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Fantasy Mystic High School

Agnus got a shock and burning sensation from kissing him. The guy stopped as his bangs covered his eyes. The deep purple cracks disappeared from sight as he laid motionless. The little tiny purple crack appeared on Aqua'[s arm flashing as it disappeared.
Yumi kicked the street thug out of her way. While looking around she saw a group of people. "HEY ANY OF YOU KNOW WHERE I CAN FIND STRONG PEOPLE!!"
Yumi looks on as she sees two people hugging she walks over. "So what's with all the huggy huggy lovey dovey hmm." Yumi says with a sly smile still holding the thug she beat.
Rachel was being summoned but in her condition she had no way of keeping her strength up her other soul seemed to take advantage of this. "Well I will just have to fix it for you" she spoke to herself as she was teleported to the location of the boy. She immediately went into attack position and lunged at the strange people. "Luckily I showed up at the right time or you would be a like a smashed bug on the wall!"
Yumi looked at the girl that had teloported "Hey you do you know who I am I'm the scorching hot babe known as Yumi and if your going to fight anyone fight me!" Yumi put on her brass knuckles and shot out a fire ball fom her mouth at the girl. "Devil Breath!"
"Awww I hate to hurt the innocent" she said oh so sarcastically as she untied her hair ties and pulled out her thorn whip. She ran twords the ball of fire an slid under the ball of flames and wrapped the whip around the other then pulled causing her to spin like a top. "Hah silly girl you don't know who you are dealing with" she spoke with upmost elegance.
"Woah now that's cool but don't think you doged my attack!" Yumi moved her hand back and the fire ball came flying back at the girl. "Hope those thorns are fire proof hahahaha" Yumi let out a crazy laugh this was the fun she was looking for the rush of a fight she didn't have to hold back at all.
Steel Zinogre]Phoenix regains control of himself and hugs aqua. Agnus then bursts into tears as she felt the pain. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10351-aquasly/ said:
Aqua was still passed along with the guy, as they layed motionless. The guy had suddenly sunk into the ground as the shadow quickly went away, leaving Aqua for now. Aqua's ears twitched as she squirmed a bit.
(OMG Been gone for sooooo long! Hope you don't mind me just jumping in.)

Nevaeh strides through the halls with her leopard eye activated. Monsters seemed to be spawning from the skies and from the ground. She was getting use to the whole 'power' thing. She smiled as she jumped onto the window then the roof of the current building she was in. Her smile had shown brightly and throughout the time of her training, she had been concealed into her room and the park. Her meetings were late and she did not for get whom she had already met, but the ones with recent comings were unknown to the very girl who stood proud. She jumped down and landed onto a tree. There were currently two people. She searched through the memory that was currently sitting in her brain. Had she forgotten these two? Or were they new to her state of mind? Tristan, Skorn, Sy... There were more but none with the identity of the people below her.
Yumi looked around for any one else in the area she spotted a girl in a tree she was going to just call out but she felt a sort of strength from the girl. "Hahahah Demon Breath!" She shot a fire ball from her mouth setting the tree on fire from the bottom. "Yo name Yumi and you are?"
[QUOTE="Yumi Flameheart]Yumi looked around and saw a girl laying on the ground she ran over and poked her face. "Yo you still alive?"

//Aqua is being hugged by Phoenix still....


Aroura said:
Rachel was being summoned but in her condition she had no way of keeping her strength up her other soul seemed to take advantage of this. "Well I will just have to fix it for you" she spoke to herself as she was teleported to the location of the boy. She immediately went into attack position and lunged at the strange people. "Luckily I showed up at the right time or you would be a like a smashed bug on the wall!"
//He is already passed by now, he should be fine
Nevaeh flipped off then landed on her feet. "Nice! My name is Nevaeh! It's a pleasure to meet you!" She smiled brightly. Looking back at the tree, "be careful Yumi, the tree gods probably won't like that too much. But I can convince them not to explode or something crazy like that. Her eye was still glowing a bright blue. She bowed. "What might you be, Yumi?" She already knew, but she didn't want to come off as creepy. Her leopard eye had already processed the information.
"I'm half-demon why half well I don't like speaking about it." Yumi put her hand over her stomach "Calm down Jigoku we can't just kill everyone who is strong hahaha." Yumi gave her a chuckle and sly grin.
AquaSly said:
Aqua was still passed along with the guy, as they layed motionless. The guy had suddenly sunk into the ground as the shadow quickly went away, leaving Aqua for now. Aqua's ears twitched as she squirmed a bit.
Phoenix hugged aqua tightly, and started to cry as he realized what monster he had become. "I'm.... ssssssorry... he whispered into aqua's ear as tears fell.
Aqua eye flicked open as she felt something wet on her face. She realized it was Phoenix crying and looked surprised. Her ears perked as she said quietly,"W-Whats wrong?"
Phoenix looks at aqua and looked down, seeing a mark he had made, an imprint mark. "I am a monster...... i lost control of mysssself." he said as he wipes his face.
Nevaeh smiled. She transformed into her attack form. "I apololgize, but may I train here? I have currently destroyed most of the things in my dorm room. And the park is unfit for the training I wish to do with all of the park benches and slides and stuff everywhere." She bowed then looked up and tilted her head. The sword she held looked heavy but was easily resting on her shoulder. Her smile only reflected her smile, it was bright.

((Sorry, I'm doing stuff, it takes forever to reply and I'm sorry xD .))
Aqua frowned as she touch his cheek,"You're not a monster. A monster is someone who is blood thristy and kills with no reason."

She slowly looked around as she said rather quietly,"Where's Angel-san? Is he gone......maybe that was just a dream....."
"Oh... You have misunderstood Yumi, but I guess fighting you would help my training." She smiled and lifted her sword off her shoulder swiftly. The movement was graceful and the sword had reflected the sun and the metal had become a little hot. Her eyes glow blue. "Shadow Field. Arena Summon." The ground around them had changed into a misty black and the aura had come off of her into the scenery creating black nothingness. The arena was endless and fair, no one would be backed into a corner. "Ready!" She yelled taking a stance completely different from the move she wished to use.
"looks like the wimp has vanished sorry but I must bid you ado" she used the other as a distraction as she walked off re-braiding her hair and making sure none of it was singed. She seemed to be unoccupied now that she no longer has company so she went to the food court and looked at the potential food choices "oh what to eat how about you?" she asked herself "how about just an sandwich it is easy." So she ordered an sandwich and sat at an bench with an new fresh cup of tea.
"Hahaha now this is fun shhh Jigoku calm were just going to fight her for a while." Yumi held out her hand. "Demon pulse." A flame wave was sent at her opponent.

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