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Fantasy Mystic High School

Yumi woke up and felt her stomach growl. "maann shut up Jigoku why do you always wake me up at such bad times." Yumi got up and went to the cafeteria and found some food and saw the girl in the library sitting with a boy she walked over. "Yo cool if I sit with you guys."

Yumi spotted the boy she had bumped into and waved to him to sit with them.
Someone tapped Sharah on hte shoulder "looking for me?"It was Drake,He stood tall and and proud, definatley a pureblood"and how is my little Sarah?"He asked, a smirk on his lips, showing of his sharp fangs, ever for a vampire they were extreemly sharp.

Iak gave a sigh"Hi Drake, Leaf giving you any trouble and how is Kai?"He asked deep in thougt clearley thinking about Kai, his rare smile on his face, eyes blurry.

"He's gone to your school, I guess he didn't catch up with you yet and Leaf...I can't even comprehend him anymore"He gave a deep sigh as he waved his hand and a wine glass filled with red liquid was in his hand as the red and back smoke clearley"I'm Assuming you guys havn't had any real blood at that school, rules and all that?" Handing both of them a glass.

((@Aroura ))
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Atsoku noticed a girl randomly sit across from him, he didn't say much of anything at first. Though as they sat there in silence for a few moments he decided to talk, "Um... hello? Did you need anything or are you just here to bother me?" He said coldly, he didn't know this girl very much and was a bit wierded out by her sudden arrival. He kept his eyes on his ramen as they sat there. (that awkward moment when youre typing and dont notice the people responding to your last post so you dont include them >.< )
" I don't mind " Zoey said and looked at the boy across from her

(oopsie I didn't have enough to write and it didn't do color)

" not like we have anywhere else to sit because I'm new here and this is a half empty table " Zoey said and began to eat
Yumi looked around as no one spoke. "Aww come on you guys need to loosen up come on right kid." She said nugging the boy next to her. "And you book girl sarcasm if that what your little comment was is very unbecoming on you."
Christopher could feel the girl from before attempting to communicate with him. This fact disappointed him and created a wall simply for her. He hated the fact she was so persistent. He scoffed at this, taking his food off the tray before abandong the girls offer, exiting the lunchroom with his food in his hand. He could care less about the girl attempting to be friendly with him. That being what he did his best to avoid. Cursing himself , he mumbled under his breath. " Cursed seduction." With that, he exited through the cafeteria doors.
" yeah my name is Zoey, not book girl, I literally just got here and I have like 1 friend and ive probably only been here for like half an hour " Zoey said
Atsoku was a bit irritated by these new faces, "And um I have a name, and what exactly compelled the both of you to come sit next to me?" He slid a little bit away from the girl next to him, poking at his food.
" not like there's many other people here " Zoey said and finished her food up then she threw away her trash and sat back down where she was before
Yumi put her finger to her lips and thought. "What indeed I wonder hmm hang on let me think no I think they are very nice pepole Jigoku. Of course they are not demon hunters shut up for a sec." Yumi looked at the two others she was sitting with her face went red. Umm sorry uhh I uh you umm didn't hear that but I'd have to say you looked pretty lonely so that's my reason I guess!"
" she's right you did look lonely all by yourself in a empty cafeteria the weird thing is the lunch ladies are still here " Zoey said
Christopher stood at the entrance of the lunchroom, stepping back in to throw away his trash. As he did so, he took in a deep breath, trying to preserve his anger from earlier. Even so, he had to admit he was bored. Having nobody to mess with, he also had nobody to bother him. Its as though he would be mad either way.
"Ever think some people are alone for a reason?" He looked at the girl next to him as he took off his hood. "So you're a demon too aye?" As he said that he let his horns spiral out of his head loke those of a ram.
" Cool im a neko " Zoey said when shensaw his horns and she let her ears and tail come out
Yumi let out a excited gasp. "See Jigoku told you they were coo. Man you got those cool horns I don't have any cause technically I not a pure demon more or less half." she said touching the boys horns. "Man wish I had horns like yours I only got some dumb old flame wings."
" Well ive got this " Zoey said and her tail bow glowed and she grabbed her heart weapon(look on character sheet to see what it looks like)
Atsoku watched as the girl revealed her true form, "Cat girl... cool." He playfully stuck his tounge out at her. Suddenly he felt his horns being handled, it made him feel a little wierd. "I'm not any ordinary demon though," he lifted up his cup of soda and slowly froze it, showing the girl his power. "The power of a shadow demon."
Christopher yawned, kicking over the trashcan that stood beside him. Why? No reason. Simply to have something to do. As messy as it was, it was somewhat entertaining to wait for someone as lowly as a janitor come and pick it up without him budging. Even so, he rolled his irises, seemingly aggravated by the fact there was nobody he knew present. Nor was there anyone he cared to know present. "I have to deal with this all year.."
" Cat got tour tounge " Zoey said and laughed her ears up and tail next to her and she heard the trash can saw the boy and rolled her eyes befor looking back to see the frozen soda
Yumi looked over at the knocked over trash can and picked it all up and put it back. As she passed by the boy she mumbled. "Jerk." She went back over to the table and kept messing with the horns.
Christopher smirked, an entertained feature appearing on his face. "Perfect" he then shoved his hands deeper into his pockets, tailing behind her just after she called him a name. He caught interest in this type of behavior, seeing it as his form of attractive. "Says the one who stumbled into me earlier." He had no valid reason to follow her, but then again, he had nothing better to do. So why not?
she had a look of glee on her face when she saw him "Uncle!!" she pounced on him nearly spilling his blood "I have missed you since my bodyguards urged me to leave" she giggled after she got over the excitement. She eyed the glasses of blood like an urban desert then looked away and waved her finger "you know before I left I established I was on a diet I don't need it I have tea" she still opened one eye and eyed the blood as he held it in his hand "give it to Iak." She also wondered who was this Kai and Leaf she doesn't remember hearing those names before unless she used false memory on herself to forget them, but why would she do such a thing. @Iak Destler
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Yumi stopped her cheeks went red. "I said sorry didn't I at least I'm not knocking over trashcans and acting all tough about it you you BAKA!!"
"Hey, no need for fighting. Don't waste your time on random assholes." He put his hand on Yumi's shoulder and pulled her back around to the table. Using his calrivoyance he made sure Yumi and the guy were keeping themselves under control.
Yumi was mad but she didn't know but when she studied the boys face she knew that stupid smile of his like he was looking down on her and if she hated any thing it was being looked down on. "S-STOP LOOKING DOWN ON ME YOU THINK YOUR SO GREAT WELL SORRY FOR NOT BEING AS GOOD AS YOU WANT ME TO BAKA BAKA ASSHOLE!!!" Yumi took in a breath she was shocked at her self she hadn't ever busted like that before

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