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Fantasy Mystic High School

Aqua yawned as she slowly woke up. She slowly sat up, then blushed. Both of her hand touched her head as she said muttering,"I felt like someone was petting me..."

Her ears perked her as her tail wagged. She thought for a whie before realizing how close Phoenix was,"W-Wah!"

She backed up a little, hugging her legs. She was blushing madly, she sniffed herself a bit and said looking away,"Did you sleep along with m-me?"
"For a few minutesssss..... but i did no naughty thingssssss, ssssince i am not that kind of monster." he said as he looked at her. "you were also saying Angel...... who is he?" he asked her, concerned. @AquaSly
Aqua looked down, her ears lower,"How would you know if it was he, Angels are no genders most of the time."
Aqua's perked up when she saw Phoenix wasn't looking so good,"Are you okay? Do you need to rest more?"

She looked concern as she got up walking towards him. The dark figure was rarely seen in the dark corner as it was late in late afternoon.
Aqua flinched and quickly grabbed a towel. She held it under his nose as she said quickly,"Keep your head down!"

She started to panicked worried for him,'Where's Agnus when you need her?' Aqua thought. She made Phoenix hold the towel as she was panicking more, she said rather loudly,"Blood! Blood! Blood! Blood!"
Aqua said running around,"I don't know he just started nose bleeding! Blood!"

Her ears twitched like crazy as her tail swished all over the place. On top of her ears, and tail formed little blue balls of fire. The dark figure seem to chuckle and disappeared,'You haven't changed...'
Agnus looked around as phoenix held his gauze on his nose, having heard a strange voice in the room. She shrugs it off and cleans the blood up. "This happens all the time when so much emotion is bottled up..... i guess he is too nervous to tell you he likes you." she said as she sanitizes the floors.
Aqua tilted her head,"Likes me?"

She was silent for a while before she smile brightly,"I like you too, Phoenix."

Somehow that reponse was a little too friendly. The voice chuckled as the dark figure thought,'No matter how many times she's been confess to, she always get the wrong idea....'
Phoenix growls at the dark figure. "Stay..... away from My aqua!!!" he shouted as he opens his eyes and took out his Claws he hid in his pockets. he was looking for the dark figure, and looked like he wanted to tear it apart. @AquaSly
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Aqua was hiding behind Angus scared of the sudden outburst. The dark figure sighed which it was sitting on top of the cabinet,"Oh yea the ugly man is still here, I can't even stand looking at you, gosh you're ugly."

It floated toward Aqua it's hand covering the mark,"Hmph such a ugly mark too if I do say so myself."

Aqua flinched, surprisingly she didn't feel scared at all. She said,"Who are you?"

The dark figure patted her head and said with a deep voice to her ear,"I'm you're forgotten friend..."

Aqua repeated,"Forgotten.."

She instantly tensed up as she looked shocked,"Forgotten..."

The dark figure seem to lick the mark away as for a second it flinch silently groaning in pain as it took the price.
The dark figure said floating away from Aqua and said blankly,"Oh. Oh I'm so scared."

It chuckled and said,"Do you really think that could hurt me, even in my regular form that little scythe of your's does nothing, but make things worse. Besides, you aren't suppose to use that unless told, oh wait. That's right you're a daughter of a fool god, oh excuse you look like a reaper there for a second."

Aqua just stood frozen with shock.
His hand went right through,"I can't believe you're that stupid. Even your father would known I'm a shadow. I would appreciate if you don't touch me or Aqua with your bloody hands of yours, it's disgusting."

Aqua was sitting in the corner looking like she was trying really hard to remember something,"I can't remember..."

She said again as her ears lowered. The dark figure (more like shadow) floated over to Aqua patting her head,"It's okay Aqua your servant is here now..."
The dark figure said,"Thank for the comment, at least I'm not a stupid son of a god. Besides I known little sweet Aqua since she was little, thought I doubt she would remember...."

Aqua flinched and said sniffling,"I can't remember..."

The dark figure said hugging Aqua,"There, there, it fine really. I'm just glad you've gotten better."

The figure thought,'Out of suffer...'

Aqua felt better, surprisingly, the dark figure looked at Angus,"Another thing I'm glad about is that your sister isn't stupid like you."
The figure said in a happy tone,"Oh!~ So you do admit that you're stupid when you're in love. Maybe that what happen to the god of war when he met your mother...interesting...well I should my leave for now."

The dark figure kissed Aqua's head,"I'll be back, don't let that dirty man touch you, please."

Aqua seem to that she had already gave him a nickname, she nodded and said rather cheerfully,"Bye bye Angel-san."
He then walks off, needing to find an outlet for all of his anger. agnus looked at him with fear as he left the nurse's office. @AquaSly
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Aqua watched as Phoenix marched off and stayed where she was,"...."

The sun was starting to set as the silence grew. Aqua stayed in her position as she looked over to Angus.
"I have never seen phoenix like that before..... ever." agnus said in a worried way. "Who was that spirit?" she asked as she changed to her normal form.
Aqua shrugged and said blankly,"It was shaped like a angel....I don't remember, but it gives me a smoothing feeling, I'm not sure how to say it, but it was like he was with me all the time...."

She was silent as she thought some more,"Thought he did made Phoenix very annoyed...I hope he's alright..."

Her ears twitched as she was still hugging her legs.

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