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Fantasy Mystic High School

"Thank you sir!"

"Guys?......Do i look like-"

"Shhhhh its alright calm down shhhhhh"

Keishla says Hugging her sister from be hinde and Rubbyng her back so she can calm down,as Natalia sighs and would say"Keishla Plesure too meet you"

"Im Natalia we are the Sprite twins!"

she says in a exited tone and reches her small Little hand out too chake,as her Book on her Other hand,as Keishla look at the Giant as First Contact with a Nother Monster and not saying things of them but helping them,as they Both Hover In the air there wings Flaping like that Of a Humming Bird...So far so Good as they needed Good people.
Yumi stopped. "Umm shut up Jigoku let me think I mean uh well I-I g-guess if your okay with it." Her face was getting red. "I could maybe go with you." The words left her mouth in a hushed tone but loud enough to hear.
AquaSly said:
Aqua lowered her ears as she looked down,"I don't get it...."
The mark of a dark purple crack flashed again, she didn't seem to notice as she was in deep thought. Her shadow seem to turn into a shadowy flame. Aqua's ears perked up staring at her shadow.
"Becaussssse.... after a while, i grow jealous of the other person....." he said with a sigh, knowing it's true.
He didn't stop, nor did he turn his gaze behind him. He simply addressed her as he always did. "If you're coming with me, you better keep up. Clumsy." He continued strolling, roughly tossing his bag over his opposing shoulder, having a small ache in the shoulder it was previously on. He didn't care to have her tag along, just so long as he didn't have to babysit anyone.
Suddenly a warning shock hit Phoenix, it seem like the guy had recovered. Aqua was silence as she thought for a while. The guy appeared out of no where and lifted Aqua out of Phoenix's arms. Holding Aqua, who was now surprised, the guy said coldly,"Tch it's painful seeing you just holding Aqua there."

Aqua's ears twitched as she looked at the guy.
"I'm not that clumsy." She spoke in a soft tone again she walked behind slowly. "Yeah he seems fine to me I don't understand the feeling stupid no of course he's not a demon hunter stop being so paranoid Jigoku." She said forgetting how close she was to the boy.
"You know. I can hear you right?" He finally paused, turning his gaze to Yumi. Peering directly at her with matching, luring crimson irises. "Tell Jigoku I said shut up around me." He smirked, before turning back around and continuing to walk with her supposedly tagging behind him.
"So are you guys new here or have you been having trouble opening every door you've needed to get through?" He asked the girls, leaning on the wall beside them.
Yumi sighed. "Told yah..... I don't want to say that no you can't make me I'm the one with the bo- no calm down okay you need to just just j..u..s..t...." Yumi stopped walking she put her hands to her face and began to laugh. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
Keishla would Look up at him as she Hovers there and would say "Um.....Both...new and Doors....having Problem opening them"she says as she would look at her sister as she Hovers beside her sister and would Nod as she says that,aswell she dint like being calld Guy as she was clearly a Girl,But Natalia dint seem Too Bother Only Keishla
Nevaeh couldn't continue the book, she'd need enough time to create the world again. When she wasn't in battle, it took a while to regenerate her otherworldly powers.

She was a little light-headed so she walked slowly to the park with the book in her hand. Her head ached to the beat of her heart. She didn't make it to the park and sat on a bench near the dorms.
Christopher halted. Turning around to face Yumi. The sudden outburst of laughter strictly caught his attention , and perhaps many others nearby who could have possibly heard it as well. He didn't understand the concept of laughter much, but it wasn't truly important. As for now, he was simply somewhat disturbed by her gigantic, loudly exalted outburst of laughter.
"Shut Jigoku this shut up Jigoku that well now whose laughing huh that's right me I am and now I'm going to do what I want for a while staring with." Yumi who was not being controlled by Jigoku looked at Chris. She walked over to him and pointed at his face. "I don't like you you make Yumi feel weird and plus your eyes they are the same as those stupid demon hunters so." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a pair of brass knuckles and put them on. "FIGHT ME!!" She roared throwing an uppercut at Chris.
Christopher scoffed, turning his back to her as e began to walk once more. "I dont hit girls." He simply rolled his irises in response to whomever it was, claims. He didn't really care fior what she had to say, for it mattered not to him. Regardless, he still had to acknowledge the fact she wanted to fight him over some petty feelings. Well, he knew it was bound to happen soon, but he didn't think it would be this fast. Perhaps he was wrong. His curse of seduction tends to work around here. At this though he smirked, both exilerated about the fact, and disappointed.
Nevaeh heard the outburst of laughter coming from... Yumi?

It rang in her ears. The laughter... The yelling... Was that the person Yumi was? She didn't seem too violent... Maybe it was just a hobby?

Nevaeh shrugged, but the ringing continued and she quickly recovered.

Maybe she should go see what was happening. She was worried at the unknown event happening.

She walked towards the outbursts and watched from a distance.
Jigoku forced Yumi's hand to grab Chris by the collar. "You don't hit girls so you are going to mock me some more for I am no simply girl you fool I am Jigoku Demon Of Flames." Jigoku sent a punch straight for Chris' face.
Christopher grit his teeth together, snapping his free hand back to take hold of the hand she attempted to grab him with. "Look. Since you aren't Yumi. I won't fight back. It wouldn't be fair if I hurt her and it wasn't her fault." Christopher then roughly twisted her arm, only to an extent to where the pain from his action was short-lived. "Consider that a gift. Jigoku." He then disappeared, leafing nothing behind but a burning circle of black and red flames.
Jigoku gave control back to Yumi. "WHAT THE HELL JIGOKU I MEAN REALLY JUST WOW WOW ALL I CAN SAY!!!!" Yumi turned and saw Nevaeh flinched. "D-did you see all that."
Nevaeh recorded the data.

Activation Process



Two 'personalities'

Strength and control over flames


Strength: Different power, strong, Same as Yumi probable to fact of higher strength than Yumi.

Information Processing


Deactivation Process


Nevaeh smiled at her flood of information. She would process Christian's further information later.

She smiled and sat down on the hard floor.

"In fact I did Yumi... Hmm... Interesting Yumi. I wonder why that didn't show during out battle? Anyway, I am not afraid of you and still wish to be your friend." She said kindly as a bright smile spread across her face.
Yumi began to ruffle her own hair with anger. "I knew you wouldn't be scared I was just making sure I saved it for when I needed it it was going to be my trump card now it's runi- true we haven't used that yet yes yes that might work hahaha that win is as good as mine." Yumi laughed to herself.
Nevaeh smiled. Ruined.

"Okay Yumi. Well I see you enjoy battles with others? If so, that's interesting. If not, then that's still... Fine. I need to reco-... I need to fight you again sometime. It's possible you have improved." She said kindly.
Yumi got a glow in her eyes when she heard the word fight. "Yeah hows right now!.... huh trick me no way your just being paranoid again shut up no what do you mean record your stupid." Yumi ignored Jigoku as she got in her fighting stance. "Come on let's go."
Christopher reappeared in a comfortable position, laid out across the top of the lockers just on the side on the hallway. "So. I see tour little episodes over Clumsy." He then averted his attention over to the newfound girl whom appearantly recorded them. "What are you, a scientist?" He rolled his irises, disliking the fact he was recorded. It seemed irrelevenat to jot down notes about someone you truly didn't know. Even so, it was an invasion of the wall he built around himself. Something he refused to let happen.
Yumi looked over and saw Chris. "Enough of the clumsy Baka.... So what if you were right about us being recorded I still want to fight." She pointed at Chris. "You wait your turn!"
Nevaeh laughed a little too much. "I am not of a scientist! You have me all wrong... I shall not tell you my ways of being, 'Recorded'. It creates an advantage over the other person if they knew my abilities." She looked at Yumi and she changed into her attack form.

The heavy blade from before rested on her shoulder once again and the blue glow in her eye had shown once again. "Are you ready? ... Cause I sure as hell am..." She smiled a kind smile.

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