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Fantasy Mystic High School

"Guess not." Nevaeh said as she shrugged and walked away from Jayden. Guess he didn't need my help after all. He might just be looking for someone else... She thought as she sighed and went into her dorm room.

"Room 312... Room 312... Where is it? .... Oh! Here it is!" She said as she was finally done walking around looking for her room.

She walked in and smiled. She had never been in her dorm room before, she was very happy and plopped in her bed. "I can't believe I lost my memories... But the only resource I can rely on is What Sy has told me..." She said to herself lying there on her bed.
Tristan noticed some of the students teasing him about hugging Maru, but he decided it wasn't worth it yet to acknowledge them. He picked out a large book, and realized that it was a guide about human culture. He giggled a bit after putting it back. After roaming for a bit, he decided to check the main office if his mom had dropped off his stuff. Tristan checked his map, and upon reaching it, he saw his mom eagerly talking to a student, which seemed to have a brown tail. He got his things, however she insisted on helping him, so they both walked to his dorm room.
Now awake, Caphron made a fort out of large books deep within the library's bookshelves, and used magic to make the interior look like a castle, then retreated inside.
After they got to his dorm, they unpacked his things and she made Tristan promise to make a list of people he would consider going on a date with along with giving it to her in a week's time before leaving, which he did so she wouldn't try to make one for him. After he made sure she had left the school, he left the dorm room and to the food court, as he felt hungry now.

(If nobody is doing anything interesting that you think you could involve your character in, then just make your character do something interesting that could involve other characters. Just trying to help ^~^'')
//Oh sorry I was making a form for a new character in a different rp ^^'

Aqua walked in the cafeteria and sat down at a table, noticing Tristan sitting another table two tables away from her.
Tristan noticed Aqua was sitting at a nearby table, and since he was feeling a bit lonely, he decided to change seats. He grabbed the bag of chips along with the bag of cookies he had been eating, and sat down next to Aqua. He silently laid the bag of cookies in front of Aqua, and ate from the bag of chips.
Aqua perked her ears and looked at Tristan with a clueless look on her face. Stared at the cookie chip her tail swished a bit.

//I might have to go soon
Staring off into space he had completely zoned out unaware of his surroundings he found himself caught up int happenings of the school. Suddenly the present came flooding back in, a girl... he thought she spoke to me. He adjusted his backpack following he decided he would find her, feeling he must have come off as quiet rude. Making his way towards the dorms. @Miss Fallen Matrix
(got it, hope you have a nice day/night/midnight!)

Tristan sighed, as he hated talking first in conversations. He usually only talked to people if he wanted to know something, and starting a conversation with a question was a bit rude to him. "You can have it, besides if I wanted to hurt you, I wouldn't need to need poison to handle anything demonic." He said, as he pulled his left sleeve up to show a dagger he hid that had been blessed by the Pope himself.
Aqua stared at the blade and slowly nodded smiling at him,"Thank you."

She took out a cookie and started eating it with joy. Having the cookie in her mouth she handed the cookie to Tristan offering it to him.
He put his sleeve back in case anyone else would see the dagger, and then stared at the cookie for a moment. He grabbed the cookie with his mouth, and ate it. "No problem. Also thanks for not freaking out about the blade, I wasn't sure if demons, er....or demon foxes could tell if something had been blessed, so I was worried you might either laugh or be scared of me..." He said happily. Tristan felt like Aqua had been nice to him, so he shouldn't keep secrets about himself.
Rachel walked down the barren road hidden from where she was, an school of mystery. She opened the door hoping it was abandoned, for she only planned to stay for one night then continue traveling to wherever the wind would take her "BAT' she screamed waiting for her trusty serving man to appear "yes m'lady" he replied kindly. "Where is my tea I have been waiting" she tugged on his face then threw him back into the air "be quick" she then took a couple steps down the hall her heels echoing in the hall. The school was not empty after all to her disappointment the boy was staring at her and saw all of her royal business so she did what was logical, wiped the memory of that moment "now there is no suspicion."
(got it ^^)

Tristan felt a slight tingle on his neck, and one of his necklaces was glowing a bit. He wasn't sure why it was doing it, but Tristan assumed it was because of a heavy dark presence. He narrowed it down to three possibilities. A) A powerful demon was near, because if it was just because of any normal demon, it would have done that when he first met Aqua. B) either a very strong vampire, or if he hadn't been near one today, then one had gotten near where he was at. C) It was a witch who was using alot of Black Magic.

He decided to play Hot-Cold with it by going around the school, and found a girl with blonde hair, however he noticed she had done something to another student, so he hid himself along with listening in case she said anything important.

@JaydenMancino (Sorry)

Nevaeh woke up from her nap and sat up. She stretched and rubbed her eyes. She got up off the bed and looked out her window. It was Jayden. She already knew him because of her recent power. She closed her window and slowly went to her desk. Maybe he's just here to find his dorms... She thought sitting down.
Making his way into the building maneuvering through the students trying to find this mystery girls room. All he had to go on was the scent she left floating behind, still getting used to his super senses he amazed even himself. Making his way to the 3rd floor he was close he could tell just not quite sure how close. Spotting a door 312 it read the scent strong, he paused for a moment feeling kind of like a creeper but shrugged knocking lightly. @Miss Fallen Matrix (no worries.. sorry about earlier.)
(@JaydenMancino It's okay! :)

Nevaeh closed her book and rubbed her eyes as she opened the door. "Oh! Hello! Did you need anything?" She said kindly with a smile. Her wild hair was tamed into a ponytail and it was to the side of her face as she tilted her head asking the question.
He smiled softly at the girl his fangs just barely hanging over his lower lip. He hadn't really thought it through why he went in search of her but he was glad he did once he spotted her. " Yeah... I wanted to apologize. I totally spaced out earlier, I'm Jayden" he said extending his hand to her.
"now that the annoyance is out of the way....oh not you well just carry my umbrella" she pushed the umbrella into the students arms and started walking "be careful with that he is precious to me" the umbrella soon turned into a cat and hissed at the student. "Don't worry about him he only devours the souls of the evil" he laughed to herself of the boy's terror "just kidding" but with her eyes it didn't look like it. He wasn't so amused and she scoffed at him "I don't need you leave" her eyes glowed and he walked away all she did was take a sip of her tea."
"Oh..." She said hesitating with her answer. She already knew his name, but didn't want to come off as creepy."Nice to meet you, Jayden! I am Nevaeh Kinano! And about earlier, it's fine. No worries alright?" She said smiling brightly and shook his hand. She looked at his fangs. "Vampire, right? Or...?" She paused waiting for a reply. @JaydenMancino
From what Tristan could tell by the girl's voice, she was blunt and a bit bossy, However the cross on his neck was starting to actually glow alot since he had gotten near the girl, so he wasn't mistaken about who it was. He peaked from his hiding spot and looked at the girl once more, running possible situations in his head as to figure out how to find out what she was.
He nodded before it registered he was doing it again his fangs were to stay hidden at least until he could learn more. His hand shot up to his mouth "Im sorry... yeah." he said his words muffled. Once he was sure they weren't exposed he slowly moved his hand "It's uh.. its nice to meet you Nevaeh" he said slightly embarrassed. @Miss Fallen Matrix
Nevaeh giggled. "Is something wrong with your teeth? If you need any help I could try to help you..." She said worriedly. She stepped out of her room and smiled. She closed the door behind her and rested her back on the door frame. @JaydenMancino
She emptied her cup then threw it into the air and it soon vanished before it hit the ground "oh bat always knows the right blend for my mood" she went outside to the back corridor to look at the pretty roses "instead of staying in this dusty disgusting I could go back" she mumbled to herself. The world was certainly interesting but she grew tired of travel with all the questions about where her parents were and where she came from and had to respond "I'M NOT FOURTEEN LEAVE ME ALONE" then escape only to have to return to wipe their memories. "But this is an adventure in itself" she would summon bat but not in public. @SilverAngel303
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Jayden smiled shyly "I...well i'm still getting used to my fangs I guess." He looks around the halls seeing if anyone was near by "most people don't exactly take the whole vampire thing well where I'm from" He admitted folding his arms. Adjusting his backpack once more he met her eyes once more "What are you?" he asked unsure if that was rude. Feeling completely out of place at the moment but his curiosity kept him firmly planted right where he was. @Miss Fallen Matrix

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