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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.


"Come now, Spyro, why would someone steal MY name of all things? I'm not exactly popular" He reminded Spyro. It was true, there was so little written about him he practically never existed. "I will say the clone was impressive. A bit flimsy, but still impressive." he remarked chuckling softly as he watched Spyro emerge from the shadows.

He looked to his side as Steelheart came up next to him. He gently brushed his side against hers, letting her know he didn't mind the slip up. He could tell from her expression that any sort of slip up bothered her. "Yes, we know each other. You could say I was Spyro's boss back in the day before Spyro took over my position" He explained.

Eclipse once more turned his gaze to Spyro. "Knowing you though, you wouldn't show up just for pleasantries... So what's the situation, Spyro?" He asked raising an eyebrow. Given Eclipse could see a pony's soul, it was very hard to keep something hidden from him....


"Well I can fix that" Midnight smiled quite happily at the prospect of showing someone more about Shade Crystals. She glanced over at Sunflower. "As for me flirting, I think you're just jealous I can find somepony and you can't" She teased, sticking her tongue out at her friend. Quite quickly she moved to Fang's other side, basically using her as a shield in case Sunflower tried to get back at her.

She leaned close to Fang's ear, whispering so only the bat pony could hear. "And... just to say, you're a great kisser~..."

Midnight was, without a doubt, a total flirt... And (un)fortunately for Fang, it seemed that Midnight had her sights set on Fang. For whatever reason, Midnight seemed to have a bit of a crush on the other Bat pony.

Shadow Fang

Sunflower Fields

At Midnight's little comeback, Sunflower only stuck out her tongue in a defiant response. Yes, if anypony could break her usually collected appearance Midnight was your mare.

Fang blinked, pulling away from Midnight after the whispered remark. Her ears twitched slightly as her wings seem to shift slightly in confusion, shock, and likely embarrassment. "Erm . . ." She quickly turned away. "Lunch! Yeah, let's go find someplace for lunch." She said quickly before stepping away in a brisk canter, her face burning crimson.

"I don't know what you said to her, but I think you broke the poor thing," Sunflower could only remark before following the flustered bat pony.
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"All I did was give her a compliment.." Midnight remarked innocently as she trotted after Fang before she could get out of sight. It wasn't long before she was right next to Fang again. "So, do you know any good places to eat around here? We just got here and haven't quite figured out where anything is yet" Midnight laughed sheepishly.

Although Sunflower seemed to thing Midnight had broken Fang, Midnight knew better. Fang wouldn't be broken so easily. The fact she didn't completely bolt already said that much. Of course, that made it all the better. Midnight wouldn't want to pursue someone that broke at the first hint of flirting. As it stood, she found Fang to be completely adorable when she got all flustered like this... She wondered just how red she could get Fang's cheeks to turn. Maybe red enough to match her eyes?
viska said:
Seeing the events play out between the Indicus and Shadow fang, Zaka could only sigh.
Preparing Indicus soft drink he remarked "today sertanly been ..interesting hasn't it?.."

Sitting down on the customer side of the bar he began sipping a martini.

After a few awkward sips he asked "I don't suppose you found out where Rosie got off to? You two seem to be a magnet for each other ."

Indicus took a sip of his soda, "No, after we talked for awhile we went our separate ways." Indicus thought back to passing Fang on the way inside and regret sat in his mouth and the second sip of the root beer tasted like ash. He knew he should have said something hell anything even a hello would have been better then nothing.
"Come on Eclipse, can't I just visit my mentor for a nice chat?" Spyro asked Eclipse trying and failing to get Eclipse to believe him. A moment later Spyro just sighed. "Ok, fine, have it your way. But after all this is over we need to talk with each other if you don't mind. We have a situation, a demon going by the name Nightmare Soul is on the rise. This demon is sealed in a relic back in our territory, and the Nightmare Empire is trying to resurrect it. To do this, they are going to use my blood and your friend Steelheart's blood. Why they need Steelheart's blood is so they can open the seal through a portal, and summon Nightmare Soul here. Why they need my blood is so Nightmare can take over my body, and in turn gain a physical body. From here Nightmare Soul can be nearly unstoppable, and you can try to kill him with his physical body, but all that would do is kill me, and let Nightmare roam free. The only way to beat him is for me to seal him and me only, without me, he is unsealable time that The Nightmare Empire attacks will be during the winter ball, possibly a few minutes after Celestia and Luna arrive. Also I believe that when Nightmare Soul has his physical body, he may go after Luna and corrupt her back into Nightmare Moon."Spyro explained. "And before you even suggest it, no, I'm not leaving. If I leave, the Nightmare Empire will attack Hast at full force. The end result for if I leave is that there may not be a Hast left standing in the end. I'm guessing you and your friend Steelheart have questions?"
What probably should of been a tender moment was quickly interrupted by a jealous bird. Releasing her hug on Firecracker, Shina turned her attention to Konton. Her brows furrowed in annoyance as she scolded him a little. "That is very mature." She said sarcastically before nodding for the phoenix to fly on to her back. Once he was perched on her Shina turned her head to look back at him as she added. "It seems to me that if your old enough to be making joked you are now old enough to begin training as well."

Of course she still had no ideas on how to even begin training a phoenix how to fight. Then there was the added problem that anything she might teach him child be used against them later should Konton return to his old ways. But on a more positive note if he did continue to look at her as his mother then she was honor bound to follow family traditions. Shina already knew any child of her's would be expected to take up a sword as soon as they were old enough. Why would she raise a phoenix baby any differently?

"And as for you..." Her tone turned a bit more playful as her attention returned to Fire. Moving along side him she gave a playful bump to his side with hers. "Stop apologizing all the time. You have nothing to be sorry for." A sweet smile crossing her lips as she spoke.
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Shadow Fang

The flustered bat pony slowed to more of a smooth walk at Midnight's question. She looked up and down the street to see if she could spot any options. "Well, truth be told I only got here the other day. I've been so caught up in stuff I really haven't had much of a chance to do much exploring either." She gave a slight flick of her tail as if emphasizing her annoyance with the lack of actual relaxing that could be done on what should have been a vacation. "A friend of mine did show me a little place owned by a local apple orchard, but that's about it really."

Fang knew she didn't really have the luxury of actually stopping for lunch with ponies she had only just met. But Midnight seemed to actually have knowledge on these Shade Crystals. Hopefully the little diversion would be more than worth it.
Steelheart could only lower her head and assume a less secure posture as Spyro spoke.

Another dangerous threat.

another dangerous plot?

Or perhaps worse, are the two related ?

These questions weighed heavily on the flutter pony.

Before Catchpenny had come to the Northgrove she knew nothing of violance , or malevolent intentions.

She was always safe to take everything and every pony at face value.

She was even shielded from the occasional use of force against the native wildlife that would come into the tribes grove.

After Equinox though.. This all changed.

It had been less then a year sense all of those events took place.

And while she was shielded from most of the carnage of it, it still was burned into her heart.

Interrupting the two stallions a small voice began ask the question Spyro invited her to say "why?.. Why are they trying to hurt me? Why is any pony trying to hurt any pony?"

She looked up with confused eyes and wobly legs, her voice growing "why do you ponies have your wars and power struggles? Isn't the gift of your very life enough ?"

Stamping a hoof she showed anger for the second time in her life almost shouting " why do you pony feel like you must controle that which was never meant to be conttoled? To take that which was never meant to be owned. To destroy lives for the sake of greed and ambition."

Letting out a frustrated growl she breathed heavily, waiting for an answer that no pony could find sense the dawn of conflict.

She was speaking in a very general sense of the words she used.

She also included dragons when she said 'pony'.

To here dragons and pony were more or less two sides to the same coin.

Flutter pony after all were born from Anda who transformed into a dragon when she allowed her power to flow unchecked.


Firecracker's eyes widened and a surprised smile popped up when Shina bumped him.

Stifling a laugh he straightened up and replied "yes Ma'am"

As the pair walked down the road to find a place suitable for training Firecracker couldn't help but look around for Rosie.

He felt guilty that he didn't greet her properly or introduce Shina.

I'm truth he had been avoiding her for the past 8 years.

Now with this new threat on the horizon things were even harder.

Coming back to Hast seemed more and more like the wrong choice.

But the fointan ritual meant a lot to him.

At his age a first kiss was something very rare and he had to cherish that.

As he mused on on these things it dawned on him- was this to be Shina's first?

Did she ever have a colt Friend before him?

He realized he knew very little about her.

It didn't change his feelings but it did raise some questions.

Walking into a park he suddenly asked out of the blue.

"..Shina, can I ask you something ?..am I your..your first ?"

He couldn't have picked a more awkward or suggestive way to ask if she had had a prior colt friend.

But it was his dopey way.

-at the bar -

Zaka took a long sip of his drink before replying "that's a shame. She seemed kinda shaken up by all this.

Can't say I'm exactly doing the best myself."

Eating the olive from his drink he paused a moment to take everything in.

Trying to stay positive he took a more confidant tone and exclaimed "but tomorrow is another day eh? Yeah, I chose to believe everything will turn out.. For both of us."

Pouring himself another drink he began to confide "Can I tell you a story? I promise I won't take up too much of your time. It may do ya better then that sugar water you've been sipping."
"Eh, sure I have no problem with it, as for the 'sugar water' it taste great and dose't dull my senses, much unlike your rotted fruit." Indicus chuckled a little at his little jab.

Eclipse closed his eyes, absorbing everything Spyro had to say about the situation. That certainly explained the Nightmare Empire's obsession with Steelheart... And just reaffirmed that if Eclipse saw any of them he would turn them inside out before tearing them to pieces. He was about to answer when Steelheart had her outburst. It was strange seeing her so angry, but at the same time, he could understand... So much was piling up all at once...

"Steelheart, I have asked myself those same questions for centuries..." He remarked softly as he turned his gaze toward her. "The simplest answer I have found is that there will always be ponies who want more than they have and are willing to do anything to get it. Even if it means harming others." he murmured.

"Greed is a sickness. A sickness of the mind that corrupts the body and heart along with it. Those that succumb become slaves to their greed, and their insatiable lust for more drives them to commit atrocities that are unthinkable to anyone not completely consumed by it. Brother to greed is Jealousy. Jealousy too is a terrible disease. It breeds hate, scorn, and can drive ponies to unspeakable acts much the same as greed." He remarked, closing his eyes as he collected his thoughts.

"In all of my years, I have found no way to cure those sicknesses of the mind. As long as there are ponies, there are those who want more than they have. As long as that is the case, there will always be those willing to destroy others to get what they want. But make no mistake, for each pony that has succumbed to Greed or Jealousy, there are hundreds if not thousands, if not hundreds of thousands more that stand for Generosity, Compassion, and Kindness." He remarked turning his gaze to her.

"Even though the world may seem completely in darkness at times, there will always be hope for our future as long as there are those willing to light the way..." He remarked, gently resting one of his wings around her. He knew this lesson better than anypony. After all, until recently he had been trapped in his own darkness, but Steelheart had been his light. It was quite obvious that Eclipse was very wise.. Then again, what else would you expect from Luna and Celestia's elder brother?

He turned his gaze back to Spryo. "The Nightmare Empire won't attack during the Ball. They'll move before that. The last thing they'd want to do is start a confrontation with both Sisters and myself present that is asking for them to be wiped out in one fell swoop. No, they'll make a move before that, or at least they will try." He remarked thoughtfully. "They know what I am capable of. No doubt they are watching even now, waiting for me to slip up and give them an opening, but they will be disappointed." he shook his head, his wing still protectively around Steelheart.

"And if you think I'd let them level Hast... you must have forgotten exactly who you are talking to..." Eclipse chuckled softly as he tossed his head a little bit so his Ethereal mane, a sign of his tremendous power, was put more prominently on display. As long as he was here, no one was going to hurt Steelheart. Any pony that tried would learn exactly what it feels like to have their soul destroyed from the inside out.
Zaka swirled his drink around and laughed before replying "you know I'm the only pony in town who can sell a rotten glass of Apple juice for ten bits and no pony bats an eye."

Taking another sip he mused "some times the senses are better off dulled"

Setting the glass down he cleared his throat and siad " anyway here's the Story. Cyble and I have a..unique relationship.

We both merried young , we both became widows young.

And we both fell on hard times as a result.

That's why she's co owner of this bar even though it's been in my family for two hundred years.

Every day seemed to be a struggle; between money problems and morning our losses it was a mess.

But she told be something I'll never forget..

She said our past is who we were..our present is who we are.

And our future is who we will become.

That always stuck with me and we always did our best to look to who we wanted to be."

Finishing the last of his second glass he smiled reflectively before going on "my point is rotten things will happen. All the time in fact. You'll lose loved ones , have no bits to your name.. Slip up and piss off your friend, who knows . . But Thats life. It makes the good times precious and worth remembering .. And it makes the future something worth striving to improve."

Chuckling to himself he commented "sorry. If I'm gonna lecture on like this I'll have to start giving you an allowance."
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Spyro didn't pay attention to anyone but Steelheart his eyes flashing crimson for a moment, all the stress and anger that he has been getting/gaining for the past few weeks have made him snap, With Steelheart's comment being the spark. "You don't understand the freedoms you have, and the life of servitude I am bound to. The dreams of peace you have, and the nightmares of war I have. The happiness and fun you have were striped from me within four years after I was born!" Spyro yelled, his eyes turning crimson again, and stayed that way. "I am stuck in the life of war and enslaved to something I don't want!" Spyro yelled louder then the last time, his eyes instead of looking peaceful and calming now replaced with that of a feral animal. "How do you think I feel with what I am stuck in from the day I was born." Spyro growled, his voice going darker by the second as smoke started to surround him.
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Eclipse had seen this side of Spyro before. This was what happened when too much stress and anger got to him. His horn and eyes both began to glow a deep blue as a calming music seemed to fill the air around them. This was, in effect, the spell that made Spyro's orb work. It soothed the mind and the senses, creating a general sensation of calm. Eclipse had created it thousands of years ago as an attempt to create a peaceful resolution to conflicts. Sadly, it was not effective against all ponies, but it did seem to be particularly effective on Spyro.

All the while, he kept his wing around Steelheart to keep her close and safe to him. The music in the air continued to play and Eclipse's gaze never left Spyro as the spell worked to suppress Spyro's feral tendencies...
Indicus sighed and smiled "She is very wise, it sounds quite similar to something Luna told me before I left the Lunar Special Forces. Luna told me to always go forward and glance back to remember the lessons of the past, that to stop moving forward in life to stop learning was to die. I always tried to stick to that advice and at times I did worse then others and let myself hang on to the past for too long but none the less that advice got me here and let me meet many good people hell I think it is part of the reason why I'm not drunk day in and day out. Well that and there are quite a few that would personally come from the dead just to smack sense in me and I believe a friend or two that are alive especially Shadow Fang who would do it for them."

Indicus sighed, "I guess that is currently one thing I really need to fix is the divide between the two of us." Indicus finished his root beer and got up. "Well nice talking to you Zaka and thanks for the advice but I think I really need to talk to Shadow Fang and get everything straitened out." With those last words Indicus exited the bar and used Shadow Fang's magical signature to find her. Once he found where she was he walked the streets to go to her.
Spyro shook his head, letting out a few feral growls and screeches as he tried to ignore the music. The smoke around him fading away, and his eyes going wide as they returned back to their ice blue color. Spyro breathed in and out heavily, shaking off whatever feral mindset that was taking over his mind from before. Spyro looked at Eclipse and Steelheart with sadness in his eyes. "I'm so sorry for what I did, or said while I was in that state. I don't expect ether of you to forgive me for this." Spyro said as he looked down to the ground, tears slowly running down from his eyes and the sides of his face. "Who would want to forgive and be friends with a monster like me. That is what most call me when they see that side of me." Spyro muttered, as a few tears hit the ground.
Steelheart recoiled in fear as Spyro yelled, but that turned to sense of pity as she felt is magic diminish and his tone repent.

Gently braking free of Eclipse's wings she fluttered silently towards Spyro.

Once she was right in front of him she fluttered in place for a moment .

If she had her sight it would look like she was studying him for a moment.

She slowly shook her head and sighed saying "you southern pony are so quick to assume the worst."

Silently landing she attempted to hug Spyro.

It actually took her two attempts to find him but she managed on her second attempt.

She patted his back as she did and in a soft voice cooed "there there Mr.Spyro..you've had a bad day..we all have. But it's ok now. Shhh"

It was strange to see the leader of the order being consoled in such a way, but stranger things have happened this day.

Steelheart acted in much the same way she would be treated by her sister.

It was the only life she knew before Equinox changed her view of the world.
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Spyro looked at Steelheart in shock. "How? How can you forgive me so easily? You know the other side of me that exist."

As Eclipse watched the scene unfold, he couldn't help but feel a slight bit jealous. Thus far, he had yet to receive a hug, after all. However, he wasn't one to let jealousy take hold. He knew his hugs would come in due time, but right now, Spyro needed it more. Just like that, the jealousy was stamped out.

He chuckled softly and stepped forward a few paces as Spyro spoke up. "That's just how she is, Spyro. She still sees the good in you, and that's what matters to her" he explained closing his eyes. His ears suddenly perked up as he heard the familiar whistling of projectiles flying through the air. His eyes snapped open as his horn glowed. "GET DOWN!" He yelled, teleporting forward and tackling Steelheart to the ground as he flared up his wings over her to be her shield. Dozens of daggers rained down from the sky, and Eclipse put up a barrier to stop them. However, these daggers were designed to break through just such barriers, and were merely slowed down before they buried themselves in Eclipse's body and wings, causing some of his blood to splatter onto Steelheart's body. Thankfully, not one of the daggers managed to make it to her.

He hadn't even bothered to protect Spyro. He wasn't the target, and Nightmare Empire wanted him alive. He knew full well Steelheart was the target. He slowly stood up off of her, his wings and body riddled with daggers sticking out of him as he breathed unevenly. "Steelheart... please forgive me for what I'm about to do to them..." He murmured as his horn glowed a barrier appearing around them and their attackers.

The three assailants tried to flee, seeing their attack had failed, but found the barrier in their way. "The hell?! Fine... if that alicorn wants a fight, Let's show him just what the Nightmare Empire can d-" The assassin's next breath came as a gargled jumble of words as one of the daggers suddenly shot through his neck.

Eclipse's eyes glowed as the daggers all slowly floated back and out of his body. In an instant, they shot forth, penetrating into the one who had been hit first. With his throat torn open, he couldn't even scream as the daggers ended his life.

Eclipse walked slowly towards the other two, both wide eyed and terrified as the ground itself seemed to tremble with each hoof fall. Some might pity them, but it should be remembered that Nightmare Empire had no qualms with killing innocent ponies, even foals, if it meant furthering their goals. These here were some of their best assassins, who no doubt had killed many innocent ponies in their time. Even if they were permitted to leave here alive, they would just kill again. They were beyond reform. That much Eclipse could see from their Souls. There was no regret at their actions, only fear at the penalty they must now pay for it.

Even now, one of the two remaining let out a battle cry, charging towards Eclipse before, at the last minute, he teleported, making a straight shot for Steelheart. "Even if I die.. I WILL get her!" he hissed through clenched teeth as he drew a final dagger from his side pouch. From nowhere, Eclipse teleported back in front of him, and the hapless assassin bounced off of him on impact.

"Wh-what the hell even ARE YOU?!" The assassin shrieked, picking up the dagger he dropped to try and stab Eclipse. Big Mistake. "Your worst Nightmare...." Eclipse lowered his horn and a ball of magic suddenly shot forth, launching the assassin back with such force into the barrier, it had the same effect as taking a leap off of the tallest building in Manehattan. The broken body slowly slid down the barrier to rest in mangled, barely recognizeable heap on the ground.

The final assassin tried to get at Steelheart from the blind side, but Eclipse wouldn't be fooled by an obvious tactic like that. Just before she could reach the flutter pony, Eclipse slammed into their side, knocking them to the ground before his gaze lowered. "You were warned what your fate would be if you crossed paths with me... For trying to hurt her.... you will suffer as much as you wanted to make her suffer..." He breathed, the aura around his horn and eyes turning black as night as magic seeped from his eyes... within moments, the pony was screaming in agony as Soul Torment took hold of them.

Eclipse didnt' even seem to take notice of the extent of his injuries. His whole body was marred by deep holes from the daggers, and some such holes in his wings went all the way through. He would not be flying for a few days after this many injuries. It was incredibly evident that these assassins fully wanted to kill Steelheart in that attack, and that had pushed Eclipse over the edge. This was what happened when you pissed off an alicorn...
Spyro glared at the last assassin, anger radiating off his body. "You dare try to harm one of the few that see I'm not a feral monster?" Spyro asked in a low voice. Spyro started to walk to the last assassin as his eyes glowed a silver color. "Well why don't we just see what's in your mind, and dig a little deeper." Spyro said as his hoof touched the assassin's hoof, and slowly the assassin's screams died down, with her only staring off into the distance, brain dead from Spyro ripping out information from her mind. Spyro let go of the assassin's hoof and his eyes turned back to normal. "Well I found somethings, but none of it will really help." Spyro said as he walked away from the assassin's body. Spyro looked at Eclipse, worry in his eye's. " Are you going to be alright Eclipse? I know a healing spell."
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"well, I'm hungry, and impatient, so I guess there's only one option" she remarked shrugging her shoulders as her eyes closed, Shade crystal horns coming from her head before several smaller fragments appeared in the air around her before flying off in all directions. It was clear she had a great deal of control over those crystals... In just about a minute, the fragments came flying back to her before vanishing, along with the 'horns'. "Looks like there's three restaurants around here, what are you in the mood for?" Midnight asked, smiling rather proud of herself at finding them so quickly, making it a point to brush her side against Fang's.

It was quickly evident that not only did Midnight know about Shade Crystals, she was quite proficient in their usage.... No doubt Fang could learn a lot from her. If her cheeks didn't overheat first that is....

Shadow Fang

Fang quietly watched as Midnight used Shade Crystals to scout ahead. It was quickly becoming clear to her how little she knew on their use. Though one thing in particular had caught her attention. The horns that briefly adorned Midnight's head... They were similar to the ones she had. Except it seemed Midnight could easily dismiss hers... "Well, whatever's closest I guess." Fang replied with a slight shrug, trying to ignore the bat pony brushing up against her. "But how did you even do that?"

"oh, it's not that difficult. I just altered the orientation of my Shade crystals in their realm so that they were in a starburst formation. That pattern makes controlling mini crystals a breeze." She shrugged. "Different patterns give you different results. Like, if I tried to cast an alchemy like spell with that formation, it would be nearly impossible." she explained. "There's tons of different patterns that do different things. Crescent moon is great for breaking down objects, arrow head is best for any sort of projectile spells, shield is, well, best for defense spells obviously, and stuff like that" she remarked as if it were obvious.

"Don't worry, my little Nightingale, I'll give you plenty of private lessons so you can get the hang of it" she remarked in a sultry voice, adding extra emphasis to the word 'private' as she blew lightly on Fang's ear. It seemed Midnight was quite intent on finding a way to get Fang's cheeks to match her eyes.... She really didn't mean any harm. She just took a liking to Fang rather quickly.

Even while she was flirting, though, she was still gently herding Fang towards the nearest restaurant as per her request.
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Steelheart wasn't sure weather to run scream of faint at all that transpired.

She was terrified that not only did an assassin come for her Once, but more came that same day.

Just when she felt secure death would rain from the skys .

She wanted so badly to be brave.

She hates her weaknes and dependency on others.

She felt like she would give anything to be like her older sister..

But for now she couldn't help it.

Her eyes began to well up with tears her heart began to sink as the shock slowly gave way to a helpless feeling of dread .

Worse still, she noticed the smell and feel of warm blood on her body.

She couldn't tell where it came from and at first she has no idea what it even was.

It was the first time she had blood on her body sense the day she was born.

So badly she wanted to be brave.

Or at least do something productive to the situation .. But she failed.

All she could do was brake down and cry like a scared foal.

Though she was grown, she was very immature for her age.

In part it was a blessing that allowed for her loving nature.

But it also made her weak in her own eyes and in the eyes of many others.

Eclipse's horn glowed as the bodies vanished to another location and the barrier was lowered. He looked over to Spyro, ignoring the blood running down his face and body. "Don't worry about me, Spryo. This isn't the first time some pony thought I would make a lovely pin cushion..." he chuckled softly, hiding how much pain he was in so he wouldn't worry Steelheart further. Even for him though, this was incredibly painful. The fact he was still standing was a testament to the strength of his will, especially given his legs had been pierced in several places much like his torso and wings.

His wings... the poor things looked like they belonged to a changeling with how many holes were in them now...

But to Eclipse, that was of no consequence. The important thing here was that Steelheart was safe... He moved over to sit in front of her, his gaze softening when he realized that his blood had gotten on her, splattered in her mane, on her face and even on her wings and body... He turned his head towards his home, his horn glowing as a damp towel floated from his home. "shh.. shh... Everything's alright Steelheart..." he cooed softly to help calm her down as the towel gently wiped away his blood from her body. "They're gone now. You know I would never let any pony hurt you.."

Despite his pain, the only thing he was worried about was Steelheart. Seeing her upset like this hurt him far more than the daggers did when they pierced his body and wings... After everything that had happened, he could think of only one thing that could calm her down. Given who his sisters were, what came next would likely come as no surprise...

It started softly, but his voice sounded, well, beautiful. It was clear singing ability carried through the family. Even as he sang, he worked to clean his blood off of her..

"When the visions around you

Bring tears to your eyes

And all that surrounds you

Are secrets and lies

I'll be your strength

I'll give you hope

Keeping your faith when it's gone

The one you should call

Was standing there all along

And I will take you in my arms

And hold you right where you belong

Til' the day my life is through

This I promise you

This I promise you

And I promise you never

Will you hurt anymore

I give you my word

I give you my heart

This is a battle we've won

And with this vow

Forever has now begun

Just close your eyes each loving day

And know this feeling won't go away

Til' the day my life is through

This I promise you

This I promise you

Over and over I thought

When I hear you call

Without you in my life

I just wouldn't be living at all

And I will take you in my arms

And hold you right where you belong

Til' the day my life is through

This I promise you, babe

Just close your eyes each loving day

And know this feeling won't go away

Every word I say is true

This I promise you

Every word I say is true

This I promise you

Ooh, I promise you"

Shadow Fang

Fang slowly nodded, trying to take in all the new information about the Shade Crystals. She was rather intrigued by the revelation of the fact these crystals seemed to reside in a realm of their own. So it seemed the first step to figuring these things out was learning how to access said realm and memorize formations. Though part of her figured creating the formations out in front of her would likely work the same. From there it was probably just a matter of learning the spells. A challenge in its own right now doubt.

Once again the poor thestral's cheeks lit up a bright red at Midnight's obvious flirting. Truth be told, she'd never been flirted with so openly before. Being the focus of somepony's attention like this felt foreign, Fang wasn't all that sure how to even respond. But it didn't really feel bad, or wrong . . . It was actually a rather nice change of pace compared to the events of the past few days.

But was this just some temporary infatuation, or was it something genuine?

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