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Fantasy Mystic High School

Maru stiffened at the sudden contact, but relaxed at the sound of his voice. "Hi, Tristan." She tried to look back, but she just saw clothes, so she faced forward again. "Have you met anyone new?" All Maru really did for the past time was try and get to her dorm.

(I have to go home--I'll be back on it...30 minutes)
(kk ^^)

Tristan continued hugging Maru, and thought for a moment. "Yeah, those guys who called me creep earlier must be idiots though, cause they tried to jump me without thinking. Anyway, how has your day been?" He asked, as Tristan stopped swaying his body as his dizziness hadn't gone away for some reason. @macaron
Tarik kept on reading because no one was talking to him. He hunched over and was trying to read a word that spelled, d-e-o-x-y-r-i-b-o-n-u-c-l-e-i-c a-c-i-d. Too long for him. He started to get frustrated.
Rachel noticed the troll from earlier reading a biology book an strange choice of literature to enjoy but it wasn't her choice in the matter. She walked closer to see what he was attempting to read "deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA used to read your body's code and turn it into proteins and carbohydrates to make cells." She spoke out loud this was one of her 'talents" everything she had learned in school was permanently burned into her mind she was top of her class of course with perfect scores.
Tarik was terrified when he heard the voice. He dropped the book and entered his karate stance. He saw it was the girl from lunch and said, "Oh. Hi. Tarik." He pointed to himself. "DNA" He said slowly. "DNA DNA DNA DNA DNA DNA DNA. Okay. Thank many. Thank." He bowed to the vampire and picked up the book again. "Bad book, bad guys called virus and bacteria. No shamans. Not interested." He dropped the book once more and stood up, showing off his huge height. He stretched his arms and jaw. He hunched back down and said, "Hi."
"greetings Tarik" she said stiffly she knew what he looked for the thing she tried to get rid of for so many years an memory thing she was cursed with to remember all the dark things of her past what an easy life he must have she thought. "are you not enjoying the literature you are reading I recommend Poe's work its such a simple delight" she returned the book she borrowed the day before.
Maru's eyes narrowed dangerously, and she shifted in Tristan's arm until she faced him. "Do you know where they are?" she asked, trying not to let the darkness leak into her words. They just made an appointment with death.

"My day was fine...time flew by, though..." She honestly didn't have a sense of time at this point.


(I am sorry, it took longer than I thought.)
Tristan thought about where the students would be at, however he could really only remember them calling him a creep and running from him. "I dunno...they sure freaked out when magic didn't work on me though, is AMF charms rare to witches?" Tristan asked, confused because if the students had tried to simply fight him head-on, they would have realized he wasn't very strong physically.


(its fine, but I might have to go soon <.< >.>)
Tarik cocked his head to the left letting his ears and hair droop. "Poe? Like food? Poe food is good. But I want books with bad guys and shaman save the day. Thank for offering though." He scratched his head and sat down, depressed. He was on the verge of tears but he stayed tough. Trolls were tough. Tarik was tough. He beat his chest and smiled. "Hi. I Tarik, who you?" He pointed at the vampire with his finger in her face.
Iak,books in hand,was walking down the hall way to his next class,His face filled with boredom.He them spelt another vampire a few ways away and slowley headed towards the smell.
"I'm Rachel, Vampire" she said elegantly she left out the part about her short temper but useful smarts she sat in a chair and breathed. "Ahhh this school really takes the energy out of you even though I've used most of my energy to beat people up and threaten them" she slowly grew quieter as she spoke and crossed her legs while opening a new book.
Iak turned a corner and raced towards where the smell was comming from this can't be happening...it can't be he thought to himself before turning another corner and see his child hood friend "SHAR"he was cut shot by 'rachel'
The girl stood from reading her book slamming the book shut causing all the dust around her to disperse into a cloud of white "who's name did you speak of not mine Rachel or that is not what I heard Iak" she stepped up to him and put her poison tipped hand under his chin and stared him into his eyes "But I'm shure it was just a slip of the throat." how could he almost reveal her true identity Sara Alucard princess of the Alucard family but he was never great at keeping secrets especially as a child.
Maru sighed, wondering why Tristan was so kind to people like that. But either way, she will hunt them down, even if it's the last thing she does. No one does that to a friend and gets away with it.

"I'm not sure," she replied to Tristan's question. "But are you sure you're okay? I don't want you getting hurt...." She trailed off, not wanting to sound like a fretful little child.


( @TheFrozenShadows - In the beginning, some other people called Tristan a creep, and Maru was about to give them a 'good-morning-smack' but Tristan stopped her. :P He hugs friends, which is why he hugged Maru. )
Atsoku rose from his sleep singing along to his favorite song, "I feel like I was born in devastation and reform..." He stopped mid verse looking around at the melting ice and damp floors. "Damn," he forgot to turn down the thermostat. He slapped the button making it as cold as possible, he threw down another layer of ice and left for the food court. A hungry demon is not a happy one.
Iak blinked a few times "you know poison has no efect on us...rachel"He said rolling his eyes "but it has been a few years has it not"A smirk formed on the side of his of his lips "may I speak to you in private"He looked around her at all the students and staff who were staring at them.
"More like a few thousand" she dragged him by the arm passing up Atosku an annoying student that obviously set on annoying her but still refers her as a friend. "The garden is usually empty" she spoke diligently as he led him to a garden filled with red rose bushes alike the ones in her mansion a pleasing blood color to match her dress.
When htey arrived he pulled his arm free and straightened himself up, looked around "sharah what are you doing here, your father could not of sent you to a under classed place such as this...ontop of that what's with the name rachel"He scratched his head then let out a sigh"then again I'm guessing im pretending to be something im not"
Atsoku watched as Rachel passed him he waved but she didn't return the courtesy. She dragged behind her someone whom he'd never seen before, the looks on their faces weren't that of pleasure but not of disgust. He decided to skip this meal and follow, he de-materialized into a shadow to hide in stealth. He found them in a garden, in mid conversation. He listened from the shadow dimension freezing a nearby rose, turning it black and wilting it slightly.
"father is dead and the name change is a result of that life is like that" she responded eyes close to the ground she sought peace here from her hunters even if it was 'under classed.' "....And it's not a terrible place seeing how the common folk and how they live I have always been curious but all I had was my books" she passed back and fourth in the garden.
Iak raised his head "yeah but it's not as good as the royal life, and these clothes are horrible but on the plus side I have had time to improve my magic ability to great lenghths...I'm probably the greatest warlock in the world in this present day"he sighs before raising his head his eyes narrowing"shall I take care of our guest or do you want the pleasure?"He raised a hand as it started to pulse with a dark or evil magical energy.
"I hate being royalty and I suppose this will give me some exercise" she lunged towards the bush cutting it in half feeling like it took a piece of her soul with it. This showed to be the student that was annoying her last night "YOU" she thought everyone would have known how much she hates stalkers but he must of not got the memo "HOW MUCH OF THAT DID YOU HEAR" an familiar anger flowed through her voice much like the time she assaulted him with a cup even though she was the victim.
Atsoku raised his hands to show he was no threat. "I came in about mid conversation, but I only heard as much as you wanted me to." He took a slight step back and let his demon form take over, he grew horns, his eyes glowed blue, his fangs protruded from his mouth, and his skin turned jet black. "Now I'd appreciate it if your buddy here stood down."
"now there is no need to fight and I would prefer staying here not returning home to think mother sought you as a suitor" she jeered as she stood between the two with her bangs over her face. "Now there doesn't have to be fighting we can talk peacefully there is no need to keep this a secret anymore" she held her breath and talked in chokes she couldn't just let both of them kill each other.
Iak flexed his hand as hte magical energy dispersed "if you say so but on step out of line, one peep about what he just heared "he raised his hand again and snapped his fingers causing the roses around him to spontaniously combust"by the sounds of things theres some history between you 2 "his smirk returning.

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