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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Shandragontear said:
Shina had to give Sky Chaser some tough love for pouting. xD
If she knew half of the shit he'd been through, she'd understand why it's hard for him to talk about it xD

And to be fair, he recovered rather quickly. He had stopped it by the time he swore to protect Steelheart ^^
Some time I'm March I'll be getting a new pc and will be much more able to handle my posts .

I'll be opening at least 2 1x1 role plays

I don't know how busy you guys/gals are or if you could put up with that much Viska

But I'd thought I'd give y'all first dibs.

It won't interfere with my postings on this thread though (Thats why I'm waiting till I have a pc and not just a phone.)

So don't worry.

They would be updated at least once a day (like this one is) Buut probably only once a day.
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viska said:
Some time I'm March I'll be getting a new pc and will be much more able to handle my posts .
I'll be opening at least 2 1x1 role plays

I don't know how busy you guys/gals are or if you could put up with that much Viska

But I'd thought I'd give y'all first dibs.

It won't interfere with my postings on this thread though (Thats why I'm waiting till I have a pc and not just a phone.)

So don't worry.

They would be updated at least once a day (like this one is) Buut probably only once a day.
What plots/settings you thinking of for the 1x1s?
I actually have them pretty well defined sense I wanted to use them before my first pc blew up. Later on tonight I'll make a big ol OOC post describing them.

If nobody likes em I'll just go to the masses. But sense I love rp-ing with you guys/gals so much I wanted to offer dibs(<3)
I'm just waiting to see what Anda/Steelheart has to say before I post again, since what they say will decide how he reacts to Shina's statements.
Most importantly Sky Chaser's told everyone that an ancient dragon capable of stealing souls and turning ponies into puppets will be showing up in town soon.
It also doesn't help that Anda and Steelheart share the same body and she just went from zero to bat shit in that last post.

Lol sorry about that guys/gals.

K pop and one winged angel on the same play list does funky things to me(':3)
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/MV5BMjYxMDcyMzIzNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNDg2MDU3._V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg.3a8465ade14a2d3493efb51760ab9d70.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107920" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/MV5BMjYxMDcyMzIzNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNDg2MDU3._V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg.3a8465ade14a2d3493efb51760ab9d70.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/download.jpg.0a889a9ab73fd9a6f02b0d8be63e297f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107921" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/download.jpg.0a889a9ab73fd9a6f02b0d8be63e297f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Not sure if I can fallow up with the level of posting going on tonight I'm just gonna post my 1x1 plot line ideas like I said I would to


(These are super sumerized version)

1x1 plot #1 "To spend 9 lives with you"

In a long forgotten province of futile Japan

A shogun faces the ever present threat of war. He commands his court sorcerer to summon a Niko devil as a guardian for his son to insure the security of his blood line.

Untimatly she fails and the son dies in war and the house falls.

Exicuted for her failure, her soul rests in a house shrine for thousands of years until modern day when an exchange student from the US stumbles upon the shrine while on a class field trip.

The Niko is revived and swares that the boy is her fallen lord reincarnated.

It basically is a Rom com revolving around the aspects of her being in a new world and struggling with it, compounded by the poor boy now getting a subservient stalker bent on not letting him out of her sight.

(btw Niko means cat girl. Like the demon Nikomatta. Think every anime ever. Lol)

Idea 2 "Dreamless Slumber"

On a dare, a young girl decides to tempt fate and sleep under the suposed cursed tree.

When she wakes up she finds she is no longer in the normal world but in stead in a chaotic dream world ruled by the cunning and omnipotent "Finrier"

Forced to work in his casino to keep her human form she only has 3 days to discover Finrier's real name or be trapped in dreamland forever.

Along the way she'll encounter sweet dreams nightmares and every stretch of the imagination.

Ok so this one may become more open then 1x1 .

But you can see what it is. Its a mix of spirited away, and labyrinthine (the David bowie one)

If you haven't seen either movie..well you should lol



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viska said:
In a broken whisper she said "I would give anything ..For things to make sense again."
'Tis a dangerous thing to be saying given what's currently running around
@viska honestly "To spend 9 lives with you" the first sounds nice I would not mind doing that one if nobody else wants to and if the second is ever more then 1x1 then let me know they both sound amazing
@Shadow Dancer

Thank you. I really like the little I did write up for the two but they both went by the way side.

..also I want to post more tonight but I'm really distracted I guess.

My posts are kinda all over the place.
Sorry guys/gals. I've been having another one of those days. I'll post this evening. It I can't bring myself to do anything in my current state. I have some touching posts in mind that I don't wanna drag down with my baggage

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