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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Shina couldn't help but giggle a bit as Firecracker tried to silence Sparky. "Not much of a cook?" She teased playfully. "I only really know how to cook dished from my homeland." She added in hopes it might make Fire feel a little less self conscious about it.

Her ears turned at the announcement listening to the conductor for a moment before her attention turned to Tilly. She simply answered with a polite nod before glancing to Fire. To Shina it seemed he was less them thrilled to be returning home. She was tempted to ask him about it thought it best to wait till there were fewer ears around.
-at the horseshoe-

Rather then shaking the new mare's hoof Rosie went right up and hugged her saying "aren't you just adorable "

Not much for personal space, Rosie tended to ware her affection on her sleeves .

Loving sqeezing her new friend Rosie looked up at Zaka asking "can we keep her Zak?"

Zaka only laughed for a moment his warm personality soothing every pony around.

Finally he shook his head and said "she's a pony not a pet you dink. But we are giving her a job."

Rosie let out a small cheer as she nuzzled Blugrass and let out a short giggle.

It seemed she was in such a good mood with Firecracker coming back that she was extra loving.

-on the stone bench-

Steelheart Sat quietly waited for her friend to come back.

Feeling her nose itch, she couldn't help but feel that some pony was talking about her.

She also felt a strange magic in the air.

Like an unfamiliar draft that was strong enough to notice, but not enough to put your hoof on.

Considering all the straing things going on lately she shrugged it off as simply another oddity.

Yet at the same time, in the very center of her soul, Anda was becoming restless.

-Aboard the golden arrow-

Firecracker could only laugh and shrug about his cooking.

However it was a fact that he practically lived in take out and cold foods.

Every time he tried to cook it would end in disaster .

He was the type of pony who would somehow light a bowl of oatmeal on fire.

Suddenly the train began to move again as the smoke stack roared to life.

After a bit more small talk taking the rest of the time the train finally pulled into station.

Again an announcement came overhead "mares and gentle Colts. It is my plesure to welcome you to the last stop on our line, Whisper wind Station the gateway to Hast.
"So stay on guard but try not to seem on guard. Well at least this is not the first time I've had to act casual though this is the first time I have had a decent vacation ruined because of some group of assholes." Indicus sighs clearly frustrated and a bit worried.
Fang gave no response to Indicus' remark. "I see, looks like I have my hooves full then." She shook her head, turning away from the two stallions. Staying here much longer may result in a unicorn's teeth being bucked in, or perhaps worse. "If that's all you needed, commander I should take my leave." It wasn't often she used such a formal manner of speech. "I don't think I should keep Steelheart waiting any longer than necessary."
"Well when this is all over, I'll give you two a vacation to make up for this one." Spyro said as opened a portal. "If you need me, just come back here and I try to get here right away." Spyro said as he walked through the portal back to where ever he was before.
"I'll hold you to that," Fang muttered under her breath before leaving in the same way she came. Stepping out of the portal alongside Steelheart, she took a slight calming breath. "I didn't think that would take so long." She said, shaking her head. "With that out of the way why don't we go find you a dress?"
viska said:
-at the horseshoe-
Rather then shaking the new mare's hoof Rosie went right up and hugged her saying "aren't you just adorable "

Not much for personal space, Rosie tended to ware her affection on her sleeves .

Loving sqeezing her new friend Rosie looked up at Zaka asking "can we keep her Zak?"

Zaka only laughed for a moment his warm personality soothing every pony around.

Finally he shook his head and said "she's a pony not a pet you dink. But we are giving her a job."

Rosie let out a small cheer as she nuzzled Blugrass and let out a short giggle.

It seemed she was in such a good mood with Firecracker coming back that she was extra loving.
BlueGrass suddenly get a hugged from Rosie. "Adorable?" She saying as she get hugged in such affection way. She never get hug like that, not ever her own parents hug her like that. "N-Nice to meet you-ack-Rosie..." She can feel the squeeze and she heard her saying to Zaka that if she keep her. "K-Keep me?' Am I a pet? she thought as the next thing she know, Roise nuzzling her. 'O-Ok....you seem like in good mood...um....c-can you please let me go?" Blue Grass said it in a polite way.
Indicus took his own leave knowing that Shadow Fang was angry and disappointed in his actions as she had every right to be, and it hurt worse knowing that if he was wrong the blood of two ponies he held close would be on him alone. He would have failed his promise and he did not think that he could live with himself after that. He thought back to the sharp words Fang hit him with and they hurt even more then he thought they should.

He was in front of the fast-food restaurant once more from there he traced a path to his current residence in his head and using his magic to activate the runes the wings appeared on his back once more and he took off to upset with himself to care who saw him.
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Shina gave a small sigh of relief when the train finally reached the last stop. After all the months she'd spent in Canterlot she'd almost forgotten just how exhausting traveling could be. At least she wasn't traveling alone this time as she'd been doing for the past few years.

At some point in their journey it seemed Konton had fallen asleep. Before standing from her seat Shina tilted her head to look up at the phoenix. Reaching up with one of her split hooves she poked the bird in his round feathered belly to wake him. "Okite okite chīsana ichi. (Wakey wakey little one.)" She nearly cooed at the fire bird in their native tongue, almost sounding like a mother waking her foal. Once she had the stubborn phoenix awake and riding on her back Shina moved to follow the others.
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As all the pony disembarked from the train the sounds of the station filled the air.

Voices speaking over Voices, the his of the train letting off steam.

The vendors trying to sell tourists junk for their vacation.

No pony could get a word in edge wise.

As the group struggled their way through the crowds a growing concern for Konton began to take over Firecracker.

Much to his relief the Phoenix seemed to fall back on line when Shina got after him.

It was odd, there were slight hints of rebellion but for the most part he listened.

It also wasn't like a command you would give a pet, but a telling of the rules like a mother to her foal.

He studied them for a bit as they walked.

All the while wondering if he could trust the creature that she had said was so powerful and destructive.

As the group left the station the charm and old world majesty of Hast was revealed to them.

The cottages hundreds of years old.

The falls roaring in the distance.

The decorations making ready for the biggest event of the year.

It was truly a sight to behold.

Tilly and Sparky payed it no mind as they had lived there their entire lives.

But For Firecracker it was a rush of nostalgia both good and bad.

He took it all in for a moment allowing Shina time to do the same.

Finally the group headed to Tilly's bakory and home.

Tilly proudly announced "welcome home dears. Make yourself comfortable and don't worry about Your bags.

They'll be delivered in the morning.

Fire buby you'll be bunking with Sparky for the time being.

Miss Shina, you have the guest bed room.

Even in seperate bedrooms Firecracker could help but blush nervously at the idea of sleeping in the same house as Shina.

His blush only intensifying as he thought about how she must have done that already when he was unconscious.

Without drawing much attention to himself he tucked away his bag and retired for the evening.

Steelheart let out a tiny yelp as Fang started speaking.

She was so distracted by all the strange magic in the air that she didn't feel her approach at all.

She soon recovered however and was back to her happy self.

The two of them shopped for gowns at the local shops and after a few ill fated attempts at fashion, a store associate helped them to pick a dress that had both mature grace, and her almost filly like purity.

Shadow Fang was offered a dress to try on as well, but she politely declined.

Perhaps she was planning on coming back later?

Or perhaps she felt with the current state of events, she wouldn't need one.

In the horseshoe Rosie finally let go of Bluegrass.

After a short exchanging of information Rosie was delighted to find out she had a new house mate.

Showing her and her moose back to her home she allowed the two of them to get settled in.

She didn't have a performance for that night so she spent her evening doing some dress shopping of her own.

As the new day began to rise over the peaks a new air of uncertainty began to creep into town.

Would the shadow empire surface again?

Would Firecracker reciprocate his one-sided relationship to Rosie?

What is Sky Chaser up to?

All these questions and more lead to an uneasy feeling and a restless nights sleep.

One thing was sertan, with the ball and the sisters visit closer than ever, things would only escalate ..

viska said:
In the horseshoe Rosie finally let go of Bluegrass.

After a short exchanging of information Rosie was delighted to find out she had a new house mate.

Showing her and her moose back to her home she allowed the two of them to get settled in.

She didn't have a performance for that night so she spent her evening doing some dress shopping of her own.
As BlueGrass and Bluto walk back to their new home along with her new house mate, Roise. "So tell me, Rosie, what get you so happy that you get yourself hug to me, a total stranger....if that ok to asked such a question...." said BlueGrass as she clear her throat, nervously.

Sunflower Fields

No matter where she was or how late she'd been up the night before, Sunflower always seemed to pop awake the moment the sun crept into her window. Sometimes it was nice, it meant she didn't have to worry about missing an alarm going off or something. But at the same time, it certainly didn't help her adjust to the new time zone. The mare slowly coaxed herself out from under the covers and onto the cool wood floor. After a long yawn and deep stretch and she trotted out of her room at the inn and downstairs in search of food.

Breakfast was simple: hot oats with honey (Someone even slipped in a sweet daisy) and a cup of jasmine tea. The earth pony quietly ate, listening to the other patrons quietly talk among themselves. Everyone seems pretty excited that the princesses are coming to attend the Ball. Hopefully nopony does anything too crazy Living in Canterlot granted her a few glimpses of the Two Sisters, but nothing more than a few brief moments. Though she had heard more than her share of the mayhem that seems to follow royal visits. The last Grand Galloping Gala being no exception. One would think the personal student of the Sun Goddess would know how to behave at such an event.

Shrugging off the thought, she returned to her breakfast. Now lukewarm tea and oats... Already? Sighing, she finished the oats and poured another cup of tea. At least the tea pot was on a warmer. Wonder how late Midnight's going to sleep in?

Shadow Fang

Last night's sleep had been anything but restful. Fang spent most of the night looking up at the ceiling, lost in thought. Yesterday had been a bit of a disaster, putting it lightly. Her cover as an agent of the Order had been blown, Indicus had nearly gotten her and Steelheart killed, and now the Nightmare Empire is planning an attack. At least she'd managed to help Steelheart find a dress. A minor victory for the day, but a victory nonetheless.

Leaving the cabin she made her way down towards the Horseshoe. She wasn't sure if they'd be open yet or not, but a quiet place sounded nice. Plus Zaka and Rosie seemed fairly nice. If they weren't open, she'd go find someplace else to try and relax. It was all up in the air really.
Phoenix fire burned with wild chaos and distraction. Dragon fire brought about order and creation. Two opposing forced that could easily cancel each other out unless one was stronger then the other.

Suddenly Shina found her self in a familiar village, and a scene that had become far to familiar to her. Homes were burning to the ground, other kirin running for their lives. She looked around in panic before finally spotting someone she knew. "Ryo!" Her voice cried as she ran to the young foal. Skidding to a stop she placed herself between the foal and another blast of fire just in time. The weight of the blast caused her to stumble a few steps but the fire itself did her no harm.

"Ryō wa, jikkō shimasu! Mama to papa o sagashimasu! (Ryo, run! Find mom and dad!)" She nearly shouted turning toward the foal. When she looked though he was already gone. Looking to her surroundings again Shina quickly realized she was no longer in her home village, but in Hast. The same chaotic fire was burning through the grand old buildings, laying waist to the once beautiful town.

It was then she saw him, Konton. He was grown and covered in flames to look significantly larger. His deep haunting voice rung in her ears as the fire bird spoke. "Anata wa nanimonodesu ka? Hahaoya ya kanshu? (What are you? Mother or warden?)" He asked while eying her suspiciously as though he really wasn't sure.

Before she could answer Shina's vision was consumed by flames. Suddenly she shot up her fuchsia eyes flying open with a startled gasp. She drew a few heavy breaths to calm herself. It was that same dream again, only this time it had been different. Why had the scene changed from her home village to Hast? Was it a premonition? She certainly hoped not.

After rubbing the sleep from her eyes Shina glanced toward Konton seeing he was still asleep. The past nine months he really had become like a foal to her. For a moment she questioned weather or not she could really bring her self to hurt him now should the spirit of chaos remember his former self.

Noticing the sun beaming in through the window Shina pushed the thought from her mind for now. Rolling out of bed she took a moment to make it, tucking the sheets so neatly it looked as though she hadn't slept in the bed at all.

Walking over to Konton she hesitated a moment before gently nudging him with her nose to wake the bird. "Konton, it is time to get up." She spoke softly, using the common tongue now a bit paranoid that speaking their native tongue might jog his memory of their homeland.

Konton woke, ruffling his feathers with irritation as he usually did when she woke him. Shina had figured out very quickly that he was not a morning bird. Despite his usual annoyance with mornings everything else seemed normal and Shina breathed a small sigh of relief. "Come on, you are going to miss breakfast if you do not get up." She said nodding toward her back for him to hop on.
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Indicus arrived at his temporary residence his anger and frustration towards himself still having not burnt out so he used another spell and a clone of himself appeared in the field in front of him. Without a word he drew his sword and pounced on the clone and the clone reacted in kind dodging the attack and making its own. The two continued to trade blows for a couple minutes till Indicus dodged a swipe and attacked the opening hitting the clone in the neck causing it to fade. After that he summoned another.

It wasn't until the sun was due to rise over Hast that Sky Chaser emerged from his basement. The door glowed with the strange golden markings before the door swung open, the cloaked pony emerging from the darkness to calmly make his way out of his hut, the door shutting behind him and the markings vanishing from the door as he made his way out to the firepit. As he had every day since his arrival, he hopped up upon the highest rock to watch the sun rise.

Slowly, surely, the sun rose into the sky, the light slowly spreading across the land until at last it illuminated the mysterious pony on the rock. His crimson eyes closed, enjoying the first warmth of the new day as he sat in silent contemplation. During the night, he had taken great strides towards bringing his plans to fruition. Now it was just a matter of waiting for the time to be right... That is, so long as things went according to plan...

He had no way of knowing just how bad things would get before the sun set on this day... Even now, forces were in motion, and ponies were on the move towards Hast... It has begun...

Sky Chaser's stomach grumbled rather loudly. He chuckled softly. "I completely forgot to eat dinner last night... Let's hope Zaka has muffins ready for breakfast..." he murmured to himself as he hopped down from his pedestal, trotting through the town towards the Horseshoe to get his morning sustenance.


To say Midnight song was not a morning person was to put it quite mildly. Even now, with the sun a good ways into the sky, she was passed out in bed, her mouth hanging open and a thin trail of drool inching down her cheek. The bed looked like a disaster, only a small fraction of the blanket wrapped around one of her back legs as she lay sprawled out on her back.

A small ray of sunshine crept through the room, allowed access by a small gap in the blinds. Slowly but surely, that beam of light moved along the wall until it came to rest directly on the bat-pony's eye. She hissed softly and tried to roll over so the rays wouldn't hit her, but she found herself out of bed, and a loud crash accompanied her fall from dreamland onto the hard wood floor.

She groaned softly, reluctantly getting up and shaking the blanket off of her leg as she slowly made her way out of her room, her wings folded on her back as she stumbled, much like a zombie, from her room. In her dazed stupor, she didn't account for the stairs. Loud, obscene profanities filled the cottage as a series of crashes accompanied Midnight Song's tumble down the stairs.

A few moments later, she appeared in the kitchen, grumbling more obscenities as she slowly made her way to the pantry, still half asleep as she prepared a cup of coffee... Only when the brew was prepared and she had taken her first sip did she actually speak something suitable for foals' ears.

"I don't get how you're always so awake in the mornings, Sunflower...." she grumbled as she drank from her heavily sugar and milk filled coffee. She took a breath, blowing a strand of hair out of her face. "Have you decided what we're going to do today yet?" she asked, gradually starting to actually wake up as the coffee took effect.
She sighed, "She must not be home." Nostalgia trotted off to mess around. She would soon have to emit the wave of nostalgia again.

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower peered over the rim of her tea cup as Midnight came crashing down the stairs, swearing and snarling the entire trip. She sighed, setting the cup down, her ears lowering as her friend continued her morning rant. "And so awakens the ever pleasant zombie..." the earth pony muttered, brushing a few rogue strands of her curly teal mane from her face.

"I don't get how you're always so awake in the mornings, Sunflower...."

"I still haven't figured out why you're like an Ursa Major in the mornings..." If looks could kill, Midnight's morning expression could likely commit genocide. At least she didn't seem to be like that when on night weather duty for Cloudsdale. Well, not that Sunflower had heard anyway. Pegasi were known for their pride after all.

"Can't say I really have a plan for the day yet." She mused, taking another sip of tea. "I don't really know what the town has to offer. Guess it's exploring day unless you have something else in mind."

Shadow Fang

It took Fang a few more minutes than she would have liked to finally find the Horseshoe. The window that had been broken last night was all boarded up.
Oh yeah, Rosie's little 'fan'... The brilliant stallion deserved being bucked through the window. Actually, he deserved much worse than that. He probably didn't learn his lesson from Rosie anyway. Nudging the door, she found it unlocked and trotted inside. "Zaka, you in here?" Her crimson eyes scanned the empty bar for signs of life. A faint rattling in the kitchen told her there was somepony there at least.

Spyro walked alone by himself on the outskirts of the town, mustering to himself. "If this keeps up I'll need backup." He said as his horn glowed and he grunted in pain as he yanked out several arrows that were embedded in his back or his dented and scratched armor. Spyro proceeded to open a portal and walked through it. Shortly after he walked back out of the portal in a new set of armor that looked the same as the old. Spyro walked on as the portal closed on it's own. "Hopefully my next fight with the Nightmare Empire won't involve any dragons." Spyro said as he melted into the shadows, disappearing from sight.
For Indicus time became lost to him as he sparred with his own clones he quickly lost count of how many he defeated. By the next day he finally noticed time and watched the sun rise his self directed anger now very well spent. When the sun fully rose he headed inside and took a shower to rinse the sweat, dirt and bit of blood off his fur, then proceeded to dry off and eat breakfast.
Rosie looked at bluegrass with a puzzled expression for a moment.

Her question was valid, but the earth pony couldn't wrap her head around it.

She had always been this affectionate to any pony she liked; even more so if she was in a terrific mood.

Taking a moment to look at things from another pony's point of view she decided to be direct, saying "let's just say I'm in a great mood because an old friend who I thought I would never see again is coming back to Hast."

As she explained a beam of light began to shine through the window, catching her attention.

She was surprised that Between shopping and settling in her new house mate, the sun had already come up.

With a tired yawn she dodged farther explanation by saying "well, looks like it's time I head back to Zaka's pub.

I heard that old softy gave you a job waiting tables. You probably won't be needed till the evening but you can come with me if you want. I'll get you some breakfast. Zaka might not look it. But he's a great cook when it comes to comfort food.

In the back room of the horseshoe it was indeed Zaka working away on the kitchen.

As he backed his was out through the wooden double doors that lead to the kitchen he could be heard humming the song Rosie sang on that hectic first night.

A cloth was draped across his neck and he had oven mits over his forehooves as he carried a try of fresh muffins.

The smell coming from the kitchen was amazing.

It smelled like a mother's home on a holiday morning, stirring up sentimentality in anyone who caught a wif.

It was strikingly different from the classic , almost stuffy feel the bar usual gave off.

When he turned and saw Shadow fang his eyes lit up as he greeted her "my well if it isn't my new favorite bat mare. Your up a touch early arnt you?"

Setting the tray down on the bar she wasn't able to answer before he went on "not that I mind the company . would you like a daisy muffin . it's an old family recipe. Can't make a small batch of it will throw off the portions ."

His cheerful disposition and caring tone of voice always put the pony of Hast at ease when they came to his bar.

Always balanced by his partners business sense, the horseshoe had been around for more then two hundred years before he took over for his family line.

The sun finally peeked into firecracker and Sparkys room but Firecracker had long sense been awake.

Ever sense Equinox he knew that things would never be the same for him.

Some things for the better, but others for the worse.

He found himself regretting his actions for the first time.

He had never hurt anything before..

But now he had taken a life.

True it was a Timberwolf that was attacking his friends.

But it was still a life that he snuffed out.

The weight of it had only now fully come crashing down on him as he played awake ruminating on his choice.

It was only when he heard sparky begin to stir that he snapped out of his steely gaze.

*yawn* "mornin' cousin Fire."

Firecracker scruffed Sparkys mane playfully and replied "good morning squirt . what cha think Aunt Tilly made for breakfast?"

Sparky replied exitedly "I hope it's her cinnamon rolls!"

As Firecracker gave an agreeing nod Sparky rushed on ahead.

Moving much slower Firecracker wondered down the hall until he Finally made it to the dining room.

Tilly had already been up and hard at work preparing all kinds of lovely baked goods for breakfast.

The smell coming from The kitchen could give you a tooth ache just smelling it though.

Sugar and spices upon sugar and spices.

It was clear she was a professional baker with a major sweat tooth.

Steelheart also had a restless nights sleep and she tossed and turned for most of it.

Eventually she did fall asleep only to have strange dreams.

To a pony born blind, all the world is what you precive it to be.

But in her dreams she saw a very different version of the town she thought she knew.

Dark shadows and whipping winds made a chaotic vision and gave a sense of panic.

She saw what she believes her friends looked like turned to stone and crumbling.

And many other things that chilled her to the bone.

To make things worse, She couldn't seem to wake up.

Not until she heard Anda's voice calling

renhet , vakna och komma ihåg vem du är .

(purity, wake up and remember who you are)

She awoke in a cold sweat and a panic.

Slowly she regained controle of her breathing .

Eventually she convinced herself it was just a stress dream and that she had nothing to worry about.

However she still jumped When she heard a knock on the door.

It was a voice she hadn't heard before but it said "ma'am there is an eargent meeting being called in town hall.

Your being asked to attend immediately."

She could only tilt her head in confusion and reply "I'll be there right away."
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BlueGrass listen to Rosie as she smiles, "Oh, a friend of you're is coming here, that nice to hear..." BlueGrass looked at her. "This friend of yours, its this pony that you have special feeling....or just a friend?" she asked. Then Roise is going to Zaka bar and asked if she want to come. "Well, I don't have plan right now and Bluto is now sleeping outside, so I'll go with you...." Them she smiles when Roise mention that Zaka give her a job, "Yes, it was nice of him to help me..."

Shina emerged from the guest room, Konton grumpily perched upon her back. As fond as she'd become of the irritable bird Shina was beginning to question if it was safe having him around others. Here she was in a beautiful town, in someone else's home, and for all she knew she might of been endangering every pony in Hast.

Lost in her thoughts Shina was nearly knocked back by the smells coming from the kitchen. Pausing she gave a quick shake of her head to bring herself back to reality. It certainly didn't smell bad by any means, but sweets from this country were usually much sweeter then what she'd grown up with back home. It took some getting use to, not to mention keeping up with her physic.

Continuing on to the kitchen a light smile graced her lips when she caught sight of Firecracker. Konton however, seemed less then thrilled to see the pony who'd been stealing his mother's attention from him. His feathers ruffling a little as he gave an irritated squawk at the back of Shina's head to draw her attention back to him.

Apparently it'd worked, the scaled mare turning her head to glance back at the fire bird. "Hungry?" She asked, apparently a bit oblivious to the real reason for his squawking.

Shadow Fang

At Zaka's greeting, the tired bat pony offered a weary smile. "There's a downside to living on the other side of the world I'm afraid." Fang said as she moved further in, "but a daisy muffin sounds really good about now. If it wasn't so early in the day something stronger to accompany it would have been nice too." Sitting at the bar she watched the stallion work. She had to give him credit, she wasn't sure she'd be able to balance on just her back hooves for so long.

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