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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Indicus watched Sky Chaser run past him like a bat out of hell. Shaking his head Indicus stepped inside and took a seat a little bit of a distance away from Shadow Fang his nerves higher then ever and he was mentally shaking he kept quiet wondering how to take the next logical step.
Shina blushed feeling his hoof on hers. Before she could say anything though something caught her attention. She felt a surge of magic from somewhere in town, her gaze turning toward it as though she were trying to see through the walls and buildings to see who it was. Of course she couldn't it was simply a natural reaction.

"Did you feel that?" She asked turning her attention back to Firecracker. "Someone is using some very powerful magic not far from here." Of course she knew it could of been nothing but something in pit of her stomach told her otherwise.
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The attacker hissed and screeched as he twisted in pain.

As the spell momentarily relented the attacker slumped to the ground gasping for air.

Shakealy the dangerous pony remarked "you.. Your a monster to. . why would the sisters allow two ssuch creatures exisst?."

Though masked his bitterness could be seen in this eyes as he muttered to himself "if only nightmare moon was still in power.."

Steelheart could only cower in fear behind the earthen wall.

Firecracker turned his head towards the same area Shina was looking.

It was the strangest thing. He could faintly feel something was amiss, but he couldn't feel any magic .

When he thought about it, he hadnt felt any magical energy sense he woke up.

Shaking the strange thought out of his head he could see that Shina was genuenly concerned about the spoke in magic.

Stepping out from the table he offered a hoof and smiled saying "well then, let's go check it out."

Back at Zakas bar the remaining pony only stood there stunned for a moment before Rosie finally chimed in "that's wierd. Sky never takes off like that. Now it's been two times in only a few days.."

Turning to Zaka Rosie's face showed a combination of confusion and worry as she remarked "something funny is going on..isn't it Zak?."

For a moment Zaka only smiles professionally and tended to his other guests.

But his face slowly began to shift to an expression of concern.

Turning his attention to Shadow fang his smile seemed almost fake as he randomly commented "Hast is a nice town..nothing ever happens here."

He began to nervously polish a plate faster and faster until it eventually shattered in his hooves.
Shina managed a light smile, despite her concerns, as she took Firecracker's hoof to help her down from the table. Glancing back to Konton she nodded for him to follow, the young phoenix fluttering on to get back.

When Fire had first mentioned going for a walk she'd considered leaving Konton behind. Should they run in to trouble however, a pair of eyes in the sky could prove useful. Besides she wasn't sure she could really trust the fire bird not to burn down Tilly's house and bakery while she was gone.

Despite being the one who didn't know this town Shina seemed to be leading the way following the ebb and flow of magic. The closer they grew to the source the more she worried about how hostile the magic felt to her. "I think... Two ponies maybe fighting..." She said hesitantly. She didn't like to assume things. For all Shina knew she might of just be sensing an overly energetic decorator preparing for the ball, though at this point she doubted it.

Rounding a corner Shina stopped suddenly. She saw what looked to be two ponies facing of, one in a mask and the other covered by a cloak. Even more shocking was the wall of earth blocking her view of the rest of the street. With no idea who either of them were or why they were fighting she didn't dare step in hastily. Unsure of which pony to back, her gaze turned to Fire, hoping he might know at least one of them.
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Shadow Fang

As Sky Chaser's horn began to glow, Fang watched him from the corner of her eye. She tensed as his eyes began glowing as well. The bat pony could feel the powerful magic coming off of him. The aura that was prodding everyone's souls. Soul Search . . .

When he growled and took off she could only follow. Bit were tossed onto the counter without her even bothering to see how many had been left there. Fang needed to keep up with Sky Chaser. Something made all the more difficult from him teleporting. She nearly ran into Indicus as he made his way inside but she didn't even take the time to give him a single glance. The Alicorn couldn't be allowed to get away. Not with the kind of magic she could feel him building up.

Fang let out a low growl as he once again teleported from her sight. It forced her to slow down for a moment and feel out for his magic once it surfaced once more. It would be so much easier if she had a horn. Regaining his trail, she took off once again not stopping until she stumbled onto the scene. The wall of earth, the masked figure, and Sky Chaser. She had read about Umbra's magic, about the cruel spells he had crafted to twist and torment the soul of another pony. But she never thought she would see such a thing in use.

The bat pony was too far to hear the growled threats from the attacker and frankly she didn't care about him right now. Steelheart needed to be pulled out of the mess and taken some where safe. She raced over to the scared flutter pony's side and lightly nuzzle her. "It's me, Shadow Fang. Come on, let's get you someplace safe." Fang could afford to appear afraid in front of Steelheart, it would only make things that much worse for her. Out of the corner of her eye Fang saw two more ponies approaching. She whipped toward them, ready for a fight. "Shina? Firecracker?" Fang gave the pair a look whose message was clear: "get out of here, get far away from here."
viska said:
-in Zakas bar-
Rosie greeted everypony with a bright smile saying "Good morning. Let me introduce everyone. "

Motioning to each pony in turn she stated. "First we have Zaka, you've already met him.

Next is Sky Chaser." she added with a giggle "Be careful around that one. He's a mares dream and a stallions nightmare."

There was never anything to sugest sky Chaser was a professional heart braker.

But she couldn't resist teasing him.

Stepping over to shadow fang she announced "and last but not least we have..eehh..Steelys friend."

Trying to draw attention away from the fact that she forgot Shadow Fangs name she asked "where is Steely anyway. She's normally off today. I was sure she would be here by now. I normally make her some oat cakes."

Rosies maternal senses were tingling at the change in Steelheart's routine.

Her ears began to perk up as she looked around nervasly.

Zaka laughed in response saying "will you call down and have a muffin. She's just running late.

Your lucky to ever be on time.

BlueGrass look at everypony that Roise introduce: Sky Chaser, Shadow Fangs and Steely friends.
"Hi, please to meet you all, I'm BlueGrass NutMeg..." She introduce herself as she feel a little shy. "I'll be working at this bar.....um...and....um....." She act nervous as she try to come up with something.

"Steelheart is no monster, I can assure you of that... As for me..." he trailed off thoughtfully. "yes, I think you can call me a monster... I must confess, I feel like a monster... Especially given what I have in store for you..." he smirked, chuckling grimly as the dark aura continued to radiate from his eyes.

"if only nightmare moon was still in power.."

Sky Chaser frowned. "Oh.. so you're one of those fools.... Well then... You'll get to take a message back to those wretched demons you call allies... If I catch any of you in Hast.... " He paused as he approached his victim. "I will slaughter you without mercy... You have made a dangerous enemy here today... I am going to spare your life only to spare witnesses the sight of your mangled corpse." Sky Chaser remarked, noticing that Fang, Firecracker, and another pony he didn't recognize had arrived. No, now was not the time to scar these ponies for life...

Sky Chaser's horn and eyes glowed once more as a second round of Soul Torment took hold of his victim. "Do not take my words lightly... If I ever see you, or any others of your group in Hast, your lives are forfeit. I will not show mercy a second time." He remarked, watching his victim writhe in agony with no remorse or pity in his dark gaze. At last, the dark aura faded from his gaze as the Soul Torment ended. His horn glowed a light blue as a teleportation portal opened up behind the would-be killer.

"Now... get the hell out of my sight..." Sky Chaser hissed, turning around and bucking the assailant through the portal to some other part of Equestria. On impact, a loud crack indicated that the impact likely broke several ribs, most definitely hindering the assassin's movements for the foreseeable future. The portal closed after the pony passed through it, leaving no trace he had even been there.... Sky Chaser turned his gaze to the wall, his horn glowing as the wall retreated back into the earth from where it had come.

"Steelheart, are you alright?" Sky Chaser asked, his crimson eyes focusing at once on the Flutter pony, almost acting as if nothing at all had happened... For the moment, he didn't acknowledge Firecracker and his friend. For now, his top priority was Steelheart.

Shadow Fang

The bat pony's lips curled back in a cold snarl as her stance lowered. Sharp fangs glistened in the early morning sun. She had made sure to position herself between Sky Chaser and Steelheart, her great wings spread into a kind of wall. The dark blue scales made her wings look as though as wall of night had appeared between the two ponies. She glared at the alicorn before her. Fang knew he could easily kill her without giving it a second thought, but her stance was unwavering.
Indicus sighed as Shadow Fang pushed past him to chase after Sky Chaser and though Indicus could feel the magic he couldn't muster any energy to chase after her so instead he continued towards a table in one of the corners of the place and ordered a bran muffin and some milk. His magically acquired wings were still visibly folded against his back, the ethereal trail tailing him as he moved.
-in the horseshoe -

Still a bit stunned Zaka could only reply "coming right up"

Rosie on the other hand stamped her hoof angrily and said "now hold on a diamond dog minute. What in the hay is going on today. One minute it's muffins and hugs the next pony are darting out of here like a parasprite to a buffet ."

Seeing Indicus had come in she rushed over to him and asked "your a unicorn arnt you, can't you use your magic to tell me what in the-.." her question trailed off as she saw the shape Indicus was in .

He didn't seem too roughed up physically, but emeptionaly he seemed a wreck.

Accepting that she wouldn't learn anything for the time being she sighed and took a seat next to him.

Wish concern in her eyes she rested a hoof on his shoulder.

After a brief pause and a deep breath Rosie finally spoke.

In an soft sweet voice she asked "what's the matter hun?..something gots you down today.

That much was obvious to any pony.

but she wanted to let him feel validated in his feelings.

Rosie often had no regard for personal space, but it always came with the best of intentions.

-at the sceen of the attack-

Steelheart's eyes began to tear up as she finally began to become more aware of what was going on.

She could only wimper out "I just don't understand."

Firecracker looked on I'm horror at what was going on in front of him.

He had no idea what was going on but he knew one thing all to well..

He had seen the days of the Timberwolf and how Sky Chaser defeated it.

He had seen the power he could muster in a fight and worse Still, that it wasn't much of a strain to do so.

His Friend was squaring off against something she didn't understand.

But why?

What could possibly be going on that is causing his old hero to be fighting his new friend?

And though he only caught a small part of the exchange between Sky Chaser And the masked pony, he saw enough to be extremely disturbed by it.

Worse still, of all pony to be caught up in it, he could see Steelheart was there.

That was until Fangs massive wings blanketed her from sight.

Scuffing his hoof into the dirt, Firecracker's valor began to take hold.

He lowered his head and apologised "I'm sorry Shina.. But I'm about to do something stupid again."

Without another word he darted towards the two of them shouting "Stop! You can't do this! Sky! Fang!"

He began trying to create magic fireworks

To distract them.

But this time he couldn't even muster a spark.

He had always been able to do lavish shows with only the smallest ammount of help from actually chemicals.

But for what ever reason he couldn't create even the smallest speck of light.

All he could do was continue to rush towards them and hope his blind heroism wouldn't get him killed again
Nostalgia sighed. A long week of nonstop working, and maintaining the nostalgia wave. She had bags under her eyes, she worked nonstop even though the nostalgia wave after it was casted, took most if not all her energy. She was glad she had weekends off, but now it was time to grocery shop again. She trotted out her home and went into the grocery store, getting in and out quickly. "Maybe i'll see if Derby and Splash are home tomorrow." Nostalgia said with hope. Her magic was exhausted most of the time, she she dragged her grocery bags home. She blinked drearily, thinking, "Will I have to do this forever?" She dreaded the horrible thought and put away her groceries. She collapsed on her bed, and she was asleep.
viska said:
-in the horseshoe -
Still a bit stunned Zaka could only reply "coming right up"

Rosie on the other hand stamped her hoof angrily and said "now hold on a diamond dog minute. What in the hay is going on today. One minute it's muffins and hugs the next pony are darting out of here like a parasprite to a buffet ."

Seeing Indicus had come in she rushed over to him and asked "your a unicorn arnt you, can't you use your magic to tell me what in the-.." her question trailed off as she saw the shape Indicus was in .

He didn't seem too roughed up physically, but emeptionaly he seemed a wreck.

Accepting that she wouldn't learn anything for the time being she sighed and took a seat next to him.

Wish concern in her eyes she rested a hoof on his shoulder.

After a brief pause and a deep breath Rosie finally spoke.

In an soft sweet voice she asked "what's the matter hun?..something gots you down today.

That much was obvious to any pony.

but she wanted to let him feel validated in his feelings.

Rosie often had no regard for personal space, but it always came with the best of intentions.
BlueGrass looked at Roise, who is angry. "What's the matter?" she asked as she can see that Roise is not listening. And the she see, Indicus.

Sky Chaser tilted his head curiously at Fang's display, as if asking her what she was doing. Any trace of anger, malice, or violence in his expression and demeanor seemed to have vanished the instant the masked pony was dealt with. He walked calmly towards Fang, clearly not the least bit intimidated by her stance. Within moments, he was right in front of her.

Slowly, methodically, he raised up a hoof towards her. Could this really be it? Given his immense power, would it take him more than a gesture to wipe Fang out of existence entirely? Was this his way of demanding she kiss his hoof if she desired to live?

Then, it happened....

He booped her muzzle. Not kicked, not jarred, just a light little tap that wouldn't hurt at all. "Thank you for tending to Steelheart. If there was more than one attacker, things may have gone differently, and I am grateful to know that she was safe if such a situation came to pass. You can relax though. The danger has passed for now." His voice was back how it was before, calm, kind, collected... Under his hood, a smile could be seen...

"Stop! You can't do this! Sky! Fang!"

Sky Chaser's ears perked up as he turned his gaze away from Fang to see Firecracker approaching. "Well well, I heard you were coming back to Hast, Firecracker!" he laughed softly, apparently not realizing there was a severe misunderstanding based on how that looked. "You've grown a bit, too!" he commented watching the pony approach. "And from what I've heard, you have one doozy of a story to tell me about what happened in Equinox. I've been waiting rather anxiously for your account." He remarked. His gaze shifted to the mare he was with, his crimson eyes darting from Firecracker to Shina several times as if he was trying to figure something out. Suddenly a sly smirk crossed the 'unicorn's' lips.

"And you've brought a young mare with you! My, my you HAVE grown up!" he laughed softly. It had been several years since they had last seen each other, but of course, Sky Chaser had a long memory. Clearly he hadn't forgotten Firecracker. He wondered if Firecracker still remembered his old stories. He knew for certain he'd have to have a good one tonight. With everyone returning to Hast, it was definitely an event worthy of his finest stories.

It almost seemed like he had completely forgotten the attacker for the moment. Like all of the tension had suddenly popped like a balloon and now there was nothing left of it. He glanced over past Fang to Steelheart. "Steelheart, Firecracker's here! It looks like he's brought another pony with him, I'm guessing another of your friends?" He called over to her. Given what had just happened, reminding her she was surrounded by friends was likely the best way to calm down the Flutter pony.
Indicus looked at Rosie feeling the hoof on his shoulder but did not try to force it off, "If you want to know what is going on, a powerful magic user just unleashed a powerful spell Fang went to confront said magic user. As for me I acted foolishly the other day and it could have ended up a lot worse if something went wrong Fang chewing me out for it affected me a bit more then I thought it would." Indicus's tone was flat and not very animated very unlike how he was before.
Shina could only gawk at the scene for a moment as the cloaked figure got rid of the makes one. However that wasn't nearly as shocking as watching the stranger lower the earth wall. She couldn't begin to imagine what all this had been about, but seeing two familiar face behind the wall drew her thoughts else where.

Those fuchsia eyes turned to Firecracker as he spoke a soft smile found it's way to her lips. Before she could respond he was already off. Though she wasn't sure what Fire was planning Shina hurried over to Shadow Fang and Steelheart. She gave a quick nod in greating to Fang before turning her attention to Steelheart. "What happened here?" She asked quickly, her ascent to distinct to not be recognized.

Shina took position next to Fang. It seemed Fire knew the cloaked pony as well, and was trying to stop another fight from starting. Shina certainly didn't want to stand against one of Fire's friends, but if Fang felt this stranger was a threat Shina was of course honor bound to stand by her friends. Of course that left the dilemma of what she would do if Fire chose to side with the cloaked unicorn.

Seeing Fang booped in the nose caused the shimmering kirin to lift a brow. It was an odd sight to say the least. For now she simply listened and observed. On her back an irritable phoenix simply ruffled his feathers.
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Shadow Fang

Even as Sky Chaser stalked towards her, Fang didn't flinch. Her crimson eyes glowed faintly as she continued to glare up at the alicorn. Was she afraid of him? Who wouldn't be afraid of an alicorn capable of turning your own soul against you? That didn't mean she was about to back down. No, not so easily. Even as his hoof raised up, she didn't move. No, not if Steelheart's life was at stake. She couldn't let him near her. No, no way in he-


Did he just boop her nose?

She scrunched up her face a little at the contact, her wings folding in surprise at the sudden, and very unexpected contact. The actual fuck?! Not only did he boop her nose, but he was thanking her?! Was this the same alicorn that was using Soul Torment just a moment ago? Just what was his deal...? Something was most definitely off about this one, but she couldn't start to put her hoof on just what was making Sky Chaser tick....
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Firecracker coughed and gasped as his pace slowed to a stop only a meter from Sky Chaser.

Still a bit shaken he couldn't bring himself to speak.

Fortunately for him Sky Chaser spoke first.

At first he mostly ignored what he was saying about Equinox.

But when he teased him about 'growing up'

A familure blush began to burn his cheeks.

Braking what he assumed was eye contact,

Firecracker looked over his shoulder at Shina and muttered "yes..well.."

He had never been embarassed so easily in the past.

If he was, his career as a show pony would last very long.

But something about this new field of love was all so strange and befuddling to him.

It was then a shaken Steelheart spoke up in a tiny voice "Could some pony please tell me what's going on?. "

Stepping out to the side to be seen, her voice stronger as she said "I'm very glad you and Mr.Firecracker made it Shina.. And I'm greatful to you for protecting me Fang..

And Sky Chaser.. You saved me from that bad pony..didn't you?"

She seemed to be leading to something as her eyes began to faintly glow as they had in the past.

Suddenly she spoke in Anda's old voice demanding " But could some pony tell me what that råtta jävel tried to kill renhet?"

(why that rat bastard tried to kill puirity )

The glow cases in an instant as she recoiled in fear of her outburst.

Unable to see their faces She waited in a cringe for a response.
Shina couldn't help but smile seeing Firecracker blushing. She still couldn't figure out why she found if so cute. For a moment she simply listened as the others around her spoke.

Hearing the fear in Steelheart's voice as she spoke Shina moved to press her warm scales side against the flutterpony's, as if to remind her she wasn't alone. When her friends voice suddenly changed though Shina couldn't help but jump back a bit startled. Her head tilted in confusion at words she didn't recognize, but she did recognize the voice.

Even Konton, who previously looked as though he wanted nothing to do with this mess, perked up. His head tilted curiously, finding something strangely familiar about the voice, and the magical energy that came with it. Fortunately he couldn't quite place where he knew either one from.

Not knowing anything about who had attacked Steelheart, Shina looked to the others for answered. Hopefully one of them would know something.

Shadow Fang

Fang was stuck in what could only be considered dumbfounded silence. Of all the scenarios that raced through the bat pony's head the moment she leapt in front of Steelheart, being booped on the nose was nowhere near even the bottom of said list. Though suddenly sensing Anda's presence snapped her out of her momentary daze. Fang quickly moved over to Steelheart's side, leaning against her. "It's alright, Steelheart, you're safe now," she quietly said to the trembling flutter pony. "And Anda . . . I'm not sure why somepony would attack your granddaughter like that."

Though she suspected an agent of the Nightmare Empire. But did they target her randomly, or did they somehow find out about Anda? Either way she was going to have to mention this to Spyro once Steelheart had been calmed down.

Sky Chaser nodded his head. "As Fang said, Steelheart, you are safe now. I personally dealt with the pony who attacked you, and I have little doubt he will be out of commission for some time." he remarked with a soft smile as he made his way nearby so she could feel his presence closer to her. Of course, with Fang and Shina on either side of her, there was only so close he could get.

"As for who that was... Judging by what he said, I'd say he was most likely a member of the Nightmare Empire. They are an underground group of fanatics that have dedicated themselves to trying to bring back Nightmare Moon. As for why they targeted Steelheart, That I cannot be certain of. It could something as simple as they fear what she may be capable of, or there may be more sinister motives. I have no way to know for certain at this time." he sighed, closing his crimson eyes for a moment to collect his thoughts. He clearly had a lot on his mind, and a lot to consider. Given he always seemed to know more than he should, the others could only guess at what was going on inside his head.

"I have little doubt we will see more of them, however. My warning would have scared off any sane pony, but fanatics like Nightmare Empire are not so easily dissuaded. If they choose to return however, I will make good on my promise... Steelheart, until I can figure out just what the Nightmare Empire wants with you, I think it best if you stay with me. Although they may still come after you, they will think twice about it if I am around." he suggested. In truth, he was rather certain Fang would protest. Honestly, he'd be more shocked if she didn't. She was a member of the Order after all, and since Spyro let that information slip, Sky Chaser knew it. No doubt her pride would have taken a bit of a hit that he didn't even suggest the possibility of her being Steelheart's bodyguard. Not to mention she didn't seem to trust Sky Chaser at all. Then again, who could really blame her?

All of a sudden, he was now in a position where he could keep close to Steelheart at all times. The secret alicorn, who had the same magical abilities as the evil Unicorn Umbra had the perfect excuse to keep Steelheart around.

And if he, himself had negative intentions....

What then?...

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower paced in the hall for a while. The faint tremors she'd felt in the earth had caught her attention. They didn't really feel like an earth quake. Given the number of unicorns running around Hast, she wondered if it was just some geomancy spell gone awry. Wouldn't have been the first time she'd seen or heard something similar happening. Canterlot was home to one of the most famous magic academies after all, they were far from short of unicorn's overestimating the limits of their own ability.

Shaking the thought from her mind, she turned to the door and gave three sharp knocks with her hoof. "Midnight Song, do you plan on ever showing that speckled ass of yours again? Or did you dissolve in there?" If anypony could break Sunflower's normal calm facade that came with dealing with the nobility of Canterlot, it was Midnight. "Honestly, how you've not caused a water shortage in Cloudsdale yet is beyond me."
Steelheart lowered her head and sadly sighed.

On one hoof she was glad that her secret was out.

That everypony knew Anda wasn't fully gone, and that she resided at least partially within Steelheart.

But on the other, she was visibly upset that every pony would now think of her differantly.

It wouldn't change how they felt about her. She felt confident enough in that.

But it would however always be a elephant in the room for her.

Feeling the comforting embrace of her friends she leaned into them one after another, rocking back and forth.

It was so very soothing to her.

Strangly she began to coo contently as if drifting off to sleep.

A faint glow began surounding her almost undetectable to any pony not skilled in magic detection.

The faint glow simply looked like the sun reflecting off her delicate mint flower mane.

A trick of the light to any earth pony of poor Firecracker.

The magic it gave off however was all too familure to Shadow fang.

It was the same healing glow that restored her on the boat fleeing Equinox.

It gave a moment of clarity to any pony who still harbored malice towards the spirit.

Anda was something beyond normal pony's

Ability to fully understand.

She was mother of an entire race of pony.

And destroyer of even an emortal Phoenix.

A being of creation but also destruction.

The faint glow faded as she slowly calmed down and listened to Sky Chaser's request.

Openining her pale eyes she remarked "if Lavender Moon was here, she would know what to do."

It seemed like she was speaking to herself more then any pony else.

A cold wind began to blow down from the mountains as if an I'll omen whispering to the town below.

The dramatic tension between everypony

Began to thicken as Firecracker asked "fanatic or no, why would anyone attack a blind flutter pony? And Hast of all places. Thier hasn't been trouble here in over ten years."

Firecracker spoke bluntly as he had no real idea of anything going on in Hast sense he left eight years ago.

He didn't even know if the scuffle that took place prior to his arrival .

Sarcastically laughing to himself he commented "see what happens when I go away for just a measly eight years? To half a decade and the whole town goes to pot"

Putting on a bit of a voice it was clear he was joking to lighten the mood.

Perhaps it wasn't the best time or circumstance, but it was his way.

Firecracker was never the strongest smartest or best at anything.

But he was honest passionate and determined.

He always gave things his all even if it meant his doom.

And yet he took it all in stride.

Always light hearted and calm.

The only thing that made him truly nervous was his relationship with Shina.

It was perhaps this strange new feeling that atracted him to her so strongly in the first place.

Turning his attention to Sky Chaser said "are things really that bad?"
For a moment Shina was silent, listening as others spoke. Though she was capable of acting and making decisions on the fly she much preferred to have all the information available before making an opinion.

Her doe like ears turned to each pony as they spoke, though the majority of her attention was on Steelheart for now. She softly nuzzled the Flutterpony's shoulder seeing her distress. Shina was careful to watch for Steelheart's reaction to Sky Chaser's suggestion of staying with him. It seemed obvious Fang didn't trust him, but did Steelheart? Shina didn't yet know this stranger well enough to have an opinion either way on weather or not he really wanted to help, or simply get close to Steelheart.

Fortunately the quick thinking kirin had a very unsuspicious excuse to keep Steelheart from having to stay with the older stallion. "Would it not seem inappropriate for Steelheart to be bedding alone in the home of a stallion?" She offered up, hoping the others would follow suit. Of course one could argue it was equally inappropriate for her to be staying in the same house as Firecracker, but that was different. With Tilly and Sparky there as well it wasn't like they were unchaperoned.

"Even with the purest of intentions it could still lead to unwanted rumors. With Steelheart in the public eye is it not just as important that we protect her reputation as well as her body?" Shina pointed out, gracefully avoiding having to leave Steelheart in the hooves of a pony with questionable intent. After all, Lavender Moon had charged the young kirin with guarding Steelheart's 'purity'.
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Shadow Fang

Fang couldn't help but frown as Sky Chaser suggested Steelheart comes to stay with him. Hell, he practically said she should be in his sight nearly at all times. Considering his obvious interest in Anda, she wasn't too sure that was a good idea. Actually, no, she knew it couldn't end well. But did that mean the attack was already planned? Now you're just being paranoid...

Before she could dwell much longer on the thought, a familiar calming magic washed over her. Thankfully it was accompanied by the unpleasant sensation of multiple bones being reset. Fang would be perfectly content not ever having to feel something like that again. Her gaze shifted over to Shina as she brought up her opinion. It was certainly a better argument than 'I don't trust you and your obvious soul magic.' "Shina is right," the bat pony said, finally speaking up. "Even if you are a capable unicorn, a lot of ponies would probably get the wrong idea. Besides I don't think Lavender Moon would be all too crazy for your idea..."

Sky Chaser chuckled softly at Firecracker's remarks. "Yeah, I was doing good keeping things safe around here until just recently when everything seems to be coming out of the woodwork to start problems" He remarked as he stretched just a little bit. He looked over to Shina as she spoke, his crimson gaze seeming to stare not just at her, but through her, as if he was staring directly into her very soul. He listened to what she had to say, but he wondered if she thought it out.

Not missing a beat, Fang, as he expected, jumped right on board to support the idea. He sighed, rubbing his forehead with his hoof. He figured things would be best explained if he went ahead and answered Firecracker's question about how bad things were. But first...

His horn glowed and a bubble formed around the group, cutting them off from the outside. It was just an obscuring field to prevent anything that he said next from being overheard. "To answer your question, Firecracker, I'd say things are pretty bad. Nothing I haven't dealt with before, but it's not exactly ideal. The Nightmare Empire are fanatics, meaning they don't listen to reason, and they don't care who they hurt to get what they want." he began, looking around the group to make sure his words sank in.

"They sent a lone assassin this time, who knew exactly where Steelheart would be, and that she'd be alone. That means they've already been scouting Hast. No doubt, they will return, and they will try and attack at the most vulnerable time. I didn't suggest my home as her safe haven without careful consideration. Where else would you have her stay? The rest of you all live, or are staying in town. Nightmare Empire doesn't care if it hurts civilians. If they're in the way, they're expendable as far as the Nightmare Empire is concerned. Would the rest of you be content putting those living around you in harm's way instead?" he asked, tilting his head curiously, his expression slowly changing as he looked at each pony gathered, almost like he was starting to understand something

"My home is outside of town. It limits the amount of civilians that can get caught up in things. Not to mention, unlike the homes in Hast, there is only one way into my home, and it has enough magic on it to make it highly difficult, if not outright impossible to enter without my permission." He explained calmly as he sat down for the moment, his eyes closed in contemplation.

"But then again... " he paused as his crimson eyes opened, looking around at the group once more. "This isn't about protecting her image.. is it?... The simple fact is, aside from Firecracker and Steelheart, none of you trust me at all... Don't attempt to deny it, your souls are practically screaming as much at me..." He remarked quietly, looking away from them.

Was that.... hurt in his eyes?... Or could it be a trick?...

Slowly he raised himself back up onto his hooves. "Grandmother Anda, it seems I must keep my Heart guarded at a distance. I will still protect Steelheart, but I won't be a wedge driven between her and her friends." He remarked, knowing Anda was most definitely listening through Steelheart. He couldn't even bring himself to look at her as his horn glowed once more as the obscuring bubble around them faded away.

He turned to leave, speaking softly, only to himself, although the others could likely hear. "How much more must I suffer for what I have done? Even now, I cannot escape my past..." He sighed softly, his head lowering just a little before his horn glowed. Each pony gathered would feel a strange warmth wash over them, almost like a blanket being gently wrapped over their shoulders. Any pony versed in magical spells would recognize it easily as a protection spell.. As the last light of the spell dissipated from his horn, he started to walk away, his cloak still obscuring all of his features from the gathered ponies.


Just as Sunflower finished speaking, the bathroom door suddenly opened and bonked her nose. "Not everyone can wake up already picture perfect, Sunflower butt" Midnight Song retorted, as she tossed her mane just a little bit to let it finish drying out. "As for the water shortage, it's simple. I just use two rainclouds and reverse their positions when one gets empty" she remarked as if it were the most obvious situation in the world. To be fair, it did work, and it was rather genius.

"Anyhow, I'm ready to go now, so where should we head first?" she asked, smirking at her friend as she kept her wings folded in at her side.

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