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Fantasy Mystic High School

Sonni looked around frowning wondering why friends were not coming out of the walls and scrambling to gain her approval, her face became a pout. Where were all of the friends? Perhaps the show was not big enough or maybe not extravagant enough, whatever the reason it was too late now but it was not too late to still seek out friends. Zipping up to the first few students closest to her she exclaimed in a sing songy voice, "hello, my name is Sonni, it's so nice to meet you!" She proceeded to do this with all of the student she saw flying up to them and almost yelling her greeting at them before flying off to the next group determined to make it through the whole school. Her intentions were well enough but her lack of social skills and over eagerness made her seem to come of strong to say the least.
Azrael smiled at Aqua "I see." He noted how happy she seemed at the moment and also how her tail wagged when she did so. "You seem very happy. Did something good happen?" He asks her.
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He walked out of the library and turn a down a few corridors before walking past the nurses office.He went to walk past it when he felt a magical pulse coming from with in and knocked on the door"um...can I come in"
Aqua shook her head and said smiling brightly,"It's because I don't feel lonely anymore."

She shamelessly sounded like a dog as her tag kept on wagging as her ears twitched.
Agnus screams louder as the pain grew worse, horns grew on her head and wings on her back, her overall size became bigger and more masculine. her cries were heard outside. @AquaSly
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//There's no need to tag my name I was just searching up what your character was

Aqua perked her ears as she looked at the school,"Nephilim."

She scooted a bit closer to Arael,"Out of control, danger. Danger alert."

Her ears twitched as she listen to the cries.
then her voice became masculine as her screams slowly stopped. she looked at her hands in horror as she looks at her self in a nearby mirror. she was horrified to carry her father's curse.

(chaos form. her current form.)
(Azrael* aka the Angel of Death sent by God. Not Arael. Arael is a different Angel.)

Azrael saw Aqua come closer to him "Hm? Whats wrong?" He then heard screams from somewhere and turned to Aqua with surprise when she said Nephilim "Nephilim? I never expected Nephilim to be here."
Agnus went outside to seek help, but saw azrael and aqua. "please..... i need help..." she said in a completely masculine tone. she looked horrified at herself and covers her mouth.
//Sorry typo, auto correct

Aqua was hiding behind Azrael with a blank expression on her face,"Suffering..."

Her ears were lower having no idea how to help a Nephilim, she was silent as she recall her being with Nephilims, she wouldn't hang around them as much mostly because they would get a bit out of control, when less expect it. The tip of her tail formed a small blue flame as her stared at the Nephilim.
Azrael walked slowly towards the Nephilim and took out Judgement "Poor girl. You're suffering aren't you?" He says in a seemingly sad and understanding voice and glanced at Aqua's tail
she nods. "my father was able to control the...... beast." she said as she points to her fiery appearance. "i don't know how.... since he disappeared....... and he was the only one who know how to control it."
Aqua's eyes widen a bit as she staring at Judgement. She said shaking a bit,"Azrael...what are doing?"

Aqua never seen a weapon like Judgement before and it smell very strongly of blood, which meant he used it often.
Agnus then began to painfully scream as she began to shift back to her normal self. the wings and horns recede into her as the flames extinguish, and she looked more like herself.
Azrael looked at Agnus in surprise. It was almost like God himself had protected her from him and the sharp blade of his spear. "Impressive. You learned how to do turn back yourself... Or was it an accident?"
Aqua sighed in relief and then pouted at Azrael. She crossed her arms,"That got me scared for nothing..."

Suddenly Aqua sniffled as her ears were lower mid-way, she was shaking trying not to let her tears roll down.


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Azrael laughed and looked at Agnus more closely "War the Horseman's daughter, eh?" He stood casually with Judgement ready to counter or parry any assault just in case "I wasn't really going to kill you. How exactly did the great horseman die?"
Aqua was still shaking as she narrow her eyes. She thought looking away,'Fight! Fight! Fight! Why not peace so once? Never mind Azrael is probably too bored to care about peace anyway...' Aqua sigh as she sat by a nearby tree, hugging her legs as she wiped her tiny tears.
"he did not die..... he just disappeared. if he were to die.... i would know." she told azrael. "he left me his blade, and his curse."

Agnus then felt a tear in her eyes as she began to feel rather saddened thinking about her father and where she went.
Aqua said rather quietly,"Maybe if you become stronger you can meet your father someday."

It was a foolish thing Aqua had said, but Aqua wanted to give her some hope, like what she did with herself. Her ears twitched as she stared at Azrael with a blank expression on her face.
Agnus then starts to cry, thinking about so many things in so little time. "i have noone...! my mother is dead, my uncles and aunt are off saving the world.... and my father disappears." she said as she put her face in her hands.
Azrael cut his finger with Judgement and watched the blood flow down his spear's tip. 'Still sharp as always. Never dull.' He turned to Agnus and smirked "In your father's place I'll test your strength. War used to be a friend of mine. Used to..."
Aqua walked over to Azrael,"Time out? For a few minutes?"

She smiled at him,"It wouldn't be fun if the person you're fighting isn't a bit fire up right?"

Aqua's tail wagged and her eyes glowed as if she was begging like a dog.

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