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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]I would advise not trying that on Sky Chaser. It will end very badly ^^

Crazed Reindeer assassins, however?
KageYuuki said:
Crazed Reindeer assassins, however?
That depends...

[QUOTE="Shadow Dancer]why would I? And that is quite last resort one dose not tear the fabric of reality without one hell of a reason.

Does it count as one hell of a reason? xD
[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]Somepony else? how could you forget Sky Chaser!!!!???

I'm sorry! I didn't forget him!

*bows in shame*

All I forgot was his name!

B-bwsides, he's like a hidden Alicorn,... Right....?
the assassin if it gets bad enough or goes on longer then Viska would like then yes but it will be up to viska but the events that could result would be interesting anything from tea time with Discord to running from worshipers of the flying spaghetti monster.
[QUOTE="Shadow Dancer]the assassin if it gets bad enough or goes on longer then Viska would like then yes but it will be up to viska but the events that could result would be interesting anything from tea time with Discord to running from worshipers of the flying spaghetti monster.

If this assassin uses ice magic does that make Shina immune? xD
sitanomoto said:
I'm sorry! I didn't forget him!
*bows in shame*

All I forgot was his name!

B-bwsides, he's like a hidden Alicorn,... Right....?
Not so much hidden, he's in plain sight. He just doesn't want people KNOWING he's an alicorn for reasons known only to me, Yuuki, and viska. (Had to get GM approval and do a bit of coordination..)

Though yes, as of right now, only shadow fang knows he's an Alicorn, and she's not telling anyone.
"that could result would be interesting anything from tea time with Discord to running from worshipers of the flying spaghetti monster."

Isn't that kind of how season one turned out? Lol just saying how things change and pop up so uniquely and quickly (<3)
Demonhunter said:
lol. what if kadje later on finds out sky chasert is an alicorn and wants to adopt him? xD
That would be awkward for about a dozen reasons I can't get into without spoilers xD

I can say this much though, Sky Chaser is older than Kadje.
Demonhunter said:
Kadje may be a prince of Saddle Arabia but he's the king of making things super awkward.
Oh... you have no idea... You'll find out if/when Sky Chaser reveals who he really is xD
lol hes that branch of the royalty family tree everyone looks at and says "wtf happened." lol is it gonna be awkward like theyre related or something?
Demonhunter said:
lol hes that branch of the royalty family tree everyone looks at and says "wtf happened." lol is it gonna be awkward like theyre related or something?
I'm not revealing anything about it until it comes up. ^^

You can speculate all you want, but I'm not going to confirm or deny anything. ^^
[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]Oh... you have no idea... You'll find out if/when Sky Chaser reveals who he really is xD

Now I'm curious. >.>

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