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Fantasy Mystic High School

Tarik had been reading all day. He saw Rachel and said, appearing out from behind her, "Hi. I Tarik. I read book all day. Hi." He tapped her shoulder and had his very tired face. He smiled and showed his tusks.
Aqua ears twitched as the turtle slowly crossed her path. Irritated she picked up the turtle upside down. She walked inside the school bored to death. She decided to go to the empty art room for now and stared at the unfinished paintings.
"I happen to know your name already Tarik you don't require to remind me" she spoke without raising her eyes from her book as she turned the page. " Its good that you are reading but you don't have to tell me" she almost thought about just using hypnotism to increase his speech pattern but she thought better not. She set down her book and turned her chair to face the troll.
"Oh yes, let me go grab those for you. And I don't even know. You'll have to ask her, but I don't know if she'll awnser you though...." The nurse walked into her office. Aella tilted her head just a bit to listen better to the conversation they were having. She rolled her eyes, 'I'm right here and I can hear you.... Ugh,' she thinks to herself.

Tarik thought that Rachel was being slightly rude and he decided to sense her spirit. He sensed a different spirit. An undead spirit. He didn't like how it smelled. Physically and metaphorically. He grabbed her shoulder and said, "Why you not living? Something wrong? I can heal for you." He said worried about her. He remembered what his father said about shamanism. It can heal any physical or spiritual wound. "Shaman's good at getting rid of evil spirits kinda like yours." He smiled and felt like he was going easy on her.
"I'm not evil and I happen to be dead" she scoffed as she heard him speak what she wanted healed could never be possible. "I-I'm just tired yah exhausted from uhhhhh working yes I was working all last night a bit cranky" she continued to brush through her hair as she explained herself not that her rudeness wasn't like a second nature to her even though that was a complete lie.
Tarik got upset. "Let Tarik try?" He put on his puppy face and sighed. "You never know unless Tarik try." He smiled and grabbed her shoulder with quite a grip. His eyes started to glow white but he didn't start healing until she gave him the ok. "When you say I heal." He smiled.
"something tells me you wont leave until I say yes" she sighed as he removed his hand from her shoulder and turned to face him she then stood up still a bit shorter then him even with her heels on. She waited to work what she thought was using magic but if it involves spit she will bolt out there faster then a child chasing an ice-cream truck.
Iak walked into hte library, not looking up, he walked over to another table near the pair sat down,He was clearly nervious, fiddling with his fingers,looking around quickly .Slowley he pulled out a book and started reading but every few seconds he would look around.
Tarik grabbed her shoulder again saying, "So I heal? Ok." His eyes started to glow white and he started saying an incantations to the spirit of health. His hand started to glow white and after it was done his eyes flickered back to normal. "You fixed?" He sensed her spirit was still evil. "No no no. You broken." He suddenly spotted a squirrel through the window and started to shake and hiss at it with his ears and hair back. He said in a more human voice and accent, "Get outta here ya little punk. I will ruin you." He grabbed his staff and took it out of its holster.
Aqua was walking out of the empty art room and walked in the hall humming a bit. She kept a smile on her face as her ears twitched. She was about the walk by the library when she stopped seeing the huge creature. Her head tilted in curiosity and went in seeing Iak who was nervously looking up every other sec. Her tail swished as she sat at a table next to Iak's and started reading. Her legs were kicking childishly as she was still humming quietly.
"oh look there goes MY TIME" she was furious but the troll had vanished and her eyes looked like if they got anymore red it would burst intro flames. She ended up ripping a book in half with anger only to be scorned and having to compensate for it "I am truly sorry for ripping your book" she hung her head and sat back down at her original table. She ended up being tired of the library as she waved bye to Iak now that he was stuck she giggled behind her sleeve and walked to the quiet art room.
((come say Hi to us in hte library))

Iak hid a smirk beneath his book before his neverious quaky smile returned as he looked at the girl who had just sat down near him.Putting his book down he moved over and shyly, with a quaky voice, said "h h hi miss"
//You can just join in like for example: Kakasuki walked in the library deciding that he should research supernatural beings since he was going to be around them for a while. He smiled a little, most of the books of the library would mostly contain some weakness for most supernaturals.

Something like that it's really up to you to decide what you type ._.

Aqua's ears perked as she saw Iak who was shy and nervous. She smiled brightly,"Hello, I'm Aqua you?"

Aqua always liked to meet new people time to time, besides it's was a adventure to her.
Aqua looked at his hand her ears twitching,"Are you nervous? There's no need to be, a lot of people here are kind. I'm sure you'll get accepted and make lots of friends."

She sounded kinda childish, but she wanted him to feel more welcome here,"Are you new? If you are I'm new here too! Wanna be friends?"
Iak look up, a shaky smile on his face "s sure, having a friend might be nice...what's special about you?"He asked clearly oblivious.
Atsoku finished his workout for the day, and after showering he headed to the roof to relax. He passed Rachel on the way and waved to her as he passed. He put his headphones on and walked up a few flights of stairs.

He stood on the edge of the roof and watched as a big blue creature chased a squirrel around. He laughed at the sight and jumped down off the roof and came up behind him. "Dude, it's just a squirrel. Calm down it can't hurt you."

Aqua tilted her head,"What's special about me? I'm a demon fox, spirit fox, or Kitsune, whatever you like to call me, I won't mind."

Her ears twitched again, this was a recent habit she created with her ears, she didn't know how it started, but she didn't seem to care.

//That's my last post for the night I'll post again tomorrow bye bye!
Tarik's eyes were more red than silver now and he turned sround in terror as a person came out of no where. He whipped his staff through the sir at his head height so it missed the mystery person. He said, "Sorry. Who say my name is dude? I Tarik. Not dude. Who you? You dude? Squirrel deserve to be burned. Burned slice then eaten. Yes yes."
(umm ill try)

"hey person in a library... alone like me reading a book...alone"shuffles over to the person and sits down with a emotionless face
Maru lead Tristan to the infirmary without getting lost, which was quite the miracle, actually. The world must love me today, she thought as she entered the room. She turned around to face Tristan. "Are you still dizzy?" she asked, wondering if he needed serious medical attention

Aella heard the door open once again and Maru's voice. 'Shit,' she thought. She slowly and carefully pushed herself up to a standing position, putting all her weight on her left leg and holding her right up and off the ground. She turned and faced the door. Her face was beat up; cuts on her forehead, cheeks, chin, and one on her lip. Her right eye was black and slightly swollen, she could still see, which she was thankful for. Her left arm had visible parallel lines running it, and it could only be assumed her right arm was the same. Her chest was flat from the tight bandages and the only word you could use to describe her expression was 'broken.' She hopped over to the other side of the bed, using the bed to help her limp. She made eye contact with each of the three students who stood by the doorway before pulling the curtain and isolating herself. She stood there for a moment, head down and not moving as she stood there. She took a breath and sat back up on the bed.

The nurse exited her office and came back to the three other students. "Here you are, Azrael," she said handing him a bottle of pills with his name labeled on the side. She then turned to Tristan and Maru with a happy smile, "Hi there, how can I help you?"

@SilverAngel303 @Verdas
Atsoku face palmed a little harder than he would have like to admit, "My name is Atsoku. Now Tarik I take it you don't know much about modern life do you?" Atsoku questioned the troll as he put his finger on his staff pushing it down and out of his face.

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