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Fantasy Mystic High School

Nevaeh flipped over it and smile. "Fire huh? Great!" She smiled as she ran up to Yumi and multiplied. She ran around Yumi in circles over and over until it created a vortex in the middle. Sh was hoping for Yumi to have a loss of oxygen, if that didn't work she'd try another 'little' something. She smiled and continued to run in circles.
Yumi grabbed her neck she couldn't breath and her flames couldn't ethir she could not create any more flames. all it take s to do me in haha!" Yumi brought her hand back and the wave of fire she had shot out before came back at Nevaeh.
Nevaeh flipped over it and onto Yumi. "My plan worked!" She smiled and picked Yumi up. She jumped up with full force, atleast

30 ft off the ground. She threw Yumi down with another flip and landed beside her. Her face was emotionless and her eyes still glow blue.

@Yumi Flameheart
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Atsoku joined a nearby shadow, he didn't feel like getting hid hands dirty over some buffoon. He snaked away from the ground and was back on the roof. He materialized again and was stood on top looking off at the forest surrounding the school grounds. He kicked a bit of rumble off the side and layed down with his legs dangling off the side. "Nice weather for a nap," he yawned and fell asleep listening to his music.
Rachel finished her sandwich and left the bench. She patrolled the outside area of the school where there was plenty of flowers and trees when she saw an figure laying in the grass, so she walked up to them and stood over the boy casting a shadow on his face "so lazy you might as well be a sloth" she spoke to herself as she stood over him, put her hands on her sides, and furrowed her brows. "Wake up I happen to be bored and require entertainment" she spoke properly as she waited for him to move or at least respond to her actions. @TheFrozenShadows
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Atsoku flinched when light suddenly left his eyes. He opened them slowly only to see the vampire girl. "So might I ask why you're just standing there staring all creepy like at me?" He sat up and leaned back on his hands. "And what's up with that pose of yours? Relax a little for once."
She stepped back in shock "I'm not creepy!!" she became very hostile then spoke once again "and relaxing is for people who don't work I am require to keep my guard up at all times it was part of my.." she then lowered her voice for he was one of the few people to know "royal lessons" she then dusted of the back of her dress and sat in the grass not sitting in an relaxing position what so ever. She looked over to him he seemed so relaxed that he was almost as if he was asleep.
He looked over at her and laughed a, "I doubt that the school would let anyone in who might harm you, and if they do so what? You're able to kick some ass I'm sure, and what about that Iak guy, he can help." He layed back down putting his hands behind his head. "And besides I'll always have your back." He closed his eyes in thought.
"No it's not a question of power no not that" she was not worried about sudden attacks she could turn anything into a weapon if she lost her whip to the enemy "it is social responsibilities" she would of thought he already knew that she was chased by suitors with whole armies searching for her. "anyway I am used to not being relaxed so it is not like it bothers me" she glanced over hearing the final part how kind of this cold trickster demon could have such a warm heart. She then looked away from his face "and if you didn't want me to stare you could of asked" she continued to turn he head away from him.
AquaSly said:
Aqua frowned as she touch his cheek,"You're not a monster. A monster is someone who is blood thristy and kills with no reason."
She slowly looked around as she said rather quietly,"Where's Angel-san? Is he gone......maybe that was just a dream....."
"Aqua...... please do not worry about that ghost." he said a he stroked her head.
Aqua said rather defensive,"Angel-san is not a ghost."

Her ears lowered as she thought for a while, she looked worried for some reason. She saw Angus in pain and said sitting up a little,"Why is Angus crying out in pain?"
He looked back at her noticing that she had turned away. "Well I don't mind, I just thought such a proper little lady would be against that sort of thing. And uh isn't that dress a little uncomfortable to be in ALL the time? Like seriously, it's gotta be a pain." He poked at the fabric.
"I took us outside.... because i wanted to get away from Gabriel mcoverprotective." he said, making a reference to a mythical fallen angel in the bible.
Aqua thought repeating of what he said,"Gabriel?"

Her ears twitched as she looked at him,"Who is he? Are you referring that to Angel-san?"

Aqua was starting to think that the first part of her dream was not really a dream.
"I was referring to angel, yes. I just wanted you all to mysssself..... but he just had to butt in." he said as he scratched behind her ears.
"yes but I was convinced it was normal in an lower class state of mind" she really didn't have much practice in the lower class and how they live she usually read books on them as a child. She then thought about the next question "well it gets in the way allot and it heats up in sunny weather and the layers don't do well in water but other then that it is perfectly fine." She didn't even attempt to slap his hand away just toned that fact out while she continued to talk "don't you ever get tired of relaxing all the time it must be annoying." @TheFrozenShadows
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Aqua smiled enjoying the scratching behind the ear. She said squirming a bit,"Why can't you share. You and him can get equal time with me, I mean we can get along like friends."

She still didn't seem to grasp that Phoenix meant that he liked her. The problem was that Aqua never really never much about love and was very clueless at it. Her ears twitched as she looked at him, still enjoying the scratching behind the ear.
"I like you..... like as more than a friend..." he said without missing a beat. "I also don't share..... since i tend to get lessssss." he said as he looked down. @AquaSly
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Atsoku's hand dropped from the girls dress and into his pocket, he pulled out a small piece of paper. He unfolded it and held it high above his head, "the only reason I'm always asleep is because even if we live in a world of fairy tales, some things can still only be achieved through dreams." Blue fire came out of his palms and burned the paper. "He held one hand up to the sky as he lay there, blocking the sun from his eyes.

@Aroura (if only the notification system worked xP )
Warren never did like cafeteria food. After choking down his last bite of a bland ham sandwich, he tossed the remains into the trash bin and made his way back to the dorms.
"What an simple reason well I guess it is an reason" she summoned her cat a and it turned into an umbrella as she placed herself into the shadow. "Ah much better" she then turned to the half sleeping demon "do you fo anything else other then sleep" she sighed as she stared into the trees wondering what the people outside are like. She summoned her bat to retrieve her tea as she gained an new cup.
He watched as her servants did her bidding, "must be nice," he said under his breath. He stood up and stretched looking around the school yard, "I play music but that's about it, eat sleep and play." He looked down and her as she sipped at her tea.
she saw him staring at her with her bat "your free to go oh how have the suitors been my little spy" she listened as the bat let out different squeaks of various octaves "I see that is not good news" she looked more stressed then she was before. The bat still continued to squeak and that is when she stopped drinking her tea "HE DID WHAT!" she looked with pure fear in her eyes. She looked over at him "I must leave the school and return home" she said with no tone in her voice as she stood up and walked towards the dorms eyes completely blurred.

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