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Fantasy Mystic High School

she saw the roses enflame and glared at him "there was no need to do that then she thought of his other comment she grew pink but only became angrier "the only person your amusing is yourself Iak" she turned and crossed her arms in revolt. She then glanced over at Atsoku to make sure he back down as well and not cause trouble hopefully he would listen to reason.
Atsoku admired the work that Iak had just done. "Don't speak for everyone Ms. 'Rachel' " he put up air quotes when saying her name. He picked up a charred rose, "and I'm not one to talk about something that isn't my business." He looked at Iak and dropped the flower.
"good,and I know im amusing myself,it's what I do...so I'll leave you 2 love birds alone shall I"He turned around to walk away his smirk on growing
After Iak walked away Atsoku turned to Rachel, "So can I at least get your real name?" He asked her as his skin became it's normal pale color. He walked up to her and patted her head. "Actually we can talk over some food, I'm pretty damn hungry, " he motioned for her to follow him to the food court.
"Iak your not funny" she screamed at him but alas he vanished she thought how she would distroy him later then, turned to face the ice demon "I would prefer not saying right now but food sounds great." She spoke as she walked away from him, her voice trailing out as she speed walked past him an nervous look was plastered across her face about the truth. She knew she would have to say something but the words are swallowed back down into her throat.
The pair arrived at the food court and Atsoku eyed the students around them and turned to Rachel, "we can eat back at my room if you don't wanna stay in here with all these common folk," he gave her a playful smile and grabbed a bit of food. "And uh since I kinda messed up your day, it'll be my treat." He said as he held up his wallet.
For the teasing she was going to intentionally find the most expensive idem take two bites of it then throw it away. "Well I would prefer eating outside the stress that was just now buy me food I'm going to my room." from the sound of her voice she sounded sick and she walked to the student dorms and slammed her door, she put her face into the pillow and screamed.
Atsoku watched as she stomped away, he gathered the food that they'd picked out and walked to her room. He knocked on the door and after waiting a second walked in. "I hope you don't mind if I cook in here," he walked into the kitchen and set down the food. He started cooking with what he'd gotten from the food court. "And uh I honestly don't care who you are or where you're from, if you're good company and someone to talk to, I'll be around." He continued used his cooking endeavor.
Sarah just kept her face in her pillow "ysgyfuiwehfyuerhfweuhesuhy" she was emotionally exhausted and it was only halfway through the day how do people survive like this sometimes she wished she actually had an expiration date but she cant die by suffocation so the pillow thing was fine. She turned her head to the side to him cooking their lunch and she rolled out of bed and set up the table to be prepared for the food to be ready "what my friend was saying don't take it to heart" she said softly as she sat at the table
"Don't worry about me, I'm used to being stepped on by the higher ups," he turned to her and gave her a friendly smile. He finished the food and brought it to the table, "but as I was saying all I want is your name, I dont need your life story unless you want to share." He looked down at his food and began slurping up his ramen.
She twirled her soup with her spoon before she spoke "you know when I give you my name not only you but I will be in danger" she spoke diligently for she did not mean running away from Romania would mean putting people in danger. She took a slurp of her soup before setting down her fork and speaking once more "do you really want that."
He looked up at her and swallowed his last bite, "Well if it is really that much of a trouble then I'll let it alone, but don't think it's to save my own ass. I just dont want you to have to deal with anyone other than my annoying self for now." He laughed a little and looked across the room pausing, looking for the right words to say.
"good but if suitors knock down your door I"m not in this school" she remarked with glee she kind felt bad she is continually lying to him but its to keep herself safe only knowing what could come of the future. She continued to eat as they talked of different arrangement of subjects she hadn't been relaxed in this long she was used to keeping high standers that she was required to defend herself. "Do you wonder why I left Romania why I grew tired of having such a rich life?" she asked the ice demon with a quiet monotone voice.
He looked at her for a second in thought. "I never really wondered why, but I guess even if you live a life of luxury things get boring. It's not easy to be entertained by the same things day in and out." He set his now finished dishes to the side and now sat leaning back with his hands behind his head.
"My father grew depressed when my mother grew ill and killed himself with a stake as the only voice the Romanian vampires they expected me to find a suitor left and right I was pushed until I cracked and left I changed my name and left the country" she was deeply saddened by this but she didn't cry for she felt no sadness. "one of those suitors was a dear fried of mine mother greatly approved of him father not so much but I treated him as a friend the vampire you met earlier was a him" she finished speaking not wanting to release any more words from her mouth she grew silent. She wondered what she would do once the suitors found her how much of her life will be controlled by a man she didn't like "thank you dearly for the food" without remembering to kick him out she walked into the bathroom and changed and face planted into her bed she automatically fell asleep with her cat snuggled up to her. (off to bed I go)
Although he found it a bit odd he accepted the fact that she just gave a monolog and fell asleep. He turned out the lights and made sure the dishes had made it to their proper places. Even though she couldn't hear him he still told her good night and walked out. He made his way down the hall a few doors to his room, luckily this time things had stayed frozen. He slid across icy floors and into his bed. He threw off his jacket and shirt and dozed off to sleep with the sound of his music playing throughout the sound system he had set up. ( nighty night @Aroura)
Tristan was about to nod his head to tell Maru he was fine, however his dizziness and slight pain in his stomach hadn't gone away. "Well for the most part, I feel a bit dizzy and my stomach hurts a bit. It wasn't because of those guys though, at least my stomach isn't...I'm not sure about why I feel dizzy though..." Tristan answered, now wondering if Rachel might have broke on of his ribs. @macaron
Maru's frown deepened. "Come on, let's get you to the nurse." She reached behind her to close the door to her dorm. "We can't have you injured like that." She wanted to make sure he wasn't severely injured, but she wasn't in that profession, so she held back and decided to get him to the infirmary first "Do you need any support?" she asked, though because of her size and lack of strength, she knew she wouldn't be able to do much.

Aella sat in the nurses office, her back to the wall as she faced the window. Her body hurt almost everywhere and was sore. She looked out the window to the school's fence that ran around its huge piece of land. She carefully watched the edge of the forest. For a split moment, she saw something move in the brush, but she ignored it... for now. Her entire chest and back were bandaged up, she felt like a mummy with all the pieces of cloth. She waited for the nurse to get back with more bandages because the one's she wore were soaking with blood. She could feel the warm liquid run down her back and sides. She took a slightly big breath and winced. She scrunched up her face a bit and it stretched out the band-aids on her face. Her arms were wrapped up covering the parallel cuts running up and down. When the nurse had her walk an hour ago, she could barely put pressure on her right leg, which had a huge black, purple, and blue bruise on it. She was beat up, and she was beat up good.

When the nurse came back in with the bandages, she had Aella hold her arm out for her to re-wrap. Aella only prayed no one would come in and see her. She had been missing for a few days, and she was hoping everyone would think she was just missing more days until she healed.

Azrael walked out of his room as he ha ran out of sleeping pills. He had not been expecting the school to be this boring. It was so peaceful. To peaceful for him to bare. He grinded his teeth in annoyance as he walked to thr nurse's office to grab some sleeping pills for tonight as he is not able to sleep anymore without them since his most recent and first death. Hopefully the nurse didn't forget to put them up for him in a place where he could find them as he had requested.
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Atsoku slumped out of bed, and executed his normal morning routine. He left his dorm room and headed to the schools gym, he needed to workout since he hadn't since coming to the school.

The room had only a few students here and there. Most of them were jocks working on their arms, and the other half were girls going gaga over them. They all were human however, it was obvious. Atsoku didn't look like much, he was skinny and pale but he was powerful. He started with benching a couple hundred pounds, he wanted to make those guys feel puny compared to him.
Aella listened carefully as she heard footsteps near the nurse's door. 'No, oh god no. Please don't come in here...' she begged mentally. And to her dismay, the door opened. 'Great.' She pulled away her arm from the nurse, hiding her arm wounds at least. She wasn't wearing a shirt because her entire chest was covered in bandages. She sighed as the nurse turned to Azrael. "Hello Azrael, how can I help you?" the nurse asked kindly walking over to him. Aella didn't turn to see the newcomer, she just looked out with window.

@SilverAngel303 @macaron
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Azrael nodded "Do you have any sleeping pills? I just ran out and I can't sleep without them." He then glanced at the bandaged girl who was looking out of the window that looked like a mummy "What happened to that person?" He asked the nurse
Although Tristan didn't really think he needed to see the nurse, he decided to go with Maru anyway. "No, I can walk fine." He answered, as Tristan gestured Maru to lead the way. Despite him still having the map she had given him, Tristan didn't feel like getting it out. @macaron
Rachel awoke and left the warmth of her blankets as she slid across the floor and got ready for the morning. She snacked on a granola bar as she went down to the libary one of the places you would find her the most. She yawned as she read an arrangement of novels and informational books as she brushed her fingers through one of her pig tails.

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