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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Lavender Moon could only raise an eyebrow and take a step forward saying in common "For her sake I hope not.. Tell me Syster, has Grandmother spoken to you lately?"

Steelheart's glow began to fade as she shifted her attention back to Lavender Moon, and in a small voice she reluctantly said " y..yes. she has spoken to me and through me many times in these past days."

Lavender Moon only sighed and remarked " So things really are that dire. If grandmother is revealing herself, she must feel the need is great.

I should have known when both our powers became so much stronger."

Steelheart paused for a moment before asking " You..you have powers to syster? does that have anything to do with what mr.Spyro was talking about? He said he needed to talk to us"

Lavender Moon let out a frustrated huff and with it a small plume of fire as she replied "No syster, my powers are older then yours.. and it's best you don't ask much about their nature."

It was about this time the two of them heard a knock at the door.

Steelheart and Lavender Moon both perked their ears up.

Turning to the door they both spoke in unison one in common one in flutter "Mr.Indicus? /"Indicus?/"

One could see his magical signature, the other could sense it.

"Yes, Anda has been rather vocal lately..." Eclipse agreed as he thought over everything. He couldn't help but chuckle at the two sisters when they spoke in unison. They really were almost like two sides of the same coin. It was uncanny. "With you two around, I don't even need to use a Soul Search spell to know whose at the door" He remarked smiling over at them as he walked towards the door, his horn glowing as the door swung open to reveal, of course Indicus at the door. "Welcome back" he nodded, stepping aside so Indicus could enter before closing the door behind them, walking back over to the sisters.

"/In case you were curious, yes, I have spoken to Anda personally./" he informed Lavender Moon. No doubt Lavender wasn't aware of Eclipse's ability to actually delve into somepony's soul, which would be the only way he could speak to Anda personally like that.. He sat down next to Steelheart, his shoulder brushing against hers lightly so she would know where he was.

It was incredibly obvious to anyone that he knew exactly how to handle Steelheart's blindness. He always made sure she knew where he was, either through contact or by letting out a pulse of magic, and he even rearranged his house so that it would be easier for her to navigate. No doubt Lavender would notice by now that, except for the bed Steelheart had been sleeping in, the only furniture not pushed up against the wall was a single coffee table in front of the couch. Clearly the whole room was perfect for a pony that couldn't see.
@One Mean Ghost @viska @Spyro

Indicus entered Sky Chaser's home when he entered he noticed Lavender Moon and Steelheart, "Hello Lavender Moon, Steelheart, SKy Chaser, Spyro." Indicus then walked up to Spyro. "Spyro Shadow Fang said you might have something for me to do." A moment later Indicus also talked through the telepathic link 'Spyro I spoke with Fang and we are on working terms now.'

Midnight nodded her head. "Take as long as you need" she remarked sitting down next to Fang as she listened to her remarks. "I can't help you there... I've generally found about 99% of stallions to be completely unreliable. They call themselves protectors, promise they'll always protect you, but when the chips are down, they screw it up, break your heart and leave you wondering why you trusted them to begin with. Either that or they constantly find new idiotic ways to hurt your feelings and can't seem to even realize what they did to screw up" she remarked, a sense of bitterness to her voice.

"I think in all my years, I've known only one stallion that didn't just talk the talk, but could back it up." she sighed. "But as they say, only the good die young.. And my brother?... He was as good as they come" she smiled softly, a trace of sadness in her voice as she stared off, lost in some memory only she could see.

Shadow Fang

Fang sighed, slowly nodding as Midnight spoke. "I've met plenty who could back up what they said. But there are always the ones that make you stop and wonder why you even bothered." She chuckled softly, slowly shaking her head. Her gaze moved back to Midnight as she talked about her brother. Fang could pick up on the loss in the mare's voice as she spoke about him. It was obvious the two had been close.

The Thestral shifted slightly as she coaxed one of her wings out from her cloak to wrap around Midnight. It was obvious just from looking at Fang, that her wings were far larger than the average bat-like wings her kind had. That wasn't something a cloak could conceal and she knew it. But she was more focused on hiding the myriad of scars than her unusual wings. In the back of her mind, Fang was unsure of how Midnight would respond to the wing. As if the size wasn't enough, they were covered in tough scales instead of the silken fur that covered the wings of a Thestral. "I'm sorry about your brother," She said in a low voice, it wasn't much and she knew it but what else could she say?
Spyro merely smirked before looking at Indicus. "That is correct Indicus." Spyro responded as his horn glowed and a map materialized from the shadows by his hoof. Spyro levitated the map over to Indicus. "This map contains locations that I want you to set up tracking wards and a old house that I want you to investigate. The house is circled on the maps and the places for the tracking wards have X on them." Spyro then told Indicus Telepathically. 'Also for the house is occupied by the Nightmare Empire. You and Fang are going in there together and work as a team. No spiting up, no going alone, stay together. No telling what the Nightmare Empire is doing in there.' Spyro told Indicus.
The two sisters greeted Indicus as he walked in and allowed him to speak with Spyro.

As Eclipse spoke in flutter Lavender Moon could only raise Her eyebrow again in silent curiosity as to what he meant when he said Anda had spoken to him personally .

At first she thought it was her using Steelheart to speak.

But the way he brought it up made it seem like there was more to it then just that.

Could he have actually spoken to her directly?

Was that even still possible ?

As she puzzled this she began to notice the room around her.

Furniture arainged along the walls and only a bed and a small table in the main of the room.

As Indicus and Spyro spoke privetly she remarked "is quite a the arangment you have. Min syster must come here often.

Steelheart only nodded in agreement saying "ja syster, I come almost every day"

Her accent thicker then ever.

It was cute how it seemed to pop up almost instantly .

Like an old dilect you only seem to have when your back in your home area.

As Lavender Moon saw Spyro showing Indicus a map she sighed and said "then it may be best you stay here for a while still..

Things have gotten..what is phrase?.. Bat poop crazy."

Turning her attention to Eclipse she remarked "But if min syster stays, I stay."

Eclipse had clearly already offered, but She had to hold on to some shred of pride after being so defeated before.

Indicus studied the map and grabbed two sheets of blank parchment from his personal void storage and used magic to copy the map onto both sheets of parchment and put the newly made copy's back in his void storage. "Understood Spyro, well I'll give a copy to Shadow and tell her what's going on."


'Shadow Fang, I got my task from Spyro like you said setting up wards, but he also wants the two of us to investigate a Nightmare Empire controlled house later I'll drop by to give you the map, set up the wards then come back when I'm done so we can investigate the house at the earliest time convenient to you.'

After telling Fang what was going on he did as he said he would and quietly placed a copy of the map with a legend next to Shadow Fang after seeing that she and her friend were in conversation. After that was done he started setting up the tracking wards.
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"Let's wait for Konton to get back before we head there." Shina suggested. She'd need the phoenix if they were going to see if the forge could withstand his fire. Besides there was training to be done. Kendo would require a sword, but fire now a few long sticks would do. Then there was her mother's art, ninjutsu. Ninjutsu teachings anyways began with the deadliest moves first. Making even a novice assassin as deadly as possible.

Shina did her best to cover as much as she could about both arts. Moves she felt wouldn't be as effective when fighting a dragon she only glossed over for now. There would be time later to go over such moves later. For now she tried to focus the training just to what she hoped would give Firecracker an advantage in the up coming battle.

Ninjutsu was a lot of pressure points and very precise strikes to bring an opponent down quickly. It probably seemed strange that a pony who was said to be the element of honor knew such a sneaky and even underhanded art. Kendo however seemed more suited to her title. Though she was capable of using several swords at once for this training session she had Fire holding the pretend sword by hoof. It had been the same when her father had trained her. It was best to get a physical feel for a weapon first, make it an extension of the body. It was a lot to cover in one day but Shina tried her best to teach Fire as much as she knew in the time they had.

When Konton finally returned they made their way to the forge. Fire had said it had been untouched for a few years. With out proper up keep Shina knew the forge might be too run down to use. She could only hope it would be sturdy enough to stand up to something as volatile and unpredictable as phoenix fire.

"But if min syster stays, I stay."

Eclipse chuckled softly. He had, after all, already offered her a room, so it was quite obviously an attempt to save some pride. He saw no reason not to go along with it. "Fair enough Lavender Moon, There are dozens of rooms you can choose from. The one with the double doors in the furthest section is my room, and it's a bit messy, so please don't go in there' he laughed softly. From this main room, there was the guest bathroom off to the right, the open kitchen off to the left. In the back there were three doors. The middle one led to the main portion of his home, where there were a dozen rooms all fully furnished with various themes in mind, no doubt Lavender would find one there to her liking. In the back of that long row of rooms was the mahogany double doors that led to Eclipse's chambers. Of the remaining two doors, to either side of the door to the living quarters, the one on the left led to the West Wing and the one on the right led to the East wing. The rooms here were not devoted to living, but to various activities. As he was the only one that made his home in the side of the hills and mountains themselves, he had virtually limitless room to expand.

Frankly,t he main reason it was so developed was because he had gotten rather bored during his ten years here. The development never really stopped until he met Steelheart, at which point he had somepony to occupy his time, and no longer thought it necessary to expand his domain further. Of course, the various rooms here were just the tip of the iceberg. There were plenty of secret rooms, secret passages, and even one room that could only be accessed through his magic on the middle of the three doors.

What would you have done with ten years of virtually nothing to do?

Steelheart knew about all of the main rooms, and could find where they were fairly reliably. The only issue is, with all of the secret passageways and the numerous rooms, it would be easy for her to get lost. For that reason, he usually just stayed in the main area, which had originally been little more than a library/foyer hybrid that he had since converted into a self contained living space so Steelheart wouldn't have any need to navigate the maze that was his home.

He lightly nuzzled Steelheart's cheek to get her attention. "Are you starting to get hungry? It's rather close to dinner time now" He asked, once again showing just how attentive he was to the blind flutter pony. In all of the excitement, he wouldn't be too surprised if she just forgot she was hungry.

Midnight shook her head to snap herself out of whatever memory she was caught in. "I just.... I wish I knew what happened to him... He vanished after a great battle... There was no body, no trace of him... Part of me hopes he might still be alive but.... After all this time the odds of him still being alive are so low that... It's hard to have hope anymore.." she murmured. As much as Fang was worried about the wings, Midnight didn't seem to care, leaning into her just a little bit. She shook her head. "Sorry.. I shouldn't be weighing you down with my own burden, that isnt' fair of me" she smiled a little bit. "But... thanks anyway for listening..." she murmured nuzzling Fang's cheek a little bit.

Shadow Fang

"Don't worry about it," Fang said as she returned the gesture. "Besides, sharing it can make things a little easier." However truth be told, Fang wasn't sure of what else to say. Yes, she'd lost ones she was close to before. Sometimes through age, and another time . . . because of her own stupid mistake.
Spyro looked over to Eclipse and said. "After you, Steelheart, and Lavender Moon finish with everything that needs to be done, I shall be waiting to tell you what needs to be said. If none of you want to hear, then I understand. This tale is not of fame or glory, but of regret and sadness. It isn't meant for everyone." Spyro stated "I'll be waiting in the living room when you and the others are ready." Spyro said as he headed to the living room.

As a baby moose run around the town, he is making a noise of his calling as he accentually slam into a flowers carts. He head got stuck in the bowl while he try to break it off by head butting on the ground. He is stepping on the flowers and then he finally break the bowl he got his head stuck.

BlueGrass keep running and calling his named,
"Bluto! Bluto!" She keep calling his name until she see him from distance. "There you are!!" She run toward him and as soon she got closer, she in a shocked that Bluto have destroyed the flowers carts and stuff. "Oh no...."
Steelheart tilted her head in contemplation in all the confusion and drama of the day she had forgotten about everything else.

She hadn't eaten sense that morning.

She silently nodded her head as Lavender Moon spoke for her saying "it would be best if she did eat. Her constitution is not as strong as some ponies.

As for you.."

She turned and looked at Spyro, her eye shifting as if to study him.

"There is no story you could tell that would shake me. If what you have to say is important , I will listen.

Up until the Equinox incident Lavender Moon had always been full of tact and grace.

But ever sense then her attitude had become very short and to the point.

Part of that was Anda's power within her, but some of it stimmed from the memory of her people's extortion .

While she Could find it in her heart to forgive the outside world, she Could never forget.

As Spyro left the room Lavender Moon fallowed and remarked " I go. This day has put a bad taste in my mouth. But you syster, you stay, eat.

Rest with Eclipse and recover.

Steelheart only nodded and in a tiny voice softly replied "ja syster."

After Lavender Moon had left the room with Spyro Steelheart's face began to blush.

She felt like her sister was daliberatly giving her some 'alone time' .

She had never been embarased to be alone with Skychaser , but something about starting over with Eclipse made things different .

She felt comfort in the familiarity of his actions and the magic of his home.

But she also felt a strange new uneasiness.

Not one that made her want to leave, but rather one that made her want to stay.

She also felt the need to indulge this uneasiness by asking "so..you've met my sister now. ."

Her accent fading as her voice grew softer "I have heard she is very pretty..what do you think?"


As Shina began to teach Firecracker, two things became obvious .

The first was that while he lacked martial training he had a unique gift for picking up it's movemnts.

Likely due to his performing background .

The second was that he lacked a certain ferocity that is needed for intense combat.

His pasafistic nature made it hard for him to show agression.

This however could lead to a more focused mind if given the proper time and instruction.

But these were luxuries they lacked in many ways.

After learning what basics Could be crammed into a few hours the three set out for the forge he had spoken about before.

As they feared its years of neglect had left it in rough shape.

But where some pony saw delapadation, Firecracker saw opertunities.

His keen engineering skills saw that after a good look around nothing was beyond repair.

Backing up towards Shina he admired the forge saying " yeah. . yeah! I think I can fix -"

At that moment he accidentally backed into Shina, as the two nearly fell Firecracker was able to sweep them both back up.

They lingered in a pose much like a deep dancers dip.

Frozen still with his face alight with blush he stammered "I.i g.guess your training payed off huh.?"
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Shina's first impression of the forge was one of disappointment. To her it looked too worn down to be used. Let alone used with such a dangerous type of fire. But then again she was no expert on engineering, far from it in fact. She just barely knew how to make a sword, thanks to watching her father when he needed a new one now and then through out her childhood.

Firecracker's optimism reassures her some though. A hopeful smile crossed her lips as she gaze at the forge for a moment not seeing Fire as he backed toward her. Konton apparently saw the unicorn coming, fluttering away from Shina's back to a near by tree just before the two collided. Shina gave a startled gasp when her gold hooves lost their balance.

Prepared to hit the ground Shina was startled when she didn't. Opening those fuchsia eyes to see Firecracker's gazing back at her Shina instantly felt her stomach a flutter with butterflies, her heart racing with a strange rush of adrenalin unlike any she'd ever felt from battle. Her cheeks blushed a bright shade of red, even growing warm to the touch. For a second she felt somehow parlayed, struggling to find her voice to respond.

Suddenly her unwavering eyes widen, finally able to speak as an out of the blue thought struck her. "You should have the sword..." She found her self saying the thought aloud as it passed through her mind as if she couldn't stop herself from doing so.
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Eclipse made his way to the kitchen to prepare something for Steelheart to eat. This wasn't the first time he had cooked for her. It was to the point he knew rather well what she liked and didn't like. He hummed a tune softly to himself as he set about preparing something for her, his ears turning towards her when she spoke up.

"I have heard she is very pretty..what do you think?"

To just about any stallion, the trap flags would be waving wildly. This was not a question that tended to have a right answer at all. It was a loaded question. No matter how you answered, a bullet was going in your head. That is, that's with just about any pony other than Steelheart. That, and Eclipse had an answer. He set down what he was doing to make his way back over to her as he sat down in front of her.

"In my humble opinion, she is very beautiful." he began, in what would normally be the first step to falling directly into the trap. "But given how much she resembles you, how can I think anything else? After all, you are the most beautiful pony my eyes have ever seen" he murmured with a soft smile as he gently nuzzled her cheek.

Given the two could be easily mistaken for one another, his answer was rather on point. After all, multiple groups had already mistaken Lavender for Steelheart on a few occasions. Of course, Eclipse would never make that mistake. He could tell them apart easily, and not just because he could see their souls.

"yeah.. it does feel a little better..." she murmured softly as she stayed close to Fang... "You know... as much as my head tells me there's no chance he's still alive.. my heart keeps telling me he's out there somewhere... maybe even closer than I think.. I'll find out what happened someday.." she murmured, clearly calming down after finally letting that out.

She glanced up at Fang once more. "Think you're about ready to get back to training? Do good and I'll give you a special 'reward'" She teased, playfully sticking her tongue out at Fang as she waited for an answer.

Shadow Fang

Fang nodded, glad to see Midnight was doing better after getting a chance to talk. "I've seen far more unlikely things happen over the years," She told Midnight, offering the mare a small smile. It likely wasn't the best thing to have told her, but what else could she have said? 'No, your brother's dead, just give up already'? Yeah, that wouldn't have flown with her. Besides, in a world filled with magic the impossible has happened before.

She stretched a little as Midnight mentioned getting back to work, giving a small nod as she attempted (and failed) to coax her wing back under her cloak. Though Fang gave midnight a slight roll of her eyes as the teasing began anew before turning and booping her on the nose. "Careful, I might just hold you to that." She responded as a sly smirk crossed her lips.
-In Eclipse's home-

Steelheart bit her lip nervously as he began to speak and even though she couldn't see, she still felt the need to avert her 'gaze'

In truth she knew her question wasn't fare, and likely had no right way to respond.

Part of her felt a twinge of guilt for asking, but a stronger part of her felt the compulsion to do so.

Her face began to burn a dark pink as he somehow found a way out of her trick question and answered it just right.

Luck was on Eclipse's side with the two of them looking so much alike.

A bright smile beamed from Steelhearts face as she shyly responded " I .. I see. "

She squirmed slightly in her seat as he nuzzled her cheek, it made her happy in a way she had never felt before.

She had been sheltered from so much that it was hard for her to process all these new feelings.

From fear to pain, desire to longing; these were all so foreign to her.

While she was in fact grown, in many ways she was as innocent as a young filly.

As she ruminated on all these strange new emotions and feelings she took a lofty tone as if daydreaming " You know.. I never even thought about how I looked before. It's...It's nice to know you like how I look.."

As he sat a plate of her favorite fried daisies down in front of her she couldn't help be smile brighter.

In a chipper voice she said " You always take such good care of me."

Her voice lowered a bit as she added " I just wish I could do more for you..Maybe one day I can learn to cook."

Becoming more exited she went on "That's it! I'll learn to cook and make you all kinds of dishes. I'll make you very happy. "

Stopping cold in her tracks she raised a hoof to her mouth in shock of what she had blurted out.

To some pony it would seem innocent enough, but in flutter pony culture using such terms was considered very intimate and inappropriate in most cases outside of relationships.

Sheltered or no, she knew this much and could only wait in shock and fear of rejection to his response.

-At the forge-

Firecracker could only peer deeply in her eyes, his olive gold irises reflecting her image like a mirror.

A soft and content smile creased across his face as he looked loving down at her.

It was only when she said "You should have the sword..." that he finally lifted the two of them back to a standing position.

It was at that time that Konton flew back to his mother's side, landing on an old grinding stone only a few feet away from her.

With a disproving squawk he let Firecracker know he didn't like his 'smooth moves.'

Now use to Konton's behavior he only replied with a quick and rebellious smirk.

Turning his attention back to Shina he rubbed the back of his head nervously saying " Me? eheh, are you sure that's such a good idea? after all I couldn't land a single hit with that branch."

Again making light of the situation he laughed to himself added "Knowing me Id likely slice the whole town in half before I hit the bad guys."

It was becoming clear that his flippancy was a defense mechanism for handling stress.

Those who spent enough time with him would begin to see that he actually struggled with anxieties and an inferiority complex.

But these doubts and issues all seemed to melt away when he was with Shina.

Turning his attention back to the forge, he took a few steps deeper away from Shina and remarked "I Sure have my work cut out for me.."

As he walked deeper inside his tail swept from side to side and he could feel a rhythm begin to sync with his step.

A confidant smile began to beam as he again remarked " This old place is rough, but what a shop. It may take me all night, but I think I got this."

Feeling the music begin to swell in his heart as his confidence grew he abruptly spun around dragging his tail along the floor.

Ending in a sharp whip of the tail he sent old steel dust flying.

The reflective dust seemed to glitter in the setting sun like glittering snow as Firecracker exclaimed "Show time!"
Shina's cheeks remained a bright red color even after Firecracker helped her back to her hooves. The sound of Konton's disapproval only caused his mother to roll her eyes. "Well maybe next time you will warn me someone is coming." She teased the jealous bird before turning her attention back try Fire.

Shina refrained herself from laughing at the absurdity of Firecracker's insecurities. It was as if he didn't fully realized yet what his actions at Equinox had made him.

"I do not know how a sword forged in phoenix fire will react when I use my dragon fire." Shina explained why she wouldn't be using the sword herself. Falling silent she simply marveled at Firecracker for a moment. An adoring smile hung on her lips as she watched him turning in the dimming light.

"A sword such as this is deserving of a hero." Shina suddenly felt her heart racing again as she spoke. Her hooves took a few silent steps toward Fire before she continued. "That is why I am giving it to you..."

It had been many years since Eclipse had learned Flutter. Of course, whenever you learn a new language, you end up learning a little about the culture, just based on how certain words are used. His diction in Flutter was very dated, but his formal way of speaking Flutter was representative of the culture at the time he learned it. Judging by Steelheart's reaction, some things hadn't changed.

He couldn't help but smile softly at how nervous she got when she realized what she said. Of course, he wasn't about to reject her. He gently nuzzled her cheek as he moved a little closer to her. He gently moved her hoof away from her mouth, keeping it in his own for now. "You already make me very happy, Steelheart" He murmured softly as he stayed close to her. "If you want to learn how to cook, I could always teach you" He offered. He wasn't about to discourage her, after all. He knew she was capable of just about anything she put her mind to.

How many moments like this had he missed out on as Sky Chaser? He was so scared of revealing his true self that he had tried (and mostly failed) to keep himself distant. He was never going to make that mistake again. He had countless years to make up for lost time, and he fully intended to make up for every second lost, at least as long as she would like that...

There was no mistaking this feeling anymore...

He loved her.

Midnight blinked in surprise as she suddenly found herself booped. She hadn't been expecting it, much less for Fang to turn the teasing back on her. A slight flush came to her cheeks as she smirked. "Oh please do... " she rose up to her hooves, summoning her crystals once more as the 'horns' lined her head. Now that Fang was returning the teasing, things could /really/ get interesting...

"First.. let's start back with your forms. Move between Moon, Arrow, and starburst for now. As you get quick at it, we'll start adding more moves until you can take it all in." she remarked with a devious gleam in her eye. Clearly the suggestive terms, intentional or otherwise, were not going to let up anytime soon...

Thankfully, it seemed Fang didn't mind.

Shadow Fang

Fang allowed a low chuckle to leave her lips as she nodded in understanding. It seemed an innuendo flooded lesson was just part of working with Midnight. But at least she could return fire! A faint glow danced along the six horns that lined her head as the crystals once again appeared before her, still in an arrowhead formation. At first, shifting through the various patterns was slow going as she paused to correct her alignment and occasionally glance to Midnight for approval. Fang was also focusing on memorizing how each pattern felt as soon as she noticed each one seemed different. Seems that's the trick to arranging them within their on realm. As time went on, she began to pick up speed with little need for corrections.

It seemed Fang was a fast learner.
-In Eclipse's home-

Steelheart's Face grew even redder as Eclipse returned her affection.

She felt it hard to speak as she began to feel overwhelmed with a strange new feeling.

All she could muster was a slightly raspy "Thank you" before 'looking' away.

She couldn't see him, or his magic, so it didn't matter what direction she looked she could 'feel' him all around her.

She was simply trying to hide her blush so as to not look silly.

Her voice was that of a small coo as she then explained "When this is all over...That is, when things calm back down.. There are some things I would like to talk to you about.. Things that confuse me.."

Looking back at him, (well, slightly to the side) she smiled through a lobster red face and remarked "And some things I am very sure of."

She then slowly lowered her head and inched in to nuzzle his cheek in response.

It was mostly with her forehead, but the poor dear couldn't see after all.

For a moment stayed in this embrace happily humming an age old lullaby of her homeland.

it was her dearest song and as with most cultures, to sing was an expression of deep joy and peace.

She wanted things to stay like that forever, but she knew there were things that had to be taken care of first.

Heaving a reluctant sigh as if not wanting to spoil the moment she muttered "I suppose we should finish eating and see Mr.Spyro. "

-At The Forge.-

Firecracker Stopped cold and looked back at her with a fixed gaze as he asked " A..A hero? me?"

He was about to make another self loathing joke when it dawned on him like the idea light bulb fell on his head.

A hero is not born; he isn't even made.

A hero is one who is willing to give his life not for a glorious death, but for the lives of those he gave it for.

One who would give anything for the ones they love without a moments hesitation.

He knew in his heart that he already met these standards, but his insecurities brought on by his parents had held him back.

Taking a deep breath he stepped up to a window and looking at the setting sun he began to recite the mantra he spoke just before he gave his all on Equinox "..To bring light to the dark, is to bring joy to the heart.. To bring joy to the heart is to enrapture the soul.. So we, the artists of the night's sky say these words.."

As he spoke those last few words a moment of hesitation came over him as his memories of nearly dying came to flooding back.

passing a glance of back at Shina he reminded himself deep in his heart that a hero is not one who doesn't get afraid, but one who confronts his fear.

Taking another deep breath he held it as for the first time sense Equinox his horn began to glow again.

It would seem his fears had been suppressing his magic all this time.

Finally he spoke the last phrase of the Mantra "Fire it up!"

With that, bright colored sparks shot from his horn in all direction.

In truth the were more like spheres, perfectly round and holding their form as the floated in the air around the forge.

They gave off no real heat, but a radiant copper colored light that bathed the forge in it's color.

Smiling softly back at Shina Firecracker remarked in a very loving voice. "Alright love, For you I will be a Hero. "

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