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Fantasy Mystic High School

Accalia thought to herself, I should hurry up and take her to the infirmiry . Accalia ran to the infirmiry with Nevaeh in her arms. Accalia prays inside that she survives.
Maru was currently laying beneath a tree, a book on her lap as she lazily traveled her eyes over the page. She was a bit sleepy, but she wanted to finish the book she was reading--she only had a couple of chapters left, and it would be nice to return it early, too.

She rubbed an eye, trying to hold back a small yawn, but her eyes watered anyway. She stood up, finding the spot under the tree too relaxing to have her concentrate effectively. Maru was dozing off as she walked, causing her to bump into the school wall.

"Ng." She took a step back, staring at the wall. "Oh." She turned in a different, completely random direction and kept walking, trying to spy out a nice place where she could finish her book without falling asleep.
@macaron ) Aella walked through the halls reading a book at the same time. She then hit something and fell straight back onto her butt. "Wah!" Aella's Latin textbook goes flying and her bag falls off her shoulder. Aella looked around and saw Maru.
When Caphron stepped out of the portal, he is in the very same field that he had shown Nevaeh and Sy with his dream magic, except now, it wasn't a dream. He turned his head and listened. Off to his right, he heard a low squawking in the grass. He slowly crept along the ground until he reached the source of the noise: a newly hatched drake. Remembering what was in the book he had read, he slowly reached into his pocket and pulled out a hard boiled egg. The drake stared at the egg for about a minute, then gobbled it up. Quickly, Caphron recited the taming spell three times over: domesticus draconus, domesticus draconus, domesticus draconus!

The drake looked up from the egg, and squawked excitedly at the sight of Caphron. (Yes it worked!) He thought to himself before going back through the portal.
The pendant glows bright and flashes wildly. Her heart beat grows stronger, so strong that Accalia can feel it. Nevaeh enchants words in her sleep. "Curse of the Kinano Family is once again here. Mao ne Kinano Katura kasne nata watanobo." Nevaeh's eyes open and her eyes change color. It becomes the eyes of a cat. A golden orange shows brightly. "Hello Accalia.... What happened?"
Maru looked up when something, or rather, someone, bumped into her.

It was the kind magic-map-maker from before. Maru flinched as the textbook hit the floor, as she didn't realize that the girl had let go of the book. "Oh, I'm so sorry," Maru apologized, putting aside her own book to gather the girl's textbook. "Here." Maru held out the book, hoping that she wouldn't be too mad.

@Arabella Rosewood
In his dorm, he noticed that the doorknob was missing, and decided to look for Aella to see if she could help. Before walking out of the room, he noticed that there were books on the floor that weren't his.
"Oh my gods! I am soo sorry! I was reading and totally not watching where I was going." Aella's face was red with embarrassment. She gratefully took her book back. "Thanks." Aella got up and brushed off her skirt. Aella reached for her bag and then turned to Maru, "Are you alright?"

"Why? I don't need help. I'm perfectly fine!" She said. With a change of voice, but was still oddly cheerful.
She looked towards Sy and her eyes changed back to black. Help... Her eyes changed back to cat eyes and she smiled. "I'm fine."
Maru got up, picking up her book as she did. "I'm fine." She checked to see that nothing fell out of her messenger bag before returning her gaze to Aella. "It was my fault. I wasn't paying attention--I should be more careful."

Maru pulled out a Pocky pack and held it out to her. "Here's my apology gift," she said, hoping that the girl would take it. It was all she had at the moment.

@Arabella Rosewood
After searching for a bit, he noticed the students who had called him creep earlier had shown up, asking about the door-knob, however he simply ignored them and kept walking around the halls until he saw that Maru and Aella had bumped into each other. He was curious about what had exactly happened so he hid and watched from around the corner.


@Arabella Rosewood
Walking down the halls with ni(that's what he named the drake) in his pocket, he finally found Aella,looking flustered, who was talking to a girl who was sitting down with a book. "Hey! Aella!"Caphron called.
"Oh no, I couldn't." Aella smiled, "We were both reading and not paying attention, how about we call it even? Maybe we could share?" She suggested. When she heard her name she turned around and saw Caphron. "Hey," she smiled. "What's up?"

Maru blinked. Why is everyone here so kind? Well, she had only met two people, really, but they were all overly kind to her. Aella had given her a magical map, and Tristan had taught her how to hug. She was amazed by how many kind people could huddle into one school area.

She turned at the sound of another voice, unfamiliar this time. She got up and stood beside Aella, wondering who this person was. Obviously, Aella had met him before. Maru, hoping not to interrupt their conversation, but quite curious as to what they would be talking about, she stayed put, observing the new person before her.

@Arabella Rosewood


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