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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.


After watching the little reunion Indicus notices Shadow Fang sitting back watching events unfold like he was doing. Indicus knew what he had to do and how bad it could get if left to fester but at the same time he was afraid and reluctant the what if's piling faster then he would like. But he forced himself to move shoving the excuses and fears away from his mind, they needed to talk and he would be damned if he let the rift between them get too big to repair and lose a very close friend to his mistake.

Indicus made it to his destination and said as he approached, "Hey Shadow we need to talk." Indicus did his best to hide the fear and hesitation lining his voice.

Shadow Fang

Even though Fang was watching Sky Chaser, waiting for the Alicorn to finally get on with telling them about this 'Mephisto', her ears pivoted to the sound of approaching hooffalls. Her crimson gaze shifted over towards Indicus, studying the unicorn intently. Judging from how hesitantly he was approaching her, it seemed her words had finally sunk in. However, he still needed to make the first move. Her tail gave a slight flick as he spoke, "Whatever you have to say can wait. Right now we've got more important things to worry about . . . Sky Chaser, I hope, will be enlightening us all shortly..." She remarked, looking away from him to focus on the Alicorn, expectantly waiting for his explanation on just who, or what, this Mephisto was...
Zaka laughed at the mossunderstanding saying " blew IN. Not blew up. Its an expression that means he arrived sudenly . I don't think Rosie would let anyone but her wreck the place."

Looking over to see if Rosie had reacted to his teasing he noticed she had moved towards Firecracker and his group.

Zaka also noticed Firecracker right away, though it was harder for him to recognize him sense he had been gone nearly a decade.

Pointing a a hoof Zaka went on saying "see that maroon unicorn over there. He was Rosies friend ages ago. "

Steelheart became even happier realizing even more of her friends were there.

But she did notice Shadow fangs hostile tone .

It also struck her as odd that she said Sky Chaser was going to tell them something , but she shrugged it off as just an update on the already crazy situation.

Meanwhile Firecracker and Rosie seemed to ignore everything around them.

Finally Firecracker broke their stare and nervously looked down saying "Its been a while Velvet Rose.."

Her expression soured to an angry hurt as she scolded "a while. You leave me for eight years never sending so much as a letter and all you can say is it's been a while?"

She sighed frustratedly and took another step forward and in a softer voice she apologized "I'm sorry.. Look I don't want to fight I."

Looking up she saw that he was standing very close to another mare.

Raising an eyebrow she asked

"oh you brought a friend with you to."
Indicus backed off with a small nod "Okay for now then." Indicus then listened for Sky Chaser's response to Fang's question.

Sky Chaser sighed softly as Fang once more brought up what he had to say. It was clear he wasn't going to find any way out of telling them all of this. He kept close to Steelheart, his side brushing protectively against hers as he closed his crimson eyes, trying to figure out where to start. "Everyone, listen up... this is important...." He opened his eyes to look at all those gathered. Those of Hast knew enough that Sky Chaser didn't call for attention like this unless it really was something dire...

"Several years ago... No... I need to be honest here.... several thousand years ago... Before Equestria was even founded, there was a dreaded dragon by the name of Mephisto... He was, or I should say, is... one of the last ancient dragons.. He is the original creator of soul based magics, and at the peak of his power, he could have snuffed out the Two Sisters with little more than a glance." he began pausing just to let the gravity of that creature's power sink in.

"How he attained that power was by absorbing the souls and magic of ponies. In a way, he was similar to Tirek. However, he did not take the souls or magic by force. He made deals, gambles. If you won the gamble, he would use his power to grant whatever your request was for the wager. If you lost, you lost everything. Your soul became his and your body became his puppet. He is very patient, and took many centuries to build up his vast power. Without a doubt, he would have never allowed a kingdom like Equestria to rise up, as the prosperity it promised would no doubt interfere with his soul harvest." he explained, his eyes looking to all gathered, even as he stayed close to Steelheart, as if trying to protect her from the story itself.

"For that reason, I faced him myself. I gambled my soul and magic against all that he had amassed. We decided to engage in a battle of wits. For days, we tried to devise some riddle or question that would stump the other. Ultimately, I managed to find a question that he couldn't answer, and he had to relinquish all of the souls and magic he had attained. As a rule of the wager, he was no longer allowed to absorb souls or magic. However, he has chosen to abuse a loophole in my diction. He still steals souls, but instead of absorbing them, he just uses the bodies as his puppets like before.. He has made it clear he has not forgotten me, and is very much out for revenge..." Sky Chaser concluded, leaning against Steelheart a little, as if revealing such a big part of his past had physically drained his energy...

He didn't want to reveal so much. He didn't want them to know that his true age was in fact several thousand years. For Fang, and Indicus if she told him about his Alicorn status, it would likely be no surprise. The others however... He didn't look a day over 30, and that's if you were being mean. Hell, if it wasn't for the scars he'd probably look even younger.

"I'd appreciate if what I told you here stays among those gathered. I would rather not have all of Equestria knowing my story if I can avoid it..." He murmured, not making eye contact with anyone. If his story got out, it would no doubt reach the Two Sisters, and that would be several kinds of bad for him. He didn't want to tell any of them this, but since they were all in danger now, it was their right to know....

Shadow Fang

"Everyone, listen up... this is important...."

Fang's attention silently returned to Sky Chaser as he finally spoke up to the group. It would seem he had decided to finally share with everyone who or what this Mephisto was. Naturally he was hesitant in finally revealing this information. The bat pony wasn't overly surprised when he mentioned their first encounter was thousands of years ago. He was an Alicorn after all, they were known for their incredibly long lifespans and rumored immortality. At least in the case of the Two Sisters.

What followed, though, was very unexpected. Mephisto was an ancient and clearly powerful dragon. Not only that, but he was also the creator of Soul Magic. A Soul Thief long before Umbra's time. Could Sky Chaser have been exaggerating when he said this demon could have easily taken the Sisters' lives? Was he that powerful once more!?

Fang tensed the instant the Alicorn revealed their enemy was a dragon. An old fear was creeping in . . . perhaps more appropriately it was a Nightmare.

"How he attained that power was by absorbing the souls and magic of ponies . . . . Your soul became his and your body became his puppet."

The bat pony's focus waned, leaving her to only catch a few words in the description of the drake's powers. By the time he'd started telling of their confrontation, none of the Alicorn's words reached her. Fang's ears were flat, pinned against her head as she hesitantly took a step back. "Nid." Her voice could barely be considered a whisper.

The heat of hungry flames seemingly licked at her remaining fur. "Fen ni krif dovah. Nust drun-"

No escape.


Nowhere to hide.


Only blood and agony waited.


She squeezed her eyes shut, feeling something heavy envelop her form. The sudden immobilizing weight should have been terrifying but instead it felt . . . safe. Unkown to Fang, her entire form had been encased in crystal. Black and deep purple seemed to swirl around in the crystalline barrier, a dark almost primal energy seeming to seep out from it.

No. (I) will not fight (a) dragon. They bring fire, terror, (and) death.
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Indicus listened to Sky Chasers story but his attention quickly turned to Fang as he sensed magic rolling off of her and heard her whisper in the Threshal language. He tried stop the crystal from encasing her but failed. He cursed himself he should have knew that the reminder of the dragon that controlled her would be too much, he should have stuck closer to her and tried to comfort her knowing something could have happened. Indicus shook his head and tried to think of a way to break the spell.
Shina offered a polite smile and respectful bow of her head to Rosie. On her back Konton looked almost relieved to see Firecracker paying attention to a mare who wasn't his 'mother.' For a second she wondered if she should take it upon herself to introduce herself or let Fire do the honor.

Before she made up her mind in the matter Shina's attention was drawn to Sky Chaser as he began to tell his story. She listened silently, taking in every word. She always found it odd how the dragons in these lands seemed so dishonorable. Where she came from dragons were the guardians of peace and order. Her people worshiped them as ponies in Equestria did the celestial sisters.

Before the shimmering kirin had a chance to comment on the information she was quickly distracted by wherever was happening to Shadow Fang. Those fuchsia eyes grew wide seeing the crystal forming around the batpony. She took a few rushed steps towards Fang, but halted a foot away from her. This was a type of magic she was not familiar with. Shina wasn't sure if her flames would help or hurt, and she certainly didn't want to burn Fang.

"What is that?" She asked quickly, panic evident in her voice. Shina's sudden stress seemed to alert Konton who cocked his head curiously to one side as he studied the crystal and the energy around it.
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All at once the natives of Hast snapped to attention when Sky Chaser called for it.

Even Firecracker who had been gone nearly a decade.

It was clear that even though he was an enigma, Sky Chaser commanded a great deal of respect amungst the ponies there.

As he spoke Steelhearts eyes followed along emoting with each sentence as if reading a sad story.

The carefully crafted persona that she had known for the past ten month was beginning to unravel.

She wasn't upset by what she learned, but rather that she was lied to.

She didn't understand why he didn't trust her with the truth.

But it was really that she was to naive to know she was being protected in that way .

Even though she was an adult mare she bared much of the mind set of a filly.

This was largely due to Anda and the other flutter pony's efforts to keep her 'pure'.

She still stayed close to him as he spoke, pressing her side into his.

She was hurt by this revelation but still felt a strong bond with him.

One she didn't understand but wasn't willing to brake so easily.

As he spoke of more Mephisto Steelheart became more still and silenced her tiny wimpering.

Her eyes began to glow as they had in the past and a scornful grimus began to mare her face .

She growled angrily and uncharacteristicly as he spoke.

Anda was a spirit as old as the land.

Not as old as Mephisto.

She was still you when he terrorised the undeveloped equestria.

But she was far old enough to remember

The horror that this creature was.

She finally spoke, but in a voice not her own.

To any who knew it, It was Anda's.

Clear as a bell, but with an overlapping echo.

"So it was you who stopped him South God."

Again using the flutter pony slang alicorn.

"But not for good I see..."

As the attention shifted abruptly to shadow fangs condition Zaka began to panic.

He usual was able to keep his cool most of the time, but in the face of all these revelations and new strange occurrences

He began to lose it.

He couldn't help but blurt out "this is bad, very bad."

As he said this Steelheart..or was it Anda?. Shifted her cold stare to meet his.

Her piercing focus made it obvious that even though Steelheart was blind, she could see him all to well.

It was jarring to see her pale eyes so fixed to his as she remarked

"..you have no idea mortal earth pony.."

This was perhaps the longest Steelheart had been under Anda's controle outside of her soul realm .

It was likely do to the stress and influx of strange magic.

"Every pony CALM DOWN" Sky Chaser's voice seemed to echo with a commanding authority, much like Anda's voice did. His crimson gaze looked to every pony gathered. "I will not allow anyone here to be harmed by Mephisto." He spoke with finality. He turned his gaze to Steelheart, still under Anda's control. "It's true, I was not able to stop him for good. It took every ounce of my strength to return the souls and magic he had stolen the last time." he confessed as his eyes closed. "But please, Grandmother, call me by my name. I am not deserving of any title, much less one of a God." To anyone else, after all, South God would sound like some title, not slang for Alicorn. He didn't even want to be called an alicorn either. After all the harm he had caused in his life, he didn't feel he was deserving of the title of alicorn, as that would put him in the same breath as the two sisters. As far as he was concerned, he did not deserve that.

"This time, it will end differently. I have no doubt only one of us will live to walk away from this next encounter..." He remarked. "I am sorry I deceived you all in regards to my past. I had hoped to keep it buried to keep all of you protected from the darkness of my past, but it seems that such a dream is impossible." He murmured, walking calmly over to Fang as he examined the crystals... "Shade Crystals... concentrated dark magic given physical form..." He murmured as he analyzed it just from sight.

"In her panic, it seems they reacted to grant her primal desire for safety. She still has much to learn about how Shade Crystals work..." He mused, his eyes glowing with a dark aura as a mist seemed to pour from his eyes, his horn taking on a similar dark aura as pony sized shade crystals appeared in a haphazard arrangement around Fang.

"I see... She doesn't even understand how they work yet..." He murmured, more to himself than anyone else. The glow from his eyes and horn glowed brighter as the crystals started to move around, taking on a distinctive shape of a crescent moon with her at the center of the moon. "Break" His voice seemed to echo from within the shade crystals as the crystals encasing Fang's body broke apart and dispersed into fragments that turned into harmless smoke upon hitting the ground.

He turned his crimson gaze to the others gathered. "I'm sure all of you have no shortage of questions.... Now would probably be the best time to ask. I will try to answer them as best I can, but please understand, there is much about myself it is best if none of you know, for your own safety." He mused, sitting down where he was as he closed his eyes, waiting for the flurry of questions. He had no doubt Anda had several. After all, he had deceived Purity as well. Then again, maybe Anda could understand it was for her own protection. He wondered if Steelheart would be able to forgive him for keeping her in the dark.

He had always known he didn't deserve to be in her presence, but he cherished those moments. With some of the truth of his past now coming to light, would those moments end forever? It was nothing less than he deserved, he knew.

But at the same time, the thought of going forward without her broke his heart....
Indicus gave Sky Chaser a look of thanks before he put his full attention on Shadow Fang first by making sure she did not just fall to the ground

Shadow Fang

All at once, the pressure that had momentarily surrounded her released all at once. She gasped softly, almost falling to her knees if it weren't for Indicus supporting her. All the while she had been in those crystals, she had been vaguely aware of everything happening around her, almost as if it were a dream.

However, one thing stood out in her slightly fuzzy memory besides Mephisto. "Shade Crystals....?" All this time she had never been able to figure out what those mysterious crystals were. She had been able to use them as a catalyst for magic to make up for her lack of a horn, but their name and nature had always been a mystery to her.

Despite countless hours of reading in the Order's archives, she had found nothing describing the strange crystals that she could call upon, and that also adorned her head like horns. Yet Sky Chaser, or Eclipse, or whatever the hell he chose to call himself not only knew about them, but knew how to influence them as if it were nothing... Just what was he? Even for an alicorn, he seemed to know far too much.

She shook the thoughts from her head. Right now, her personal issues with her magic weren't the big issue. The big issue was the Dread Dragon Mephisto that seemed to even put Anda on edge... Sky Chaser mentioned that only he or Mephisto would survive their next confrontation... What would happen to all of them if Sky Chaser failed?

It became increasingly clear that despite whatever misgivings she may still harbor for the alicorn, she had no choice but to put her faith in him.

At least now, she could ask some questions.... "Piraak hi komiinsekrif?" Fang blinked, why had she blurted out her question in that language? Was it because she was still so tense? Again her ears fell as her gaze drifted away from the group. "S-sorry . . . " She murmured.

Do you have a strategy?
Indicus noticed Fang's tension but did not know what he really could do so he stood there by her side determined not to leave unless she told him to. He just hoped that the gesture would reassure her, he knew that no matter what happened he needed to stick by her side. She was a very close friend and partner and he could not leave her even if they had past issues.
With a complaint nod of the head Anda agreed "As you wish...Sky Chaser. I will call you what my dear purity desires to."

As he freed Shadow Fang Anda looked at her with pity, and in a strangely gentle voice she remarked "poor child.."

Her new maternal persona was a stark contrast to the dread spirit they had encountered in Equinox .

Firecracker eyes darted back and forth as his heart pounded in his chest.

He began to hyperventilate as he realized not only was Konton right beside him, but Anda the very being that nearly killed him was standing in front of him.

on top of that, a new and more dangerous threat had come along.

He woundered if things would turn out even worse then before.

Anda stepped forward and smiled sweetly.

It almost seemed as if Steelheart was back.

However when she spoke again it was clearly not the case.

"I indeed have questions.. But I have much more time then other pony..let the children speak their peace."

Turning her soft eyes back to Firecracker and Shina she again spoke. "And I have a peace of my own to say.. To you colt, I am sorry I hurt you so..and you my filly..thank you for killing me..destroying my old form freed my soul..

Please if you can find it in your hearts to one day forgive me.."
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Sky Chaser's gaze focused on Fang when she spoke first. "You have no need to apologize." he remarked shaking his head. "As for a strategy.. Knowing Mephisto, he's going to want to make another wager with me. However, I am quite certain he is going to try and stack the deck against me." he sighed softly.

"He's showed his hand though. I already know what he plans to do. He wants to try and use Steelheart to get to me." He bit his lip rather hard, to the point a little blood trickled down his lip as his crimson eyes flashed for just a moment with uncharacteristic aggression. "Unfortunately, there is little I can do until he reveals himself. He is capable of completely masking the existence of his soul so I cannot simply track him down." he sighed softly, ignoring the blood still trickling down his chin from when he bit his lip.

He watched as Anda tried to make her peace with Firecracker and Shina. He had heard most of what happened at Equinox, so he did not need to be filled in on the details at least. There was some irony to Sky Chaser addressing Anda by the flutter term of respect 'Grandmother'. After all, he was likely the same age, if not older than her, given he faced Mephisto at the height of the Dragon's power.

"Anda, you should ask your questions now. No doubt many of your questions are the same as others." He remarked watching Steelheart, though he was fully aware that Steelheart was only listening as Anda controlled the Flutter Pony's body. "Steelheart.... If you have any questions yourself, now would be the time..." He remarked, unable to hold eye contact when he addressed the Flutter pony instead of Anda. He had never wanted to keep her in the dark. Of all ponies, she was one he had wanted more than anything to open up to, so he wouldn't be forced to bear his burden alone. However, he knew doing so would put her in danger.

For that reason, he continued to endure his own personal hell alone.
Anda only sighed and replied " I have hidden much from my purity..But now she knows. Even now she hears us. Even now she hurts. But yet there is some bitter sweet joy in this revelation .

it is perhaps an act of catharsis for you to bare your soul to her.

Your pain puifies you."

Letting out a short laugh she commented "you must forgive me, it is an old mares nature to go on at times."

Suddenly taking a more stern expression she asked "But perhaps I do have a question on everypony's mind. How can you protect any pony, least of all a helpless blind pony from such a creature?..

For that matter what are your intentions in doing so?

Is it purely out of the goodness of your heart that you dive headlong agents a creature that even I pale in it's wake? "

Taking a moment's breath she went on "And what of Renhet? (purity)

She harbors strange feelings towards you..

feelings I nothing of.

So many uncertanties distress me greatly

Have you forgotten my warning?"

Sighing frustratedly Anda relented a bit saying "I know you mean well.. Ren-..Steelheart trust you with her very life..Even now when she felt her view of you shatter , she feels almost no differently..

It would be endearing were it not so childish"

After speaking her mind, she finally relented completely and gave him a chance to reply.

In that moment, Sky Chaser came to a sudden realization. When Anda addressed him openly as South God, Steelheart had heard it. That meant that now, she would know he was no Unicorn. She knew what he truly was... He chuckled grimly. "If pain could purify me, I would be as pure as a newborn foal..." He murmured shaking his head. Anda had seen his scars when he delved into Steelheart's soul. Anda and Fang at least had a hint at the amount of pain he had suffered in his life.

"I can't blame you for questioning my intentions. I guess in simplest terms, I'm hoping to find some sort of redemption..." He murmured looking up towards the sky. "Many ponies have suffered because of me. Despite my best intentions, there is a great deal of blood on my hooves. I can never wash them clean, no matter how much I try, the blood will always be there. All I ever wanted was peace...." He chuckled grimly as he lowered his head.

"I tried so hard, so damn hard.... just to create a peaceful world... In the end, I failed... My failure drove my own sister to madness, and countless ponies suffered because of my mistakes." he bit his lip again, blood flowing freely as it dripped onto the wood floor. "Some have told me I should just die. That simply continuing to live is a mockery right in the face of all those I have wronged... I don't fear death... The reason I still live is because death would be too easy. I can't die knowing I haven't repaid the debt I owe..." he murmured, as something else dripped to the floor besides his blood. Tears.... For thousands of years, he had shouldered this burden all on his own. But now, his past had come back to haunt him, and every pony here deserved to know why they were now in danger.

It was his fault. Because he wasn't strong enough to vanquish Mephisto the first time...

All of the pain he had kept hidden behind a cloak and a stoic demeanor was pouring out. He couldn't hide it from Steelheart anymore. He had hurt her enough already... She deserved to know all of this. If she wanted nothing more to do with him when this was all over, he couldn't blame her. She had always been far too good for him...

"you have my word on this, Anda... I will protect Steelheart, even if it kills me... She means the world to me, and I owe her at least that much.... She brought light back into the darkness I've been trapped in for so long... That's why I am not afraid to face Mephisto again. I have something worth fighting for." He slowly raised his crimson gaze to look at Steelheart.

If he gave his life protecting her, at least he would have done something to repay his debt... Maybe then he could find peace at last....
---In the Bar---

Zaka pouted the maroon unicorn who enter the bar is Roise old friend. BlueGrass see it as she look at him from a far, and the she see that Roise look at him in a special look kind of way. BlueGrass right away can tell that unicorn is her "special" friend.
"I see...." She smile a little as she happy for her to see him. "Um....Boss....should I serve the costumer?"
It was clear a lot of emotions were flying around at the moment. Even Shina felt her normally calm demeanor wavering. The sound of Anda's voice had the kirin's fuchsia eyes narrowed, clearly still a little bitterer about the disaster she'd caused on Equinox. As much as she would have liked to despised this spirit forever that proved difficult when Anda apologized.

Shina was not one to hold a grudge against those who felt remorse for their actions. Perhaps that was why she was so willing to raise Konton when he'd returned as an innocent hatchling.

Speaking of the spirit of chaos, Konton fluttered from Shina's back to perch on her antler like horn. Shina gave an irritable sigh as the extra weight caused her head to droop. The phoenix's piercing hawk like eyes seemed to be studying Steelheart intensely. He knew he knew that voice, he just couldn't place where from.

Realizing Konton was trying to remember Anda from his past incarnation Shina gave a quick shake of her head to toss him from her horn. Though it was a relief to have his weight off her horn she'd done it more to distract him. "Go play." She said firmly. Of course letting her pyro pet 'go play' might prove just as dangerous.

As Konton flew of to land on the back of a near by chair Shina returned her attention back to Sky Chaser. Her gaze narrowed again in a look that seemed to be a mix of annoyance and determination.

"A true warrior does not wallow in his defeat, but hold his high with pride knowing that at last he tried where others would have cowered and ran!" She snapped at Sky Chaser for crying about his past mistakes. It might of seemed cruel but there was no time for pity parties.

"If you wish to atone for past mistakes that can not be done in tears. You do it by standing tall and facing that which threatens what you love!" She gave an irritable snort, a hint of stream puffing out her nostrils.

Realizing she was letting her temper get the better of her, Shina took a moment to calm herself before getting down to business. "Where I come from dragons are sacred guardians. We seek them out and have even found ways to track them." As she spoke her gold horn began to glow a bright flame appearing in the air in front of her. As Shina's gaze focused on the fire it seemed to grow denser and brighter but remained the same size. The flame brightened till it was too bright for most ponies to look at though Shina's gaze remained fixed on it, fire flickering in hey eyes. Finally the growing stopped and a crystal that looked like fire fell to the ground.

"This is a dragon fire crystal." She explained lifting it with one of her split toed hooves. "I can not promise it will work as well with dragons from this land, but it is supposed to glow when a dragon is near." Lifting her gaze from the crystal she looked straight at Steelheart, or rather Anda at the moment. "I think Steelheart should wear it. It will warn us if Mephisto tries to get close to her. Our next step will be to form a plan of attack. Dragon fire can not harm me, so I volunteer myself to handle the business end of Mephisto when it comes time for battle."
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Anda nodded in agreement to Shina's idea. Some form of warning was better then being blind sided by some arch dragon .

Taking a step forward towards Sky Chaser she paused only inches from his face.

Her icy sterile berth baiting the warmth from his lips as she spoke in almost a whisper.

"You think yourself all but omnipotent. But you have one fatal flaw that may be your undoing."

Those who knew her from Equinox or its former Northern Grove knew she could see the future as it could be.

To her the future was like a prism.

One light splitting into many outcomes.

She could see them all, but was helpess to dictate which path was chosen.

This was up to the mortals.

Such were the limitations of a lesser godess.

With a heavier echo she spoke again "So eager to rush headlong to your death..

So sure your sins indelible . .

So blind the light that you cannot see the

Raidiant light that embraces you even in this darkest of voids"

For a moment the light faded as Steelheart's pale eyes began to tear up and futilely try to focus.

Letting out a wimper "S..Sky."

Before the light burst back to her eyes brighter then ever.

As she took a step back Her voice took on a commanding almost angry tone as she spoke once again. "Great your sins may be, grave your crimes and foolish attempts at a pure and safe world.

But more foolish still to think a world can exist with out redemption!

Looking over her shoulder she stopped her hoof to bring to a point each name she listed ära! rättvisa! , tapperhet! , renhet ,! empati !..

(honor justice valor purity empathy )

These mortal pony rose hooves and hearts against a mad God and fought for what they beleived in, not for a atoning death, but for a beautiful chance at life.

Again her voice rose but the anger seemed to be fading into almost an encouraging tone "Rise then South God. Rise and take hold of my child with both hooves.

Never let go.

never Again speak of a punishment you have payed tenfold already."

Odly Anda began stamping her hooves as if to get a point across, a sign of desperation uncharacteristic to her.

Rise you now all my elements of redemption and bring your brother into the fold.

Rise you mortal pony and alicorn alike and drive this abomination of a dragon back to Hell.

For the sake of my child and of Equestria's


In the intincaty of that moment there fell a strange silence as she looked Sky Chaser squarly in the eyes and spoke more calmly

"And you sout..Sky Chaser . Take you on the mantle of ånger the oldest the element of redemption.

(ånger = repentance )

As she spoke those final words she collaps on to Sky Chaser.

The light gone from her eyes small groans could be heard in Steelheart's voice.

It was clear she was back to normal but exhausted from the event.
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A lesser pony would have been terrified to have Anda confront them in the way Sky Chaser was. Then again, in terms of age they were much the same. As he listened to her, he almost felt as if the weight of the last few thousand years was lifted from his shoulders.... It was as though he had been under some great burden, and only now could breathe again...

To be the element of Repentance... Yes, that suited him quite perfectly. After all, he had spent the last few thousand years trying to repent..

When Steelheart collapsed, he caught her, both hooves wrapping around her to keep her close against him as he gently lowered her to the floor. He had thought dying to save her would be his redemption. He had been wrong. Dying for her wouldn't serve any purpose. No, he needed to live for her sake. Why hadn't he been able to see that before? Had he really been so clouded in the darkness?

"Just rest, Steelheart..." He murmured, gently nuzzling her cheek as she recovered from Anda's control. He slowly stood up, staying close to Steelheart the whole time. He looked at those gathered, contemplating something only he knew about. He chuckled softly as he came to a decision. "Well... I guess the cat's really out of the bag now.." He mused. Anda had openly commented about an Alicorn, and since everyone else was clearly not an Alicorn, it was obvious who she meant. After trying so hard to keep his secrets, first Fang found out just about everything, and now everyone else did because of Anda. So much for keeping secrets...

"I guess there's no point in hiding anymore..." He gripped his cloak in his teeth and tossed it aside, stretching his massive wings out to either side of him. He had no reason to hide anymore. Sure, that didn't mean everything would be easy from here on out. No doubt he had more questions to answer and people he owed explanations to, but he wasn't going to hide anymore. Besides, Anda already spilled the beans.... Not to mention... He needed to be at full power when Mephisto arrived....

"What once was broken now repair,

My punishment served,

I've paid my fare.

Two part horn made one once more,

The time has come to settle my score.

Bring back my power cast away,

Power over Night and over Day,

I am ready to face my past,

My course is set, the dice are cast.

My name is Eclipse, returned at last...."

As he spoke his incantation, his broken horn illuminated a brilliant gold that was nearly blinding, as did the broken piece he wore around his neck. The piece slowly raised up, fixing itself back into its place as his whole body became bathed in a blinding light. When the light faded, his form had changed. His mane now took on an ethereal appearance, with streaks of gold much like the rays of the sun brightening his otherwise black mane.

The scars were still there, covering his body as clear and ever present reminders of the pain he had suffered in his past. At first, the amount of power he had coming off of him was almost suffocating, but within moments he pulled it back so it wasn't so much to handle.

This was his true form, the one he had kept hidden for the last ten years. Much of his story still remained a mystery, such as what happened to him to get all of his scars, and what happened when he faced Discord, and why he didn't want to face the Two Sisters.

For now, at least, enough had been revealed. It would no doubt take the ponies of Hast, as well as Steelheart's friends, a great deal of time to adjust to all of this information... On the bright side, Fang didn't have to keep secrets anymore...

With his true form now on display, he lowered himself down next to Steelheart, gently wrapping one of his wings around her to keep her close. Although his magic felt a lot different now, Steelheart, as magic sensitive as she was, would no doubt still know it's him.

He gently nuzzled her cheek. It was as Anda said. He was never going to let her go again. He gently touched his horn to her forehead, a silvery glow coating his horn as he gave her a little boost of energy to help her recover from Anda's possession. "Does that feel a little better?" He murmured softly as he watched the Flutter Pony next to him. There was a great deal of Tenderness in the Alicorn's gaze.. If it wasn't obvious before, it would be obvious now just how he felt about her...

Shadow Fang

Throughout the ongoing conversation Fang chose to sit down, her wings pressed tightly to her sides and ears still laid back. This was a pony who had faced death without fear on many occasions and walked away to share the tale. And yet the very thought of facing another dragon, particularly one so powerful had reduced the bat pony to such a state. Some warrior . . . Her crimson gaze shifted over to Anda as she spoke. That motherly, almost pained tone was the same the spirit had used when Fang tried to soothe the pained spirit that day.

She listened in silence as Sky Chaser berated himself for his past failures at Anda's questioning. She may not have known the details of the Alicorn's past, but she recognized the pain. So similar to a burden she still seemed the bear, a shame that prevented her from looking to one she admired so greatly. True, Fang knew nothing on the details of Sky Chaser's past, but it didn't seem to change the feelings that came about at the sight of a hurting soul. Perhaps it was among the reasons she had been named the Element of Empathy.

Shina's outburst brought a frown to the bat pony's face. The Kirin may have been right about that not being the best way to go about things given the current situation, but there were better ways to bring that up. Fang could only shake her head at Shina stated her immunity to dragonfire. "Being able to shrug off flames means nothing when your opponent can turn your very soul against you."

Fang's attention quickly returned to Anda as her voice took on an otherworldly echo. Again silence overtook the bat pony as the spirit spoke, calling out Sky Chaser and then naming him among her Elements of Redemption. Some unknown force willed her to stand back up as Anda called on all of them.

It seemed Anda's words held a great effect on the Alicorn as he decided to reveal himself to the rest of the group. It was likely for the best that he didn't try to keep so much under wraps from them. His new, more divine appearance radiated the same power that the Two Sisters held. A side to the two goddesses that was rarely ever revealed, and for good reason. Though it wasn't long before he was able to contain his considerable power once again. Not to mention he revealed to everyone his name, Eclipse. It seemed the spirit had forced him to stop running from whatever past he may have.

"I'm . . . sure you understand my reasons for holding you under such suspicion." Fang's voice was low, but she knew he could hear her. "But those impressions were clearly wrong." Crimson eyes drifted down to the floor, almost ashamed. "I'm sorry for causing so much doubt about you and your intentions."
Slowly Steelheart came to from her collapsed state.

Thanks in no small part to Sky Chaser's magical treatment.

She slowly opened her eyes and responded to Sky Chaser's question " I do feel better now..thank you."

Wobly standing to her feet she added "grandmother is sleeping now.. I don't think she will wake up any time soon."

Taking a step forward Firecracker spoke for the first time sense all this started "I think we need a time out to process all this."

Just hearing Anda's voice brought back anxiety from his past.

On top of that there was so many new startaling revelations to take in sense he woke up.

Remembering that Rosie was one of his stressors he turned to talk to her only to find that she was absent.

Looking around the room he called out "Vel? Velvet Rose?."

But she was no were in the bar.

Unknown to eveyone she had slipt out the moment Steelheart had collapsed .

As she stormed down the street she chocked back bitter tears.

First Firecracker comes back after 8 years only to have a mare on his hip.

Then Sky Chaser turns out to be something completely different from what she thought he was.

Then Steelheart, a pony she felt almost a mother's bond to turns out to be some kind of magical creature as well.

A smoldering resentment began to burn inside her at all the lies and betrayals she felt.

She felt like she didn't know who or what to trust anymore.

She felt like she was loosing a grip on who she was .

Once again she found herself at the falls at the edge of town.

Ever sense her life had began to go ascue she would always go there to think.

Looking over the edge she began to cry and curse her perpetual bad luck.

In a broken whisper she said "I would give anything ..For things to make sense again."

Sunflower Fields

With Midnight finally ready, the pair set out to explore the small town of Hast. The small shops that had opened so far offered a variety of goods. Naturally with the ball only a few days away the local dress shop was already very busy. The mare was quietly thankful she had packed something suitable for the event. I don't think I even want to try going in there.

A powerful wave of magic washed over the entire town. Sunflower stopped in her tracks, caught off guard by the unknown power. "If I can feel that, it must have been a serious spell." Her teal eyes scanned for any alternate routes. "Why don't we stay away from that part of town for awhile?"

Sky Chaser, or Eclipse, whichever anypony preferred to call him now, stood up with Steelheart when she got her strength back. He nodded his head when she mentioned Anda was likely sleeping. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you everything sooner... I hope you can forgive me for that.." He murmured so only the Flutter Pony could hear as he pulled his wings back to his sides. Despite all of his scars, his feathers were still very soft... Come to think of it, now that his side was pressed gently against hers to keep her supported, she'd actually get to feel his wings for the first time. Before his cloak had always covered them....

His head turned as Fang spoke and he couldn't help but smile in spite of himself. "You have nothing to apologize for, Fang. Honestly, if I was in your shoes I would have been suspicious too. To be honest, I'd have been more concerned if you hadn't been suspicious..." he remarked, dropping his voice a little so others wouldn't hear as he added. "I'd be a bit miffed if Spyro let the Order fall that far, if I'm being honest." He chuckled softly.

Now that his horn was restored, he seemed to be a far more imposing figure, his Ethereal mane only serving to amplify the power that seemed to radiate from him. You'd think an Alicorn like him would be in some book or reference somewhere. Indeed he was, but so little was mentioned about him it did little to serve him justice.


Midnight didn't really seem the least bit interested in the shops. Then again, she was never much of a shopper. She was absently watching ponies pass by getting ready for the ball when the surge of magic washed over her, causing her to gasp sharply, her eyes immediately snapping in the direction the magic had come from. Unlike her friend, she actually started to go that direction to investigate.

Midnight Song was always the more adventurous of the two, so it wouldn't really surprise Sunflower that Midnight wanted to go straight for whatever caused the burst of magic. She sighed when Sunflower suggested staying away. She looked to her friend before casting an almost longing glance towards the source of the magic. "Yeah... it's probably best to avoid it." She reluctantly agreed.

After all, it couldn't be what she thought it was. It wasn't possible....

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