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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Spyro only looked at Fang for a moment, before he said. "Fang, if it helps, I'm here for you when you need me. I care for you like I would with a sister, and I don't like seeing those that I view as a sibling like this." As Spyro said this he walked over to Fang's side and wrapped one of his wings around her. "I know for a fact that you will not fall victim to him again, that I can assure." Spyro said trying to comfort Fang.
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Shadow Fang

Fang remained silent, not speaking from fear of breaking down once again. She leaned against the Draconicorn and closed her eyes. She knew Nightmare Soul's mind control spells wouldn't work on her or any member of the Order. But that didn't mean the others would be safe from them. Despite that, those spells weren't her main concern. She knew what the demon wanted, who he wanted to corrupt and twist back to his side. I can't let him hurt her again . . . but what can I even do?
"Fang." Spyro said, "When you feel you can go back, let Indicus know that he is to prepare for battle if you don't feel comfortable talking about you know who. Let those you trust know of this to, and warn the princesses know when they get here." Spyro told Fang, not moving an inch. He proceeded to close his eyes. "Know this Fang, and it's that I have complete faith in you. You will know what to do when the time comes, I know it."
-in Sky Chaser's home-

Steelheart listened carefully to everything Skychaser had to say, trying to figure things out.

She couldn't wrap her head around the very idea.

Better off dead? How could that be?

She had always had the most loving relationship with her sister and the very thought of being without her for good made her eyes tear up.

Even more puzzling was this new form of his.

Feathers and fur replaced silk and clasps .

Scars and ridges replaced smooth fabric.

To a pony who only saw through her sense of touch it was like a completely different pony.

She could only sigh in defete knowing it was beyond her ability understand at that moment .

So She began to turn her attention to her second problem : relearning this strange new pony.

Looking in Skychaser's general direction she held out a hoof that almost poked him in the eye and announced "Hi am Steelheart! "

Shaking her hoof insistanly she explained "I want us to start over.No secrets, no regrets."

Of course she didn't mean it literally , but rather she was establishing a pact of respect and honesty .

-inside the bar-

Firecracker finally mustered his courage and looked to Shina with a determined face stating "..I never wanted to fight again..it's just not who I am. But I never want to see ponies suffer under a creature they are helpless to appose."

Taking a few steps close he added "So I'll do it. I'll fight for what I belive in. And if it brakes my body again.."

He paused for a moment and smiled sweetly at her before saying "maybe an Angel pony will put me back together again."

Brushing his cheek against hers their hair once again intangled as it did in Equinox.

There was something very symbolic of the two wild manes becoming one display of color.

In a hushed voice he wispered "I sware I will be worthy of your love.."

Before she had time to respond he asked "we don't have a lot of time..Will you teach me how to fight?"

-Along the road-

Rosie couldn't help but briefly brake down and cry on Indicus's shoulder.

All of it was just too much for the mare.

She wasn't hardened by training of experience.

Just a life time of bad luck instilling depression and anxiety.

She was able to hide behind her songs up until now.

But now she felt like she didn't know the ground from the sky anymore.

After a brief brake down she again hugged Indicus.

This time she whispered in his ear "your a good stalion hun.. Any mare would be Better then the divine sisters to have you..take good care of yourself.."

She then stood up and began to walk away.

After ten paces she stopped and turned back, again her face vailed by her mane.

In a shaky voice she gave one last cryptic but of advice. "Do me a favor hun..What ever you do..don't let your problems rot you for ..say, 8 years.. There will be nothing left if you do."

She then turned away again and walked away in a slow, rythmic March.

Shadow Fang

Fang took a slow, shaky breath as she tried to gather and low her thoughts. She wasn't about to let the Empire get what they wanted. No, she'd sooner die than let Nightmare Soul achieve his goals. "I'll . . . I'll let them know. It may be good to have other agents on standby in case things get out of hoof." Another slow breath as her form shuddered at the knowledge of what was to come. "Thank you, Spyro. That means more than you think . . . "

A smile crossed Eclipse's mouth, despite the fact she quite nearly poked out his eye. "Very well then... It's a pleasure to meet you Steelheart... my name is Eclipse, though I also go by Sky Chaser, if you prefer" He reintroduced himself, gently taking her hoof in his. He realized quite quickly that this was a big step forward for them. One he took quite seriously.

He had to admit, she took the news that he was Luna and Celestia's elder sibling incredibly well. Given he's never mentioned in history books, or even by the two themselves, it was almost like he had never existed except in a few ancient tomes that told of a few things he did before Equestria was founded. Notably, he was the one who organized the stars so that the constellations could be found.

Now that his relationship to Luna and Celestia was out, a few of his habits would become so much more clear. He always watched the transition of the sun and moon. Perhaps it was like him watching his sisters from a distance. He truly did still care about his Sisters, even after all of this time...

"I won't be wearing a cloak anymore... I just hope my scars don't bother you too much.." He chuckled softly, knowing they likely wouldn't feel quite as nice as the soft fabric of his cloak. He knew it would take her some time to get to know his true form, but he was patient. On the plus side, his unique scars were even more distinct than his cloak. She'd probably find it even easier to recognize him by touch now. Then again, since his magic was harder to contain, she would always be able to feel that and know where he was.
Spyro gave to Fang a smile. "Fang, there is no need to thank me for stating the truth." Spyro said to her, unwrapping his wing from her, and started to walk away. "It is time that I head out to do a few things. If you need me, all you need to do is call. I'll see you soon Fang." Spyro said, opening a portal, and leaving his personal realm.

Shadow Fang

Fang slowly nodded, watching as Spyro stood and left. She sighed, staring at the enchanted orb for a few more minutes. It did hold a somewhat calming effect on her. Her trembling slowly subsided, though every now and then one would sneak through. Shaking her head, she set the orb down and stepped through the portal back into Zaka's bar. It seemed the only pony left inside was Zaka himself. Though he looked about ready to get out of there as well.

Before she could say anything, her crimson gaze spotted a note lying on the floor. Picking up the letter, she quickly scanned the message and frowned. I'm willing to bet he chased after Rosie . . . Shaking her head, she crumpled the note and started for the door. "Sorry things got so out of hoof here, Zaka. It seems I can't even have a peaceful vacation..." With that she stepped out of The Horseshoe and started down the streets of Hast.

She needed time to think, and she certainly wasn't in any hurry to track her partner down. Steelheart would be wherever Eclipse was. Chances are that's where Spyro headed off to.
At Eclipse's house, everything was fine, until a shadow darted towards the house. As the shadow reached the door it was sent back by a powerful pulse, sending it flying back into the ground, causing dust to spread into the air along with some dark smoke.
Indicus walked back to the bar glad that he was able to help Rosie he honestly sometimes questioned his tendency to try and provide a shoulder to cry on or just give advice sometimes it made him feel older then forty he also noticed within a short time he had been helped by and emotionally helped Rosie multiple times he found it odd but did not look to deeply into it. Indicus arrived at the bar and spotted Shadow Fang still not felling right for not discussing the elephant between them he sat beside her. "Zaka a root beer if you don't mind." Indicus said after Shadow Fang completed her sentence while fishing out three bits for the drink.
Steelheart frowned at Eclipse's comment about his scars.

While it's true they were an indelible mark on his body, to her his form was his magical signature.

The form she saw was stoic yet gentle.

Proud and un-marred .

Though she was perhaps bias in her vision.

Finally she spoke in a calm and normal voice. "Eclips.. Let me see you."

A strange thing to say for a blind flutter pony, but stranger still is what she did next.

A faint blush began to warm her cheeks as She raised a shaky hoof to his cheek.

Gently she rested the point just under his eye.

She asked him nervously "d.don't move ok?"

Taking a deep breath she slowly traced the point of her hoof down the first scar.

When she got to the end of its line she swirled her hoof around in a small spiral .

As she traced her hoof down His cheek on to his neck she came to another scar.

Again she traced along its irregular shape and ended with a semetrical swirl.

As she repeated the process a third time a smile began to spread across her face.

Slowly a faint glow began to suround her.

It was different than from when Anda had taken controle.

The light was softer, more pink in color, covering her Whole form rather then just her eyes.

To the ponies from the Equinox incident it would be recognized as the healing light she radieatd when she was sleeping.

But this was the first time she showed any sign of controle over it while awake.

Seemingly not even noticing it, she traced on to the fourth scar she could find.

It then it could be noticed.

As she traced and drew with her hoof, a faint glow was left behind like a brush stroke.

The swirls and lines she drew across his face and and upper body were ornate in design, far beyond what a blind pony should be able to draw.

Her intentions became obvious as she went on.

She was tracing his magical meridians.

Making something beautiful from what he felt were flaws.

She was trying to show him what she always 'saw' now that the robe no longer blocked her from him.

Strangly she began to hum a soft tune as she continued.

The melody was undeciferable, but it sounded almost like a lullaby.

True to its nature, the light gave off a warm healing glow that seemed come from some unknown type of spell.

The scars however showed no sign of fading.

They were too old and too numerous.

When the magic from outside struck the door the sudden flux in magic caused Steelheart's trance to brake.

Recoiling her hooves back with a short gasp As if caught doing something privet .

The markings faded within seconds as did her own glow.
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Eclipse couldn't help but wonder what she was planning, but he heeded her request and held perfectly still for her. He found himself gazing into her eyes, watching his reflection in them as she traced along his scars. At first, he thought she was just trying to memorize the complex network of former injuries that covered most of his body. When the designs started to glow, however, he came to understand her true intentions...

No matter what he looked like, she saw the beauty inside. Somehow, he had always figured that if anyone could accept him immediately, despite all of his flaws, it would be her... It seemed like she was intent to prove it to him. He smiled softly as he watched her form glowing, enjoying the soft sound of her humming as she kept herself occupied with forming the magical markings on his fur. She never ceased to amaze him...

All at once, it seemed they were both snapped out of the moment as somepony attempted to breach the magical fortifications that kept his home sealed off from intruders. He moved to sit next to her, his side brushing against hers as one of his wings wrapped protectively around her. "It seems we have company...." He murmured, his horn glowing as a pulse of magic seemed to radiate out in all directions, his eyes glowing as he performed another Soul Search. The same spell he had used to find Steelheart when she was in danger.

He chuckled softly when he saw the form outside. "It seems like we can relax, Steelheart... I know this one. It seems after all this time he still hasn't quite got a handle on the concept of knocking...." He murmured as the glow faded from his eyes and horn. He carefully slipped his wing off of her, still letting off a bit of his magic so she would know where he was at all times. His horn glowed as the door opened, but he stayed inside the threshold.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to figure everything out, Spyro.... I think you might be getting a touch rusty..." he chuckled softly as he watched the dust start to settle in the crater created by whatever had tried to breach the door. "Given the fact you're still sane, I assume the orb I made you is still functioning?" He inquired raising an eyebrow.

It was no small wonder he knew his successor in the Order after all. Although Eclipse had founded the Order, Spyro had been among the first members of the Order, and was only the third pony to lead the Order after Eclipse and Eclipse's student. He had always figured Spyro would take over at some point. Although he was far from perfect, Spyro could always be counted on when the chips were down.


While Sunflower seemed content to marvel at the shops and local sights, something entirely different caught Midnight's eye. "Hey Sunflower, I'll catch up with you later..." she remarked, just glancing back at Sunflower before suddenly darting out of sight after whatever had caught her attention. She came to a crossroads, and, as she went across, a certain bat pony collided with Midnight and the two went tumbling over each other due to a gentle slope in the road itself. In the confusion, Midnight found herself on her back, a weight on top of her and her mouth strangely muffled as she found herself looking up into Fang's eyes.

She pulled her head back to break the mouth to mouth contact that had resulted in the collision. "Oh... umm...Hello.... I know I'm new here... but shouldn't you at least buy a mare dinner first before making such a bold move?" she murmured adorably, a deep blush coming to her cheeks as she squirmed just a little under Fang, avoiding eye contact for the moment.

Yes, acting this way was completely out of character for her. For Midnight, however, that was just part of the fun!
When the dust had fully settled, 'Spyro' laid in the crater, but 'Spyro' was not moving, a moment later, 'Spyro' started to dissolve away into a mist. The mist scattered out away from Eclipse's house to the nearest shadows. A moment later The real Spyro waked out from a nearby shadow. "Your orb has helped me Eclipse. It has helped make sure that I don't go feral. If it wasn't for that orb you made, there is no telling what the Order would be know." Spyro said with a grin. "What just happened was a test to see if it really was you, and not just something taking you name. I hope you liked the clone I made with Nightmare Steps."

(Description and information on the spell Nightmare Steps: Nightmare Steps is an advanced spell that makes clones of the user, these clones can be defeated in one hit, upon defeating it, any damage it makes disappears, and anyone harmed will have their wounds disappear, but these clones are as dangerous as the original. This spell makes the clones cause damage to their surroundings, and any enemies as I stated before, and make them feel as much pain as if they got attacked by the original. Any fatal wounds that would kill you would makes your brain think you died, and in turn your body dies physically and mentally, even after defeating the clone they will stay in this state of death even though the wounds on their body have disappeared. Also the pain they get from the clone will feel real. After defeating the clone, as said your wounds disappears, but the pain will linger for a while depending on pain tolerance and how bad the wound they sustained from the clone is.)
Shina had always been a warrior, or at least she was raised to be. As natural as battle felt to her it was still easy to see why someponies would rather avoid it. Of course she would never blame Firecracker or anyone for wanting to sit this one out. There was something endearing to hear that Fire, much like herself, couldn't turn a blind eye to those in need though.

As his cheek pressed against hers Shina reared up to stand on just get back legs as her for legs hugged around Firecracker. Having to fly off Shina's back Konton perched on the back of a chair with a jealous glare.

"I will always be here to put you back together." Shina replied in a hushed whisper. "And there is nothing you need to prove. You already deserve more love then I know how to give." Her cheek warmed against his as she spoke, those normally pearly scales blushing a bright pink. As their manes entangled Shina light nuzzled into Firecracker's to try and hide her embarrassment as she continued.

"I will teach you all that I know. Just promise not to lose yourself to this path. For there are a hundred warriors in this world to every artist."
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[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]While Sunflower seemed content to marvel at the shops and local sights, something entirely different caught Midnight's eye. "Hey Sunflower, I'll catch up with you later..." she remarked, just glancing back at Sunflower before suddenly darting out of sight after whatever had caught her attention. She came to a crossroads, and, as she went across, a certain bat pony collided with Midnight and the two went tumbling over each other due to a gentle slope in the road itself. In the confusion, Midnight found herself on her back, a weight on top of her and her mouth strangely muffled as she found herself looking up into Fang's eyes.
She pulled her head back to break the mouth to mouth contact that had resulted in the collision. "Oh... umm...Hello.... I know I'm new here... but shouldn't you at least buy a mare dinner first before making such a bold move?" she murmured adorably, a deep blush coming to her cheeks as she squirmed just a little under Fang, avoiding eye contact for the moment.

Yes, acting this way was completely out of character for her. For Midnight, however, that was just part of the fun!


Shadow Fang

As she was leaving the Horseshoe, Fang noticed Indicus walk past her and go inside. Sure, he glanced in her direction even if just barely. But once again he didn't utter a single word. Was he even aware of the way his actions, or perhaps better his lack of action, had hurt his own teammate? The bat pony let out a low growl, shaking her head. Just add it to the list of things she'd been wrong about this trip.

In hindsight, walking with her head down like she was probably wasn't the best idea. Next thing she knew another pony had plowed right into her sending the pair tumbling down the road in a rather impressive manner. Regaining her senses, Fang quickly realized she was laying on top of another mare.

Lip locked no less.

Her eyes widened as she and Midnight pulled back from each other. The mildly horrified bat pony stammered, unable to form a response to Midnight's question.

Sunflower Fields

"Hey Sunflower, I'll catch up with you later..."

Sunflower only managed to turn around in time to see her friend darting down the road. Just what had caught her attention this time? With a slightly annoyed sigh, she followed after Midnight. The earth pony arrived in time to see the aftermath of her friend's shenanigans. With a groan, Sunflower pressed her hoof to the bridge of her nose. "Really Midnight?"

Midnight's blush didn't falter in the least as she hesitantly gazed up at Fang, a bit of her mane obscuring one of her eyes rather adorably. "Today has been so many firsts for me... first time to this place... and... I even kissed a mare... and I liked it..." her cheeks seemed to somehow light up even more than they already had as her eyes darted away shyly.

All this time, they were still laying on the ground, in the middle of the road..

Midnight bit her lip a little bit as she looked up at Fang once again, her cheeks still quite red. "But.. Umm... If we're going to keep this up... can we go somewhere a bit more private?" she asked in a hushed voice as she glanced around at the ponies carrying on their business around them, squirming nervously under Fang as she remained pinned down.

For the time being, she completely ignored Sunflower, hoping Fang didn't hear her... That would spoil the fun... It wouldn't hurt to tease Fang just a little bit more...

Shadow Fang

The pair of bat ponies in the middle of the street both seemed to glowing they were such a bright red. Poor Fang could only stammer as she realized she was still pinning the stranger down. Blushing furiously, she scrambled off to let the other mare stand. "S-sorry," Her eyes were down on the road as she scuffed her hoof against it nervously. "It's been . . . kind of a crazy day. I should have been paying closer attention."

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower had half a mind to go point out that Midnight had purposely ran into the mare. Who seemed to be beyond embarrassed by the ordeal. But knowing her friend, she wouldn't be able to get out a single word before being cut off. Of course Midnight would go and play the innocent one just to mess with the poor mare. Honestly, to be tormenting a complete stranger like that . . .

Midnight turned over to her tummy before pushing herself into a standing position. "oh... it's alright. Of all the things that could have happened, that wasn't bad..." she smiled, blushing still quite brightly as she looked at the other bat pony. About that point, her eyes seemed to stare right up the hood of Fang's cloak.

"Woah... you have Shade Crystals?!" She gasped suddenly dropping all pretense and getting rather close to Fang, practically shoving her face into the hood to get a closer look at the little horns that seemed to adorn her head. Seeming to remember herself, she quickly stepped back. "oh.. sorry... I should probably introduce myself before I just go sticking my nose places.... I'm Midnight Song" She smiled over at Fang, the blush completely gone now and her entire demeanor being rather... less shy than before.

It seems that seeing the Shade Crystals had snapped her out of her act, and she was her usual self once more.

Shadow Fang

Fang blinked, pulling away slightly as Midnight seemingly tried to fit her head inside the hood with her. Ever since she this strange magic of hers, she's been trying to learn what it was to no avail. Now she's met not one, but two ponies who quickly identified them. In the same day no less! The bat pony shook her head slightly to try and regain what little focus she could before reaching up and knocking her hood back off. "Yeah, you actually know about these things?" Fang indicated the six, little horns along her head.

She nodded at Midnight's introduction. "Shadow Fang. Nice to meet you." She shifted slightly, noticing the small crowd they'd attracted was dispersing. "If you want to actually talk about them I'm fine with that. But I think I'd prefer to be inside somewhere, the sun doesn't exactly agree with my eyes. I'm sure it's not being all that friendly on your either." She managed a light chuckle, "Besides a couple bites of muffin in the early morning isn't exactly enough for one day."
Seeing the events play out between the Indicus and Shadow fang, Zaka could only sigh.

Preparing Indicus soft drink he remarked "today sertanly been ..interesting hasn't it?.."

Sitting down on the customer side of the bar he began sipping a martini.

After a few awkward sips he asked "I don't suppose you found out where Rosie got off to? You two seem to be a magnet for each other ."


as Shina hugged Firecracker she spoke of. Him "losing himself to the warrior path."

Slowly Pulling back away from he looked back at her with a loving smile.

It meant so much to him to know that not only would she be there for him when he needed her; but also that supported his distain for violence .

Slowly he shook his head and replied "

I don't think that will be a problem.

After this fight is over, I'm settling down from all this none sense."

Again being so light hearted in nature he laughed at the irony and joked "I've died one too many times already."

His laugh quickly trailed off as the gravity of it all began to set in.

Firecracker had never thought very much about death before.

He had never experienced anything quite like what happened on Equinox.

And this new threat could very well do him in for good this time.

As the anxiety of it all began to overwhelm him he rested his forehead to hers.

Realizing he was being insinsative he quietly whispered "..I'm sorry."

There were so many things he still had to tell her, but time was racing ever faster.

Again he began to feel a distinct worry creeping up inside him.

That was until he heard a gagging sound from behind them.

It was Konton pointing at his throat with a claw and faking a gag to insult the mush he 'mother's ' sooter was showing.

Firecracker couldn't help but laughed and reply "arnt we a hateful little pigeon."

"of course I know about them! For those of us without horns, they're the only way to really use any magic" she remarked smiling over at Fang. "And sure, we can talk inside. I'm outside often enough where the sun doesn't really bother me anymore" she shrugged her shoulders before walking next to Fang and letting her side rub against Fang's. "Well then, let's get some food and we can talk more about Shade Crystals. They're really pretty awesome once you figure out how to arrange the little buggers aren't they?"

It seemed she had completely forgotten about Sunflower in her excitement. Then again, it was rather rare for her to find another Bat pony, much less one that also used Shade Crystals. Of course, Sunflower knew about Midnight's crystals. And she also knew that Midnight tended to get tunnel vision once somepony or something caught her attention. It was never anything personal.

Shadow Fang

Fang shifted slightly, as if embarrassed once more. "Well, to be honest I know next to nothing about them. Let alone how to properly use the things. Not many seem to know anything about them." She let out a frustrated sigh. This magic could be a huge asset in the approaching battle, it was just a matter of actually figuring them out. But it seemed Midnight was knowledgeable on the subject, perhaps she;d be willing to help her figure it out? "That a friend of yours over there?" She asked, gesturing with her head in the direction of Sunflower. "She's been glaring in your direction for the past few minutes now."

Midnight blinked a little when Fang said she knew next to nothing about them. "Oh, well to be fair a lot of people don't. They're kindof obscure that way. But I can show you how they work. Once you get it figured out it's actually really easy!" she smiled. The smile broke a little when she mentioned Sunflower. Her head slowly turned as she laughed nervously. "Y-yeah... That's Sunflower Fields.." she rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. She had almost forgotten her friend was there in her excitement...

"Hey Sunflower butt! Are you just gonna keep glaring or are you going to be social?" Midnight called to her friend, laughing even though she was quite certain Sunflower would get her revenge quite shortly...
Steelheart walked carefully towards the door.

She couldn't see the visiter, but now that the clone was gone and the true spyro was there she could make out his magical signature.

With a pleasant smile she greeted "oh it's you Mr.Spyro. I understood you were Fangs boss, but I didn't realize you know sky..eh I mean Eclips."

Her slip up was inocent enough, but it seemed to bother her slightly .

She wanted to commit to their promise to start anew.

Sunflower Fields

Shadow Fang

Sunflower gave a small snort before trotting over to the pair. "Sun and Moon, Midnight we haven't even been here a day and you're already flirting with somepony." She turned to Fang, pausing a brief moment to study the unusual horns that adorned her head. "Sorry about her, hopefully she hasn't caused too much of an issue."

Fang only shrugged, waving her off. "I've had stranger things happen to me before. Ever been to Ponyvilles before? Quite a few characters living there." She gave a light chuckle before shrugging. "No real harm done. Besides it's nice to meet somepony that can use the same magic I have."

"You mean you can use those crystal things Midnight does?" The earth pony tilted her head in curiosity as she spoke.

"Eh . . . sorta? I haven't really figured them out just yet."

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