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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.


If only they could have stayed like that a little longer... Eclipse couldn't even recall the last time he had felt so wonderful... He wondered what it was she wanted to talk about, but apparently it could wait, and he saw no reason to push the issue. He stayed with her in that embrace until her humming stopped and she spoke up. He sighed softly, slowly moving so he was next to her instead, his side still brushing up against hers.

"Yes, you're right" he chuckled softly, though he kept one of his hooves gently wrapped around hers. "When you're finished we'll go see just what it was he wanted to tell us." he smiled softly as he watched her. They hadn't been alone a very long time, but even in that short time he felt even closer to her than before.

No matter what happened, he was going to make sure they got through this. It felt like his life was only just beginning, and he wanted to see where it would lead with her. He wasn't about to let a couple of overgrown salamanders stand in the way of that!

Midnight watched with approval as Fang quickly got the hang of her shiftings. Every so often, she would throw a new formation into the mix, but Fang just picked them up faster than ever. At this rate, Midnight would run out of things to teach her in short order, at least about Shade Crystals. That just meant they could move on to some 'fun' activities instead. After all, Midnight did promise her a reward if she mastered this.

"I'm starting to think you were holding out on me just to get a reward out of this" Midnight teased, circling around Fang as she worked. "But of course, all you've done is formations, the easy part is casting the spells. And yes, the spells are the easy part." She remarked. "When you've got the right formation, just feel the spell and cast it." she explained, demonstrating a simple fireball spell on a boulder with her own crystals in an arrowhead formation.

"in case you haven't noticed yet, Shade Crystals are all about feel. If you can feel them, you can control them. If you can control them, then nothing is beyond your abilities" She smiled as she watched Fang, waiting for her to give actual spellcasting a try now.

Shadow Fang

"When you have the right formation, just feel the spell and cast it . . . " Fang murmured before closing her eyes (Something she'd started doing part way to adjust to arranging crystals without being able to see them) and focusing on her own crystals. They glowed in response to her touch and quickly rearranged themselves in a tight spiral formation. Within moments the illusion took hold, giving off the appearance that the two were surrounded by a wall of blue flame.
As they waited Lavender Moon found herself sighing repeatedly.

Looking over to Spyro she remarked "Min Syster...she is all grown up now. She won't be needing me much longer."

Sarcastically laughing to herself she added " You know is funny.. In our customs there is no real family. When a mare gives birth, every pony takes care of the foal.

Most of the time there is only one born to a mare sense it so hard for us to a...*cough* 'pair' .

The two of us ..We are a rarity. and soon there will only be one."

Lavender Moon felt guilty for being selfish, but she wanted her sister to be hers alone forever.

She was the only thing she had of value to her in the world.

She knew her sister would grow up and find a stallion some day; she was to beautiful not to.

But she still wasn't ready to let go just yet.

In a soft and somber voice she asked " Tell me strange pony..Do you have any family?
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Spyro looked down to the floor when Lavender Moon asked him that question. "The only family I have left are those I see as siblings like Fang, and some of my friends." Spyro then had a tear going down the side of his face. "When I was four years old, my dad died trying to protect me and my blood related siblings who died when the place we lived in collapsed from a bunch of pony's thinking that dragons were evil. My mother died right in front of me as they cut her down simply for being a dragon." Spyro stated as he looked away from Lavender Moon, trying not to shed any more tears.
Indicus had finally finished placing all the tracking wards while also deciding to use a few bindings that would alert him if the wards were tampered with, between that and making sure that himself, Spyro and Shadow Fang would be notified when a ward was breached and the location of the breach while making sure it was attuned to the general signature of those of the Nightmare Empire one a bit distinctive because of an initiation ritual of theirs. It took awhile because of the many things he put into the spell to make sure false alerts were minimal.

Finished, Indicus made his way back to Fang just in time to see her manipulate the shade crystals he believed he heard they were called into a spiral and watched as a wall of blue flames surrounded Fang and her friend he knew almost immediately it was an illusion but the way they illuminated her and contrasted her red eyes gave her a mystical appearance causing him to pause for a moment. Indicus shook his head free of the thoughts and approached though he waited twenty feet from the blue flames to not bother them too much and let them finish up whenever they wished.
Lavender Moon Sighed sadly, saying to herself "When will ponies stop trying to pass their own judgments of good and evil?"

Taking a step towards him she went on "..But I have upset you. My apologies. I had no malice in my question."

For a moment she left it at that, thinking it would be enough.

But then she began to feel the need to console him; That she was being cold and unfeeling.

Sighing in frustration, mostly with herself she explained " I am.. Not good at words of comfort. more so in this tongue. But I will tell you a story. When I was little filly, I learned what death was for the first time.

An elder passed away, and I couldn't begin to understand it.

When is Windwhisper coming back? I asked. Gone for good, I could not understand.

I cried for a whole day before one pulled me aside and said this.

Those we love, those who love us.. They never really are gone for good.

As long as our love remains, part of them remains.

This family, they loved you ja? well then they remain to."

Resting a hoof on his shoulder she added " And you have much bigger family that loves you now, ja?"

Sighing again she apologized " But I ramble.. min syster is the gifted one in kindness. she comes soon. I can feel her getting closer now. "
Spyro looked at Lavender Moon and smiled a bit, the tears dying down. "I think you are as kind as your sister, and thank you for telling me this, but don't worry about harming my feelings. You had no idea about the old scares and secrets I hide under my fur, scales and soul." Spyro stated. "Besides, you would have found out soon from the little story I have regarding to Nightmare Soul."
Shina remained still and silent as things seemed to finally sink in for Firecracker. For a moment the kirin only watched and listened as he recited the mantra, recognizing it from the night they defeated Anda.

Her silence was finally broken by a faint gasp seeing Fire's horn glowing for the first time sense that night. Shina's fuchsia eyes moved around the forge as the glowing cooper orbs began to spread. A giddy almost filly like smile graced her lips. The light from the orbs danced across her scales reflecting both light and color.

Returning her attention to Firecracker Shina's playful grin softened to a more loving gaze. Stepping up to him Shina leaned in to nuzzle against Fire's cheek, placing a soft kiss there before drawing back to meet his gaze with hers.

"There is nothing that you need to be. It is simply what you are." Her gaze lowered for a second, the color in her cheeks darkening with embarrassment as she added. "One of the many things I love about you."
-In Eclipse's home-

After finishing her meal, Steelheart gave a nod of her head saying "Thank you Eclipse, it was delicious like always."

As she slowly pushed the plate away she let out a soft sigh.

The plate was only half eaten, as she spent much of her time picking at it.

It wasn't a matter of the quality of the food, but rather her concerns of what was to come had spoiled her appetite.

Pushing herself away from the table she spoke reluctantly "We should probably not keep Mr.Spyro waiting.

I'm sure he has something important to say.

And I can feel the night time coming soon. "

Her face had a mix of sad reluctance, but still a glimmer of joy from what Eclipse had said before.

Reaching her hoof out for his she gave a faint smile as her face again began to redden -"Will you...Hold my hoof again?"

He had done so many times before, but something about it now stirred feeling inside her that gave her joy and hope for the future.

-In the Forge-

Firecracker felt a bit faint when she kissed his cheek as he still couldn't get use to her affection.

He was always so quick to become red in the face around Shina.

He had dealt with plenty of mares in the past, but only clients or partners to his shows.

Shina was something different; he actually had feelings for her that drove him to action.

He seemed lost in his love struck daze, completely lost to the world.

But when she spoke his attention and composer came right back.

As he saw her gaze shift to down he couldn't help but place a hoof softly under her chin.

Gently raising her head up and her eyes back to his, he looked down at her with soft loving olive gold eyes.

He rested his still glowing horn to hers and closed his eyes saying " ..I love you Shina.."

As he spoke the copper color from his horn began to cover her horn as it glowed in the same color.

While Firecracker's magic had always been more for allusions and show, there was something very real about the feeling behind it.

As an artist there some symbolism in every spark, every gesture of the body.

This gesture was no different; it was clear that weather intentional or accidentally, he was showing that his very soul had bonded to her.

And as the magic faded and the color left both their horns a reverberating whisper of his voice echoed darkening forge '..I love you..'

As the setting sun cast it's own shades or red and orange into the forge Firecracker couldn't help but close his eyes and sigh.

He knew that time was short, and he had so much work ahead of him.

Placing a soft kiss on her forehead he took a step back and said "You know I have a lot of work to do here before it will be ready.. You could head back to Tilly's if you want. "

His face again blushing as he explained "Otherwise you may be here all night with me.. I, I mean it wouldn't be safe to go out after dark. "
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He hated seeing her worried like this, but given the present situation, he'd be more concerned if she wasn't. He sat by her the whole time she picked at her food. At least, he figured, she ate something. To be honest, he didn't have much of an appetite himself. She was right though, night was coming soon. He found it strange how she always knew when it was going to be night or day even though she couldn't see, but he had long ago reached the point where he was used to it.

"Will you...Hold my hoof again?"

A soft smile crossed Eclipse's lips as he stood up next to the blind flutter pony. "Of course" he murmured softly, gently wrapping his hoof around hers. It was strange to some, to see the two faces to Eclipse. There was the hardened warrior, the one who could stare down a soul-stealing dragon without so much as flinching, and there was the caring side that showed whenever he was around Steelheart. The contrast was almost night and day.

The two at last made their way into the main area where the others were. He felt strangely relaxed, despite everything that was going on. Steelheart just had that effect on him. Of course, no doubt Spyro had some sort of bomb to drop, knowing him...

Midnight couldn't hide the smile of approval at the illusion. "I can't say I've ever known a pony to learn as quickly as you do." She remarked looking at the flames. "If I didn't know better, I'd say they were real" she complimented as she brushed along Fang's side. "Keep this up and you'll be teaching me a few tricks" she smirked, watching Fang to see just what she'd do next.

Shadow Fang

Fang smirked as she dispelled the illusion and her crystal formation. "Oh I bet I could teach you a thing or two," she teased before stretching. "Hast is supposed to be a great place for stargazing, maybe you'd like to join me later tonight?" The Thestral felt a familiar magical signature and glanced towards Indicus. "But I have a few things I need to take care of before then." The sky was already turning various shades of purples and blues, traces a yellow still streaked the sky. It was twilight, the moon should be up before long.
Spyro looked over to Eclipse and Steelheart as they walked in together. "I hope you are ready. Now the reason this is to be said, is for Steelheart witnessed this, and Eclipse should know what I've buried. As for Lavender Moon, she is Steelheart's sister and as such she deserves a explanation to." Spyro explained.
Steelheart began to cringe in fear of what he could possibly have to say.

After all, it had been a day of assassination attempts, and shocking revelations.

But as she held Eclipse's hoof tighter she felt the courage to boldly say "I am ready Mr.Spyro. whenever your ready..go ahead"

She could sense his reluctance to explain the story, and she tried to be sensitive to this.

Part of her didn't even want to hear it for fear of what else it may reveal.

But at the same time she knew how important it seemed to him, so she tried to be brave.

Lavender Moon only closed her eyes and sighed saying "Ja now is the time. We are ready."

She to worried about what it could mean for her sister.

But she wasn't going to let anything take her by surprise again.

Not after how completely defeated she was.

If this could yield anything of importance, She had to listen.

All eyes were on Spyro now as the sun had very nearly set.
Spyro closed his eyes and let out a short sigh, reopening his eyes. "You need to hear my whole story. This is the story of the mark that is stuck with me, and the life I'm forced into. When I was four years old, in the middle of summer many years ago in the cave that my family lived in, all was fine. My dad, a unicorn, was on watch at the entrance of the cave we lived in, till pony's came to the cave armed to the teeth with wepons, and fought him till they ... killed him. They made there way into the cave and started to look for my mother, who was a dragon. Before they found her they ... they were slaughtering my siblings. When they found her, they attacked all at once. During the fight, my mother tried to hide me in a small hole in the main room as they fought, but shear numbers can overwhelm. When they ... killed her, they were heading towards were I was hiding." Spyro said as he talked about his past, with a few tears that he quickly got rid of.

"In fear I struck at one of them that was holding some sort of black orb. Upon attacking him, everything went black. When I awoken, I was in a crater and I saw ... I don't want to say what I saw. It twas several days until I finally found
enough strength to move, and as I walked away, I passed a small lake and saw something beside my reflection. What I saw was my cutie mark. I always said that it meant peace, leadership, helping those in need, justice, and hope. In reality it marked my life in what I never wanted, it branded me, and meant hatred, darkness, destruction, control, and death. I continued on into a town, but they chased me out. Stories from the pony's that survived attacking my family had spread, and no mater were I went, I was chased out of every town, and village." Spyro stated as he looked away for a moment with his eyes flashing crimson for a moment. He quickly calmed himself, looked back to them, and continued his story.

"It was the middle of winter, around twenty four years after what
happened to my family, and I looked like do now. This winter, unlike the other ones I went through was the worst one yet. I was out of food, cold, and I was hated by everyone. I walked through the raging blizzard, until I found a cave to hide in. This cave went further then it had appeared, and in the far back of the cave was a old ruin. In this ruin was the first being that was nice to me, and he was a spirit of justice and hope. He sensed something dark in me, and tried to purify me. Well it worked, but he was corrupted by what was inside of me. He had then turned into the demon Nightmare Soul. I then had the fight of my life, which lasted for, I want to say maybe between half a day to a whole day. In the end, I sealed him in one of the relics in his old ruins he lived in. Right after my battle, Eclipse showed up. I was scared at this point, worried that someone was going to kill me like others had tried, and I had used all my strength and magic to fight Nightmare Soul. Instead, he offered to help me out. What probably brought him here in the first place was my fight with Nightmare Soul. I was alone, and I needed someone to help me watch over Nightmare Soul, so I accepted his offer. So this is my story, but there is more. The force that was in me had damaged my body inside, trying to control me. The end result was my dark magic, understatement in portals, and I couldn't age. If it wasn't for that spirit of justice and Hope, I probably wouldn't be here today." Spyro revealed. "Now, to wrap all this up of my story, let me ask you all this, and I want a answer from the three of you. What do you think of War?" Spyro asked them.
Indicus spotted Fang's glance in his direction knowing what she wanted he walked up to her. "I assume your almost ready."
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The sisters listened intently to every word of Spyro's tragic tale.

Steelheart couldn't help but tear up several times throughout the story; Lavender Moon however remained collected and stoic.

She seemed almost cold and detached in the way she failed to emote almost entirely.

Those skilled in sensing others emotions however could tell otherwise.

The fact was that she was building a wall around her heart to save face.

She knew all too well the depths of cruelty pony were capable of.

Most of her kind were wiped out in one pony's greedy pursuit of power.

It was when he mentioned the powerful being that ultimately became the dread dragon Nightmare Soul that her interest was peaked.

The word 'Dragon' was not in the Flutter language, so every time she heard it, her thoughts immediately turned to Grandmother Anda.

It was after all, a term a south pony called her many years ago.

Perhaps this Nightmare Soul was a similar being

It did show striking similarities to Anda before she to was corrupted .

Steelheart thought this for a moment as well, perhaps lead by the same intuition of her sister.

But her attention was mostly on her feelings of pity for Spyro.

She wanted so badly to comfort him as she did before; but she knew she had to let him speak his peace.

It hurt her heart to feel another pony in so many negative emotions.

Finally came his question "What do you think of War?"

A striking question with many possible implications, and even more possible answers.

Never afraid to speak her mind Lavender Moon stepped forward and did her best to speak plainly in common.

" There is no words in our language for such a thing..We have taken to calling it 'alla dör' , or all die.

It is a pointless act of mass violence that turns pony against pony for the will of those who send them to die. "

It was clear there was a venomous spite in her tone as she seemed to be taking the question personally.

Her eyes began to glow a cold cobalt as she went on " All it leaves in it's wake is burned fields, orphans, and pain.

No matter what side 'wins' every pony loses!"

Choking back tears she abruptly turned her face away to hide it from sight.

She then took a few deep breaths to calm herself, and perhaps stop herself from yelling more at Spyro.

She did know that he didn't mean to strike a nerve.

After a moment she then turned back to face him with once again a stone face.

In a calm, almost disconnected voice she again spoke " ..That being said.. If this 'alla dör' has come to this place, if it has come for min syster, I will use every once of my strength to wipe the enemy from the very face of history.

Steelheart could only speak a shaky "s..Syster." before having to take a moment to collect herself.

Lavender Moon always did tend to be a bit dramatic, and sense Anda's soul had taken root this had only intensified.

Finally Steelheart was able to step forward and speak, but her voice was much softer and timid then her sisters.

"I.. I don't know anything of war.. But I can't stand the idea of anyone I love getting hurt.

She turned her head in Eclipse's direction for only a moment before turning back and adding " I will not hurt any pony .. But I would give anything...even my life.. To save those I hold dear to me."

She lowered her head for a moment and mumbled " What I think of war.. is that it must be stopped..even if it means sacrifice."

She wasn't making any offers, but the sentiment was very clear: She would do anything, even to the point of death to save the ones she loved.

And the scary part was both sisters were deadly serious.

one willing to become a devil, the other a martyr.
Spyro could only look at the two sisters as they spoke. When they finished, Spyro sighed. "None understand what War is. They never think of who War is." Spyro said aloud. "You see, War is a living, breathing, being. Powerful, smart, but most times cruel. He raised the strongest armies, shaped the battlefield with his will, and turned my spirit friend into what he is now. You see, War is a god if you will, locked away from our world from some of his past crimes many, many years ago, but some of his artifacts remained. That black orb I struck by accident contained Wars influence. It is from him that I was branded with his mark, and from him that my spirit friend is the way he is now when he saved me." Spyro explained. "Can he re-enter this world ever? No. He can never return to this world, no mater what happens. However the artifacts that he left behind has left their mark, or left their influence on the soul around them. Most of those infected heavily, beyond the point of repair are dead. However one of them still lives, and that is Nightmare Soul. Any info you need on him, I'm more then happy to let you know."
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Shina's gaze returned to Firecracker's olive gold eyes as he lifted her chin. Almost instantly her breath caught in her throat, finding her self lost in his gaze again. Her eyes fell shut leaning her head in to meet his horn with hers. Shina's antler like horn glowed a bright gold color in meeting Fire's before taking on the same cooper color as his.

"I love you too." Shina replied softly, her voice almost at a whisper.

Fortunately Konton seemed too distracted chasing the glowing orbs back and forth through the forge to notice or interrupt the two of them. Until the glowing orbs began to fade that is. Having lost his toy the irritable bird perched in the rafters his piercing eyes glaring at the two for a moment. More specifically he was glaring at the pony who dared to steal his mother's affections from him.

As her eyes opened Shina blushed at the kiss Firecracker planted on her forehead. For a second her gaze shifted to the window to see how late it was getting. "I can stay and lend a hoof. I would hate for you to have to do all this alone." She offered, apparently forgetting what she'd pointed out earlier in the day when Sky Chaser aka Eclipse had suggested Steelheart stay at his place. But then again neither Shina or Fire were public figures. What were the odds anypony would even notice they'd spent the night alone together? Well almost alone. It was almost Konton's bedtime anyhow. He was still a fledgling after all.
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For a moment Firecracker stood speechless at Shina's suggestion.

It was a simple request: stay and help fix the forge that they badly needed repaired.

However the implications were what struck him as both tempting and embarrassing.

The forge was a single large room, not designed for living in.

Even if they both stayed wide awake they would essentially be staying the night together in the same room.

Firecrackers face began to glow red as a silly smile began to spread across his face.

With a cracking voice he replied to her "Well *cough* well If you don't mind"

Clearing his throat he was clearly nervous as he went on "Sharing the space."

Konton only rolled his eyes at the poor colt's embarrassment and groaned in his own way.

As he did, his eyes began to get very heavy; he decided it was time for bed.

Flapping back to his mother, he perched on her horn; his wait making her head droop.

Firecracker could only laugh at the jealous birds actions, and how he seemed to big to be doing such things.

It was a welcome distraction from his racing thoughts however.

He had no intention of trying anything with Shina, too much was at stake to, but it wasn't as if he was immune to such thoughts.

Turning and lifting a few things with his magic back into place he asked " Shina, I don't suppose you could use dragon fire to send a message to Tilly?. You umm... could leave out a few details if you like. I just want her to know we are safe and won't be coming home tonight."

His voice cracking like a colt going though puberty.

It was strange how he could still get so worked up around her, but to the logical thinker, they really hadn't been together that long.

On top of that, she was is first marefriend after all.

-Back at Eclipse's home-

The two sisters stared blankly at Spyro unsure of just what to say.

The very idea of War being a living thing, and on top of that having a lasting effect on the world.

A million thoughts seemed to race through their heads but it always returned to one.

Simultaneously they blurted "mormor (grandmother)"

They couldn't help but think, what if it was one of these remnants of 'War' that drove her to the depths of her madness.

Sure Catchpenny had murdered many of her children, and desecrated her lands.

But she was willing to destroy everything in her rage.

Such complete destruction was out thought beyond her ability bring herself to.

Shaking this troubling thought Lavender Moon spoke up " A living thing?.. I .. I don't know what to say. Were things different I would think you mad. But after all I have lived through I have no reason to doubt anything anymore."

Stealheart chimed in " But Mr.Spyro.. What does all this mean?"
Spyro looked at Steelheart, her question catching his attention. "What it means is that War wants only one thing, and that is his legacy to wreak havoc on the world. You see, Nightmare Soul has every right to be called War's legacy, with Nightmare Soul's last visit was in Canterlot castle being proof. The royal princesses have kept his visit quiet, and they are right to do so. Nightmare Soul had turned Canterlot castle into a living horror attraction, from his illusions, down to the acts he committed in the castle walls, ranging from a room being turned into a slaughter house, raising a small demon army in the hallway, all the way down to catching princess Luna. He almost succeeded if not for someone helping me in resealing him." Spyro finished.

"Listen, let me say this. Nightmare Soul isn't a threat right now, and all we need to do is insure that Nightmare Soul is locked away. To do that, we need to ensure that the Nightmare Empire doesn't unlock his prison. They plan on doing this with Steelheart's blood. With my blood, they will then give Nightmare Soul my body, and make him unsealable. Now you might be asking, why cant we just kill him before he uses my body? Well the answer is that he is unkillable. Nothing can kill him, only displace him, with him coming back very soon, ready to fight once more. Now, let me tell you all one other thing, and that is he can be sealed in two ways while he is sealable. One is for me to reseal him, with no sacrifice needed, for I guess you can say we are somewhat connected thanks to War. The other way, for if I'm ... no longer here, is for someone with a pure soul to seal him while he is sealable, but upon him being sealed by them, the life of the one who sealed him will die." Spyro revealed to them all.

Eclipse listened silently as Spyro laid out everything on the table. It explained a few things, that was for sure. He never released Steelheart's hoof, knowing how all of this could easily be overwhelming after everything else that had happened. He closed his eyes, processing the information given before he spoke. "No one is going to die. I won't allow it" Eclipse remarked, his eyes opening to look from Spyro to the two sisters. There was a finality to his voice, almost as if it were some unbreakable rule that must be followed.

He would have liked to elaborate on why he was so confident, but he could not do it here. As hard as it was, he had to keep Spyro in the dark on some of his capabilities. After all, if Spyro knew, and Nightmare Soul got Spyro's body, Nightmare Soul would know what Spyro knows, and that would complicate things severely.. No, he'd have to keep a few trump cards up his sleeve, just in case worst came to worst.

And then there was Mephisto to remember... That dragon was still very much a threat, perhaps even moreso than Nightmare Soul. "As it stands now, Lavender Moon, Steelheart, you're safest if you stay with me. For now, I need to process these new details." He murmured. Things sure were going to hell and a handbasket around here... This was almost as bad as fighting Discord himself... Only this time, the outcome would be different...
Nostalgia slept in happily. She knew it was Spring Break and that her employers let her have two extra days off for Easter with her family. She woke up, it was 12:00 am. She thought about enrolling in college once she had enough money. She had been saving up ever since she was a foal, and was a couple hundred away from reaching her dream of college. She opened the fridge to find bottled water and sipped it. "Maybe sending the wave once a month instead of once a week isn't a bad idea...or consider what....she.....offered me when I was young." The memory reflected in her mind "Nostalgia Heart, dear....You could always give up your horn and magic in trade for wings in trade for the wave. I think that's a fair offer, maybe more for you is in it." She remembered her smile and smooth tone. "Never..." Nostalgia shook her head. "That's too much of a problem." She stroked the soft carpet with her hoof, a look of concern and concentration on her face.
Lavender Moon only replied to Eclipse with a short nod and a quick " Ja. (yes) "

Before turning and walking towards the hall that lead back to the bedrooms.

It seemed she was so done with this day that she couldn't take the time to be civil.

Steelheart took a step forward reaching out and saying calling her back "S, Syster.."

Only pausing for a moment she said from over her shoulder "You are safe now Syster.. I must...what is word?.. cold myself before I hurt some pony. "

Steelheart only tilted her head in confusion as she walked away.

She mumbled to herself " You mean chill ? " before shaking the unimportant thought from her head.

Holding Eclipse's hoof tight she apologized " I'm sorry every pony. my sister isn't normally like this.. In fact before Equ..Before certain events she was the picture of social grace."

Stealheart was right in on both parts of her statement.

Before the Equinox incident Lavender Moon use to be grace in the fur.

Her very cutie mark was for her diplomacy.

However, the second thing she was right in was when she used the term 'was'.

She had become cold and unfeeling to others besides her dear sister.

As the three remaining pony thought about this for a moment Stealheart suddenly perked her ears up and raised her head saying " Oh! The moon is here."

roughly ten seconds after she said this the last rays of the sun ran across the floor through the window as the sun set behind the mountain


-Back at Tilly's house-

Tilly had just finished preparing dinner as Sparky asked " Mamma, when is cousin Fire and miss Shina coming home?"

Tilly sat down her oven hits on a dainty hand knitted doily before replying lovingly " I don't know sweets, I assume they are out on a date."

Sparky only made exaggerated faces and replied "eeew! Mamma, gross. mares and dating are such a gross waist of time."

Tilly could only laugh and pat the young colts head saying " Give it about four years bubby, you'll change your tune, I promise.

After setting down his plate she stepped just outside her doorway and looked down the streets to see if maybe she could spot them.

Not seeing them she laughed and whispered to herself "Fire bubbala, you two better not be rolling in the hay."

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