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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

As Indicus got closer to Shadow Fang's magical signature he could feel two others near Shadow Fang but judging by the fact there was no sudden magic spikes the two were more then likely talking to her Indicus sighed wanting to have some time to talk to her alone and without interrupting what she was doing. Indicus took a quick glance at the sun making sure not to linger on it for too long and hurt his eyes. He quickly noticed that it had been awhile since he last ate and he had not fed for four days meaning that he would need to feed anyway so using a map he found near the town hall he made his way to the forest.

(assuming deer are on the line of not sapient)

Once he arrived his hunt began and he located his first target a sizable deer. Indicus followed the deer through the forest before finding a place he could strike and as if a spring was sprung Indicus's body released all it's tension as he caught the deer by the neck his fangs in the artery as he drank the animals blood.

Once his primal hunger was satisfied he went about cleaning the blood off himself and field dressing the deer, taking it it with him to his current residence making sure others did not see him.

Sunflower, by now, would notice that this wasn't just standard playful flirting. Midnight had already dropped character and was still showing interest. That seldom, if ever, happened. It was strange, almost like Midnight had met her in the past and was just picking up where things left off. Either that or she just naturally felt comfortable around Fang.

It wasn't long before they walked into the restaurant, a quaint little place, much like the rest of Hast. She found them a table and, quite immediately, sat down as close to Fang as she could manage. "So... If I'm going to be your personal tutor, why don't you tell me what you know about Shade Crystals so far so I know where to start?" she asked, watching Fang curiously. It seemed like Midnight knew an awful lot about Shade Crystals. The question is, where in Equestria did she even learn about them?!

Shadow Fang

Sunflower Fields

Fang's face was still plenty hot when she and the two ponies she'd just met entered the restaurant and sat down. She shifted her wings slightly, the cloak being a nuisance as always. It probably wouldn't be so uncomfortable if her wings weren't so much larger than the average bat-like wings of the Thestrals. Her ears rotated slightly as she felt a very familiar magic signature draw near before quickly leaving once again. It was Indicus, no mistake about it.

She frowned a little as her crimson gaze shifted to glance out the window towards the road. Being partners, she and Indicus had a special link between the two. It allowed for them to communicate telepathically if they needed to. Something that had been created before even Spyro took over the Order, perhaps it was Eclipse that created it? Regardless, all teams sent out on missions had this link between each other. Fang and Indicus just happened to forget to break said link after their last mission.

But perhaps it was for the best that they'd forgotten about it.

"Since you seem so intent on not facing me," Her voice would echo in the back of his mind. Her annoyance - and was that . . . betrayal? - was evident in her tone even through their mental link. The dull glow that seemed to come from Fang's eyes while indoors only brightened as she focused on sending her message. "The Empire is on the move and they're headed here. Make sure you're ready for a fight when it comes. And don't go making any more risky assumptions. Just because you got lucky once doesn't mean it'll happen again." And with that, she blocked her own mind from any reply from him. Well, perhaps tuned out is a more appropriate description.

It was then she realized Midnight had been asking her questions. Fang had heard what the mare asked her, but it took an extra moment to really process the question. Telepathy just wasn't something she could multitask with. "Sorry, um . . . not much, really. I mean they're obviously dark magic and they seem to be good magical conductors, but that's about it." She said, rubbing the back of her neck.

Sunflower had remained mostly silent, simply choosing to watch the way Midnight was behaving around this mare. She knew her friend was a major flirt that enjoyed teasing ponies. But this . . . this seemed different for some reason. Was it because the two were Thestrals and seemed to share the same magic? She really wasn't sure. Though she was confused by Fang seemingly spacing out as she looked out the window. Why can't I shake the feeling I've met her before?
Steelheart cried like a little filly, helpless and without reservation.

Slowly her loud sobbing eased as Eclips sang to her and cleaned her up.

After a short while she had calmed down to just an occasional sniffle .

She felt so guilty about everything that had transpired.

She wondered if she had never come to Hast if things would have been better for everypony.

But at the same time she felt like if she had never met Eclips. A part of her would always be missing.

And what of her friends?

Was this all part of some greater design?

She felt her head spin with all these questions.

As she listened to the melody and ruminated on all her decisions, she felt herself nodding off.

While the sun was still high, she had had such an exhausting day she couldn't help but drift off.

As she fell asleep she lied completely helpless and fragile.

Again the glow came over her as it did whenever she slept.

This time it would be Eclips to feel it's effect rather then Shadow Fang.

Every hole dug into his flesh began to glow with the same light that faintly surounded Steelheart.

The wounds began closing and the tissue mending.

A painful process, but miraculous none the less.

While it still had it's limitations, it was a powerful healing spell to be done literally in her sleep.

Eclipse made no sound, even as the wounds began to close in a rather painful process. He wouldn't want to wake up Steelheart after all. He was, of course, not expecting her to use such powerful magic in her sleep. Unlike the survivors of Equinox, he had not seen her use such magic first hand. He was aware she was a capable healer, just from the few instances she had demonstrated ability with it, but he would have never guessed she could do such magic even in her sleep. He smiled softly down at her as he watched her sleep so peacefully. He carefully cleaned away the blood from his body now that the wounds had closed and healed, the towel flying back into the house presumably to land somewhere it could be cleaned later.

His horn glowed once more as the flutter pony was gently lifted onto his back. His wings flared up a little to make sure she didn't somehow slip off of his back as he carried her back to his home. He walked into the main area and his horn glowed, a bed coming forth from one of the back rooms to settle itself in the middle of the spacious room. In his main room, bookshelves lined every wall, and the only furniture, a small coffee table and a few couches, were pushed up against the wall to prevent Steelheart from accidentally tripping over anything. By now, she knew exactly where the table was since it was the only piece of furniture in the room that wasn't against a wall.

Normally, he would have put her in one of the other rooms, but Steelheart seldom ventured into them, and he thought it would be better for her to wake up somewhere familiar, where it would be easy for her to get her bearings once she woke up. With the bed positioned, his horn glowed and lifted her gently onto the bed so she could sleep comfortably. Last but not least, he pulled the blankets up over her and tucked her in so she would stay warm.

He had left the door open for now. If any pony tried to get in without his permission, they would still be forcefully expelled, even if the door was open though. Luckily for Spyro, if he chose to follow, he was permitted entry now.

"I can't say I blame her for being tired.... this has been one hell of a crazy day for her..."
He murmured quietly, gently brushing a strand of hair from her face with his hoof as she slept. If there was ever any doubt about how far he would go to protect her, that had been put to rest. He had endured a hail of daggers to keep her safe. If Anda still had reservations, no doubt they'd be gone now.

He sat down beside the bed, just keeping her company in case she woke up as he looked out the door. If the Nightmare Empire wanted to hurt her, they would find just how merciless Eclipse could be... No doubt the 'presents' he had sent them would get that message across. And by presents, of course, that referred to the bodies of the assassins, which had been unceremoniously called back to wherever Nightmare Empire had set up shop when the barrier dropped. At least Nightmare Empire cleaned up after themselves...


"Good magical conductors would be putting it mildly" Midnight laughed softly as she smiled at her new object of affection. "They're pure dark magic given physical form. Now, there are many ways to look at how they work, but here's how I look at it. Every pony, Earth pony, Pegasi, Unicorn, Thestral has a Spark of magic inside of them. It's what gives Earth ponies their strength, Pegasi their flight, and Unicorns their magical abilities. For the first two, the magic is nearly impossible to harness. For Unicorns, their horn acts as a channel for their Spark, allowing them to use magic. For those of us without horns, special Crystals like Shade Crystals allow us to still use magic. You see, ponies naturally emit magic that is built up in Crystals. These crystals don't really show up in this plane, and tend to exist in what I call the Crystal Plane unless called here by somepony trained in their use. They aren't easy to access, but anyone can do it with proper training. After all, every pony makes them without even knowing it." She explained, hoping she wasn't rambling too much.

"For those of us that can use them, we change how our own crystals are oriented in the crystal plane, or summon them to the physical plane and arrange them in order to use them for spells. For Unicorns, this whole process happens subconsciously in their horn without the need for crystals. They don't even think about it, but those of us without horns need to actually think about what we're doing. Since we need to rearrange the crystals to cast spells, we're naturally going to be slower casters than any unicorn, but we are not lacking in terms of power or effectiveness" she continued, blinking when she realized just how long she had been talking.

".... I promise, it'll make more sense once we start practicing..." she laughed awkwardly as she rubbed the back of her head, well aware that had probably just confused the hell out of Fang. Then again, she was smart, so she may have understood all of that...

Shadow Fang

Sunflower Fields

Fang slowly nodded, carefully listening to Midnight as she explained the main concept that these crystals worked on. She'd always held in interest in the world of the arcane, but being a Thestral had naturally limited her in really exploring any of it. Though Rune Magic did fascinate her, there wasn't a lot in the way of surviving tomes on the matter. "I see..." She narrowed her eyes slightly in concentration. "So how similar is this to a unicorn's horn, or maybe magic in general? A unicorn's soul is in their horn and magic draws its power from the soul after all."

Sunflower chose to actually look through the menu as the two bat ponies talked. Most of it was beyond her understanding. Besides, she didn't think Midnight should be messing with that kind of magic let alone teaching it to another pony. But her friend was likely beyond stubborn.
KageYuuki said:
"Since you seem so intent on not facing me," Her voice would echo in the back of his mind. Her annoyance - and was that . . . betrayal? - was evident in her tone even through their mental link. The dull glow that seemed to come from Fang's eyes while indoors only brightened as she focused on sending her message. "The Empire is on the move and they're headed here. Make sure you're ready for a fight when it comes. And don't go making any more risky assumptions. Just because you got lucky once doesn't mean it'll happen again." And with that, she blocked her own mind from any reply from him. Well, perhaps tuned out is a more appropriate description.
Indicus was in his kitchen skinning and taking the meat off his kill, thanks to draining it of blood when he killed it the mess was minimal. Indicus suddenly heard Shadow Fang over the link and when she was done the words bit into him but he did not let any emotion go through the link as he felt her side of the link become fainter. Indicus once more cursed himself for making up petty excuses to avoid the topic making things worse, he need to do something and pretty soon with the threat that hanged over them.
Spyro walked up behind Eclipse, looking at Steelheart. "Is she alright? I know that experiencing such events can be terrifying, traumatizing, or both for some." Spyro said with concern in his voice for his new friend.

"it's really the same thing. Only instead of your soul being held in a horn, they're held in your Shade Crystals. Now, since they are in another plane, you really don't have to worry about them unless you start summoning them here, which can be a bit dangerous." Midnight remarked, leaning on Fang a little as the lesson in magic carried on. "Trust me, it'll make MUCH more sense when we do more hooves on practice" she remarked, casually tangling her foreleg with Fang's.


Eclipse nodded his head. "She will be fine. She's just a bit worn out from everything today. Given she was attacked twice, and found out all about me, I'd say it was a pretty exhausting day" he chuckled softly as he watched the flutter pony sleep. His horn glowed as he closed the door to his home since Spyro was already inside and there was no need to let the bugs in.

"Now, while we've got a minute free from someone trying to see how I'd look as a porcupine... About your two agents here... I'm aware you didn't send them here for any mission, but still, I am a bit troubled by the way some things were handled." he remarked closing his eyes. "Shadow Fang.... She just may be gunning for your job someday, if she gets a handle on those Shade Crystals of hers... She seems to have a natural instinct that tells her when something is out of the ordinary, and she's got enough wits about her to use caution in such situations, yet not make it obvious she's being cautious. Frankly, she handled herself like I'd expect a trained member of the Order. Even I have to admit, given appearances, I looked suspicious to anyone who didn't know my story. If I couldn't see souls, I probably never would have realized she had her suspicions about me, due to how well she carried herself, though." he remarked thoughtfully.

"Then... there's the other one... I have no doubt that Fang told her partner about her suspicions, but even with that knowledge in hand, he left her alone with me. Now, luckily for them, I'm one of the good guys, but I worry about what may happen if he tries a stunt like that and Fang's suspicions are correct. He would have left her to die. I'm going to assume he's new, because if he's been in the Order longer than a month or two he should know better than that. Maybe I'm judging unfairly, given I only saw him briefly, but from what little I've seen, I can't help but question if he has what it takes to be in the Order at all. Regardless, It's not my place to say anymore, since I turned over my position and my successor turned it over to you, but I would keep a careful eye on him and make sure he's better trained. Hopefully in the coming battles he shows more of what I am told he was like at Equinox." he remarked, keeping his voice quiet this whole time to avoid waking up Steelheart.

Now, he didn't mean to come off as harsh or critical. The point was, in the Order there was a reason you always went out in teams with a link between them. Your partner was your lifeline. If your partner messed up badly enough, it could cost both their lives. The one golden rule Eclipse had always preached was to always have your partner's back, just as they would have yours. Indicus had broken that golden rule, and of course that would send up all kinds of Red Flags for the Order's original Founder. He hoped he was, as he suggested, just being too critical. He sincerely hoped there was more to Indicus than what he had seen. Otherwise, He would likely become a major liability in the battles to come, rather than the asset he should be as a member of the Order.

With his peace spoken, Eclipse turned his attention back to Steelheart, keeping a close eye on her so that he could greet her when she woke up. There was something relaxing about watching her resting so peacefully. A soft smile crossed his features as he watched her. No matter what, he would always protect her. Though, he had no intentions to die.

He needed to live for her sake after all...
As they walked Shina followed Firecracker's lead. For a moment she was lost in her own head wondering where to begin in training. She'd always been trained, never trained anyone herself. It was thoughts like these she was suddenly pulled out of by Fire's question.

Almost instantly her cheeks blushed noticeably, her fuchsia gaze lowered shyly as she tried to hide her embarrassed features in her mane. "Uh, well, yes." She answered while fidgeting nervously, unsure if her lack of experience was a good thing or a bad thing.

Shadow Fang

Fang slowly nodded. "Interesting, I can understand why summoning them here would be dangerous. But there must also be a bit of an advantage to it as well." Of course she could be completely wrong about that assumption and she knew it. Being so clueless about these crystals was quite a hindrance on her abilities. But if she could figure them out . . . Who knows what could happen. The notion of her soul being in a different plane entirely was a surprising bit of information. Could it help in the battles to come? Or would it not make a difference?

"Yeah, I seem to learn best by seeing and doing. Not listening to an explanation." Fang chuckled lightly as she picked up the menu, casting a slightly confused glance as Midnight wrapped a foreleg around her own. It was so strange meeting another Thestral clear out in a town like Hast. But to meet one that was also seemingly knowledgeable in Shade Crystal and appeared to be instantly attached to her?

Fang's instincts started to kick in as she looked through all the different pieces. As much as she hated to admit it, there were as many Thestrals in the Nightmare Enpire as there were in the Order. All agents of the Empire had a magic brand placed on them. It allowed for superiors to keep track of missions, kill an agent before they could be captured or even call them back in the event of an emergency. Not that the brand interfered with their cover. No, it could only be seen by others who were branded.

Or members of the Order.

If near one of these brands, an agent's medallion would emit a very faint glow and alert the one linked to it. But Fang had given her medallion to Steelheart. She had no way of double checking if Midnight really was a friend or not.
Spyro looked at Eclipse for a moment with and gave a bit of a chuckle. "Fang could definitely go for my job, that is if she learns to forgive others and open up." Spyro said with a small frown. "I get that Indicus might have endangered the mission, but Fang is endangering this mission just as much as he did if she doesn't reach out soon and accept his apology for right now their team is split which can prove dangerous. This is not a quality of a leader of any kind should have. Indicus, I can see potential, a lot of it, but he must learn it on his own. All he has to learn is that he can't let a hunch carry what he thinks will happen, which I think he has learned that lesson. And if he hasn't or he forgets, he is to be reminded." Spyro said, walking closer to Eclipse and whispered so only he could hear.

"Eclipse, I did find something in that assassin's mind, but I didn't want to say it to Steelheart, she has suffered enough in such a short amount of time. I found that your assumption is wrong Eclipse. They do plan to attack during the ball when the princesses are here. They will attack with a lot of their experimental stuff, most of it with that black powder of their's. They have secured strong points throughout the town of Hast and in the wilderness surrounding Hast and they are digging in. Not only that but from the fact you teleported the body's of those assassins to them as a message, it will only make them more careful from here. Listen, I know that you want to go and kill them all right now, but their main force i still not here,and yet they rival us in the hundreds, if not more. I need you to watch over Steelheart at all cost, If they get to her, all is lost, understand?" Spyro whispered.
Steelheart's faces scowled as she let out a small groan.

It seemed like she was having some kind of nightmare as she began to twitch in her sleep.

The pink glow that surrounded only seemed to stengthen as this happened as if she was trying to put out more magic for some reason.

As she nested down in the blanket she was given she slowly calmed down and the glow faded back to its normal levels.

In light of everything that had happened it was no surprise that she would be having a simple bad dream.

But the way things were going from bad to worse it could just as easily have been an ill omen.

At the same time an unknown magical signature was aproching the house.

The barrier would be more then enough to repeal any attacker who would try a third time.

But as this signature aproched it seemed to slow down to a casual stroll.

Rather then ramming headlong into it, it stopped just shy of its field of effect.

Clealy this new...something , was vursed in magic and it's detection.

Suddenly mares voice could be heard calling -"syster renhet , är du där ?"

(sister purity, are you in there?)

The voice was heavly accented but also melodious to listen to.

She spoke in flutter which up until now only Steelheart and Anda had used.

-meanwhile in Hast-

Firecracker could only scratch the back of his head an reply " I..I see.. You my first as well..well that's ..mostly true."

He felt he owed it to her to explain about Rosie, but he didn't know how to go about it.

Finding a nice patch of red clover to sit in Firecracker motioned Shina over.

His olive gold eyes drifted downward as he was afraid of how she would percieve what he had to tell her.

True to form, he just took a deep breath and was out with it. "That mare we met at the bar.. Her name is Velvet Rose. She and I grew up together here."

Looking of nistalgically he went on " we were inseprable the two of us.. The other foals would pick on me for my parents running off..she would buck them into next week."

He couldn't help but laugh at his childhood memory before going on "when no one else would listen to her singing, I would clap for her.."

Sighing he looked up at the clouds before saying "then one day it happened. We both grew up . things began to become ..awkward between us. I always saw her as a sister..

But I felt like she began to want more.

So I did like my parents before me.

I up and left Hast."

He looked back to Shina prepared for her judgment as he finished his story " I could say it was souley to protect her feelings.but the truth of the matter is I was too much of a coward to brake her heart in person..

So now you know.. I don't blame you if you think poorly of me for it. but I felt you deserved to know the truth .

"Oh? he's tried to apologize? Strange... I put tracking spells on all of them and thus far he seems to be avoiding her. Oh well, likely my age making me a bit slow" he chuckled softly. His expression darkened at the new revelation Spyro posed. So the Nightmare Empire was really going to be so brazen as to attack during the ball? He chuckled softly as Spyro told him to watch over Steelheart. "you didn't need to tell me that, Spyro, that was already my intention. You forget, I'm not some reckless young buck in the Order looking for a fight." he smirked a little as he watched Spyro. "Knowing their plans, I can counter them. Nightmare Empire will learn in time that making an enemy out of me was the worst decision they could possibly make"

His gaze shifted as Steelheart seemed to have a nightmare.. He moved over to her side to calm her down, but by the time he got to her beside she had already calmed herself down. He smiled softly down at her, gently brushing some strands of her mane from her face as she rested. He looked up as he heard a mare's voice speaking in the rarely used Flutter Language.

"syster renhet , är du där ?"

Fortunately for whoever was speaking, Eclipse, as had already been seen by Anda, was one of the few non-flutter ponies that was fluent in the language.

"/She is here, but at rest. Who calls for her?/" Eclipse answered in flawless Flutter, granted with a bit of an archaic dialect to it. It had been quite some time since he studied the language, so his diction may be a touch dated, but it was still easily understood. He walked calmly to the door, his horn glowing as the door opened, but even now the barrier would stay in place. At least until he saw their soul.

A soul couldn't lie about intentions, after all. If this visitor meant any harm, he would know it in an instant. If they came in peace, that much would be evident as well. Until he knew which way this would go, the barrier would remain even as he stood in the doorway, with seemingly nothing but an open threshold separating him from the mare standing before him.

"/You appear familiar to me, but I do not believe we have ever formally met/" Once more, he spoke in his aged flutter. It wasn't all that unusual for him to drop into another language around those that spoke it. More often than not he didn't even realize he was doing it anymore.
The mare stood there in shock to hear a reply in flutter pony.

The mare that had large indigo eyes and a long flowing lavender mane.

She was tall and slinder and was able to stand perfectly still.

She looked strikingly like Steelheart but with an air of maturity she sorely lacked.

She had a soft fixed gaze that seemed to always be studying her surroundings and the pony there in.

Stretching out her gossamer wings they reflected an array of color from the sun.

Seeing that the pony she was speaking to was to her, some kind of strange uniccorn she spoke in the common language "I am Lavender Moon."

Her words were almost hard to understand through her thick accent .

Clearly she hadn't spoken commen in a long time.

As she took a few steps forward, She moved with a grace that made it look like she simply glided along the ground.

Stopping cold in her tracks as if intimidated by Eclips she said " I..I have come for min Syster. "
BlueGrass is on her own now. Since her house mate, Roise, is gone for a day. Her boss, Zaka, give her a full payment for her job at the bar. Also give her a one day off, so pretty much happen on that day. So BlueGrass is going to spent the time with her best friend, Bluto, a young moose.

"Here, boy! I got you some favorite snack! Carrots!!" BlueGrass give him some carrots. Bluto happily eat it as he also wanna to play.

"Oh, Bluto, I wanna see the town....you know, get to know it.....since we move here....." BlueGrass said to Bluto.

Bluto snorted as he is not interested of looking around.

"Oh come on....please? I'll give you more snacks...." BlueGrass plea him as she give him a sweet bait talk.

Bluto ears perked up as he make a happy sound.

"That a yes then, ok...Let me get the rope and--Hey!!!"

Bluto can't wait as he come running toward the town.

"No! Bluto!! Get back here!!" BlueGrass run after him to the town.

Eclipse could see from her soul that this flutter pony was the genuine article, and more importantly, that she meant no harm to Steelheart. His eyes closed as the barrier altered itself to allow her access. "/You do not need to feel obligated to speak my language. I devoted many hours of study to master this language so that I may use it when necessary/" he remarked in flawless flutter as he watched Lavender Moon. Although the way he spoke sounded old, he didn't look much older than maybe his late twenties.. Since he was perfectly fluent in flutter, it seemed only fair that he adapt so that she could feel more comfortable, given common clearly wasn't something that came naturally to her.

"/My name is Eclipse, although I until just recently also went by the name Sky Chaser. It is a pleasure to finally meet Steelheart's sister/" he bowed his head respectfully, knowing the position Lavender Moon held among the flutter pony thanks to Steelheart. Odds are, if they kept in touch over the last several months she would have heard much about him. He didn't fail to notice she seemed intimidated by his appearance. Given his alicorn status, his copious amount of scars, and his ethereal mane with streaks of gold that shined like the sun, it was easy to see how she'd be intimidated.

"/You have no reason to fear me. The only ones with cause for fear of my gaze are those that would bring harm to those I care about./" He remarked, stepping back so she could enter his home. He turned his gaze back to her when she explained why she was here... "/Please keep your voice calm. Today has been.... stressful and Steelheart is resting. I know not why you have come now for her, but I am sorry to say that now is not a good time for her to leave./" Eclipse remarked, keeping his voice soft so that Steelheart could still get the rest she needed. Of all the times for Lavender Moon to show up... this had to be the worst time.. Right now, Steelheart was as safe as she could get inside his home, and with him protecting her, it would take an army to get to her, if not two armies. If she left, she would be without his protection, and the Nightmare Empire, as persistent as they are, would eventually find her...


"Well, when you summon them here, they are a bit easier to manipulate since you can see what you're doing, but that's about it." Midnight remarked shrugging her shoulders. "They can also make your abilities more powerful, but the tradeoff isn't really worth it, since you're much more vulnerable with them here" she added, leaning on Fang and even nuzzling her neck a little. "Well, once we've got a bit of food in us, we can get started with some training. I'll have you casting spells like a pro in no time." she smiled brightly up at Fang before reading from the same menu, clearly having no concept of personal space to speak of.

She was completely oblivious to Fang's suspicions, her mind already thinking ahead to how training would go. Needless to say, there would be more heavy flirting involved if Midnight had her way.... She shook off those thoughts, focusing instead on picking something to eat when another idea flashed in her devious mind.... "Well... I can't exactly say what sounds good for lunch.." she murmured looking at the menu.. she smirked softly and leaned up towards Fang's ear. "But I know what sounds good for dessert...." she whispered in Fang's ear. She wondered just how red her cheeks would turn this time...

Shadow Fang

Fang nodded a little. Suspicions or not, she needed to learn what she could about these Shade Crystals. All else fails, she could always double check what she learned with Eclipse later on. He seemed rather knowledgeable on the subject as well. She moved away slightly, quirking an eyebrow at Midnight as she lightly nuzzled her neck. She definitely didn't seem to have much of a grasp on personal space.

Training would likely be interesting no doubt. But first, food. "Nothing's really standing out to me either." Fang murmured, agreeing with Midnight not being able to find anything either. The mare's next remark brought Fang's cheeks back to a noticeable shade of pink. SHe lightly cleared her throat, looking back down at the menu. "Do you now?"

"oh yes... I know exactly... what I want...." Midnight murmured in a soft, sultry voice. A mischievous grin crossed her lips as she slowly spoke the next words in Fang's ear. "I.... want.... cheesecake..." Her grin turned into a full blown smirk as she blew lightly on Fang's ear, sitting back in her own space for a change. "what did you think I meant? This place is known for its cheesecake!" Midnight laughed, likely knowing full well exactly how that came across.

She pointed her hoof at the dessert section of the menu, where sure enough, several kinds of cheesecake were prominently displayed with visual aid sufficient to make the mouth water. She smirked playfully over at Fang. "You know, you're cute when you're so flustered" she teased poking Fang's blushing cheek lightly. Fang was just too adorable for her..

If she only knew...

Shadow Fang

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower let out a low groan, rubbing the bridge of her nose. Honestly, Midnight? Sometimes her friend was plain impossible. She felt kind of bad for Fang, being the target of Midnight's teasing. Though she found herself having a hard time really gauging the mare's reactions.

At first Fang's expression was serious, almost disapproving. But it wasn't long before that baring broke and she chuckled, shaking her head. "You're something else, I'll give you that." She said, trying to focus on food once again. Truth be told she'd never tried cheesecake before. She'd seen it several times in the palace back when she was a member of the Lunar Guard. Princess Luna seemed rather fond of it, or perhaps chose it since it was among the few her sister didn't overly care for. The guard had joked about theories, but would never dare to ask. Sure Fang had a sweet tooth of her own, but whenever it showed up she was on duty and had more important things to worry about.

She snapped back to reality as Midnight lightly poked her. "Well, you're certainly good at getting that kind of reaction..."
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Bluto run to the town and he keep running and see some every pony around, he stop and look around, didn't know where to go.

"Bluto!!!" BlueGrass shouts his name as she have lost him. "Aa....aaa.....he's so fast...." She panting hard. She wanna to sit down and rest but she have to find him before he cause some trouble.
Lavender Moon raised and ate brown as a coy smile began spread across her face .

Taking a step closer she replied to Eclips /"So you are the one my sister has been telling me about. A pleasure to meet You. You speak flutter very well"/

She giggled a bit to herself before adding.

/"a bit stuffy for your age. But still very well.

I always thought it took decades of practice to get the adjectives just right..

But I digress, would you mind telling me what's going on? What do you mean stressful? Why can't she leave?"/

Her smile began to fade into a look of concern .

She was unaware of what was going on but felt something was amiss.

With her and Steelheart being so close it would be unwise to abuse her trust by lying to her.

But could Eclips really tell her what was going on?

And was her showing up factored into Spyro's assesments of the town's defence.

Lavender Moon showing up could prove to be a massive security risk.

On the other hoof, She would be another set of eyes watching her.

Also while her slinder body looked frail, a strong magic could be felt coming from her.


"/Decades isn't wrong. It took me roughly three of them before I could say I spoke flutter fluently/" Eclipse remarked with a soft chuckle. "/As much as I hate to admit it, my years far exceed my appearance/" he explained watching her as he closed the door behind her once she entered. His expression turned more serious as he sat down next to Steelheart's bed, his wings shifting a little as he chose his words carefully. There was absolutely no sense in lying. She would likely hear everything from Steelheart in due time anyway.

"/Given your position among the Flutter pony, I assume you are aware that there are those in this world who would love nothing more than to snuff out the light and bring about darkness eternal. One such group you may have heard of. The Nightmare Empire. Unfortunately, they have found a way to bring back the dreaded dragon Nightmare Soul, and it will require your sister's blood to do it. How they came to find this out, I do not know, but they fully intend to succeed in their quest. In the last twenty four hours, there have been two attempts on her life. The first was a lone assassin I dealt with personally, the second was a strike team, also dealt with by myself personally. However, despite this, all signs point to them still pushing forward with their plans./" His eyes closed momentarily as he let this much sink in before continuing.

"/The Nightmare Empire is comprised entirely of fanatics. They will not stop until they are either eliminated or they succeed. I will not allow the latter to happen, you have my word on that. As long as the Nightmare Empire has designs involving Steelheart, nowhere in Equestria will be safe from their attacks. Here, in my home, I have such barriers in place the likes of which are more than sufficient to repel just about anything that would seek to cause her harm. Judging by how you approached, I assume you could feel the barrier I have in place./" he remarked looking up at her. Even now, he was keeping his voice down so he wouldn't wake up Steelheart from her slumber.

"/Unfortunately, that is not the end of it. An old enemy of mine, the Dread Dragon Mephisto, has made his presence known, and he fully intends to use Steelheart to get his revenge on me./" He sighed softly. "/Needless to say, the situation now is far from ideal. But it is also far from hopeless. In terms of magic, I rival if not dwarf the Two Sisters in power, and I have absolutely no intention of allowing either Mephisto or the Nightmare Empire to have their way./" His gaze locked on Lavender Moon's, his crimson eyes seeming to stare straight into her soul as they always did. It was an unnerving gaze, but as he had said before, the only people that need fear that stare are those that would harm Steelheart. There was power in that gaze, such strength that it was almost suffocating. It was not the look of a pampered noble. It was the look of somepony who had lived a life of honor and sacrifice, who had fought on massive battlefields and emerged victorious. It was a look that could not fail to inspire respect, admiration, and in some cases, intimidation. It was the look of a leader, or a general, or even a King. No doubt Lavender Moon would piece together rather quickly that he was related to the two Sisters. If his alicorn status didn't give him away, his presence surely would.


Midnight laughed. "Of course I'm something else. If I was anything otherwise I wouldn't be myself, but somepony else" She remarked, even though the statement itself may be rather confusing. "As for getting a reaction, what can I say? you make it so easy." she teased lightly as she bumped Fang lightly. "I think I'm just going to have a hay burger or something simple. Honestly, I just want the cheesecake" She turned her gaze to Fang. "Unless you have another suggestion for 'dessert'?" she asked as a mischievous grin crossed her lips.

Clearly, Midnight enjoyed teasing Fang. To her, it seemed Fang was starting to adjust to it and even was returning fire, albeit weakly so far. Perhaps in due time the teasing would go both ways... Yes, then things would get truly interesting. Midnight could hardly wait.

Everything was going perfectly...

Shadow Fang

Sunflower Fields

At Midnight's little quips, all Fang could do was roll her eyes in response. She glanced back at the menu, quiet for a moment. "Mmm I guess a hay burger wouldn't be too bad. I'd recommend waiting until after training for cake though. Sweets and work just don't play nicely together." As Midnight tried to make another joke of . . . questionable nature, Fang rolled her eyes and gave the mare a bit of a playful bop. "There are fillies here, you know?"

Sunflower set her menu down. "Well, while you two are off playing with crystals I guess I'll explore the town more." She looked around the restaurant before stopping at the front window. Was that a moose that just ran down the road? In the middle of town?
For a moment Shina shifted awkwardly cheeks blushing brightly. From her back Konton simply rolled his eyes. As Firecracker motioned for her to sit with him, Shina thought it best to occupied her fledgling for a while. "Go hunt." She whispered back to Konton as she shrugged him off her back. "No fires!" She added quickly as the annoyed phoenix flew off.

Freed of parenthood, at least for the moment, Shina moved to sit next to Fire. Her warm scales pressed against his fur as she leaned against him. Something about the tone his story began in had her wanting to comfort him.

As he spoke Shina only listened. As much as Firecracker believed himself to be a coward Shina had only ever seen the opposite of him. But then who wasn't a different pony then they were eight years ago? Regardless of what he might of done in his past Shina love the colt Fire was now. Silent for a second she gave a thoughtful sigh, thinking on how best to handle such information.

"I think the noble thing to do would be to simply talk to her. " Shina offered, hoping to help him resolve his past rather then judging him for it. "Tell her how important she is to you, even if it is not in a romantic way. I am sure she will still be your friend..."

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