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Fantasy Mystic High School

Tarik turned his attention away from the little beast from hell. "They are cute. I want to burn. Nice to meet kitty person. You smell like a kitty. Like big kitty." He smiled and turned his attention to a willow tree. He stared to shake again. He suddenly got angry and his skin turned to a red purple. He grabbed his staff and held onto it on his back. He was ready to whip it out and start hacking at the tree.
She smiled again. "They are cute." She looked at him shake once again. As he held out his staff she blocked his vision once again. "Please don't hurt it... It's what I think is home. If you destroy it, it's one less place for home." She said sadly, trying to convince him not to do it. She stopped smiling, but wasn't frowning either.
Tarik stopped what he wa doing and said, "Shhh." He put one of his three fingers on his lips but since his hand were huge, he was touching her nose. "I no hurt stupid tree I will hurt the spirits in the tree. I just hiss at it because it all droopy." He cocked his head to the left again. "Home?"
She nodded her head in response to his statement of spirits. She looked down then back up and spoke quietly. "When I was little my home was the forest... I was taken care of by fairies, but I left them to live on life... The only thing I have to Remember them by is my pendant, my inner leopard and the trees." She held his hand and put it down. "I'll be quiet..." She whispered as she smiled.
Tristan nodded as he sat down, and thought about his actions very hard. 'What's her age.....no, that would be rude.....I already know what she is now, however she doesn't like stalkers.......don't be too quiet, she doesn't like stalling....' He thought to himself quickly as Tristan ran through the questions he could ask, when he realized he hadn't even told the girl his name. "I apologize for following you, my name is Tristan Wells. I would like to know if..." Tristan paused as he was very nervous about asking it as he only wanted to hear the answer and not see or feel it, "If vampires depend on human blood to survive, or they simply need blood of something alive to live period...." He asked.

Tarik hissed when she touched his hand. He started to pet her head again. "You always home. The spirits from your home follow you. I call them home-y spirits. They nice." He also added, "No be quiet why you think that? Because I shushy you? No no. She mean you talking make no sense. I no destroy tree maybe squirrelt but no tree. Like I say. Tree have spirits. I shaman. Like spirits. Use spirits for magic. Connect with spirits. Help spirits the help Tarik. Fun fun." He stopped petting her rad and sniffed her hair. He made a funy far and said, "Kitty smell. Tarik no like kitty smell. Sometimes. It suit you." He smiled showing more of his tusks an teeth.
"I prefer boy" she sighed such a basic question but she would gladly respond. "Its not the blood that allows us to live its the iron and plasma blood only serves as a last resort" she glanced at him to make shure he was listening for she wouldn't repeat herself . "Got it next question" her impatience showing through for anything was better then sitting around answering questions but she could tolerate the impudent boy for a bit longer.
He was confused as well as relieved, however he could tell the girl was losing her patience with him. "Do you think humans are ignorant or just plain stupid for trying to fight creatures of the supernatural?" He asked, curious more about the girl more than the fact that she was a vampire. Tristan looked into the girl's eyes, as he thought having eye contact during a conversation was at least polite.

(@Kiotaro Sorry had to do something.)

Nevaeh smiled brightly. "Okay, Thank you for telling me." She said kindly. "In what way does the tree spirits help you and my kitty smell suits me? I'd like to know, it's very interesting!" She sits back down and sighs with relief, looking back at him.
Azrael continued walking until the presence was closer than before and looked around. There was only a girl and the boy from before. "Hmm..."
"This is a simple question humans have always been ignorant and stupid for many different reasons they cause chaos and destruction I was no exception but a select few were stupid in that matter" she continued to drink her tea she had realized it was cold then dumped it into the grass and smashed the cup into the ground which then vanished into thin air. "Please continue if you would" she stared into his eyes waiting for the next question to become present.
Tarik lost his smile and felt slightly annoyed. "It's complicated. Shamans know. Kittys not so much. Smell suit you because you are kitty. Kitty smell like kitty." He felt calm and said, "Maybe I can teach shaman thingy to you." He smiled at her.
"I apologize for not knowing the simplest of things, but I'm very confused right now... Anyway, it'd be interesting to know about the shaman you speak of." She said as she messes with her hair.
He giggled a bit. "Sorry I assumed you would have said they were outright stupid for trying to attack something that is smarter, stronger, faster and even better than them." Tristan thought for a moment before speaking again, "I guess this might be weird to ask, but be as honest as possible....do you hate humans, or just majority of them?" He asked before he picked up a couple sticks off the ground and put them in his jacket pocket. Afterwards, he went back to looking at the girl, as he wondered what she would say.

Tarik got confused now. "Shamanism is no simple concept. It is confusing. Only some trolls get. Like Tarik. I get shamanism. Shaman fun." He smiled an said, "Spirit make everything in world work." He put his hands out in front of him and a mini ball of fire appeared in his hands. "Spirit of fire make fire." He then opened a flask on his waist and took out the water and started to play with it lettin it run around her. "Spirit of water make water." He out the water back and then held out his hand once more and a mini tornado appeared, dancing on his fingertips. "Spirit of air and wind make air as wind." He made it disappear. He pointed outside and an oak tree tarted to grow from ground. "Spirit of nature make nature." He left the tree there. "Spirits make everything work. See? I show you just some of spirits. There is also other spirits that can be good or evil. Shamans control spirits and work with spirits. We take care of spirits and cleanse evil spirits. Not simple." He smiled.
"well that is true humans can become quite stupid" she then realized the essence of the next question "hate is a strong word but not all of them my mother happened to be human so I lived in both words" but she then looked towards the other end of the courtyard an male stood watching them then returned to the strange boy "if you mean I hate you then no not yet but get on my bad side and you will be wishing you were dead." while speaking of that warning her hair blew in different directions defying gravity and her eyes looked into his as if she was going to pull his soul out.
He smiled a bit, understanding what the girl was getting across to him. He looked down for a moment before replying. "The only humans I really get along with are my mom, dad, and my older sister." He said casually. Tristan was someone who liked to find things out, but most people he had met in his life had wanted to hide things, which struck a nerve with him. "I remember this one guy knocked one of my teeth out because I wouldn't say ghosts were not real." He said, before laughing.

Nevaeh smiled then frowned. Her head ached, it ached so much she rubbed her head. Her right eye shined a blue light and her pendant matched the color of her eye. They both glowed then flashed in unison.


Shamanism equivalent to elemental spirits

Elements equal spirits

Shamans may be evil or good

Processing image of Shamans....

Processing information....

Deactivate Process period

Nevaeh's eyes opened widely and her breath was heavy. "O-ow...." She said softly as she continued rubbing her head. Her pendant and her eyes stopped glowing before she could notice what had happened. "U-umm I think I get it... Whatever it was... That you were talking about..." She said," I apologize for my behavior. I am very unsure of what had happened." She rubbed her head and stood up, wobbling as she walked to the tree behind the bench. She rested her back on it and she stopped breathing so heavily.

(@Kiotaro Sorry I had to do something again.)
"your stubbornness will kill you, you know" she grunted as the sun started to shown through the clouds she glared into the light the opened the umbrella which when unlocked his the boy in the face. "I wont say I'm sorry for I'm not but watch out next time" the umbrella had a simplistic cat face on it and the rest was black. "You have ceased to ask me questions I take it your finished" she stared into him with a blank stare waiting for him to speak.
Tarik cocked his head to the left again. He followed her. "Want help? I help." He put his three fingered hand on her head and prayed to the spirit of light. His hand started to glow white and he could feel the relief going through him into Nevaeh. He closed his eyes and when he reopened them, his eyes were white. His eyes flickered back to their silverish red and he took his hand off of her head. "You ok now." He smiled.
He thought for a moment. "If I die, then I die...anyway, I do have one more question. What should I call you?" He asked, ignoring that his face hurt from the umbrella, and stood up. He realized that he wasn't curious about vampires anymore at the moment, and that the girl seemed busy, so he got his phone out to write down what the girl answered, in case he forgot.

Nevaeh looked up at Tarik and giggled. "Thanks Tarik..." She took her hair out of the ponytail and stopped rubbing her head. She relaxed and sat down on the hard ground. She changed into her leopard form and crawled into a ball. She purred and her tail rested on the ground. "Hey Tarik.... I think I should get some sleep. I'm getting tired, but I am very glad you helped me!" She said as she closed her eyes. "Come wake me anytime, but if I react funny, please back away." She said quietly as her tail coiled around a tree root.
bluntly she answered "Rachel but if you call me princess ill rip you to shreds in a spit second" she clenched her hands around her umbrella and realized he wasn't really listening to busy typing on his phone to listen to her "well from your actions I'm guessing your finished well that means I'm off. She walked towards the garden exit hitting against the other stalkers shoulder and slamming the door "GOOD RIDENS."
Tarik folded his arms and said, "Fine!" He walked away and waved and smiled. Then turned back around and started towards his driver again. He was not happy to meet the principle. He didn't know what would happen so he waited.
Tristan typed Rachel's name on the list on his phone, and sighed when she slammed the door. He didn't really understand why someone would call her 'princess', but he guessed that she just didn't like sarcasm. After picking his cross-necklace back up along with putting it back on, he vaguely remembered that Rachel had caused it to glow, so he took a mental note of that in case he ever needed to find her again. He went back into the school via a different route so Rachel wouldn't think he was following her again, and found himself crowded by the students who had been messing with him all day.

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