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Fantasy Mystic High School

"I will accept you no matter what you do or what you are!" Nevaeh said cheerfully as she giggled again. As Jayden asked what she was she smiled brightly. "I am a snow leopard! I can shapeshift into a human and another form. I am just getting used to my powers as well. I was told that my original body was taken by an evil source of power, and I lost my memory because of it. Oh well though." She said looking into his eyes. She smiled again. "I know this is weird, but your eyes are very interesting!" She said smiling. @JaydenMancino
He blushed a little "they weren't always this interesting, but since my transition.."his voice trailed off. Lost in thought for a moment he felt a twinge of frustration boil inside of him, his thoughts behind his transition still upset him. He shook it off trying to be in the present "you say you lost your memory? Shouldn't you see someone about that? Maybe I can help?" he asked his rapid fire questioning a way to distract his racing thoughts.
"Oh... No it's alright. I have a friend named Sy who gave me the memory of when we met. It hurt him, so I wish not to do it again. The only thing I believe that can help me is the fairies that made this pendant."

Nevaeh pulls out a blue pendant and smiles.

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"Apparently, it's my life source. If I take it off for too long my mortal body will die.... It was what the fairies

said."she said softly looking down at her feet frowning a little. @JaydenMancino



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Staring at the pendant for a moment he thought for a second, then slung his back pack over his shoulder opening it. "Speaking of life sources I can relate.. well sorta" he said smiling. Pulling out his black canteen he wiggled it the liquid inside sloshed around "this is mine" He stated as he uncapped it drinking slowly his eyes darkening a little as he drank. Wiping his mouth on his sleeve, he watched Nevaeh closely "any idea where the fairies are?" He asked curiously. @Miss Fallen Matrix
She looked at his eyes. "Amazing!" She exclaimed cheerfully. Though, when he asked about the fairies, she hesitated to answer.... "Actually yes, but i wouldn't know if they remembered me or not." She said worriedly. She looked back up and smiled just in case he got worried. It was fake and she didn't feel to happy about it. "I may know they are, but I am afraid of getting lost. Maybe it'd be better without my memories, even if I want to know what happens..." She said softly. @JaydenMancino
He slid his canteen back in his bag then tilted his head to the side his humanity scratched at him, he felt compassion for her. "Perhaps you should, actually look into it. It's better to the truth then always wonder." he said smiling reassuringly. He reached out placing his hand against her shoulder hoping he didnt make her uncomfortable. "And if you and your friend need a hand, I would be more than willing to help you on your journey.. maybe you can help me too" he offered. @Miss Fallen Matrix
Nevaeh looked up at Jayden and smiled. "Thanks... I'd much rather help you first though... It might make me comfortable having to help others with their problems first." She said kindly and softly. She smiled a little. "Would that be a problem? Or would it make you fell more comfortable finding out my problems first? I mean whatever you're most comfortable with his best with me." She said smiling a little more. @JaydenMancino
He smiled at her kindness it was completely uncommon compared to what he was used to. "My problem is similar to yours, figuring out what it means to be what I am. I mean truth be told I-I'm not very good at being a vampire" he looked down "Maybe I should learn to be me, before i can learn to help you."he admitted. @Miss Fallen Matrix
"It's perfectly fine! I'll gladly help you..." She said kindly. "And about you being a bad vampire... I don't think so. Aren't you what you are? ... What do you need to do Jayden? Whatever happens I will be by your side!" She said cheerfully while smiling.this will be fun! I even made a new friend. To be honest with myself, I was afraid to speak to the fairies. What'll happen if I remember the past. Will things change? She thought as she looked back down again. She let out a sigh and looke back at Jayden and smiled. @JaydenMancino
As Tristan watched and followed the blond girl, he took mental notes on some things about her. 1) He wasn't sure, but from what he knew about demons and vampires is that they tend to have red eyes, which this girls has, 2) she isn't going to just answer his questions and let him on his way, and 3) whatever she was, it seemed that she was strong enough in case someone didn't like her mouth. Tristan evaluated his options, and chose to play it calm and silent. He walked over and tapped his foot twice, before taking off the glowing cross-necklace along with laying it on the ground to show he wasn't interested in it, even thought that was a half-truth. @Aroura
Nevaeh smiled at Jayden. "I am going to go to the park...Please excuse me." She said softly as she went back into her room. She went to her closet and changed her cloths. She had on a dark blue hoodie and some jeans. It may be hard to change into a leopard with these... Oh well!! She thought as she put her hair back down then into a ponytail, again. She opened her window and jumped out leaving her door unlocked and the key on her desk. "Wow! I didn't know I could do that without getting hurt!" She said excitedly as she jogged to the park.
The fourteen year old looking girl turned around as her eyebrows twitched "I can tell your there come out before I decide your skull looks better crushed" she usually wasn't this short tempered but there is always that off day. Her eyes glowed a deeper red in preparation of destruction to find her stalker she couldn't help it if she was rich and beautiful.
He showed himself, a bit worried that if the girl was a vampire, then he couldn't defend himself very well due to him not having much information about the monster side of the supernatural. He stayed silent as he approached the blond girl slowly, not wanting to take any chances.

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Azrael felt a powerful presence nearby. Most likely within school grounds and walked towards it's direction, taking his time.
Tarik was excited that he was finally going to go to school because he never had an education other than in his travels which was surprisingly a lot. While he was pulling up in his driver's car, he was noting every single thing about the school. He started to look at all of the animals, hissing at the willow trees and smiling and the oak trees. His eyes were wide and up against the glass of the window along with his hands. He was literally touching the glass with his face and hands. The car finally stopped and Tarik hit the seat in front of him. While rubbing his spiky red hair, he got out of the car and stopped in his tracks to stare at a squirrel that he thought was taunting him. He sprinted after it, yelling a battle cry at it, and took out his staff that was attached on a holster on his back and started to wack at it, missing every time. He finally got tired and went back to the car cursing at the squirrel under his breath. He got all of his things and walked around the school with his hand on his chin. He followed his driver into the school and because Tarik was seven feet tall his hair brushed the top of the door. He looked at everyone. Thinking of who he would like and not like. He noticed that there were no other trolls there. He would have to meet the principal and he was not excited about that. He just wanted to create some fire and stare at it for a good hour. He prayed to the spirits that he would have a good school year. He felt a shiver go up his spine.
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Neaveh sits at the park on the swing. She plays with her pendant and it opens. It floods the park with a blue mist then it changes into a dark mist surrounding her. She was afraid and closed. The mist disappeared and she walked back to the school confused. She rubbed her head, it was aching. She sat down on the bench not noticing Tarik in front of the school. She looked up, then smiled at him. Then looked back down rubbing her head.
Tarik noticed a little girl sitting on a bench. He smiled back at her making the skin around his tusks unwrinkle. He went over to her after he saw we rubbing her head. He said in his terrifying voice, "You ok girl?" He pet her head a few times forgetting that trolls were naturally a lot stronger than humans.
She smiled. "Thank you for worrying about me, but I am fine. I don't meant to be rude, but may I ask what you are?" She said kindly acknowledging his strength.
Her heels crunched on the gravel as she walked up to him and put her hand under his chin with c calm voice "what do you think your doing following me I don't treat stalkers kindly." Her eyes flared into his as if she was trying to look into his soul "I urge you not to do it ever again" her smile peaked showing her fang "or you may regret it."
Tarik stopped petting the girl. He cocked his head to the left letting his hair and ears droop slightly. "What I am? I am purple with red hair and pointy ear and cloth clothing and staff and fisty weapon and three finger and shaman and..." He had to think of other things about himself when he realized that she asked what he was. "Ohh. I am troll. Red and blue troll." He suddenly remembered his troll family and got sad. But then got angry because he was sad. His skin started to turn a little bit red. He stopped thinking and stared at a squirrel. He hissed at it and started to shake.
Tristan felt his heart rate jump when he saw the girl's fangs. "Only observing. You seemed to not like being questioned, and I decided to try to not commit suicide by getting on the wrong foot with a strong vampire." He answered, trying to keep himself calm. Tristan wasn't used to people touching his face, and he was also scared that the girl might decide to make him a snack.

She smiled kindly and spoke softly. "You are very interesting. I have never met a troll before..." She sees him shaking and stands up. Calm him down... Calm... Focus... Calm him down... her thought just came into her mind. She shook her head and stared at Tarik. "Are you okay?" She says as she block his vision from the squirrel.
Tarik suddenly stopped shaking and said in a very formal an intelligent voice, "Yes of course. What makes you say that?" He continued to pet her hair and said, "Wait, what is kitty's name? I've never met a kitty person." He looked over her shoulder and saw the squirrel run away. He said to himself, "Ya that's right. Run away you little punk."
"good boy" she retracted her nails "I clear coat them with a special poison" she giggled and the mouthed words probably talking to bat; Two cups of tea appeared out of thin air "if you plan on questioning me at least allow me to drink my tea." She returned to the bench she was sitting on and relaxed "come on boy I hate having my time wasted" she had completely ignored the vampire comment she found the nickname rude.
Nevaeh giggled. "I was just wondering." She smiled at the the words 'Kitty Person'. " I am Nevaeh Kinano. I am a snow leopard..." She said cheerfully with a smile. She giggled again when the squirrel ran away. "Do you not like squirrels?" She asked tilting her head. Her wild hair in a ponytail stroked her face and stayed at the side of her head.

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