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Fantasy Mystic High School

Aqua nodded and went inside, heading for the cafeteria,"Are you guys hungry? Because I am."

Her ears twitched when they got there, feeling happy and excited. She seemed to glow when she with people,"What should we get?"
phoenix was looking over the food, and took 4 slices of pizza with a massive cookie."i think i can goe for a ceasr salad." agnus said.
Aqua nodded,"Okay."

She got a case with two sandwiches and looked over to Phoenix. She opened the container and handed a sandwich to him,"Want one?"

She sat down at a table her ears twitched.
phoenix sat next to aqua and took a sandwich off her tray. "thank.... you...." he said in a sincere tone. "you are a very nice girl...... nicer than the lasssst....." he said with a sigh. agnus eats her salad.
Aqua just smiled at him,"I don't really get why she would be mean to you, you're a nice guy."

She took a bit off her sandwich,"Have we introduce each other yet? I can't remember..."

Aqua looked slightly confuse reviewing what happened earlier.
Rachel rushed back into the art room her head felt it had been hit with an jack hammer and her chest felt compressed pushed down by mysterious forces. She coughed uncontrollably and fell to her hands and knees she clutched the cloth on her chest to attempt to breath but it only hurt more "no you mustn't you are to dangerous to be around others" she then made a huge gasp and knocked over the supplies and fell completely to the ground. Her eyes became hazy no one must of heard her this was for the better she wouldn't let anyone get hurt for not being able to contain well herself "never again will you see the sun but this will be the last time" her eyes shut as she breathing became less ecstatic.
On the roof of the school Heatray was there thinking to himself. He need privacy to deal with his own issues. The voice in his head then spoke,"You haven't got into a fight yet. Your so boring now". Heatray replied,"Shut Up you. Why your not getting my body again. I'm turning over a new leaf. Now I must figure out how to spend my time at this school." The Voice,"Can't you start at least one disruption?"
Agnus and Phoenix go to the library, to read and catch up on lost time. Phoenix became flustered by all of the girls surrounding him.
Aqua found herself alone at the cafeteria as her question was ignored. Her ears were lowered as she finished her sandwich,'I feel so alone.....'
(would anyone mind to explain what has happened so far in the OOC? My internet went out for a bit, and I am slightly lazy to read up today ^^'')
(basically... my oc found her brother and other bitties.) as agnus fell asleep on the tables in the library, Phoenix goes back to aqua. "Aqua....!" he called, feeling worried and nervous for her.
Aqua's ears perked up as she looked at him,"P-Phoenix? I thought you two disappeared."

She looks surprised still holding the container of where the two sandwiches were. Her tail swished as she like a dog reunited with it's owner.
"agnusssss issss in the library..... i gave her the ssslip as ssssoon as she slept." he said as he sat next to aqua, taking a sandwich.
Tassadar wakes up, and finds himself in the school's art room. He suddenly hears the thoughts of many people and clutches his head.
Aqua smiled at him,"So how do you think this school is? Do you enjoy it so far?"

She was curious since it was his first day here. She said smiling brightly,"If you have any problems you can tell me okay?"

Her ears twitched.
Once Tristan's dizziness had gone away, he thanked the nurse and walked out of the infirmary. Tristan heard his stomach grow, however he needed to find out some information about his sister, Hazel, as he felt something was off about how his mother told him not to mention Hazel to anyone. As he walked to the food court, he noticed someone was in the art room. He walked in and stared at them, curious as to why they were holding their head. @captain forever
Aqua looks at the hand Phoenix was holding. She looked up to hi and nodded,"It does, doesn't it? Well I'm sure you'll make lots of friends and if not I'll be here, supporting you."

Her smile almost fades away as she said,"Your lucky to have a sister thought, family is what I mean."

Her ears lean forward as she look at her hand that he was holding and placed a hand on top of his,"I'm glad I have met you, Phoenix. Let's be best of friends!"
Phoenix nods. "My dad is off saving mankind in a different world.... while mom ssssleeps with the dead." he said. "Thank you... aqua." he said.
Aqua nodded,"You shouldn't be so depressed Phoenix. You'll catch the disease if you do, plus you won't experience much happiness, love, or even care. W-What you know what happen to- never mind."

A small blue flame appeared spreading on their hands, except it wasn't burning them it was very warm and bright. She said,"Do you know our power is like part of our identify not like a speices, but it kinda tells us who we are. If we do great things for the world we can leave a mark on the world."
(Ah, I thought the writing style and character name sounded familar ^^)

Tristan backed away, and realized that it was the mind-reader. "Tass? You ok?" He asked, slightly worried about Tassadar.

@captain forever
(King of the one liners!!!!!!!!!!)

"Don't call me that." He sends a small impulse which causes infinite pain, at least for a second. "Don't call me that, okay? I hate people who do that."
Tristan yelped for a moment, before quickly walking up to Tassadar and flicking his head. "Fine, but friends only get three Question Dodges, after that I'll kill you or die trying to find out what the answer to a question is." Tristan said, in a heavily serious tone. He didn't like secrets, and people who keep them annoy him.

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