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Fantasy Mystic High School

"Baka? I'd rather you call me Chris." He chuckled, raising his hand to rustle the girls hair. Unfortunately the boy decided to move her from his reach. "So. I suppose I'm the 'random asshole' you're describing." He rolled his irises, shrugging his shoulders. "Fine by me." He then averted his attention back to the girl he previously had contact with. "You never gave me a name. So should I just call you clumsy?" He thought about it for a moment, before adding on. "Unless you want to be called otherwise." He allowed her to have her episode before he finished speaking. "Or maybe, bossy?"
Yumi looked away she didn't like looking in his eyes they made her uneasy. "Yumi Yumi Flameheart." She spoke softly she didn't understand she was the same girl who had fought and different countless thugs and if anyone got on her nerves she could just punch them in the face but Chris was different and she didn't know why. "You may be a baka but if I have to I'll call you Chris.... Jerk."
He couldn't help but laugh at her sudden reflection of innocence. "Hm. Yumi. I don't like that." He thought for a moment, contemplating a suitable name for himself to call her by. "Ah. I'll call you Flame. Clumsy." He simply winked at her, a sly grimace wiping upon his face. For once, he finally had an actual living this entertain him in such extremity. It was different, but he didn't really mind at this point. Appearantly his father was correct, and there was no other way for him to avoid admitting to the fact.
Yumi scoffed at her new nickname. "Well I guess someones going back to Baka Baka. And stop starring!" She looked away refushingto show her weaker side to him he was having fun bugging her making her all flushed she just knew he was mocking him. "Just so you know I think your a jerk Baka.!" She said lightly flicking him in the nose.
AquaSly said:
Aqua lowered her ears as she looked down,"I don't get it...."
The mark of a dark purple crack flashed again, she didn't seem to notice as she was in deep thought. Her shadow seem to turn into a shadowy flame. Aqua's ears perked up staring at her shadow.
Phoenix stares at the flame. "Are you... alright?" he asked.
Atsoku sat there annoyed at the two bickering, although he was beginning to enjoy the girl playing with his horns he had to stop this. At the point she flicked chris's nose he was done. He stood up, "Okay you two, I don't care who either of you thinks you are," he looked at chris, "but you can't go around trashing places and picking fights." He looked back at Yumi, "and you needn't get so worked up over all of this, the damage is done and was resolved." He got up from the table and started walking away, "get off of your high horses you two, oh and Yumi the name is Atsoku, room 236 if you'd like to chat again sometime." He stomped off back to his dorm, obviously pissed off. He stopped for a second and turned around toward Zoey, "and nice meeting you as well." He went back to his dorm in a very pissed off mood.

"YAY First Day At School!"

".....Fist Day?....You know we-"

"YAAYAYAYAYA......Oops..sorry..dint see you were talking...si that im exited!"

"Well calm down befor i Throw your Book away"

Keishla says too her sister as Natalia would shut up and hold Tight Too her Book knowing that this Book was with her since she was Borne and was her Life.as They both walk towards the Skyscraper school...well for them was as they were small...as they reach the door leading inside,as Natalia narrow her sees at the door and says sofly "We meet again....door"she says as her sister would raise a eyebrow and look at her and say "Um....You ok?"she ask as Natalia would chake her head and look at her sister and respond "..I can Never Open a Door...they are Very Heavy"she says as Keishla Roles her eyes,as she would grab her hand and would teleport pass the door,as Natalia Whisels as she would smiel "Fancy...well what is our Dorm?"

"Dorm 183"

"Well lets a Go!"

she says as she would look exited,as she would see Giants walk around Masive People....Or she was small...as she would starts Flying and so her siste Hoping they Dont get squish as they make there way Through the People...being small was hard...But wen you have spells....dont mess with this Fae
Christopher tilted his head in a clockwise manner, causing his silvered strands of hair to flow over his crimson hues. "You like calling me a jerk, don't you?" He was nowhere near attended, he simply enjoyed having the slightest thing interesting be someone at this school. Although, he originally expected it to be a guy, but appearantly it could be a girl. "Fine. Yumi it is." He smiled, sticking his tongue out at her after she flicked his nose.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Phoenix stares at the flame. "Are you... alright?" he asked.

Aqua said blankly,"I'm fine, it just my shadow....."

Her ears lean forward as her shadow kept on flickering, soon enough the dark purple cracks appeared on her arms as it send Phoenix a warning shock. It seem like the guy from earlier had woken. Aqua's shadow said,"Keep your dirty hands off Aqua."
Nevaeh was in the library, she just looked out the window. The current book in hand was about a lost child. He was forsaken with memory loss and contained overwhelming power. He'd travel the world with his companions that he had met on his journey. All with different personalities.

Nevaeh would think about how similar he was to her. She wished that he was real, but knew no such things were possible. She cracked open the book to the last chapter. 20 pages left, but she didn't want it... Him to end. She sighed and started to read. Her eye glowed a bright blue and she imagined the world he was in.
Yumi fell of the bookcase she was sleeping on and next to a girl it was the same one she had fought before. She stood up and looked at the book she was reading. "Nice book?"
Christopher, been awoken from his slumber, stood halfheartedly dressed in the middle of his home. By halfheartedly dressed, the half part had more of an emphasis in his current situation. By saying this, he simply wore a pair of wrinkled black jeans with a simply white plainer tank to cover his chest. Again, he didn't really care about anyone's opinion or about looks in general. Thus, he allowed himself to appear at the schools campus just like that. "Another day, another Yumi." He simply called each day "Yumi" , referring to her as an example of pure annoyance yet interest.
Neveah's eye stopped glowing and she looked at Yumi. "Great actually... I can relate so much, but you may not understand...." She smiled as the world she imagined crumbled before her eyes could blink.
Yumi lightly flicked her forehead. "Hey if you to talk any times good even if I don't understand I'll still try k after all we're friends right." Yumi smiled as she said those words and ran off to skip her next class. "Maybe I'll but into Chris again wait why do I care huh? Shut up Jigoku it's not like that w-why would I want to do those sort of things with him your just as dumb as he is!" Yumi got to the roof and sat up against the wall eating her favorite candy. "Stupid Jigoku and Chris to."
Christopher simply strolled across the campus, occasionally tugging at the thin material tank. He felt both comfortable and uncomfortable. Perhaps it was because he felt as though something was bound to happen without his permission. Even so, it couldn't be helped. Most likely, it would turn out the same way as yesterday. One confrontation, and the rest of the day become but a memory.
Yumi finished her snack and licked her fingers chocolate on the outline of her lips but she didn't know she began to walk the halls simply humming to herself as she turned the corner not looking where she was going.
Eventually, Christopher entered the emptied halls of the school building, turning in the direction of the location of his locker. He had no legit reason for being there, but he simply felt the need to place a new item safely in his locker, rather than have his sister come for a visit and 'incidentally' find his belongings. Whether that was possible or not, he wasn't willing to find out. Nor was he curious enough to attempt to create some type of idiotic scenario.
Natasha and Keishla make it too there dorm,as both sigh as a Nother freaking door,as Natasha says "Can you teleport us inside?"she ask as Keishla would sigh and would say "Nope....Teleporting takes lots of energy"as both sigh as theas stupid doors are anoying!,as Keishla would be able too use her Magick too Burn a Hole but bad idea,as both would Fly up towards the Knob and would both try too turn it,as they strugel Trying,being small was Hard!,as Keishla would Give up and sit on the Knob and says "Great.....were stuck outside now"
Yumi continued to walk down the halls not looking straight she was to busy licking her fingers she was walking until she bumped into something she looked up. "Sorr- oh great it's Chris." She said her lips still covered in chocolate. She gave him a glare but quickly turned away trying to avoid eye-contact for any long period of time or the weird feeling would come back
"Not too happy to see me, eh Yumi?" He didn't turn to look at her. There wasn't a need to. He saw her in his peripheral vision. Of course, this would also mean he saw the chocolate upon her mouth before she turned around. "You might wanna-" He halted in his words, knowing she would simply catch a fit and go through the same process as yesterday. So he simply turned her around, carefully wiping the chocolate from her lips. As he did so, he didn't say anything, but simply backed up and began to stroll off once he was finished. "Clean your face next time, Clumsy Yumi." After those words, he turned down the opposite end of the hall.
Yumi's cheeks went red. "Shut Jigoku that's not it I just shut up okay." Yumi ran and caught up to Chris. "D-don't get the wrong idea my next class just happens to be this way." She said she wanted to know what this feeling was it wasn't like normal normally Jigoku would tell her when someone strong was near and it would feel like a stomach ache but around Chris it was different her chest hurt more specifically her heart and she had no idea why.
Christopher didn't have enough care in his mind to glance at the girl running up beside him. Although, he systematically knew it just had to be Yumi. He was pretty sure no other person in this school would actually be trying to get close to him in any way at all. In fact, he found it to be an interesting challenge. So. Why not? Even so, he did prefer to be left alone, regarding his abilities. But seeing as though it seemed to have no effect around these people, he was safe. Anyway, he kept walking, simply allowing a slight smirk to wipe on his face. "Need something? Did I miss a smear?"
Yumi scoffed "I told you I'm going to class and even if you did I would have licked it off already so hah." Yumi rarely went to class but Chris didn't know this so it was a safe lie.
"Is that right?" He paused for a few moments, gathering his thoughts related to another matter, before returning his attention to her. "Who says I'm going to class?" He simply wanted to hear her answer. He already had a small feeling she was lying to him. It was quite obvious though. Since each and every time he saw her during a class period, she wasn't in class, but somewhere speaking to someone.
Atsoku was on the way backed to his dorm when something, or two somethings, caught his eye. They were small and buzzing around a dorm. He passed them and heard their cries of distress. He reached past the pair and turned the handle, and pushed the door open. "There you guys go." He looked at the pair with a questioning face, "um my names Atosku, demon."

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