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Fantasy Mystic High School

[QUOTE="Iak Destler]Iak look up, a shaky smile on his face "s sure, having a friend might be nice...what's special about you?"He asked clearly oblivious.

Aqua tilted her head,"What's special about me? I'm a demon fox, spirit fox, or Kitsune, whatever you like to call me, I won't mind."

Her ears twitched again, this was a recent habit she created with her ears, she didn't know how it started, but she didn't seem to care.
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Tarik got furious. "I older than you! I know more about life than you!" He grabbed his staff and hit the ground a few times meaning he wanted to fight. He forgot that was only a troll tradition.
"Yeah, a little." Tristan answered Maru, as he walked in the room. Tristan noticed there was a boy, however the nurse's question snapped his attention. "Um, hi...I have some dizziness and the area around my stomach hurts a bit." He answered the nurse, curious of what was causing it.

@macaron @Arabella Rosewood
"Alright, why don't you come over here and lay down?" She gestures yo the bed next to the one Aella, which is hidden by the curtain. "Let me just finish up with Aella and then I'll see what I can do." She walks Tristan to the bed and has him lay down. She then goes to the counter and grabs a lot of bandages before disappearing to wrap Aella.
Tristan nods, and lays on the bed the nurse. "Aella.....Aella....that sounds really familar..." Tristan thought out-loud as he got his phone out and checked the list of names to make sure Tristan had met someone named that. Once he confirmed that he had met someone named Aella, he put his phone back in his pocket, and tried to remember who it was. After a few minutes, he realized that Aella was the one who had eaten salad in the lunchroom with him. "Oh, I didn't know Aella was in here....is she okay?" Tristan asked, curious as to why Aella would be there.

@Arabella Rosewood
Iak giggled a bit "I guess that would explain the ears. Iak let out a sigh and scratched the back of his head noticing how stupid he was being "soooo um, what do you want to know about me...if we're going to be friends we should know everything about each other right?"
Aqua nodded smiling,"Not everything though, that would kinda be a little too much."

She thought for a moment,"Hmmm...what made you come to this school?"
"my partner is coming to this school soon so I thought should come and get settled in before he does so...yeah"Iak didn't know what to tell her, what that his partners a guy.,..NO WAY, that secret will remain until Kai gets here."what about you why are you here"
Aqua said tilted her head as she heard partner,"Partner like you're pair up with someone?"

It oblivious that she didn't really know what partner meant in his situation,"I came here because I need education, even thought I learned many things from other people Senpai always said that when I got better I would have to go to school, but I never did."
Atsoku took a step back as Tarik broke out in rage, "I'm not here to fight, I just didn't want you making a fool of yourself out here." He took another few steps back, and let his claws show through. "But if you'd like a little fight, I'd be happy to curb your hunger," a fang-filled grin spread across his face, a devious, hungry grin.
"yeah im paired with someone"Iak sighed trying to keep his act up but his eyes kept twitching every now and again."I must say this place is pretty big...any classes you are looking forward to do the most?"
Aqua thought for a while not really seeing that his eyes were twitching,"Hmmm...it would possibly be Art, it's always fun to create a image with just your mind and hands."

She smiled a little recalling a memory she had.
"I like hte fighting classes...I can't really defend myself all too well so learning how to is fun for me,and safe"He says looking at his hands,looking like he's worht nothing "I really wish i could defend myself, people here and blow people up with a click of there fingers all I have is speed and strenght...plus my bow staff"he lets out another deep sigh.
Aqua perked her ears then bit her lip. His thought about his powers were like her thoughts about hers,"I'm not that strong either you, thought I don't like fighting class....it makes me feel weak and unworthy..."

Her ears lower as she playing with her tail.
"yeah but it means you can defend your self easily against htem...plus you can pick up a trick or 2 for latter...remember it's not them we need defending from...its those mythic hunters"His body shakes at hte mention of those god aweful people "so dont feel down"
Aqua mumbled looking at the ground,"I can barely defend myself..."

She was silent as she thought for a while, her ears twitched.
"so that's what hte class is for"Iak smiles softley, no longer shaking "I love the library, the peacefulness, the books, and especially here...books on vampires, warlocks, faires, demons...real life stuff that humans believe are fake... or as they call fiction"He rolls his eyes.
Aqua nodded giggling a little,"I bet most of the humans know that most of the supernaturals are real thought."

After the giggling she kept a small face on her face. she looked at him,"what are you reading now?"

Aqua showed the book what she was reading right now:"Running Out Of Time."
"just a spell book, some vampires learn to control....what is called, blood magic.I was hoping to test see if I can do any"He sighs then pulls out another book and mumbles under his breath "also trying to figure out how to impress my partner"
Aqua tilts her head,"Does your partner think you're boring or something? Why do you want to impress your partner?"

She was curious, Iak seemed to be a kind, caring, and curious guy. Aqua suddenly sneezed and sniffled.
"haha no far from it,but it helps to make them feel special...I like doign that from time to time,just to see them happy"Iak sighs and starts staring of into the distance blocking out the rest of hte world.
Aqua ears twitch she stared at him. She said smiling brightly,"Your partner is really special to you? That happy expression of yours tells me that you love your partner very much, to the point that you would do almost anything to make your partner happy."

Aqua giggled a bit after that her tail swished.
"yeah"He said sighing before shaking his head getting himself out of his daze"do you have anyone special like that in your life?"
Aqua looked blank for a few seconds,"Someone...special? Someone I love.......not as a caretaker or brother or even friend. Just like a lover...someone special...."

She shook her head snapping out of it. Aqua thought for a moment then tried smiling without looking sad at him, which was a fail,"N-Not that I remember...."
Aella tries to sit still as the nurse wraps her banged up body. The nurse has her move in different positions to help stretch out the muscles, but it hurts and she just wants to lay down and sleep. "Fucking hell!" Aella curses. "Hold still and watch your language!" The nurse says in a nice but firm tone. "I'm sick of this. No more!" Aella yells before yanking the curtain down from the ceiling. She walks a few wobbly steps before falling to the ground. She growls and pushes herself up onto her hands and knees. "This is ridiculous," she says hitting the ground. The nurse runs to her side and Aella holds a hand out to stop her from helping her get up. "I don't want anymore help. I want to be left alone." The nurse's expression grew dark, "You can't use magic to heal yourself, and no one else has the power to heal you. You've overused your magic more than even your Father could handle doing. Your body can only handle so much magic before this happens," she says gesturing to Aella's body. "Now.... Sit back down this instance and let me finish my work," the nurse growled with an evil aura surrounding her. Aella stares at her with scared wide eyes before she pushes herself up the rest of the way and sits down on the bed. "And you'll be fixing that curtain... by hand, Miss Night." Aella hobbled over to the bed and sat down, "Yes Ma'am." Aella then sat facing everyone without the nice cover of the curtain. They could see all the bruises, cuts, scrapes, stitches, and all.

Aella looked like she had just come back from war, and she had. Her father's school was a safe one, but only because it was protected. And protect it, she did. Some spots of her skin were still bloodstained, and not all of it was her's. Aella kept her gaze everywhere except for the other's eyes. She could only imagine what other people might think if they saw her body. They would probably think she did some kind of serious self harm. The persis cuts on her arms all looked like a knife had cut her, and the same with her legs. They all looked like a serious case of self harm. But it's not like she truly did it on purpose. It was just how her families body reacted when they used too much magic. The more they used, after they've gone over their limit, the more their body fights back, and it eventually kills them. This... wasn't going to be easily explained....

@SilverAngel303 @macaron

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