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Fantasy Mystic High School

Nevaeh giggled. She picked up his phone and put it in his jacket pocket. She changed into her leopard form and hopped into her room retrieving a blanket. She hopped back out and put the blanket upon Tristan.

"Sleep well." She said quietly as she changed into her human form. She held her pendant and put her other hand on his forehead.

Activation of Summoning power...



Summon power granted

Deactivation of Summoning power...

Nevaeh smiled and slowly went into the library. She walked in and grabbed a book on fairies and their powers. @SilverAngel303
"you will pay for this!" she screamed as she threw her teacup at the boy and hit the wall smashing into bits of glass. She just couldn't catch a break from people they just get in her way she is progressively thinking worse of this guy growing to hate him even more. "I HATE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW" she waited him to be in reach to wring his neck.
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Tristan woke up from his sleep, as Sherlock Holmes had stopped a yeti from stealing the golden pumpkin. He noticed that their was a blanket on him, and Nevaeh was gone. Still tired and sleepy, Tristan made his way to the dorms, however stopped when he saw Rachel. "Ms. Dracula..." He mumbled before falling asleep on the floor, still holding on to the blanket. @Aroura
"oh its the boy" she diverted her attention with an I'm watching you look then walked up to the boy sleeping "awww he looks so adorable sleeping" she then kicked him straight into the stomach "WAKE UP YOU USELESS TRASH" she didn't even care he called her Dracula but he had the nerve to walk into her room without her permeation. She stared at the other student once more with her hands on her hips ignoring the groaning pain "now give me back my book."
Tristan yelped, and quickly shot up, about to kill whoever made his stomach feel like a brick had smashed against it. He felt his body go cold when he saw Rachel, and looked around, realizing he was in her room. "...S-sorry, you seem busy, so I-" He flinched, as his stomach hurt a bit. He noticed another boy who had some sort of book. Tristan looked at Rachel, then at the book, then at Rachel, and again at the book. He sighed, as even though the vampire girl had kicked him, and didn't even think twice about how weak he was compared to her, she had answered all the questions Tristan asked. He snapped his fingers, causing the book to teleport from the boy to Rachel's feet, although Tristan felt slightly dizzy. @Aroura
"what a good boy" she helped the boy up "oh and that kick was a warning never come into my room got it" she smiled while delivering her message but the tone gave the complete opposite feeling while walking twords him "but I must thank you for this book is important this fool just didnt know better then to mess with me" she had an idea to show her thanks an shield charm and an single assistance from her one of the greatest gifts you could get "here" she gave him the shield necklace " this is for emergency only and vanishes after one use its a summon charm for me its the least I could do."
(I am not getting notifications anymore. ;.; Please tag me when I am included in a post. :3)
Jen was slowly walking over to the tall school of which she enrolled in some weeks ago, she tried to stay calm and collected though her anxiety got to her, causing her stomach to flip around making her feel sick, her head felt like it was being bashed over the head with a bat and she couldn't even walk anymore, oh how she wished she didn't feel this right now, the way she was walking made people stare directly at her, which did not help at all in this recent event, she wanted to fall over and give up but she needed to know how to control both her anxiety and violent mishaps, she spotted a bench located behind some dark green bushes which circled around a beautifully carved fountain. She quickly ran over to it and plopped herself there, she took her small medicine and took out a pair of ear buds which were neatly packed in a small shining plastic case, she took great care of her things and was a very organized person, Jen thought to herself of the new events that would unfold but before she could even start to think she fell asleep listening to "caravan palace-clash"
Atsoku dodged a flying cup and stuck his tounge out at the girl. Suddenly a boy walked in and was on the ground 'so is this a common thing or am I just lucky?' He thought to himself.

'Ms. Dracula eh? I guess vampires really are just angry little things.' Suddenly the book he was holding was in the girls hands.

"Well you're no fun," he said to the boy. He jumped down from the windowsill and took a step toward the two. "You're cute Vampire girl, evil and probably a billion years old, but cute." He leaned up against the wall eyeing her.


(Sorry I'm late, went to a movie :P )
"ahhh save it for the swooning fan girls cute is gag worthy" she held her finger to her throat to prove her point. she found his comment she almost said how dare you call a princess old but that blows her cover so what came out is "you don't have to comment on my age like that" and sneered at him. As she pulled down her dress uncomfortable with him staring at her like that "do you mind."
"Apologies miss," he gave a little sarcastic bow. He looked back at the shattered tea cup shaking his head. "What's so special about that book anyways? Oh and by the way, not that you care... Shadow demon Atsoku at your service." He smirked revealing his fangs.

"your right! I don't care" she set the thick book on her gothic style dresser gently but dust particles escaped from it looks like the library here doesn't clean its books she thought then answered the annoying student "This book is the almost complete history of the Alucard family, one of the first vampires to be revealed and walk amongst the humans in Romania." She spoke gently without any mistakes while continuing to talk "They are a royal family that held its own through thick and thin but stayed clear of humans in case they fell in love and interbred."
He stared blankly at the book a moment lost in thought but snapped back to reality when she mentioned humans. "Ah yes the Alucards, pretty famous beings." He looked her in the eyes, "So what was your name?" He went and sat down on a chair in her living area. "I hope you don't mind my staying but I've got nothing better to do." He removed his hood and let his horns spiral out of his head.

"Try not to get to comfortable the only reason your here is cause I don't know how to get rid of you" the boy was out cold but another kick to the stomach wouldn't fix anything so she picked him up and threw him out of her room "my name is Rachel, Rachel Alu.......Aluvaria" he inwardly sighed then scolded herself. "How about I ask you something why do you wish to bother me?" she poured herself a new cup of tea warm and calming.
He watched as Rachel poured her tea, he was almost convinced that she didn't want anything to do with him but then again she could have just told him to leave. "Well I considered leaving but then I'd be all alone in my room and that's no fun. I also enjoy causing trouble but I guess I'm done doing thay for now. Lastly I just thing your decor looks a bit too fancy to be a dorm." He glanced at the girl but then out at the open window. He got up and closed it making the room quite a bit darker.

"My 'decor' happens to be just my type" she tried to keep the topic from going any further from killing it at its spark "that is all" she then sat at the other chair further from the Demon and took a drink from her cup. She called for her cat Percy and a black cat formed from her umbrella in the corner and jumped on her lap he purred as she stroked him.
"Nice little trick," he said as he watched the cat jump onto his master. He sat back down in his chair and sat for a moment as silence filled the air. He began to wonder if this was a bad idea. He pulled out his phone and started to scroll through his music library, "I take it you wouldn't mind some metal?" He asked her.

"I prefer classical but if you would like to listen to garbage I am fine with that" he scoffed at her comment with glee and continued to stroke her cat as well as yawned. "You know you haven't told me about yourself since you rudely barged into my room" she grunted and stared at him her red eyes on him.
"Classical is fine, I just figured... nevermind." He pressed the play button and set his phone down. "As I said before my name is Atsoku, I'm a Shadow Demon. I like to sleep and listen to music, I was banished from the underworld and now am forced to tread the earth for eternity." He swayed his head back and forth in time with the music. "If there's anything specific you'd like to know just ask, we are friends now by the way whether you like it or not." He grinned at her for a second before closing his eyes and listening to the song as it played, tapping his fingers and swaying his head.

"No I've heard enough of your life story" she then thought of the other half of his statement and simply respond "fine but dot expect me to help you cause if you find yourself in trouble I'm throwing you under the bus." She said that with no remorse and then spoke distantly "I love your company buuuut I need you to leave now" she spoke as she tossed him out of her room "I bid you a good night" she slammed the door and got ready for bed. (im going to sleep now farewell)
Tristan took the charm, and quickly bowed his head. "T-thank you! I promise not to intru-" He tried to say, however Rachel threw him out of her room before he could finish. He rushed to his dorm room, and opened a bag full of jewelry-making supplies. Tristan debated with himself to make the charm into a necklace or a bracelet, however he eventually went with making it into a necklace, since it would be only used for emergencies and it would blend in with all the other necklaces he wore. Once he was finished, Tristan put it on, left his dorm room, and noticed Maru down the hall.

Atsoku left Rachel's room and headed down the hall to his own. Once he got in he threw off his jacket and changed for bed. "Now to make things a little more homey," he said as he stretched. He touched the wall and ice crystals began to form on everything, he kept clear of doors and other essential things however. Now that his room was to his liking he layed down and fell asleep.
Rachel woke up from her deep slumber then changed out of her pajamas took a shower then changed into her normal black dress and hair into pony tails. She also put her shoes on along with her socks then cleaned up her bed and freshened up. "I guess I'll have to face the students once more" she spoke to herself as she read through what was basically her family history. She exited her door and made her way to the student commons hopefully it would be quiet.
Maru blinked at the door before her. She gripped the knob and turned, pushing it as she tried to open it. It wouldn't budge.

"Strange." She stepped back, focusing on the knob that wouldn't open the door no matter how much she pushed at it. Her eyes started to glow a pale blue, like it does when she is using minimal amount of her powers, and then disappeared after a loud click was heard.

Then Maru tested the doorknob again, and it opened. Finally. She had been trying this for a while.
Tristan walked up to Maru and hugged her from behind. "Ello Maru." He said as he lightly swayed his body left and right, because he remembered a catchy song. Tristan wondered if this was Maru's dorm room, and if she had a roommate or not. @macaron

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