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Fantasy Mystic High School

Nevaeh growled lightly in her sleep.

Activation Process...

Summoning Training Drones

What is this place?

Nevaeh looked around then down at herself. She was in a different form, one that was unknown to her.

She moved around and growled loudly in her sleep.

The drones summoned and her body reacted naturally. She swung her sword and they fell backward. Many disappear, but others come racing at her and she screams.

Her pendant reacts and a blue light shine. Nevaeh is in her attack form and awake while breathing heavily again. "W-what happened?!" She said as she sat down resting her back on the tree.
He politely told them to leave him alone, however one of them made a fireball and threw it at him. The ball of fire simply vanished when it came into contact with him, and some of the others began trying to use magic on him, but he wasn't affected since the ring on his right hand covered him in what he called a AMF;Anti-Magic Field. After ten minutes, majority of the magic users were too tired to even speak. He took off his jacket and laid it on the ground, which allowed them to see the several bracelets, necklaces, and arm-bands that covered his body. "Sorry, but one of these charms protects me against magic, and unless you are a vampire or a type of shape-shifter, it wouldn't be smart to try to guess each one." He explained, however by the time he had finished, they had ran off. He put his jacket back on and went back into his dorm room, before taking a nap.
Rachel hurried down the hall the interactions with people cause her much strain but the way she talks would hide all of that "bat" she spoke the small bat appeared in front of her "you look pale miss Rachel" Rachel thought about what he just said then grew angry "I AM PALE YOU NINCAPOOP." She threw him into the floor with an grunt of frustration "I need some tea to calm my nerves" she spoke quietly attempting not to attract attention "yes mam" and he vanished.
Rachel had reached the end of the hall only to enter the food courtyard "well it seems pretty void of students to me" she sat down at an table and dusted off her dress she felt as if she was watched but the place was entirely empty not a sound hit. She then thought maybe there is some kind of class or club attracting all the attention. It felt strangely like her grim, old, and dusty mansion "this place feels dead but I don't think it is."
Tarik had finished with the principal and some of the teachers. He had talked for way seemed like decades. He was finally able to eat. He went into the courtyard and it was empty except for one girl. She looked like a grumpy kin of person and he sensed an evil spirit within her. He got the chills from her. He got his lunch of chicken and peanut butter and he sat down a few tables away from the girl, staring right at her. Or at least she would've thought that. He was really staring at a squirrel that was waving at him.

((Hello I'm new!))
(ok, thank you.... i have been very busy helping my mother with my 2 brothers -_- ) agnus heads off toward the area where the list of taken dorm rooms were posted, and looks over the lists.
Rachel didn't notice the strange creature and wondered if that was his human disuse in case he wants to go out into pubic because he would attract a lot of attention that way. She realized he was staring back and turned her head with an 'hmph' practically parading her cold heart. She refused to see his existence and who eats chicken and peanut butter together she found it repulsive.
(Does it suck that badly? @Steel Zinogre )

Nevaeh gets up from the tree, her pendant is still glowing and she remains in her attack form confused. Her head aches terribly and she walks to the dorms. She enters her room 312 and sits on the bed.
Tristan woke back up, feeling energized. He put his jacket on, however he left his dagger on his bed. He chose not to bring it with him, and put a note on it, that read 'DO NOT TOUCH' on it. After that, he closed the door to his dorm room, and began walking towards the main office, however Tristan saw a silver-haired girl looking at the dorm-room list. He sighed before speaking, "Do you....need any help? I have a map in case your lost." He said, offering help to the girl. @Steel Zinogre
He glanced at the list of taken dorm-rooms, and noticed that the room two doors down from his wasn't on the list. "Apparently there is one near mine. I'm not sure if you prefer having one with a roommate or not, but since it isn't on the list means nobody has picked it yet. If you want I could show you." He said with a blank expression. @Steel Zinogre
The silence grew awkward and she stood from her seat as she looked for the dorms she found the perfect room and it was all hers how did they know the school must have a seer or something just in case of snoops she took out a shade of red lipstick and wrote STAY OUT across it. She then floated her packages inside they were delicate so she must be careful for it was priceless pottery and art as well as decorative cloth for the bland bed. she set an an record of classical music on the player as she listened and tidied her room.

"I would appreciate it......" she said with a small squeak, what was this warm feeling she was having at this very moment? she thought about it, but shrugs it off.
Tarik noticed the girl had left and he kept staring at the squirrel. He finished off his chicken and peanut butter and he licked his lips and tusks. He went back to his driver who was telling the principal and teachers about his personality and he got his things and went to his room. He opened the door and set his tribal drum down and put his staff and metal fists down on a counter with a mirror. He stared at himself and said, "Tarik." He pointed a the mirror. He layed down on his bed and fell asleep.
Tristan walked to the room that hadn't been on the list and noticed the door was unlocked. 'That is odd.....usually they would lock it in case anyone who wasn't a student here could not just free-load one of the rooms...' He thought, but decided to put it in the back of his mind. "There it is. If you need help with something, there is a phone-book next to the room's phone to call the school staff." He said before walking away. Tristan walked to the main office, and got his printed schedule, that way he wouldn't forget what classes he would be going to tomorrow. Tristan grabbed a bag of chips from the food court as he went to the library again, as he was in the mood to do more research.

@Steel Zinogre
Tarik woke up on the ground, swimming. He stood up and fixed his hair. He went to his counter and pointed at his reflection and said, "Tarik" once more. He had never seen a mirror before. It was strange to him. He washed himself and brushed his teeth and tusks because they were pearly white. He grabbed his staff and left for the library to learn how to read well. When he got there he saw a few other people. He sat down at a table after getting a random book about cooking. He started to read out loud bit knowing anything about libraries being silent. After someone shushed him, he hissed at them and sopped talking. He started to read a page a minute. He just had some trouble reading.

((Lol hope you don't mind but I'm just gonna pop in here...))
Azrael went back to the library to return a book he had taken with him to read in his dorm and opened the library door and saw another person. In his opinion this new person seemed quite stupid. He ignored this and returned the book to it's proper place and took another book.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.d64c92242667e8bc194928fbe6fe45dc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34039" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.d64c92242667e8bc194928fbe6fe45dc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Tristan noticed that one of the other students had shushed someone who was obviously having a hard time reading, so he teleported the student's chair on top of their head, causing them to fall on the ground and the chair to fall on them. When the student was about to jump on the one they had shushed, Tristan teleported himself in a chair beside the person who had been reading out aloud to show he was the one who had did the act. The student backed off, and went back to whatever they were doing.

Tarik laughed at the other student because if what happened. He remembered to be quiet so he just snickered. When another student appeared out of no where, Tarik took out his staff and was about to way the student in the head but stopped before he did. "Hi. Tarik. You?" He said while cocking his head to the left letting his hair and ears droop slightly.
"Tristan." Tristan said as he looked at Tarik for a moment before continuing to read from the book he was reading. Tristan had chosen a simple human biology textbook, as he wanted to compare his theories about humans and magic to what human science had to say about the energy of the body. So far he had to only fix small things about what he thought about humans being able to use magic, but he found that humans could in fact use magic, however it was really, really limited.

Nevaeh got off the bed. Her head had finally recovered. She already knew how transformations worked so she just... Transformed. She was once again a human. She grabbed her room key and shut the door. If you think about it... This place is kind of lonely. She thought as she locked her door and walked down the corridor. She passed the library but smiled as she waved at everyone. Her eye shined blue and her pendant matched it as she passed.

Automatic Activation....



Fallen Angel

Ability of Reincarnation

Calm, cunning, cruel



In search of studying Supernaturals

Weird, kind and honest



Automatic deactivation process....


Nevaeh slammed her hand against the wall in reaction to the pain, she felt weak and rested her body on the wall of the corridor. The glowing stopped and she rubbed her head. It didn't hurt as much as before, but it was still painful. She gradually got herself moving and reached the door to leave.
Azrael sat quietly on the same table as the one who he suspected to be an idiot and though he was pretty much ignoring what was going on he sighed.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.7a4d5e73f5f354023968995948fd57f5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34046" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.7a4d5e73f5f354023968995948fd57f5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Tarik got too frustrated with what he was reading because he didnt understand the plot of the story. He put it down and said to Tristan, "This book bad. No characters or bad guys. What you reading?" He smiled at Tristan. He sensed his spirit and saw a good and kind spirit. Good spirits always made Tarik feel good.
( xD nice @Verdas )

Tristan looked up from his book and thought about how he should respond. "It helps explain how human bodies work." He answered Tarik. when he looked back at the textbook, Tristan realized he had read three more chapters of information he didn't care to know. "You want to read this? I'm done with it." He asked, as he got up from his chair. @Kiotaro
Nevaeh finally got past the door and she sat on the bench holding on to her pendant. It continued to flew in her hand. It flashed and continued to for a while. She was even more tired than before and her head ached more. She decided to try to fall asleep, but struggled and just sat there.

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