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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Shina giggle softly at the bit about bandages. In truth she didn't feel like she'd really done all that much. Ok, so maybe someponies would think it a bit much to stay by the side of an unconscious colt for nine months. But still it never felt like such a big deal to her, it had simply felt natural at the time.

"I will always be here to piece you back together." She assured him before adding with a playful nudge of her shoulder against his. "But if we are lucky maybe I can teach you how to avoid breaking to begin with." Shina teased before taking his hoof to help pull her to her own hooves.

As much as she wanted to inquire more about his parents leaving, now wasn't the time. On that Shina thought it best to wait. One piece of baggage at a time.

At the mention of Konton her thoughts turned to the phoenix for a moment. Speaking of baggage, what was she going to do with him? For whatever reason her thoughts trailed to time she'd spent with her father shortly before leaving home.

Suddenly those fuchsia eyes lite up nearly gasping when an idea struck her. "A sword forged in phoenix fire..." She blurted the thought out loud with out explanation. "Fire, is there a forge in Hast?" She asked quickly feeling the sudden rush of adrenalin that came with such anxious hope. A sword forged in her own dragon fire would be much easier then teaching Konton, but it would prove useless against a dragon.
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-In Hast-

Firecracker couldn't help but smile at Shina's comment about always being there for him.

She didn't know it at the time, but stability was something Firecracker always wanted in life, but always seemed to lack.

His complex all stemmed from his stained relationship with his parents who decided to pursue a career in the performing arts, leaving him behind.

When she joked about him learned something to keep himself from braking in the first place he couldn't help but laugh.

It wasn't that he was unteachable or incapable of defending himself, but that he lacked that edge.

His very nature was to create, while violence only destroyed.

It struck him as odd when she asked about a forge seemingly out of the blue.

As she explained her intentions however it became more clear.

Looking over his shoulder at the town he explained " Well, Hast imports most of it's metal goods.. But there is one place.

There was a blacksmith here a long time ago. McFinagin I think his name was. When he passed he had no relatives and his shops been left untouched for decades. I think, given the circumstances, it would be alright to use it. "

Firecracker then began to walk towards the road to lead the way; still a bit unsure of just what Shina had in mind.


Steelheart made no sound as the Dragon began to torment her sister.

But it was in the silence she felt like she was going to die.

She was in so much pain and so much fear that she was simply frozen in shock.

Lavender Moon on the other hand, more accustom to pain shrieked and writhed in an attempt to quell the burning agony.

She had no way of defending herself from a spell that doesn't attack your physical form, the very energies of your soul.

The fact that she had not only her own, but the great spirit Anda's within her made the spell somehow ever more powerful.

It became so intense she felt her life begin to slip from her shell of a body.

Just before she broke however Eclipse was able to intervene.

It was only once the grueling pain had stopped that she was able to find the will to breath.

Gasping for air and coughing up small specks of indigo embers she twitched spasmed, too weak to move.

Still she resisted cursing him in her native tongue.

Looking up at her rescuer she noticed he was deadlocked with the dragon, staring into it's piercing eyes.

For now she was unsure how to help, or for that matter if she even could.

She was so simply brought down, would her indigo fire even effect the creature?

For now all she could do was wait and watch.

The darkness in Eclipse's eyes seemed to intensify as the very ground trembled from their life or death staring contest. It couldn't be seen, but the sheer amount of magic they were both using was stifling, making the air itself seem heavy. Sweat beaded Eclipses form, but he didn't so much as flinch. Mephisto's duplicate was in a similar state, his lips curling back in a snarl. It seemed that Eclipse was managing to push Mephisto's magic back!

Then Mephisto's maw slowly curled into a smirk. "Kill the flutter pony...." He hissed with venom in his words. All at once, his three puppets seemed to appear from nowhere around Lavender Moon, lunging for her with daggers held by their magic bearing down on her. Eclipse's wings spread and with one beat he flew back, standing over Lavender as Mephisto cackled. "You fool! Now you'll both die!" The dragon bellowed as the daggers buried into Eclipse's flesh... He gritted his teeth, but his gaze did not break as a smirk curled on his own lips. "You're the only fool. YOU GAVE ME A WAY THROUGH!" He roared, his gaze suddenly breaking as he locked eyes with one of the puppets.

In an instant, Mephisto's copy and the puppets howled in absolute agony as they fell to the ground, the one he had caught in his gaze unable to look away. Soul Torment took tremendous control and concentration to use. Even Mephisto couldn't have more than one puppet use it at a time because of how much focus it took. Since his copy was using it, the puppets were vulnerable to a Soul Torment attack as they could not defend it while Mephisto used it. It had been one hell of a gamble. If he had been too slow, he would have been caught in Mephisto's Soul Torment....

"Just wait Eclipse... YOUR END WILL COME!!!" Mephisto screeched, his voice echoing through his puppets as well as the copy turned to dust. All at once, the three puppets went limp and Eclipse broke his gaze. It was pointless to continue. No, they weren't dead, but Mephisto had cut the soul connection between them. They were just soulless husks now. Soul Torment would do nothing to them. Once his gaze ended, spell circles appeared below them as Mephisto reclaimed his minions... Ignoring the half dozen daggers sticking out of his body, he carefully moved off of Lavender Moon and gently helped her up to her feet. "Sorry I am a bit late... Come... your sister is waiting to see you, and I don't like keeping Steelheart waiting if I can avoid it... Can you walk alright?" He smiled through his pain as he checked her over to be sure she hadn't been injured beyond the Soul Torment.

That's just how he was. He didn't want other ponies to know his pain, much less those he was trying to protect.

Of course, that didn't mean he wouldn't joke about it...

"I'm starting to think in a past life I may have been a pin cushion..." He laughed softly, even though it hurt a bit more to do so. "I would just teleport us back normally, but I'm afraid I'm a bit burned out." He chuckle again as he shook the sweat off his brow. How much magic had it taken to hold that staring contest?... AT least enough where he couldn't cast a simple barrier to repel attackers...

Midnight raised an eyebrow at the stallion that approached. She didn't really have an opinion on him, but from the tone Fang had with him, she could tell rather quickly he had done goofed something serious to piss her off. She had to give him at least a couple brownie points for admitting he done goofed, but she didn't know how badly he done fucked up, and her thoughts on the matter were really irrelevant. Her gaze turned to Fang when she addressed her. "Sure thing, If he gives you too much trouble, just give a yell and I'll show you a lovely trick spell that'll put his head where his ass should be." she smirked playfully, giving Fang's cheek a light nuzzle, glancing over at Indicus almost as if taunting him.

She really couldn't resist teasing ponies. And she made sure to leave that last comment open so Fang could add to it if she chose. She had another motive for that comment though. She was lightening the mood. It was obvious Fang was still pissed, and if she was pissed, she wouldn't be much for listening to an apology. As far as Midnight was concerned, the sooner the apology was accepted, the sooner they could get back to training.

She trotted off for now, going just out of casual earshot to sit under a tree, yawning as she relaxed just playing with a couple Shade Crystal shards to entertain herself. She could be patient sometimes. Especially when there was somepony worth waiting for.

Shadow Fang

The Thestral quietly waited for Indicus to begin, she wasn't about to make the first move. Not for something like this. She gave a quiet snort at Midnight's offer, almost as though she was suppressing a chuckle though no smile showed. "It's probably for the best that I don't know a spell like that," Fang murmured in response, leaning slightly into the nuzzle from Midnight. She didn't entirely know why though. Was it in thanks for the show of support even though Midnight didn't know what happened?

Or was she sending a message?

(Sorry kinda did not want to respond and assume someone else's character was doing something and could not access the computer yesterday)(Correct me if anything is off about the times)

Indicus noticed the interaction between the two but did not give any indication of such but he did need to at least get back on working terms with Shadow Fang. Indicus looked Shadow Fang strait in the eyes and began, "Yesterday I screwed up I did not stay with you in Sky Chaser's home instead listening to my own instinct telling me he was not a threat, fortunately he was not, but that dose not excuse the risk I took and the danger I put both you and Steelheart in, I deserved every bit of your scolding. To make it worse I did not even attempt to make my apology then or soon after, instead waiting and making excuses. For what little it's still worth I'm sorry both for my mistake and not coming to you to apologies sooner." Indicus barely was able to keep looking Shadow Fang in the eye but still kept it up it was the least he could actually do after what he had probably put her through.

Shadow Fang

After a moment's pause, Fang sighed and shook her head. "What happened yesterday should never have happened in the first place," Her tone no longer carried the venom it had the past few times she spoke with her partner. Instead it was low, laced with disappointment and something else . . . pain perhaps? "You have too much experience for an error like that and I'm disappointed in you. Both as your partner and your senior." The mare paused for a moment to let the words sink in and to gather her thoughts. "But there's just too much at stake to let yesterday's incident prevent either of us from protecting the town. At the same time we can't just act like it never happened, I expect you to make sure something like this doesn't happen again.

As for what happened today . . . " Fang shook her head, her ears falling slightly. "Out of everyone there, you were the only one that knew about my history. But when that . . . incident happened . . . " She shook her head again, ears low against her head. "You did nothing, not any attempt to help the situation." By now, Fang was no longer looking at him. "But when a mare you just met and know nothing about leaves in tears you rush off to her aid." She gritted her teeth, stomping a hoof in the grass. "I needed you!" She snapped, voice threatening to crack. "I needed my partner, my teammate, and what do you do? You rush off after some stranger!" Both her voice and head lowered, "I just, don't understand . . . "
Indicus felt the Impact of each word and it stung at his heart and mind and she was right he chose some practical stranger over Shadow Fang someone that was a close friend and he knew for many months through many trials.

'I really fucked up didn't I. I failed her as a partner and as a friend. Did my time alone head of the assassins guild screw me up so much that I lost touch on what those close to me feel? Or is it worse and I just never really tried in the first place.'
Indicus thought to himself

Indicus forced himself to look at Shadow Fang to see how his action and inaction had hurt her and it tore at him that he recognized the pain of another and not the pain of his partner that he had abandon her not once but twice, one an armature mistake a failure as a member of the order, the other a failure on his part as a friend and partner.

"You've been there for me time and time again and yet I fail to be there for you not once but twice. I have failed you as a partner, a team member and a friend and yet you let me make my pitiful excuse for amends. Though I do not deserve your forgiveness I apologies for my failure to be there as a friend and promise to become a person more deserving of your friendship and to try and be there by your side when ever you need me." Indicus could feel his own eyes watering as he made his promise one that he would hold himself to.

Shadow Fang

Fang listened to his apology in silence, she remained quiet after he finished for what likely seemed like forever to him. Finally she closed her eyes and took a slow breath. "As your senior, I sincerely hope you live up to those words and aren't just making some empty promise." She shook her head, "But as your partner . . . it's probably going to be a little while before I can completely trust you again."

For such a powerful and necessary thing, trust was a fragile thing. Delicate like a snowflake and just as hard to restore to what it once was when damaged.
Lavender Moon turned and bitterly spat out another indigo ember before angrily replying in flutter "/You Idiot! What would my sister do if you had died?/"

A strange way to thank some one who risked his life to save her, but her pride was clearly wounded.

She was a bit in shock at just how powerful the dread dragon was, and how helpless she was to resist his power.

Her eyes began to tear up as she eyed him up and down seeing his heavily damaged form.

Suddenly she began to nuzzle his cheek as the tears that had been beginning to well now poured freely.

Again she spoke, but this time with a much more gentle and somber tone /" You..you Idiot.. You can't die on me.. You have to be more careful"/

After a strangely intimate moment
Lavender Moon's snapped back to attention and took an abrupt step backwards.

She looked away with a hard blush in realization of what she had done, and snorted a small puff of indigo flame.

Speaking now in Common she sighed and went on to say "I am fine now... Thank you. As you say, we need to get back to min syster. she will be worried about us, and I am afraid for her as well.

Could the link between the sisters really be that deep as to have Lavender Moon confusing emotions from Steelheart?

Or perhaps she was just swept up in the moment.

It was after all the most harrowing thing she had encountered sense the Equinox incident.

As she began to walk back towards Eclipse's house she paused to say " Come, lean on me. I am more sturdy then most Flutter pony."

Eclipse blinked in surprise at her outburst. He was about to answer when she suddenly started to nuzzle his cheek, causing his own cheeks to flush just a little. For just a moment, it had sounded like Steelheart was talking instead of Lavender Moon... Just how strong was the bond between them? When she regained her composure, he found he could gain his own as well. He could dwell on the bond and such between them later.

"You will find I am not so easy to kill... Mephisto isn't the first to try, and he won't be the last. It will take more than a half dozen daggers to kill me. It'll take at least twenty seven." He managed a playful smirk despite the pain he was most likely in. He was about to decline her offer, but when he took his first step he realized just how far he had pushed himself when his legs buckled and he almost hit the ground. "It's been a while since I've had to burn that much magic all at once..." He admitted, leaning on Lavender Moon so he could walk properly. The fact he was still standing at all after that spoke volumes for his power.

"Your sister is probably going to kill me when she finds out I got turned into a pin cushion again... She's already had to patch me back together once today" He laughed softly as they slowly made their way back. Thankfully, they weren't too far from his hole in the mountain, and it wasn't long before Eclipse was summoning up enough magic to open the door for them as they cleared the threshold.

"I'm back Steelheart, and I brought your Sister with me" He called, hiding the pain completely out of his voice. He didn't want to spoil the reunion between sisters after all... Well, at least not spoil it any more than the double dragon dilemma already did...
Indicus nodded "I understand." he did not say or do anything more he himself was not really sure on what to do next in the first place.

Shadow Fang

Fang gave a slight nod before turning away. "We both have a lot of work to do. If you've already prepped your gear then I suggest finding and talking to Spyro. He'll likely have you begin setting up tracking wards around town so we're less likely to be caught off guard." She looked towards where Midnight was laying, "I need to get back to my training."
"Okay then I'll do that." Indicus said before leaving to find Spyro. Indicus felt a bit better now that he had actually apologized. He knew it would take awhile for her to even come close to trusting him but it was a start.
As the events carried on not far from Eclipse's home Steelheart simply curled up on the floor and whimpered in pain.

She was so quiet and still about it , it would be hard for any pony to tell she was in pain.

This was partly to the shock caused by the extreme levels and also her unfamiliarity with pain in general.

She had never felt anything more then a bump from running into something.

But This, this was a whole new demention of it.

As the spell faded and with it the pain she began to sit up and shake slightly.

More out of fear then anything else.


Lavender Moon couldn't help but grimace at Eclipse's jokes.

She found nothing funny in him getting stabbed multiple times.

With a quiet sigh she chalked it up to a difference in cultures and carried on with their march back to Eclipse's home.

Once inside Eclipse announced that not only was he back, but he brought Lavender Moon with him.

In response Steelheart quickly snapped her attention that direction and asked "Syster?"

She knew in her heart that she was there, but needed to hear her voice.

Lavender Moon replied with a soft "Ja"

Steelheart got up and raced to her sister with such focus one would sware she wasn't blind.

The two flutter pony embraced each other in a very loving and intimate way.

It was clear that they were more then happy to see one another.

They needed each other in that moment.

Like a family coming together in the face of a disaster.

After a moment Lavender Moon turned to both Spyro and Eclipse and bowed her head saying "thank you..for keeping min syster safe. She is all I have in world now."

Perhaps feeling a touch guilty over his injuries there was a distinct sadness in her voice.

When the sisters were finally reunited, Eclipse made his way to the kitchen sink, which could be seen from the main area. He attempted to remove the daggers, still protruding from his body with magic, but he could barely manage a spark after his duel with Mephisto. He sighed. "Guess I'm doing this the hard way.." He muttered. Keeping himself quiet to avoid worrying Steelheart, he manually pulled each dagger out of his body, setting them in the sink once removed without so much as a grunt of pain. As much as he joked about being a pin cushion or a porcupine knock off, it was still rather painful to be stuck full of daggers, and just as painful removing them, especially since Mephisto, that sick bastard, made the blades have a barbed tip so they caused more damage when you pulled them out...

He was able to get most of them, but there was one he just couldn't get his teeth on. This one was buried deep between his shoulder blades, and whenever he tried to get at it, he was not so politely informed that this one was wedged between his wing joints. He was just about to utter a rather profane curse at his futile efforts when Lavender Moon spoke up, thankfully stopping him before he would say something not suitable for polite company.

"You don't need to thank me for that. Steelheart means the world to me, too." He reminded her, his tail flicking a bit as he tried once more in a futile effort to get a grip on the dagger that was lodged between his shoulder blades. It was much like a dog chasing its tail. The dagger itself limiting his flexibility so he couldn't quite get at it no matter how much he turned. Growing increasing frustrated, he kept turning in a circle, just inches away from reaching it and getting some relief as he turned faster and faster until his twists maneuvered him such that his head smacked rather loudly on the side of the wall. He dropped to his flank, rubbing his head as he grumbled incoherently in some long forgotten language what could only be assumed were the most extreme profanities found in the language.

Although Eclipse was generally a calm and reserved person, he had flashes where he could be fun, and even downright childish, as Steelheart could attest. He showed flashes of it around her from time to time, although, until recently, they were quite rare. As Spyro could attest, he was serious when necessary, but knew when to have fun.

Of course, none of that was really relevant to this situation. Frankly, he was burned out on magic, still in a rather considerable deal of pain, and still had a barbed dagger stuck in his shoulders. He was just showing some frustration, as would anyone in the same situation. It was almost comical, to see the pony who just basically won a staring contest with the ultimate soul thief to be struggling with a task like this. He had been hoping to take care of it himself so Steelheart wouldn't find out about it, but after that loud thunk that signaled his head striking the wall, no doubt she knew he'd done something again....
Spyro watched as Eclipse pulled the daggers out. He couldn't help but feel slightly sad for Eclipse as he couldn't get the last dagger out. "Eclipse, let me help you out." Spyro said as he walked over to Eclipse with his horn glowing. "I'll pull the dagger out on three as to make it less painful." Spyro said as the grip of the dagger glowed the same color of his magic. "Alright. Three." Spyro said, yanking out the last dagger that was between Eclipse's shoulder blades.

Shadow Fang

Fang watched as her partner left to go track down Spyro before letting out a long sigh. She wasn't too sure what to do at the moment, she knew she needed to get back to training with Midnight. But a few more minutes to calm down more likely wouldn't hurt. Besides, Midnight came across as a rather understanding pony so she likely wouldn't mind. "Midnight," she called over to the relaxing Thestral, "you can come back if you want."

Midnight yawned lazily, stretching out before she rose to her hooves, making her way over. "Do you still want to train, or will you need a minute after...well... that?" she asked curiously as she tilted her head in question. It seemed Fang's hunch was correct. Then again, despite all of her innuendo laden comments, she had been rather patient thus far.

Eclipse knew it was coming. He knew exactly what Spyro was planning. But this particular dagger was in deep. When Spyro pulled he couldn't help but sharply inhale, barely restraining a wild string of expletives that almost escaped his mouth. It would seem strange how before, Eclipse had shrugged off more daggers than this without a sound. For one thing, before his adrenaline had been so high he couldn't feel the pain. For another, the daggers before weren't F*CKING BARBED. Given both of these factors, his pain was completely understandable.

Eclipse took deep breathes to calm himself down, ignoring the fact blood was dripping from the now open wounds onto the floor. At this point, he didn't care at all. He was just grateful to be able to move normally again without a dagger stuck in his joints.
"I'm sorry Eclipse, but the count down would have made the pain feel even worse, for you would be expecting it unlike now." Spyro apologized, putting the dagger in the sink along with the others.

Shadow Fang

Fang gave midnight a small smile and a light nuzzle. "If you don't mind, I could use a minute to get thoughts back in order." She sat down in the grass with a small sigh, enjoying the gentle warmth of the sun on her back. She may have considered herself a child of the night, but warm sunny days were still plenty relaxing for the Thestral. They were just so bright... "Sometimes I just don't know what I'm going to do with that guy," She chuckled softly and shook her head.
As much as every pony tried to shelter her from the truth Steelheart did in fact notice that Eclipse had been injured again.

For the first few moments she was too preoccupied with her own fears and pains.

But once her better judgment and caring heart took back over she couldn't help but turn her concern to Eclipse.

The unfamiliar scent of blood, the strange feeling of other's in pain; it was all so much to take in.

As she slowly separated from her sisters embrace she took a step towards Eclipse and felt her legs buckle.

Lavender Moon rushed to try and catch her, but she was able to stabilize herself.

at the same time she was able to hold out a fore-hoof as if to hold Lavender Moon back.

Standing back up with a shaky gate she replied "I'm fine.. But you."

Taking another shaky step towards Eclipse her eyes began to tear up as she went on " You must be more careful.. I can't bare to know your in pain."

her accent began to show for the first time sense she came to Hast.

It was likely due to her proximity to her sister.

Her face didn't show the anger her sisters did when she chastised him, but rather just concern.

It was almost like the two were two sides to a mother- one of kindness and caring, without the others side of strict discipline and guidance.

The two were of a rare breed, but among them it was rarer still for blood relations.

Only a small few Flutter pony ever had more then one foal due to the tribes system of every pony rearing every foal born.

Compounding that was the equal sharing of the soul of their very creator spirit.

After a moment of what would be staring Steelheart brushed her side against him and nuzzled his cheek.

As she did, a smear of blood soiled her mint flower mane.

Lavender Moon only looked on with a sneer as she did.

It was clear that while she cared for Eclipse as one who saved her life and guarded her sister, she valued her sister and her purity more.

Or perhaps she was just unwilling to accept the fact that her sister was grown up.

As Steelheart comforted him she began to softly coo "There there.. it's all better now.. I'll keep you safe from the monsters."

The very idea of her keeping anypony safe was laughable, but it was more of an expression used for comfort.

As she did this she again began to softly glow in a healing light.

Lavender Moon's eyes widened as she blurted in her native tongue "/She can control her powers?!/"

~Time exposition~

It had been a day of highs and lows for every pony in Hast.

A day of discovery and a day of disaster.

But as the sun had passed it's zenith, there are only a few hours left in this day.

Could this day get any more eventful?

Some pony hoped not, while others still had much to do in the precious time they had left.

One thing was certain, sure as the sun had begun to set on a day of challenges, it would rise on one even greater.


Eclipse's gaze softened, any trace of frustration, anger, or pain from the daggers gone in the instant Steelheart looked at him. She always had a calming effect on him. Part of the reason he always seemed so calm was, in truth, because of her. Before he revealed his true name, she had been the only thing that could ease the pain he felt inside. Even now that everyone knew who he was, and he had decided to face that past, he still found comfort in her. He bit his lip a little when he noticed the tears welling up in her eyes. If there was one thing that truly hurt him, it was seeing her upset.

" You must be more careful.. I can't bare to know your in pain."

"I'm sorry, Steelheart.... I didn't mean to worry you..." He murmured, gently nuzzling her in return as she moved close to him. Just being close to her like this was soothing, to the point it made him forget about his injuries. To some, her talking about keeping him safe from monsters was laughable. For him, that was exactly what she did though. Not monsters like dragons, of course, but the monsters that dwelt inside of his mind. His fears, his doubts, his sadness, all of the negative emotions of his past, she kept him safe from.

As she began to glow, he couldn't miss her sister's loud exclamation. He smiled softly, gently nuzzling Steelheart's cheek as he felt his injuries fading away to nothing. "/Do you fear your eyes lie?/" Eclipse asked as his eyes turned towards her as he stayed close to Steelheart. Sure, he was a little surprised she was using her powers while awake, but he had always known that someday, she would realize she could do it...

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