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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Rosie sighed defetedly knowing some things would always just go over her head.

Turning her attention to Bluegrass she calmly explained "it's nothing sweets. I just get a little worked up every now and then. "

It was at this point a much calmer Zaka reamergred from the kitchen.

He sat down the order on the table, and In his usual chipper tone he asked "miss Nutmeg. Would you mind helping me out in the cellar ? I have some old bottles to bring up and just one of them is worth more than this place is worth.

He chuckled as he motioned for her to fallow him.

It was clearly a joke about the value of the wine, but Zaka did have a habbit of braking the most expensive of bottles.

Rosie then sat close to Indicus, sinching her self in beyond professional or personal space.

Nuzzling him slightly she spoke in a soft loving tone.

The same tone a mother would use to comfort a sad foal .

She said "come on hun.. There's more to it than that. You can't pull the Vail on old Rosie. This isn't about a mission or duty. Your hurt'n.

Her eyes lowered sadly as she added "take it from some one who knows that bitter taste all too well.

Leaning on his shoulder she heaved a sigh saying "now come on hun. Zaka isn't the only good listener."

With a sly wink she added "mares can be white knights to you know"
-Back at the site of the attack -

As Sky Chaser left Steelheart chased after him for only a few meters before realizing how futile it was to try and chase after a pony she couldn't see.

Confused and saddened she looked in vain at the horizon, and in small voice said "..sky Chaser..don't..don't go."

She clearly knew he couldn't hear her. But it was the only thing she could think to say at the time.

Seeing that Sky Chaser was long gone, Firecracker turned his attention to Steelheart.

Slowly he walked up to her side ;aproching very softly and quietly.

At a loss for anything wise or helpful to say, Firecracker blurted "..well that didn't go over very well did It?"

Rubbing the back of his head He struggled with how to comfort her.

He never knew quite what to say at times like these.

After a moments reflection he Finally said "it'll be ok.. I've known Sky for twice as long as you. He'll come around. In sure of it."

In truth Firecracker wasn't sure if anything anymore. Least of all of Sky Chaser come around.

He always looked up to him in the two years he knew him.

But something always seemed off about him.

Firecracker could never put his hoof on it, but something always seemed odd about his magic and demeanour.
BlueGrass NutMeg look at Roise as she saying it was nothing, it was probably Rosie friend having a bad day. "Oh, all right then...." then she back to seat as she heard Zaka call her. She nodded and said, 'Sure thing, Boss...." She get up and go to the cellar with Zaka. 'Wow....you have a lots of wine of here....all different kinds of it...." BlueGrass can't help but look around. 'Oh, sorry about that..."
Zaka smiled proudly and replied "oh no don't be sorry. I'm actually very proud of my family cellar .

this bar has been in my family for over two hundred years.

It's got a long history here in Hast."

Grabbing a small bottle from the shelf he gave It to her saying "like this little beauty for instance.

We call it Luna's Grace. Its localy made the apples used in its production only grow around here."

Zaka seemed even happier and prouder the. Before as he added "we don't even export it. You can only drink it here And in Marr down the mountain."

Handing her a small wicker basket and a few more bottles Zakas face was beaming.

Realizing he was giving a history lesson that may not be wanted he apologised "sorry miss. I guess I got a little carried away. I just love my job is all.

Let that be a lesson: love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life."

Zaka then let out a chuckle and a content sigh.

After handing her one more bottles took the basket and sat it down on a near by table.

Even the furniture in the cramped cellar had an air of class and regality.

Wine racks of cherry wood a small table of walnut.

Crystal tasting glasses and silk napkins .

The stone walls were pollished and didn't have any darkness to them.

Even the floor seemed to be a fine oak.

It was almost strange to have a cellar so nice.

Turning back to Bluegrass Zaka asked "so if you don't mind me asking. What brought you to Hast? I know you said to find a place for you friend to live. But why a remote mountain town like here. I mean you must have had a home town were you came from.

I don't mean to pry mind you; call it a bar tenders intuition that there is a bit of a story there.
BlueGrass looked at him. 'Two hundred years? Wow, that is long..." She carry out some bottle with her magic in her horn as she listen to Zaka telling about each of different kinds of wines. She don't mind of listening to it as she giggle a little. "Oh no, I don't mind....it's like listening the lesson about wine, Boss...." She giggle more as she take some bottle upstair. As soon as it finishes, BlueGrass get a question from Zaka about coming here, " Well....it's true there is some bit of my story....but you won't like it...or not interesting....."

Shadow Fang

A frown remained on Fang's face as Sky Chaser explained the situation. She couldn't deny anything the old Alicorn was saying. The Nightmare Empire had been enemies of the Order even before Nightmare Moon's appearance over one thousand years ago. She'd clashed with many of its members since she became one of Spyro's agents. She knew from experience how dangerous, and persistent, the damn creatures were.

On one hoof, he was was right about how much easier it would be to defend a location like where his home was compared to a cabin in the open. But on the other, he'd blatantly used soul magic to torture the attacker before sending him away. (Admittedly, she wouldn't have been the epitome of mercy either given the circumstances.) Why can't things be easy for a change?

The bat pony instantly recognized the feeling of a protection spell as Sky Chaser cast it. It was so easy to weave a tracking spell in on top of it and she would have no way to detect something like that. Especially when crafted by an alicorn. It was times like this that she wished she was a unicorn, or at least had the magical perception of one. But instead some dragon leaves me fighting with very unstable magic...

She watched Steelheart's near pitiful attempt at following Sky Chaser as he left. It was obvious she and Firecracker really did trust him. And Anda, who so far seemed vocal about the safety of her Purity. She certainly hadn't made any objections to the Alicorn yet. "Sisters damn it all . . . " Fang muttered under her breath as she approached the flutter pony's side. The dark medallion of the Order appeared in her grasp after she stopped walking. She nudged Steelheart's hoof with the cool metal.

"Look, Steelheart . . . " Fang sighed, trying to find the right words. "This entire situation is complicated to say the least. But I want you to take this, if you ever feel scared or need help, just think of me and I'll be there as fast as possible. You don't even need to be holding it, just keep on you at all times. And please," She lowered her voice as she leaned closer, "Don't let anypony see it." Medallion passed, she ruffled her wings slightly to readjust her cloak.

"Why don't you three head over to Zaka's? The guy makes some really good muffins. I'll meet you there in a little bit. I have a few errands to run, work stuff. Can't seem to catch time off it seems," Fang joked before trotting off in the direction Sky Chaser had went.

I better not regret this . . .

Sunflower Fields

To say Sunflower wasn't amused by her friend's little remark would have been an understatement. Nursing her complaining muzzle, her teal eyes were more focused on the floor than the bat pony in front of her. "Don't really have a place in mind yet. Guess we just pick a direction and start walking."

As he departed, he could feel eyes on him. He took a few turns, but the feeling didn't leave. He walked calmly out of Hast before he stopped in his tracks. "Just how long do you plan on following me for? I know you're there." He remarked calmly. Before Fang could do anything in response, three unicorns seemed to materialize from the shadows surrounding Sky Chaser. Their Cutie Marks were faded, almost completely black and white, and their eyes were all grey. They moved as a single unit, in perfect time. Each one of them bore the same smug grin.

"It's been a long time, Eclipse...."

"Or should I say, Sky Chaser? What a silly name for you to take up, especially with you posing as a Unicorn of all things."

"You certainly didn't make yourself easy to find. Last I heard of you, you had gone to take on Discord all by your lonesome and then vanished."

"Tell me, how did you manage to stay out of the spotlight for these last few thousand years?"

Each of the three took turns speaking as they walked in a circle around Sky Chaser, circling him like sharks ready for the kill. Sky Chaser seemed unfazed by the display, his gaze staring straight forward. "You certainly haven't changed in the slightest, Mephisto. I see you still enjoy stealing the souls of ponies... I thought the terms of our last wager meant you couldn't absorb souls or magic anymore?"

"Oh yes... That little wager where I agreed to stop my soul and magic absorbing ways...

"well you see, there was a little loophole to that agreement of ours. "

"I just promised I wouldn't absorb them. "

"I didn't promise anything saying I wouldn't keep stealing them and using the bodies as my playthings."

Sky Chaser growled as he looked at the circling unicorns. "Even for you, Mephisto... That's low...." He hissed, his eyes flaring angrily as he watched the ponies circling around him.

"Oh don't act all high and mighty."

"I know after our encounter you took the time to learn Soul Magic for yourself!"

"Tell me, how many slaves have you made? How much magic have you stolen?"

"I'm not like you, Mephisto. I started studying Soul Magic so I could stop you if you ever showed your ugly face again."

"Well then.. we'll just have to see if your studying paid off."

"I'll be paying you a visit soon enough."

"I'm looking to expand my collection of puppets and that cute little Flutter pony would be perfect for-"

"SILENCE!" Sky Chaser roared, stomping on the ground as fire seemed to swirl around him, causing the ponies to jump back to avoid getting torched. "If you touch one hair on her mane.... I will fucking SLAUGHTER YOU!" Sky Chaser hissed, magic seeming to seep from his eyes like it did before. His horn glowed black and suddenly the ponies started writhing in agony, all screaming in the same voice.

At last, his horn returned to normal, and the voice that was Mephisto seemed to breathe unsteadily, his voice still coming from each of the unicorns he had under his control.

"What... was... that?!" Mephisto hissed, the rage evident in his voice as all three ponies spoke at once instead of separately.

"Something I developed just for you... I made a few adjustments to the Soul Torment spell so it would burn your soul if you ever tried anything like this..." Sky Chaser smirked sadistically. "Now that you've been so kind as to show yourself to me, I have three different portals to your soul I can use...."

"This isn't over, Eclipse! I will have my revenge on you, and everything you hold precious! Mark my words, Eclipse!" The ponies retreated to the shadows, fading out of sight before they were gone. Clearly, whoever Mephisto was did not appreciate being on the receiving end of a three pronged Soul Torment.

Sky Chaser sighed softly, watching the controlled ponies vanish into the darkness of the shade. "The Dread Dragon Mephisto.... I thought I had seen the last of you all those years ago...." He murmured staring off into the distance. He closed his eyes, sighing once more. "I know you saw all of that, Shadow Fang... No sense hiding anymore..." He remarked turning his head towards her. Apparently, her guess was right about a tracking spell being weaved into his protection spell.. His crimson eyes seemed different now, tired, showing the burden he had carried with him for his life, which thanks to Mephisto, she knew to be several thousand years. The strange thing is, he still didn't seem very old. He looked to be maybe in his late twenties at the absolute most.

What was with the name Eclipse though? What meaning did a name like that have for Sky Chaser, and why would he go so far to hide his true name?
viska said:
Rosie sighed defetedly knowing some things would always just go over her head.
Turning her attention to Bluegrass she calmly explained "it's nothing sweets. I just get a little worked up every now and then. "

It was at this point a much calmer Zaka reamergred from the kitchen.

He sat down the order on the table, and In his usual chipper tone he asked "miss Nutmeg. Would you mind helping me out in the cellar ? I have some old bottles to bring up and just one of them is worth more than this place is worth.

He chuckled as he motioned for her to fallow him.

It was clearly a joke about the value of the wine, but Zaka did have a habbit of braking the most expensive of bottles.

Rosie then sat close to Indicus, sinching her self in beyond professional or personal space.

Nuzzling him slightly she spoke in a soft loving tone.

The same tone a mother would use to comfort a sad foal .

She said "come on hun.. There's more to it than that. You can't pull the Vail on old Rosie. This isn't about a mission or duty. Your hurt'n.

Her eyes lowered sadly as she added "take it from some one who knows that bitter taste all too well.

Leaning on his shoulder she heaved a sigh saying "now come on hun. Zaka isn't the only good listener."

With a sly wink she added "mares can be white knights to you know"
Indicus sighed and relented, "It's the thought of losing Shadow Fang or Steelheart due to my foolishness that gets too me. If that happened I really don't think I would survive for very long. I've now been working with Fang for over ten months now and I made a promise to keep Steelheart safe. To me they are the two most important ponies that walk the planet and I don't want to let either down especially Shadow Fang. That's why it hurt so much when Fang did chew me out I knew she was right."
Shina followed after Steelheart the few steps she ran toward Sky Chaser. Stopping besides the flutterpony Shina waited till Fang was done speaking before offend a light nudge to Steelheart's shoulder. "He simply misunderstood our intentions. We will explain things better to him later." Shina said trying to reassure Steelheart.

For a second those fuchsia eyes shifted to Fang as she left before turning to Firecracker. Unsure of what to do now she hoped he had an idea. Having never been an overly social pony Shina often found it difficult knowing how to handle things like this.

Shadow Fang

Sky Chaser proved to be a tough one to keep up with as Fang worked on catching up to him. Just a few minutes to talk was all the bat pony needed. Would it leave her feeling any less suspicious of the Alicorn or his true intentions? Likely not, but there had to be something there if Steelheart and apparently even Anda held some faith in him. Fang just needed to get a better grasp on what and why.

Just as she'd caught up to him, he called out a group of unicorns that seemed to have been following him as well. Given the look they were receiving from the old Alicorn, these weren't allies of his. She watched the scene unfold in silence. Out of what she could hear, two pieces of information jumped out at her. That Sky Chaser had once gone by the name Eclipse and that he had seemingly learned of soul magic from this Mephisto. But where did Mephisto pick it up from?

"I know you saw all of that, Shadow Fang... No sense hiding anymore..."

She couldn't help but cringe slightly before starting to approach him. Her ears were alert, seeming to pivot in all directions as if searching for signs of danger. The news of more soul magic users was concerning, but there seemed to be some solace in the knowledge that Sky's intent to protect Steelheart was beginning to appear more genuine. "So . . . you seem to like waiting for me to catch up before revealing some big secret about yourself." Truth be told, she wasn't all that sure why she had said that, but watching for signs of danger quickly brushed it aside.

"Believe me, I never intended for anyone to learn this much about me, much less a member of the Order. Unfortunately, it seems it cannot be helped. Fate seems to have deemed it necessary for you to learn about me. Either that or you just have a very strange kind of luck to you" Sky Chaser remarked watching her closely.

"No doubt you have a lot of questions for me, but first I have one for you. Why did you come after me when I left? It is quite obvious that you don't trust me." He remarked, his crimson eyes staring right into her soul like before. He wondered what she planned to do with this newfound knowledge. Would she keep quiet, or would she tell others?

What if Steelheart knew all of this?.... He had worked so hard to keep his past away from the Flutter pony, but now it seemed like his past was fully intent on dragging her into the darkness that had been his home for the last few thousand years... Just when he thought he had found some light, the darkness that followed him was threatening to extinguish it...

No.. He wouldn't let that happen. He wouldn't be responsible for another pony succumbing to darkness.. Not again...

Shadow Fang

Fang's ears unconsciously continued in their search for some unknown threat as her crimson gaze studied the Alicorn before her. "Whether it's fate or sheer coincidence, it isn't something either of us could really go and change." A faint glow could be seen from her blood red hues, a trait not seen in any other pony of her race. It was a trait she had prior to her battle with the demon Nightmare Soul. The one responsible for the myriad of scars that forced her to mask her form. The reason for her unnatural wings and horns.

"You could say I have questions for you, Sky Chaser. Or would you prefer to be called Eclipse seeing as how the other three called you that." Sure he may have been staring right into her very soul, but that didn't seem to stop Fang from staring right back into his eyes. "You're right, I don't completely trust you. Not yet, for the time being. But what matters is Steelheart does trust you." Her crimson gaze narrowed up at him, "It also appears Anda holds no ill will towards you right now either. You walking away nearly left Steelheart in tears. Trained agent or not, I can't exactly go around hurting what few friends I have."

Sky Chaser seemed to visibly tense up at his old name. "No, I would rather leave that name in the past... There is too much pain associated with that name, and I'd appreciate it if no one else learned of it either..." He remarked, listening to her as she spoke about Steelheart.

His eyes closed as he listened to how Steelheart reacted. In truth, he knew that would happen, but it had been unavoidable... "I knew that is how she would respond... I didn't want to do anything that would upset her, but had I stayed, I feared I would put her in a position where she would have to choose between me and her friends. I couldn't force her to make a choice like that..." he sighed softly.

"I can show you something, it should give you all the reason you need to trust me, but I ask that you not tell anypony else about it. There's a reason I keep so much about myself a secret, after all...." he remarked watching her with a clearly forced smile.

He waited patiently for her to agree not to tell anyone before he put up another obscuring bubble around them. With that firmly in place, he slipped off his cloak. She had already seen this form of him before, heavily scarred, even his wings. But this time, he slowly lifted up his wings to reveal his cutie mark, a dark half moon seeming to cover half of a golden sun. Even with the heavy scarring over his mark, it was clear what it was, and she would recognize that mark instantly.

It was the crest of the Order....

Shadow Fang

The bat pony merely nodded at Sky Chaser's request not to be called Eclipse anymore. What bothered Fang was that was a name she swore she's heard before. But no matter how much she tried to recall it, the name remained a mystery to her. Vexing as it was, doing some digging on the name was just going to have to wait until later. Right now she had the Nightmare Empire at their doorstep and whoever this Mephisto was. Not to mention getting to the bottom of this whole Sky Chaser mystery.

And the Sisters... Sun and Moon she still had the Sisters to worry about.

Fang tilted her head slightly as he mentioned having something to prove his trustworthiness. All he asked was that she kept it secret. "Simple enough, secrecy is how we operate as you already seem to know." Well, that was how they were supposed to operate, save for Commanders suddenly blurting out their little secret. It seemed to be enough to reassure him as Sky Chaser once again used his magic to isolate them from any would be eavesdroppers.

Shadow Fang had faced many dangers and unexpected scenarios in her life. She'd faced the demon dragon Nightmare Soul, staring death in the face and walking away. She'd approached the dread spirit Anda without so much as flinching. Surprising her wasn't an easy task anymore.

But this . . .

This was . . .

Holy shit

Fang blinked. One. Twice. Three times even as she tried to make sure she was actually seeing what she thought she had. Sky Chaser, this Eclipse, bore the symbol of the Order itself for his mark. It wasn't exactly something she could just ignore. There was a statue in the Order's archive of an unnamed Alicorn who had the same exact mark. It was actually a place she could often be found reading by.

"Well, this is about as far as you can get from what I was expecting," the mare said, finally sitting down. "What can I say? You certainly have my attention now."
Firecracker turned to Shina and saw how uncomfortable she looked in the situation.

With a slight shrug he suggested "fang mentioned heading back to Zakas bar."

Nudging Steelheart gently he spoke to her in a soft voice. "Shina's right. Everything will be alright. But let's get you inside. I think we all need a sit."

Taking a more cheerful tone he added "besides we need to catch up."

As Firecracker guided the two mares he asked "so you've been busy I see. Getting a nice job with a fancy uniform . good for you."

Firecracker spoke very casually and with a bit more pep then before.

It wasn't clear if he was puting on an act or was genuinely in a good mood.

Whatever the case, Steelheart did seem to cheer up.

She even blushed slightly saying "oh my ..yes I've been very busy lately. But what about you two?"

She stifeled a laugh as she remarked "after how badly your first date went I was worried you two wouldn't come together."

For a moment Firecracker turned to Shina.

It just dawned on him that their first 'date' devolved into the disaster of the equinox incident.

They never really got a chance to go out. As far as he knew, if he hadn't gotten hurt they may not have ended up together.

Steelheart broke him out of his contemplative stare when she asked "so have you two gotten serious ? Are you going steady yet?"

Steelheart's question was asked in a playful way, even accented with a giggle.

But it still brought a heavy blush to Firecracker's face.

Turning his gaze to his hooves Firecracker

Replied with a slight stammer "yo you could say that yes."

Fortunately it was about this time they reached the horseshoe.

It was uncanny how he could find his way back to Zakas bar even after years of being gone.

-inside the bar-

Rosie gently rubbed her hoof on Indicus's shoulder as she replied "awe hun..all make mistakes some times. I'm sure Fang will forgive you. She seems like a reasonable mare.

..and as far as Steely, I'm willing to bet that sweetheart would forgive you even if something did happen to her ..

So the thing is.. You need to forgive you "

With a smile and a wink she went on saying

"The only thing you can do is move forward and make up for lost time"

It was strange how Rosie could switch between motherly wisdom and her normal sassy self at the drop of a hat.

As Zaka and Bluegrass came back upstairs

Rosie wave at the two of them saying "isn't that right sweets?"

Not knowing what she was talking about Zaka only waved back and laughed saying "sure thing."
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Sky Chaser chuckled softly as he stretched out his wings. "I'll take that to mean I have your trust too then... Just please honor your promise not to tell anypony. I have my reasons for wanting to stay dead to the world." He remarked, turning towards her. For the first time, she could see it. Around his neck was a necklace, but it wasn't just any necklace, it was the rest of his horn...

For someone of his ability, it should be a small feat to reattach it, but for some reason, he kept it broken... Just another mystery surrounding the mysterious Alicorn.

"Come on. We should get back to the others. I don't like leaving Steelheart unguarded longer than necessary." he remarked, wrapping his cloak around himself once more before lowering the obscuring bubble.

A few questions had been answered, but they had given rise to so many more... What was Sky Chaser's full story? The more details that got filled in, the more holes opened up. Would anyone ever truly understand the living mystery that was Sky Chaser?

For now, only one thing was certain, he truly did want to protect Steelheart. As for why, well, he tipped his hand before he departed the group before...

"It seems I must keep my Heart guarded at a distance"

He truly did care for her. However, how could he possibly let himself get close to her given all of the darkness in his past?....

No, he didn't deserve happiness like that. Not after what he had caused...

He glanced over his shoulder at Fang, making sure she was following before he walked through Hast to the Horseshoe, saying nothing the entire walk as he let Fang absorb everything she had witnessed. As he walked in through the doors, he released a small pulse of magic. It wouldn't really do anything, but it would allow the magic-sensitive Steelheart know he had returned, and where he was. He hoped she hadn't been too sad or worried in his absence...

Shadow Fang

Fang studied the broken piece of horn hanging from his neck before sighing and nodded. "I'm not about to go around any tell anypony about it." She turned to follow him once the little barrier had been dropped. There were so many questions running through her mind right now. None of them staying long enough for her to really focus on them. "To be honest, I'd feel bad for whatever fool tried something with Shina there. A Kirin's affinity with fire can be a scary thing." Her crimson gaze drifted elsewhere, perhaps hesitant to speak on the matter. "I wouldn't mess with a Kirin capable of using dragonfire . . ." Just the thought of dragonfire sent a chill down the bat pony.

Fang shook her head to try and chase away the bad memories. "Anyway, after visiting Steelheart, it would be nice if you answered some questions. Mainly around the one behind those puppets you clashed with."
viska said:
Firecracker turned to Shina and saw how uncomfortable she looked in the situation.
With a slight shrug he suggested "fang mentioned heading back to Zakas bar."

Nudging Steelheart gently he spoke to her in a soft voice. "Shina's right. Everything will be alright. But let's get you inside. I think we all need a sit."

Taking a more cheerful tone he added "besides we need to catch up."

As Firecracker guided the two mares he asked "so you've been busy I see. Getting a nice job with a fancy uniform . good for you."

Firecracker spoke very casually and with a bit more pep then before.

It wasn't clear if he was puting on an act or was genuinely in a good mood.

Whatever the case, Steelheart did seem to cheer up.

She even blushed slightly saying "oh my ..yes I've been very busy lately. But what about you two?"

She stifeled a laugh as she remarked "after how badly your first date went I was worried you two wouldn't come together."

For a moment Firecracker turned to Shina.

It just dawned on him that their first 'date' devolved into the disaster of the equinox incident.

They never really got a chance to go out. As far as he knew, if he hadn't gotten hurt they may not have ended up together.

Steelheart broke him out of his contemplative stare when she asked "so have you two gotten serious ? Are you going steady yet?"

Steelheart's question was asked in a playful way, even accented with a giggle.

But it still brought a heavy blush to Firecracker's face.

Turning his gaze to his hooves Firecracker

Replied with a slight stammer "yo you could say that yes."

Fortunately it was about this time they reached the horseshoe.

It was uncanny how he could find his way back to Zakas bar even after years of being gone.

-inside the bar-

Rosie gently rubbed her hoof on Indicus's shoulder as she replied "awe hun..all make mistakes some times. I'm sure Fang will forgive you. She seems like a reasonable mare.

..and as far as Steely, I'm willing to bet that sweetheart would forgive you even if something did happen to her ..

So the thing is.. You need to forgive you "

With a smile and a wink she went on saying

"The only thing you can do is move forward and make up for lost time"

It was strange how Rosie could switch between motherly wisdom and her normal sassy self at the drop of a hat.

As Zaka and Bluegrass came back upstairs

Rosie wave at the two of them saying "isn't that right sweets?"

Not knowing what she was talking about Zaka only waved back and laughed saying "sure thing."
Indicus listened to Rosie's words and nodded knowing she was right about everything. "It seems to come to just that forgiving myself. Well I'll just start with talking to Fang when I next run into her and go from there." Indicus gave Rosie a hug something he did not do too often "Thank's Rosie I kinda needed this little talk. Once more your right mares can be white knights to."
--In the Houseshoe Bar--

BlueGrass look at Rosie who with at stallion. "Who is that stallion?" she asked Zaka.
Zaka only shrugged and said "his names Indicus. He's one of miss Steelheart's friends. That's about as much as I know. He only blew into town the other day with another bat pony.

As the rest of the group loitered in the front area of the pub Steelhearts ears perked up along with her head. She 'searched for the sorce of a familure magic signature before blurting out "Sky Chaser! "

Bounding up and stopping just shy of a wall she spoke to a vase slightly right of Sky Chaser. "I'm so glad you came back. I was worried you wouldn't be my friend anymore."

She shook her head as if trying to shake off the bad feelings of the whole day as she went on saying "today has just been so aweful. I want nothing more to do with it."

The commotion caught Rosies attention who was just finishing hugging Indicus and patting his back.

Hugging was something she did without a second thought, but this one she gave a little extra feeling into.

Looking over to the group she cheerfully exclaimed "well hey Steely, looks like the gangs all here..."

Her eyes widening and her breathing becoming more rapid she caught site of her childhood friend.

8 years or 800 years, it didn't matter to her. She could spot him from across a room right away.

His kind face, his loving eyes, and his goofy lack of social grace. He never changed.

She stepped forward a few paces without even knowing she had moved.

Completely ignoring Zaka as he tried to get her attention .

One final step forward put her in distant earshot.

Her voice a combination of fear and excitement as she said " F..Fi? Is that you?"

She wasn't sure why she asked that.

Of course it was him.

She would know him even if he had become a diamond dog.

She just couldn't think of anything else to say.

Firecracker turned to meet her gaze as he his voice matches hers saying only "Vel.."
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Sky Chaser gently nuzzled the Flutter pony's cheek, both to reassure her and to show her where he actually was. "of course I still want to be your friend.. That never changed Steelheart" he murmured softly, perhaps staying close to her a bit longer than necessary. As much as he had tried to protect her from everything, an ancient enemy of his now had her in his sights...

"I won't take off like that again.. I'll stay by your side" he murmured, his eyes closing as he just cherished being close to her. For Zaka and Rosie (assuming the latter was in any position to pay attention) this wasn't exactly an uncommon sight. He was always rather sweet on Steelheart, and despite his intentions not to let himself get close to her, it was probably painfully obvious to everyone except Steelheart exactly how he felt about her.

He sighed softly when she spoke about how awful the day had been. "Yes, today really hasn't been a great one.. I'm afraid I have more bad news before things can get better though.. and old enemy of mine has made himself known..." He murmured softly, sub consciously moving protectively closer to the Flutter pony. His eyes closed a bit as he sighed softly. He knew he'd eventually need to tell everyone about Mephisto, about his past... He didn't want anypony to know so much about him, but now, it seemed there was no other option....

If they didn't know, they'd be in greater danger...

Shadow Fang

As Steelheart and Sky Chaser were reunited for lack of a better term, Fang chose to hang back. It would be simple to mistake the two for childhood lovers. Granted, Steelheart was on the childlike side compared to the other members of the group. But as Sky Chaser mentioned an old enemy returning and then seemingly hesitate, the bat pony walked past the couple clearing her throat. The longer he waited to share this information, the worse things could get.
(Gah! This is the first time my notifications haven't worked! Sorry for late post.)

As they walked Shina felt her cheeks growing hotter and hotter. Burning with a bright blush to each of Steelheart's questions. If she hadn't been walking the young kirin might even of facehooved in embarrassment. How would she even begin to explain things? She knew the reality of it was that her and Firecracker had actually spent very little time together in which he was actually awake. Yet somehow Shina still felt she knew him well enough to want to be with him. She knew more logical ponies would probably tell her she was deceiving herself. Or say something along the lines of her being more in love with the idea of being in love, and yet in all her travels not once had Shina ever given so much as a thought to falling in love until she'd met Fire.

Shina shook the thoughts from her head as they reached the bar. Her hopes and fears were probably something best talked over later, just between mares. She certainly didn't want to risk pushing Fire away by placing to much pressure on what their relationship was or wasn't. For now she was simply content to see how things transpired, not just between her self and Firecracker, but among the entire group and the new threat they now face.

Once inside Shina couldn't help but smile seeing the joy Sky Chaser's return brought to Steelheart. She couldn't help but feel guilty for driving him off in the first place, it hadn't been her intent. It had simply been the best compromise she could come up with at the time.

When her attention returned to Firecracker she noticed another pony, one she didn't recognize staring at him, and him staring back. One of her sleek red brows lifted curiously. What was this now?
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Indicus watched Rosie's reaction to seeing Firecracker and smiled remembering her mention him when they first met. He saw that extra spring in her step as she approached Firecracker but he did feel a bit sorry for her knowing that she had some sort of crush on him and now with Firecracker having a marefriend already the revelation would probably break her heart.
--In the Houseshoe Bar--

BlueGrass listen to Zaka when he said that stallion that Rosie talk is Indicus, the one who blew up the town a with a bat pony the other day.
"Blew up?" She sound shocked as she look at them. And then she see Roise is looking different when she meet some pony.

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