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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Shadow Fang

Fang gave a small nod as Eclipse say he understood her reasons for having been suspicious. "Tiid bo amativ," she murmured in response. The bat pony blinked at his last remark, she didn't overly expect him to know the position Spyro held within the Order. But after a brief moment, it all fell together. Their emblem, the statue in the archives, his knowledge of Spyro, what else was he involved with? "Vahzah." Was all she could think to say. It felt strange falling back on her native language, but it did help keep others from learning about the Order that didn't need to know at the time.

Time flows onward.

(Lit) true. Used to expressed agreement with something.

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower sighed as the pair turned away. Several of the townsponies were mumuring among themselves, looking and gesturing towards the direction the magic had seemingly come from earlier. I'm not sure I even want to know what caused it... Though she couldn't shake the feeling they would find out one way or another.
As all of this was going on Fang heard Spyro's voice in her head "Fang, I want to ask you a few things, meet me in my personal area very soon. I'll be waiting." Spyro said.

Shadow Fang

A faint frown threatened the corners of Fang's mouth as that familiar voice echoed in the back of her mind. She didn't doubt that Spyro had felt the magic initially coming off of Eclipse. Hell, she would have been more surprised if he hadn't felt it. I hate having to play the role of messenger . . . But it wasn't like she was going to have much choice in the matter.

Fang sighed and shook her head slightly. "It seems I have work to start on already, so if you'll excuse me." As a portal of swirling mist appeared at her side, the bat pony turned to step inside. "I would like to speak with you at some point, Eclipse." And with that she was gone.

"You know, this would have been one of the few times it would have been good to just show up personally, Spyro."
"I just want to know one thing, and answer me truthfully. Was Sky Chaser the one that sent out that magic pulse?" Spyro asked.

Shadow Fang

Fang couldn't help but give a faint snort. "I think 'pulse' is a bit of an understatement." She shook her head sitting down. "But yes, Sky Chaser is the source. Then again I guess it's best to call him Eclipse now. Seems to be his actual name." The bat pony gave a small shrug, still processing the bits of information she had heard. The amount of things that had happened over the past few minutes was somewhat on the overwhelming side. There was a lot she still needed to figure out.

"But let me get this straight," Her gaze narrowed towards Spyro. "An incredibly powerful wave of magic floods the town, something no current member of the Order is capable of creating or dealing with and you just hide in your little pocket dimension asking for updates instead of looking into it yourself?"
Spyro did not respond, he just looked past her toward a hidden part of his realm concealed by the shadows. "That magic, somehow made me calm, and it reminded me of..." Spyro paused for a moment, looking at Fang like she grew a second head. "Did you just say Sky Chaser's name is Eclipse?"

Shadow Fang

Fang studied the Draconicorn for a moment. "I did. Seems I was somewhat wrong about him. As least in regards to whose side he's actually on." She looked out over the twilight sky. "Still, so many questions about him left lingering. But I'm figuring he has some connection to the Order, considering the uncanny resemblance to the statue in our archives and the fact his mark is the same as our emblem. Not to mention the expression on your face."
"Eclipse was our founder of the Order, not only that, but he made my special item that helps me." Spyro said as his horn glowed, and from the dark section of Spyro's domain, a orb the size of a pony's head that was a solid cyan blue and glowed a lighter shade of cyan blue. "He made this for me Fang, the same thing that helps me every three days." Spyro said as the orb landed softly on the ground near him, leaving his magical grasp.

Shadow Fang

"Can't say I expected him to end up being our founder," Fang sighed, shaking her head. So much information to try and process for one day. It wasn't like it was typical briefing for a mission. No, this was something on a far grander scale. Her gaze drifted down to the orb Spyro set between them. She'd seen him use it once before, something about helping him clear his mind he'd told her. So apparently Eclipse was responsible for that too. Just how old did that make Spyro, anyway?

"Well, Eclipse revealing himself isn't the only big chunk of news." Fang look Spyro in the eye, "It seems the creator of soul magic, a dragon named Mephisto has revealed himself again."
viska said:
Slowly Steelheart came to from her collapsed state.
Thanks in no small part to Sky Chaser's magical treatment.

She slowly opened her eyes and responded to Sky Chaser's question " I do feel better now..thank you."

Wobly standing to her feet she added "grandmother is sleeping now.. I don't think she will wake up any time soon."

Taking a step forward Firecracker spoke for the first time sense all this started "I think we need a time out to process all this."

Just hearing Anda's voice brought back anxiety from his past.

On top of that there was so many new startaling revelations to take in sense he woke up.

Remembering that Rosie was one of his stressors he turned to talk to her only to find that she was absent.

Looking around the room he called out "Vel? Velvet Rose?."

But she was no were in the bar.

Unknown to eveyone she had slipt out the moment Steelheart had collapsed .

As she stormed down the street she chocked back bitter tears.

First Firecracker comes back after 8 years only to have a mare on his hip.

Then Sky Chaser turns out to be something completely different from what she thought he was.

Then Steelheart, a pony she felt almost a mother's bond to turns out to be some kind of magical creature as well.

A smoldering resentment began to burn inside her at all the lies and betrayals she felt.

She felt like she didn't know who or what to trust anymore.

She felt like she was loosing a grip on who she was .

Once again she found herself at the falls at the edge of town.

Ever sense her life had began to go ascue she would always go there to think.

Looking over the edge she began to cry and curse her perpetual bad luck.

In a broken whisper she said "I would give anything ..For things to make sense again."
@viska @KageYuuki

After the revelation that thanks to knowing that Sky Chaser or rather Eclipse was an alicorn already did not fully surprise him if you did not count the whole founder of the Order thing. But Indicus took a look across the room once Shadow Fang left to talk with Spyro and he noticed Rosie's sudden disappearance and remembering what she told him he figured out quite quickly a couple reasons for her sudden departure. But being the crazy 'gotta help all da ponies' type of person he was he left a note for Shadow Fang telling her that he was going to be gone for a relatively short time but to telepathically message him through their link if there was anything urgent.

With the message finished he headed off to find Rosie figuring she was at the water falls or the shore he headed for the water falls first and sure enough found Rosie there crying and cursing.
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The remaining pony stood stunned in the aftermath of all that had transpired.

With shadow fang and Rosie gone the bar fell into an eerie silence.

It was perhaps the first time the bar had been this quiet with pony inside before.

Finally the silence was broken when the door creeked open to show Cyble coming to work.

Silently she eyed the room around.

Broken glasses on the bar, hoof scuff marks with magic scorches on the hard wood floor. And an alicorn Sky Chaser blaring with magic.

Calmly as casually she raised a cigarette to her lips and muttered only "Nope"

Before She turned around and walking the other way.

Zaka sighed in response saying "I think I'm gonna close the bar for the day.. Bluegrass hun here is your pay for the day. I'm just gonna go ahead and pay you for the whole shift. Go have some fun and try to unwind.

Sisters know I need to."

Firecracker looked down and scoffed "damn.."

Turning back to Konton his anxiety was on high alert.

While he didn't experience the phoenix in his aldut form or his relation to Anda, he couldn't help but feel things could get even stranger if the bird got exited.

As his gaze turned to Shina he felt a bit calmer saying "maybe we should go some place quiet and try to wrap our heads around all this."

Steelheart chimed in on a tiny voice "would you two mind if me and Ec ..me and Sky Chaser went some place else? I have some things I would like to talk to him about...alone "

Firecracker only nodded in agreement.
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Indicus watched Rosie leave the falls and decided to put himself in a path that would cause him to quickly run into her sight when he was within earshot he raised his voice to be heard by Rosie and said, "Hello Rosie noticed you left so I decided to try and see what's going on."
Rosie sighed frustratedly and responded "what isn't going on? Everything I thought I knew Has been turned on its head."

Sitting down right there on the road she went on " I..I just don't know anymore. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions. Maybe I'm just being crazy.. But I'm so damn sick of always being the but of fate's jokes."
Indicus sat right beside Rosie, "I probably should have told you about Firecrackers relationship with Shina, the thing with Sky Chaser surprised me as well though for different reasons and as for Steelheart that must be one hell of a thing to find out as well. The important thing is that they are the same as they were before, just with new light shed on each of them. As for fate's jokes I think I've been on the end of a few myself."

Indicus sighed "Honestly I'm pulling words out of my ass at this point and despite my age I'm not all that wise. I'm just someone with a past fucked up enough to write a Shakespearean play and with my own secret that I haven't told anyone yet to add to the pot."
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Sky Chaser couldn't help but wonder what Steelheart wanted to talk about... Honestly, he couldn't blame her for having questions. A lot had suddenly come to light at once. He wondered if she was mad at him... After all, he didn't fail to notice she couldn't say his true name...

Once Firecracker confirmed they could leave, he walked next to Steelheart, falling back into his habit of guiding her everywhere. The only difference was that now she could actually feel his wings...

"We can talk back at my home.." he murmured so she'd know where they were going. He wasn't quite sure what to say now, so a bit of silence fell over them as they walked.

He had always enjoyed walking with her. Even though he was the one guiding her, he had always found his own comfort when she was with him...

It wasn't long before they arrived at his house.. He let her inside and closed the door, but even then he couldn't find a way to break the silence..

He had kept so much from her while she had told him everything.... what must be going through her head right now, he could only guess at...
As Steelheart walked along the familiar roads to Sky Chaser's house she couldn't bring herself to speak.

So many things rushed through her head.

All the while the new sensation of his winfs brushed on her side.

It felt soft and comforting, but also new and strange.

After the door closed a slicence fell over the room.

It only lasted a few minutes, but it felt like hours to the two of them.

Finally she broke the Silence saying " I'm..I'm not sure what to do..I've never been at a loss for words before."

Sitting down to rest she took a moment to sigh before speaking again "I've also never been angry before. I don't like it. I don't like it one bit."

She looked back up at him, or at least where she thought he was with a pout.

Taking a moment to collect herself she went on "I'm not angry with you..I'm just angry that you didn't trust me enough to be truthful."

Her pout turned to a contemplative, almost sad expression as her voice got smaller "did you think I wouldn't keep your secrets.?

Did you think I would think any less of you?"

She was beginning to become self-concius

And a blush began to glow on her cheeks as she looked down and fidgeted with the end of her long braid.

Her voice was almost a whisper as she struggled to say "but.. I..Could never."

-along the road -

Rosie could only lean forward and cover her face with her mane.

After hearing Indicus all but confirm her fears.

Trying her best not to cry again in front of him she mumbled from behind her Vail of hair "same ponies on the inside huh..just with new light shed on them?."

She slowly shook her head and went on "I just don't know.. "

Eclipse bit his lip a little as he listened, letting her say her peace. Somehow, he knew he had made her angry.... It seemed an impossible task to make the Flutter Pony angry, but somehow, he had done it... It wasn't exactly something he was proud of... When her voice got so soft it was barely a whisper, he couldn't help but gently nuzzle her cheek as he sat across from her.

"Steelheart... It wasn't because I didn't trust you... I know you'd keep any secret of mine..." He murmured softly, keeping his cheek gently against hers. "I didn't tell you because... I was afraid to face my past and confront everything I have done... Did you ever notice that even when we were alone, I kept my cloak on, even though you couldn't see? My body is covered in scars, Steelheart. Scars that remind me every time I see myself of everything I have ever done wrong... For a long time, I had hoped I could keep my past buried forever. I took up the cloak more to hide from myself than from others." He confessed as he sighed softly.

"Even now... knowing that I drove Luna to madness.. it tears me up inside... Sure, she's since recovered, but because of my failures, my sister spent a thousand years exiled to the moon..." His body trembled just a little as he spoke. For several moments, he stayed silent before a soft chuckle escaped his lips. "But I guess now I finally realized I can't run from my past... It's a part of me and always will be..." he murmured as he closed his eyes.

"So, if you'll hear it... I'll tell you my true story... It's pretty long, so it may take some time to tell all of it... I am older than dirt after all.." He laughed softly in spite of himself. "For starters.... I should clarify that when I said my sister's name is Luna, I really am referring to Princess Luna. Believe it or not... I'm Luna and Celestia's older brother..." He confessed at last, to her and her alone. This was his way of letting her know he wasn't going to keep secrets from her anymore.

"The reason I haven't wanted to see them, the reason I tried to take off when I knew they were coming, is because I... I don't know how to face them after all this time. I've caused them so many problems, and I've been gone for so long... I wouldn't be surprised if the two of them hate me after everything that's happened... That's why I thought it would be best if I just stayed dead to them... I know... that sounds stupid now..." he chuckled softly, his eyes still closed as his cheek still rested gently against Steelheart's.

He sighed softly. "I really don't know what to do about them... I do want to see them again... but part of me wonders if it may be for the best that they still think I died fighting Discord... Just.. maybe it would be less painful for them that way..." He murmured. After keeping his pain to himself for so long, now that he had started opening up to her, he couldn't find a way to stop himself. It actually felt good to finally get this off of his chest... He wasn't expecting her to have all the answers, he just wanted someone at last to know what was going on inside his head... Who better than the one pony he trusted more than any pony?

Indicus put a hoof on Rosie's shoulder in some pitiful attempt to let her know he was there, he knew that words would not help much in this case so he kept quiet and tried his best to be a shoulder for Rosie to cry on.
As much as Shina would have liked to work on a strategy it seemed the others needed time to recover from the new information. Maybe it was how she'd been trained, or perhaps the young kirin's mind was to ready fire war, or maybe it was because she didn't know Sky Chaser previously, but Shina felt no need for a break. It was clear she was out voted before the ballot box was even open. So she gave a few polite goodbyes to each pony as they left.

Once the crowd had thinned Shina was able to turn her focus to Firecracker. A light smile hung on her lips, till she noticed Konton perched on top one of the tables slowly burning a straw sticking out of a cup somepony had left, watching the plastic curling and melting.

Shina gave frustrated sigh shooting a small fire ball at the phoenix to get his attention. "Stop that!" She scolded firmly, Konton seeming to pout as he flew on to her back.

"So where to now?" She asked returning her attention to Fire. Shina felt at a lose for what to do with the rest of the day after such a startling morning.
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KageYuuki said:

Shadow Fang

"Can't say I expected him to end up being our founder," Fang sighed, shaking her head. So much information to try and process for one day. It wasn't like it was typical briefing for a mission. No, this was something on a far grander scale. Her gaze drifted down to the orb Spyro set between them. She'd seen him use it once before, something about helping him clear his mind he'd told her. So apparently Eclipse was responsible for that too. Just how old did that make Spyro, anyway?

"Well, Eclipse revealing himself isn't the only big chunk of news." Fang look Spyro in the eye, "It seems the creator of soul magic, a dragon named Mephisto has revealed himself again."
"Another dragon spirit? Just when things were going bad already, now this." Spyro said aloud. Spyro then looked at Fang, then he looked at the orb near him. "Fang, you might want to hold this while I tell you something I found, you may need it." Spyro said as his horn glowed, and the orb floated over to Fang. As Spyro moved the orb near her, inside his eyes were what looked like worry.

Shadow Fang

Fang sighed, nodding. "Though if Eclipse is half as powerful as he seems, it'll help when things finally come to a battle." The bat pony couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow as Spyro said she might need the orb of his. "Thought it only did something for you. But . . . if you say so." She took the orb between her hooves, it felt strange, almost weightless. Just what was it made from? A calming warmth seemed to emanate from the orb and wash over Fang's tense form.
"Now to begin with, I have some bad news. I found something on a small group of Nightmare Empire troops. They wont be attacking the town anymore for now, but now they are digging in, setting up siege weapons, bombs, a new weapon they have called canons, some sort of thing that has this black powder, and it explodes from a spark, and fires heavy projectiles, they appear to be aiming to attack the town. Yet the message I intercepted said something else. They are going to storm the town, and they are going to try and get to Steelheart. That one pony that tried to get to Steelheart before was hired by the Nightmare Empire to stab her, and steal her blood, the daggers they have are enchanted to send the blood that touches the dagger to be sent into a vile that will contain the blood for a ritual they plan to use. For their ritual to work, they need Steelhearts blood, and mine. They already have my blood from that one dagger that they got me with, but they don't have Steelhearts blood to make the ritual complete." Spyro explained to Fang about the situation. "We need to make sure that this does not happen, for they plan to unleash a old foe of ours."

Shadow Fang

Fang's eyes narrowed as Spyro told her about the Empire's plans to storm Hast. Was this all a coincidence, or could it mean they've allied themselves with Mephisto? Regardless, it was all troubling news to say the least. "Knowing Steelheart, she's likely going to be with Eclipse. It'll likely be best to pass this news onto them." She looked back over towards the Order's Commander. "But your blood and Steelheart's? Just who are they planning on brining back?"

It wasn't as though the answer wasn't obvious. She had a few guesses, knowing the Empire's goals. Though she'd much rather be wrong about it. No, one dragon threatening to show up was bad enough.
"They are going to summon Nightmare Soul himself, they plan to use Steelheart's blood to make a portal that will go through the barrier that surrounds the relic he is trapped in. The reason they need Steelheart is for the spirit that is in her. This spirit has the power that is needed to pierce the barrier around the relic. They can't use my blood for I made the seal to not open, even to me. After they unleash Nightmare Soul, they will give him my blood, and it will allow Nightmare Soul to enter my body, and make himself have a physical form so that he will be unsealable. From here, he might try to catch the princesses while they are off guard, take Luna, and resurrect Nightmare Moon. At that point they will be able to oppose Celestia, and take over from here." Spyro told Fang, worry in his eyes. "But I'm not leaving, if I leave, they will attack at full force, while if I'm here, they will not attack at full force. They don't want to harm me, for if they do, it will make Nightmare Soul angry with them. Why he cares if I'm injured I don't know."

Shadow Fang

Even with the orb in her hooves, Fang felt herself tense at the very mention of Nightmare Soul "So not only have those bastards found a way to bypass your seal, they figured out how to get that damned demon a physical body?" She growled, gritting her teeth. Had she not been holding onto the magical artifact, Fang likely would have broke down not unlike when she learned of Mephisto. Tears threatened to escape the trembling bat pony's eyes. "No," She growled, "No way in hell am I letting them take her again. I'm not failing twice . . . "

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