[Mysterious Cities of Jade] OOC Thread

Leaping across the rooftops of a city half-full of shadowlands with a small child couldn't possibly go wrong!

"Would you like that? WOULD YOU LIKE TO RIDE WITH BATMAN?"
Ooh. Lochar, you just gave me an idea...

On another note, it is too bad that Amaya's not a social character. These two charms would really come in handy. God do I love Nocturnal charms.

Cost: 6m; Mins: Manipulation 4, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Social

Duration: (Manipulation) Days

Prerequisite Charms: Any Manipulation Charm

The harlequin fabricates damning rumors against his enemies and robs them of their due praise. This Charm supplements a Manipulation-based social attack to shift responsibility. If the Nocturnal overcomes the targetʼs Mental DVs, he may select someone or something else to assume responsibility in the eyes of the targets. If the target already possesses any relevant Intimacies, those Intimacies shift as appropriate for this social attack. For example, if the target loathes a new tax hike, the Nocturnal may convince her that she should not blame the satrap that decreed the tax increase, but the rebels whose insurrection made such an increase necessary, in which case the target would now loath the rebels. Otherwise a new Intimacy is created. Resisting this Emotion effect costs two willpower. The Exalt may enhance written propaganda with this Charm.

A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 4+ sets its duration to Instant. The Intimacies created by this Charm last until they are resisted or are altered naturally and the Charm no longer requires a commitment of motes to maintain its effects.

Cost: — (+2m, 1wp); Mins: Manipulation 5, Essence 3; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Flux

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Scapegoat and Glory Hound

Whom the harlequin accuses, the world condemns. This Charm upgrades its prerequisite, turning the Exaltʼs lies into to truth if he pays two additional motes and a willpower. All relevant evidence is transformed to appropriately indicate whomever the Exalt said was responsible whenever a person under the influence of Scapegoat and Glory Hound discovers that evidence. Evidence uncovered by those not under the harlequinʼs influence remains unchanged resulting in conflicting, if apparently equally valid, realities. Evidence found in this way converts back to its original state when Scapegoat and Glory Hound expires or when targeted by effects that terminate Shaping effects. Once the Exalt has purchased Scapegoat and Glory Hound twice, the evidence never transforms back on its own.
So where's the man who just wants to watch the world burn?

Edit: I also feel that with Shadow and Amaya taking the girl over the glittering towers and mud-brick roofs of Chiaroscuro, some Disney or Don Bluth musical number should start. :P
I would totally break into song, but Shadow doesn't want to torture the little girl.

For the purposes of mote recovery, this is strenuous activity, correct?
I will be driving halfway across the country tomorrow and the day after, so I may not get a chance to post over those two days.
Whoops, I forgot about a small new convention I'd promised to go to and run one of my old WHFRP games at. Looks like I'll be busy over the next couple of days too.
Christ, looks like a wyld storm blew through here. Eh, hopefully we can all get used to this format without any unnecessary bloodbaths.
Videos optional, but recommended.

Grandmother Bright just asked Amaya to fulfill her motivation. I wonder if she expected such a strong response :P .
Shinji and Elegy, the most bohemian Dynasts ever. "No, we're not going to have children." He said, dabbing ash from his cigarette.
Chaka may well be visiting me this weekend, so if the game lulls, don't worry, I'm just drunk.

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