from a little bit of sunlight in their eyes...

He stared down at the running water in the sink and growled low, shaking his head for a moment before emerging and locking himself in the largest stall, pulling something out of a pocket inside his dress. Something sharp and metallic...


Sometime later he exited the bathroom, vision having returned fully. He seemed completely fine as he made his way outside, careful to keep his eyes shielded and slightly closed to protect them from the sun, making his way to his dorm room. This time the right one. He slipped inside and laid down on his bed, just kind of burrowing into the blankets, not really bothering to properly pull them down and climb in, just kind of sliding under them from the end and flopped down, silence filling his room as the sound of rustling fabric stopped.
[QUOTE="Marvelous Chester]Tenji took a step back in shock. Then shook her hand this must have been the first time he had done this since he was six mabey. He lightly smiled "they don't need leashes technicaly there Akashi animal spirits that couldn't pass on for a reason or another. They tend to stay in a more pysical form but can take on the spirit form which you just saw Kouya youse." Tenji went back to following the people.
Madaro was happy he was glad that Trenji was talking again it was rare when that child actually talked beyond the telipathic connection he had with him and Kouya. He ran up in front of the people and walked backwards so he could look at them. "Thank you so much you got Tenji to talk again even I can't do that."

Kouya looked agrivated possibly by the fact he didn't get to kill anybody. He despawned and returned to the pocket demension Tenjis summoning magic created. He sat there in a half asleep trance. And cracked a slight smile as he replayed the words Tenji spoke. The last time he heard Tenji speak was when the child was still just a boy and let Kouya do what he wanted and kill who he wanted. Kouya enjoyed those days a bit more then when Tenji gained the power to control them.

Aqua smiled continuing her way, Ryou was of course following as he listened to the small conversation. Ryou said irritated,"You aren't going away are you?"

Aqua's ear twitched wondering why Ryou looked irritated, deceasing her walking speed so Ryou could catch up.
Atsoku looked at the guy following aqua around and stuck his tounge or at him. He could hear in this guy's voice how he didn't like Atsoku. "What's wrong lover boy? Afraid I'm gonna make a move on her," he nodded his head toward aqua. 'Some people just need to chill out and have some fun,' he smirked at the guy.
Ryou said crossing his arms,"I usually don't bother people if they don't bother little Aqua,but for some reason I feel very irritated by you. Why are you trailing along, you're like a little puppy, go on shoo."

Making the hand gesture Aqua just looked confused,"Ryou do you still hate other demons? Even though you're a fallen angel?"

He looked at her and patted her head and said,"Do not speak of what I am please. Being reminded of what I am sickens me."

Aqua nodded realizing how Ryou was always serious...to be honest she never really heard him joke before....
Atsoku looked over at aqua, "'other demons' as in you are also a demon?" Atsoku thought this was very interesting. A fallen angel following around a demon probably made for a nicely depressing story he'd have to hear sometime. "So... good sir, I see we have a common interest." He winked at aqua making sure Ryou saw it. This kind of mischief made Atsoku all sorts of happy, the anger and pain was like candy to him.
Aqua nodded smiling as her ears twitched,"To be more precise I'm a demon fox, Kitsune, spirit fox, whatever you like to call me."

Ryou pulled Aqua close him, ignoring the wink Atsoku gave to Aqua he said,"I only think little Aqua as my cute master, nothing more. Though I will not let go of little Aqua, she is still too young for love. She is still a blue rose bud just waiting to bloom into a beautiful rose in the ray of the sun."

Aqua gave confused look as she said suddenly,"What is love anyway, as far as I know it makes you more emotional and bring you pain."

Ryou smiled at Aqua, hugging her from back,"So pure...."

Actually what Aqua had said is what Ryou told you and strictly forbid her to go out with guy. To be honest most of Ryou's teachings were true, but at times he tends to makes things a bit over dramatic. Aqua patted Ryou's arm and said,"Ryou that's too tight......"
After receiving a lecture she was listening to part of the other conversation but she eventually left with a new book in her arms now that she was finished with the old one. "So he had been a very bad boy outside my watch" she spoke to herself as se shot angrily glares at innocent people she had no control over her emotions currently it was just an mixed up jumble of emotions to deal with that why she doesn't drabble with these things and then said to herself "maybe I should return to Romania, there is no longer a reason to stay here" she spent her extra time contemplating in the garden.
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Tenji followed silently behind, he could see the people's thoughts and emotions allowing him to understand the situation better. He looked at Madaro who semmed tired of walking. "Are..are you ok Madaro."

Madaro smiled, "I'm fine just tired." Madaro shrunk down to puppy form and jumped into Tenjis arms letting the boy carry him and resting.

Tenji smiled Madaro always brought joy to him, he semmed so much more puppy like compared to Kouya. Tenji looked back up at the people leading him. "We almost there yet."
Atsoku laughed at Ryou's display, it was a bit over the top. "In just messing with ya' angel guy. Although that slave and master thing you have is kinda wierd, especially in public." He looked back to listen to what Tenji had said. "What was your number? Four hundred something? You're gonna be on a top floor and a ways down the hall, the walk'll be a little longer." Atsoku shrugged and put his hands behind his head. He didn't know if he liked these people, but talking like this was good for him.

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