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Fantasy Mystic High School

Rachel had left the art room through the side hall only to smell a strange chemical that must had been used for cleaning but was messing with her nose "what is with this strange smell?" she pondered as she stared feeling strange but no one else seemed bothered by it. This led to an strange high state this was going in the complaints " 'ow could 'eople stand this" she spoke as she pinched her nose in disgust. She felt less like herself as she took deep breaths she felt like she was becoming intoxicated with the sensitive chemical and it didn't help with her super senses and rushed out as soon as possible.
All was quiet in the small storage room that held a small box with the words lost and found written on the front, it was a dingy room with a flickering light bulb hanging from the ceiling swinging just slightly back and forth. The box itself held only a few items and nothing of much interest a few sweaters, about a dozen pens, and a torn blanket. But there was something in the bottom of the box that was more interesting than all the others, a small handheld tape recorder from the early nineties lay buried beneath all the rubbish. The room had remained quiet for some time until someone opened the door to the room to toss an item in the box shutting the door immediately after that item made everything in the box shift causing one of them many pens jab into the tape recorder pressing the play button. When this happened in a flash of blue light and a moment later in the box sat a young girl rubbing the sleep away from her eyes a yawn on her lips. "Oh man, did I over sleep what time is it?" A few limp stretches and back cinks later and she jumped up out of the box taking to the air, not having any actual feet made her means of getting around very limiting so she mostly moved around by flying everywhere she went. Remembering where she was the girl gasped in excitement bursting through the door to the closet, which lead out into the library, and in many flashes of tiny blue, pixelated fireworks soared through the school a trail of blue streak left behind her. Cheering and whooping the girl made her way through the halls until she made it outside taking to the sky to create swirls and loops of blue that eventually made one word. It read "Sonni"
Aqua's ears perked at she saw the girl run by leaving trail of blue behind her. She yawned a little thinking the girl was a little too loud. Aqua laid her head on the table her arms were used to cushion her head. She thought about the question Iak just question with a blank face.
"come on there must be that speical someone someone who you would die to save"He said early awaiting an answer "you must have a crush a close friend anyone that you just could not see get hurt?"
Aqua shook her head, her head still lying on the table. Her voice was muffled by her arm covering it,"I don't have one....or at least remember..."

Aqua's ears twitched again as stared at the table's patterns.
"remember"he asked curioustkey "yu mean you have memory lost...I can help you with that if you like?"He says smiling brightley feeling as though he could finally be helpful to someone in this world
Aqua perked her ears as he figured out she had lost her memory she looked at him,"Help me? How?"

Her ears stared at him with curiosity, she never knew there was actually a cure for memory loss, or it even existed. Aqua's eyes seem to glow as she heard cure.
"Well I did say I can use magic...it's just painful depending upon how deep or how strong the memory has been blocked depends on how much pain there will be...and it will be VERY excrusiating...It's up to you"He said some of his calm self showing through before pushing it back down .
Aqua didn't seem to like to sound of that, neither did she know if her memory was blocked or not. She cover her ears, pressing them flat. Aqua said with a hint of fear,"I don't think my memory would be blocked. I woke up in a abandon mine with a bunch of dead bodies that were buried with stone and wood..."

She shivered at the thought,"Besides my gut tells me nothing good will happen if you try...not trying to offend you, but my gut signals danger."
Iak's face sank "well I guess so, i'm going to go explore the school...I havn;t been here that long so it should be fun"He started picking up his stuff and throwing htem behind himself but they vanish before they can hit the ground"I'll see ya later"He walked out of hte library and turn a down a few corridors before walking past hte nurses office.He went to walk past it when he felt a magical pulse coming from with in and knocked on the door"um...can I come in"

((@Arabella Rosewood ))
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Aqua's ears perked as she watched him go. She looked down hearing the clock tick and tock. Aqua mutter,"Bye bye..."
Taryn sneered at the front of the school. She hated schools like these; trying to teach you how to behave yourself as a different being. She huffed, fluffing her white and red hair out of her face before walking up the steps to oblivion. She saw students roaming the hallways, and once she made it to a dorm, she slyly crawled on the bed and stayed there. She was obviously a loner...
Heatray looked at the front doors of the school. He didn't think he would like it here. He had already planned on keeping to himself. He would probably train everyday after school. He sighed and walked up the steps seeing several other students right in front of him. He wanted the day to end already.
Her body dropped from the sky making its way toward the ground hovering a few inches from the dirt. Quite abruptly she raised her arms above her head shouting in an extremely booming voice, "HELLO, FELLOW STUDENTS! I LOOK FORWARD LEARNING AND STUDYING ALONG SIDE YOU ALL!" With that and a big smile she brought her arms down to loop them around to bring them up again in a huge arch making her pig tails pounce, this created a huge display of pixelated blue fireworks high in the sky next to the sky writing which was now slowly disappearing. Sonni stood beaming up at her handiwork feeling quite proud of herself not thinking for a second that it was too much, when the display was over and the pixels had all but faded away Sonni gave a sigh of satisfaction looking around at the other students reactions.
Azrael thanked the nurse and exited the office when there was a loud noise outside. 'What now?' He thought as he went to check it out. It was a girl. One that he immediately suspected to be an annoying person.
Heatray was about to see if he had a locker when he heard an annoying sound. Out of sheer curoisity he went outside to see who was yelling.
Aella fumed in anger as she stayed still, her chest rose and fell quickly. She became shaky with adrenalin. "Calm down," the nurse growled before hitting the top of Aella's head. "Ow!" she then settled down and sent death glares to the nurse as she finished up her wrapping. "Alright, I'm all done, Aella. You just have to drink your medicine. Aella's eyes widened in shock, "Oh my gods, please no!" She leaned back away from the nurse as she brought a clear cup filled with a dark green color and a nasty smell towards her. "This will help the magic wounds go away faster so we can deal with the other physical damage," the nurse said as she handed the cup out to her. Aella turned her head as she grimaced and help back Bile. "Please please please, anything but that sludge. I can't keep that stuff down!" The nurse rolled her eyes, "That's the point." Aella looked at her like she was crazy. "That doesn't even make sense!" The nurse grabbed Aella's hand and put the cup in her grasp. "Drink it." Aella brought her other hand to cover her mouth and nose. "Now, Aella."

Aella looked down at the thick herbal mixture the school's Fae Healer had made and gagged. She plugged her nose, took a deep breath, and started chugging the thick mixture. It tasted worse than it smelt. She also threw up the last sip but pushed it back down. She gave the nurse the cup back and Aella's face grew pale and she looked sicker than she was before. She covered her mouth with wide eyes, she pointed towards the small bathroom in the room. The nurse helped her quickly make her way to the bathroom. Aella slammed the door behind her.

The nurse then went over to Tristan. "Alright, so dizziness, right?" The nurse placed two fingers on Tristan's temples on each side. She closed her eyes and focused. After a moment, she opened her eyes again. "Ah yes," she stepped away and went to the pill cabinet. "Here take this." She brings over a small white pill and a cup of water. "It might make you drowsy so be careful what you do for the next few hours." She holds out the cup and pill with a smile.

@SilverAngel303 @Verdas
Aqua just got outside and saw the girl, she looked at Azrael that was right next to her. Her ears twitch as she thought she saw a irritated look on his face. Aqua said in a friendly tone,"Hi hi."

She smiled at him.
Tristan takes the pill along with the cup, and nods. He puts the pill in his mouth, and swallows it with some of the water in the cup. "So, what happened to Aella? Is she okay?" He asked, curious as to what happened, while also being slightly worried about her. @Arabella Rosewood
Aella then opens the door and comes out. Her limp is gone and her black eye is gone, but her other injuries are still there. Slowly though, the cut in her lip sews itself up and the stitches fall out. She pulls them away and throws them into the trash. She looks exhausted. "I got in a fight obviously," she says walking over to her bed. She seats down and leans up against the headboard. "How do you think this school stays safe...? Not everyone agrees with our way of learning to coexist; supernaturals and humans alike...." She rubs her face, her hands cold against her warm face. "Your father sent you off again?" the nurse asks in an upset tone. Aella shakes her head, "I volunteered this time. The other guards were faltering and they needed help, so I went. The best all of us could do was get them to run off... but they'll be back...." Aella could feel her strength slowly coming back to her before the effects of the medicine stopped. Aella looked to her arms and unwrapped them. The parallel cuts were healing themselves slowly. "Oh good, it's working. I was concerned that it wouldn't be strong enough to fix your magic wounds," the nurse says with a smile. Aella tried to stretch out her arms, but winced. "My back isn't healing," she informed the nurse. "Was that one not a magic wound?" the nurse questions. "Yeah... I jumped in front of another guard with my back turned to the enemy. He had fallen down; most likely would have died if I hadn't...." Even with the Fae medicine, Aella looked terrible, better but terrible. @SilverAngel303
Agnus gets up out of bed, and heads off to the mess hall, looking like an absolute wreck. she had not noticed the commotion in the slightest, being really spaced out and exhausted from the long nap. "OHHHH...... Me head hurts a lot." she said with a heavy scottish accent as she rubs her temples, thinking it would at least help with the pain. she then gets a cup of water and sat on an empty bench.
Azrael noticed Aqua and waved at her "Hey." He then turned his attention back to the girl 'I hate loud noises...' He thought as he walked to Aqua, turning his attention to her now. "What's up?" He asks her.
Aqua said,"Nothing much...just came to see what the commotion was."

She seemed to be happy to see Azrael as her ears twitched. Aqua kinda looked like dog greeting it's master seeing her tail was waging.

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agnus the wakes up screaming bloody murder when she started to have a night mare, her eyes like blazing balls of fire, and her hands combusting. her anger starts to manifest itself as she tries to wake up. "Help me!!!" she screamed as she felt like she was being burned alive.

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