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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

As Rosie simply rush by the two Steelheart only turned her head in reaction to the breeze she created.

For a moment she alsmost asked "did-.."

But she simply shook her head and laughed.

She wasn't going to let herself get distracted from spending some time with Shadow Fang.

Inside of Sky Chaser's house Rosie tried to catch her breath.

After a moment of gasps and wheezing she finally spoke "Sky .*puff* .sky. Fi is coming back!"

Taking a moment to collect herself it dawned on her that he may not remember him.

He was only in town for two years before he left.

On top of that he had been gone for about 8 years.

Starting over she explained "my old childhood friend firecracker is coming back to Hast. Do you think it has anything to do with the Winters Ball?"

The look in her eyes was a combination of desperation and hope.

So much of her music and by extension her personality came from her failed attempt at romance with Firecracker.

She still carried a flame for him that he never sparked in the first place.

To him she was only a childhood friend.

Like the colt down the street, or a sister.

-in city hall.-

Zaka lead the way out of the city hall and started the three of them down the road.

As they walked he explained "her Name is Rosie, she's lived alone for as long as I've known her."

Thinking he may be painting her as some crazy old mare Zaka clarified "now when I said she would burst into song randomly, I don't mean she's nuts . she's a singer by trade. At my bar to be specific . "

-Aboard the train-

An awkward silence followed for a few seconds as no pony knew just what to say next.

The silence was filly broken when the train rounded a corner and the massive mountain range came into veiw and a collective "wow"

Came from the turist pony.

At the foot was a pristine beache with a small tropical town that could be seen as a speck from their distance.

And mid way up the peek was the quaint little town of Hast.

And all the while the sky danced with small flakes of snow.
Taking advantage of the few minuets of silence Shina went to work on her letter home. Her writing set looked more like a painting kit, using a small brush rather then a pen or quill. The first ink she used looked to be a standard black ink. Mostly using her magic to levitate the paper and brush as she drew out the familiar symbols of her native tongue, well familiar to her anyways.

When it seemed like she was finished Shina turned the parchment over. Her second ink looked clear, almost like water. As she wrote on the back of the paper the clear ink left the parchment wet, but everything she wrote with it seemed to simply vanish as it dried. It had become routine, adding special notes only her mother knew how to read. It had proven very useful when she needed to share something she wasn't sure how to bring up with her father, such as now.

The sound of others marveling at something drew Shina's attention away from the parchment. Glancing out the window her ears perked up curiously. Giving a few astonished blinks as her fuchsia eyes watched the falling snow.

"Is that Hast?" She asked softly to no one in particular.
viska said:
-in city hall.-

Zaka lead the way out of the city hall and started the three of them down the road.

As they walked he explained "her Name is Rosie, she's lived alone for as long as I've known her."

Thinking he may be painting her as some crazy old mare Zaka clarified "now when I said she would burst into song randomly, I don't mean she's nuts . she's a singer by trade. At my bar to be specific . "
BlueGrass listen to Zaka as he explained about a mare named Rosie who been alone for a long time. "I see...she wouldn't mind with me and my friend, will she?" BlueGrass asked as keep walking.

Bluto walk behind them as he look around the new area that its going to be his new surrounding.

"Oh I see, She's a singer! And work at the bar....mmm...since I'm going to live here, I gotta find a job for me....."
Fang glanced back at Sky Chaser as he draped an extra cloak over her. Just what was he up to? As messed up as the morning's been so far she decided it was best to not look too deeply into it and just just Steelheart back into town. "You know . . . finding this one restaurant you were talking about could be a little on the interesting side." Fang really didn't know where much of anything was in Hast just yet and Steelheart couldn't exactly lead the way. Or could she? It was hard to say.
[QUOTE="Shadow Dancer]Indicus waved back at the pony though in a much more subdued fashion using the gesture as an acknowledgement more then anything. He watched one of the group started to leave while he somewhat thought of joining the group seeing as it would do no harm to talk to the kids.

Derby smiled back at his wave, and she poked Splash.

Splash turned around and waved at Indicus politely, smiling a little too.
Indicus made his decision and walked up to their table. "Well since we're waving might as well introduce myself. My names Indicus."

He laughed softly. "yes, I've heard tell that Firecracker's coming back. As it turns out, he befriended Steelheart some time ago, and I believe she made it a point to invite all of her friends to this year's Winter Ball." He remarked as his horn glowed, closing the door behind her as she tried to catch her breath. "As I recall, you two were very close friends. I'm sure you'll be quite happy to see him again" he remarked with a soft smile, unaware of her actual feelings for young Firecracker.

Now, Steelheart had informed him that another of her friends had been likely with him to oversee his recovery. Steelheart, however, didn't tell him about any romantic ties between the two, so, by extension, Sky Chaser didn't know either. He, of course, had his suspicions, but nothing confirmed, and he wasn't one for idle gossip if it wasn't confirmed. Given the look in Rosie's eyes, he had a feeling her feelings for Firecracker were more than friendly.

Souls never lie after all...

Now, if you were to ask Sky Chaser about history, or mathematics, or just about anything, he'd have an easy answer, maybe even a full lecture on the subject. But for love...

You couldn't learn about love from a book. That had to be experienced to be understood. What did Sky Chaser know of love? Little if anything. Of pain, he knew much. Of loss, heartache, sadness, suffering, torment... Of that he knew a great deal. On the topic of love, however, he was, sadly, as inexperienced as a colt...
At first Rosies expression sank as she thought out loud "so he only here because of Steely.."

But then Sky Chaser's remark about them being close finally connected .

It's true they were close friends as foals, but Rosie always thought of it as more then that.

Growing up as an artistic filly she didn't have very many friends who understood her. Dispite it's charms, Hast wasn't exactly a booming capital of the arts.

She started singing at an early age, but like any skill she had to develop it over time.

The other foals made fun of her cracked notes and missed a ques.

Finally coming out of her reflective daze she answerrd with an uncharacteristic shyness saying "yes.. We were very close."

With a nervous laugh she added "funny thing is.. I always had hoped to be closer."

He face began to blush as she remanised "did I ever tell you about the first time I sang on a stage?"

Her gaze became distant as if she was remembering as she spoke "I was a little filly .. I tried my best but hit so many sour notes.

At the end every pony just stood there.. Silently judging . But not him. Firecracker cheered and aplauded like I had just sang better then ra-ra.. "

Tearing up a bit she added "I'll never forget what he said . he said 'music is to make a joyful noise .as long as their is joy in your heart, then you'll always do great."

Laughing to herself she explained "I thought he was making fun of me so I pushed him down..But the very next day at school he brought me a flower and said that HE was sorry if I took it the wrong way."

-in the streets of Hast.-

Steelheart only laughed embarrassedly at the realization that Gang was right. Without being in Hast for some time it would be heard to find one particular restaurant.

Thinking for a moment she decided

"well, I guess we could just fallow our nose."

Sniffing the air she began to walk in the direction of what smelled like good food.

Unfortunately she followed it into the window of the Apple guarden .

I'm her defense she did find the place.

As the two sat down Steelheart looked across the table at Shadow Fang.

Her eyes took a concerned look in them as she ask "are you ok Fang? You seem very stressed. Did you and Indicus have a fight?"

Her naivety to the situation was at times cute, but at other times it was just vexing."

-on the other side of Hast along the road-

As Zaka and his two new frinds walked he listened to her concerns with a smile.

After she finished he replied "well as far as minding you and your friend I can tell you this: Rosie is always a bit lonely. I'm sure she'll love to have you two around .

As the two reached her cottage they noticed that she was out.

Zaka scratched the back of his head in confusion as he explained "well that's odd. She's normally home at this hour."

Motioning for her to fallow him, Zaka said "Lets go back to my bar and wait there a bit. She'll go there sooner or later.

Perking up in a Aha moment Zaka blurted out "hey! Now that's an idea. You said you need work right? Well with the ball coming to town I could use another pony to wait tables."

With a wink he joked "you do know how to carry a try and be polite, right ?"

-aboard the golden arrow-

A bead of sweat rolled down Firecracker's cheek as he replied to Shina "yeah..that's the place. Down below is Marr. I used to go swimming down at the beach there."

He had so many things going through his mind it almost made him ill.

Old friends he hadn't kept up with.

Memories both good and bad.

The Winter's Ball and it's implications.

Just as he looked like he was going to faint Sparky whined "how much longer. I feel like we've been on this train for ever."

Tilly only offered him a cookie and said "two more hours sweety. Trains don't handle sheer cliffs well at full speed."

Sitting back in his seat, Firecracker sighed and looked over at Shina.

He looked her in those fuschia and spoke in a soft loving voice "thank you again "

This moment would have been romantic were it not for Sparkys comment "gro-ows!"

And Tilly's uncomfortably focused on looking.
viska said:
-on the other side of Hast along the road-

As Zaka and his two new frinds walked he listened to her concerns with a smile.

After she finished he replied "well as far as minding you and your friend I can tell you this: Rosie is always a bit lonely. I'm sure she'll love to have you two around .

As the two reached her cottage they noticed that she was out.

Zaka scratched the back of his head in confusion as he explained "well that's odd. She's normally home at this hour."

Motioning for her to fallow him, Zaka said "Lets go back to my bar and wait there a bit. She'll go there sooner or later.

Perking up in a Aha moment Zaka blurted out "hey! Now that's an idea. You said you need work right? Well with the ball coming to town I could use another pony to wait tables."

With a wink he joked "you do know how to carry a try and be polite, right ?"
As BlueGrass and Bluto walked with Zaka and his two friends, Zaka told her that Roise will be happy to have them around. "Oh, I can't wait to meet her...." Then she spotted a cottage and then they notice she not home. "Oh, I guess I have to wait for her or not....' BlueGrass turn off her magic as her luggages are down. And then Zaka said to go back to his bar and wait for Roise. "Well...alright, at least I won't have wait here outside.' She said as signs a little. Then, out of the blues, Zaka got a little job for her to work. "Wait tables? Carry Tray? And be polite? You mean work as a waitress?" BlueGrass think for a minute. "Hmm...I have a high grade in my school....I think I can handle being a waitress...." BlueGrass said.
Zaka chuckled to himself at her response .

In a chipper tone of voice he explained "I'm sure you'll do great. Who knows, if you do well and enjoy what you do, maybe I'll move you up to something more prestigious."

He even joked "maybe you can take over for syble after she's done being a grumpy stick in the mud."
viska said:
Zaka chuckled to himself at her response .
In a chipper tone of voice he explained "I'm sure you'll do great. Who knows, if you do well and enjoy what you do, maybe I'll move you up to something more prestigious."

He even joked "maybe you can take over for syble after she's done being a grumpy stick in the mud."
BlueGrass nodded as she can't wait." You know, I use to work at the animals shelter back in my hometown, well only when I was taking care of baby animals but I can work for another job...how hard can it be?" She said it as she look at Zaka. 'So, when can I start the job, my good man?"
In the few days following the fight, Kadje had gotten pretty sick. He'd caught a case of pony flu and was recovering. Snow Shimmer, who had felt awful for attacking him so brashly , stayed to help him get well again. He was now back in decent shape aside from the occasional sneezes.

Thunder decided to take the recovering prince out for something to eat at a restraunt. He took Kadje and snow shimmer to the horseshoe.kadje, sadly, had lost a lot of appetite and some weight he didn't need to lose. He was stuck drinking apple cider and taking some cold medicine and just a small bowl of applesauce.

"Are you sure it wasn't because I made things cold?" Snow shimmer asked.

"Naw, I catch colds all the time. It just happens." Kadje's voice sounded funny from being all clogged in the sinuses.

"Yes. It is." Thunder frowned, still a bit salty about it.

The pony listened quietly to everything Rosie said, nodding his head as he listened. "True friends like that are very hard to find, Rosie... You should count yourself as incredibly lucky. Some ponies search their entire lives for friends like that and never find them." He remarked softly, a hint of sadness to his voice. "In my years, I can count in the single digits how many I could say were such friends to me." He informed her, a soft smile on his muzzle.

"I know you probably came to me wanting advice on what to do about him... I wish I could help you but sadly, love is something I know little of..." He informed her as he shook his head slowly. He held up one hoof, letting the scars show. "Of pain, I know much, but of love, I am afraid I am woefully inexperienced." He murmured, his crimson eyes closing as he sighed softly.

"What I can tell you, is that regardless of the outcome, you are fortunate to have a friend like him. And whatever happens, my door is open if you need a place to vent." He nodded his head. That was how it was for the ponies of Hast. Whenever they needed advice, they could always go to Sky Chaser. Though, who did Sky Chaser turn to when he was uncertain? On whom could Sky Chaser call when he felt at his lowest? The short answer was, no pony. He was alone in Hast with his thoughts, with his pain, with his past... For ten years, he had kept it buried so no one knew the terrible things he had done...

Even here, in Hast. He was all alone....
Fang offered Steelheart a small smile, even if she couldn't see it. The way seemed to still look directly at her did catch the bat pony slightly off guard for a brief moment. "No, Indicus and I haven't gotten in a fight." Yet, she mentally added. The bat pony took a moment to collect her thoughts and figure out the best way of going about the whole thing. "You see . . . I know about you and Anda . . . Indicus and I, we felt her appear all of a sudden. We came running worried you'd been hurt or something else bad had happened to force her into revealing herself. It didn't really help that when we got to Sky Chaser's place, a powerful ward was set up preventing us from getting in."

Fang shook her head, "I'm not sure what to make of all of it. Not to mention Spyro suddenly deciding to show up..." The mare paused for a moment, "That's right, you haven't met him before. He's basically my boss, so I'm not sure why he's here in Hast."
Shina's gaze turned from the window to Firecracker as he spoke a shy smile crossed her lips. Before she could answer though her attention was turned to Sparky as he complained. She couldn't help but giggle a little, though two hours did seem like a long time to be stuck on a train.

Her focused turned back to Fire her cheeks blushing at the unneeded thanks. Ignoring Sparky's complaint she replied softly. "You do not need to thank me. I am exactly where I want to be."

Returning her gaze to Sparky a faint grin crossed her lips. "Have you ever seen dragon fire before?" She asked thinking of a way to entertain the foal for a moment.
-in the restaurant -

Steelheart Sat quietly as Fang spoke, sinking into her chair when she mentioned Anda.

Playing with the straw of her drink as she waited, it looked like she was at a loss.

After Fang finished she paused for a moment before replying in a quiet voice

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hide anything from you..I just didn't want any pony to know Anda's spirit was still around. That's why I asked mr.Sky Chaser to help me keep her under contole.

Though she was trying to make shadow Fang feel better, it really only raised. More concerns.

If she needed help controling this power, Was Anda becoming out of controle?

How much did Sky Chaser know about the forces he was tampering with.

And more dangerous still, what if he did know and was tampering with malicious intent.

Leaning in closer she asked "do you think any of this has to do with mr.Spyro showing up unexpectedly?"

-aboard the golden arrow-

Sparkys eyes widened with foal like wonder as Shina spoke.

Shaking his head for a moment he looked up at her and asked "dragon fire? No ma'am. Have you ever seen it?"

Firecracker chimed in saying "She's seen more then her fair share of it pip-squeak."

His starry gaze never braking from Shina , sparky let out a long "wo-o-ow"

Tilly seemed to have dozed off at this point.

She had been up for days with worry and then exitment .

-at Sky Caser's house-

Rosie listened quietly, now free from her nostalgia day dream.

He spoke of his inexperience in love, but Rosie only shook her head and said with a dog chuckle "you sour apple. Your more loved then you know."

All the pony of Hast held him with great respect.

On top of that , She had seen the dynamic between him and Steelheart.

It was the kind of chemistry she always wanted With Firecracker.

Walking over to him and nuzzling against his cloak she remarked "and don't you forget it."

She knew he wouldn't be much help for advice, but what she really wanted was some encouragement to calm her nerves.
Fang gave a low sigh, "Don't be sorry, Steelheart." She said in a more gentle tone. "I don't blame you for not wanting to tell any of us about her. I only know because it's part of my job, I was trained to sense those kind of things." She gave a slight shrug, it was both a blessing and a curse at times. There were reasons she refused to stay anywhere near the Canterlot Academy of Magic.

"As for Spyro . . . " She shook her head, "I don't think even the Divines themselves could figure that pony out. He could be here because he felt whatever spell Sky Chaser used, like Indicus and I had. Or he's got some mission for us even though we were promised a few weeks of leave." Another shrug, "I don't know, he wants me to meet with him later so I'll just bug him about it then."

Sky Chaser's eyes closed as she nuzzled his cheek through the fabric of his cloak. He smiled softly, listening as she spoke. "You know Rosie, the same could be said for you" He reminded her. He knew full well the names she was sometimes called. Then again, he tended to know everything about every pony. After all, they all turned to him when they needed advice.

In the ten years he had been in Hast, no pony ever heard Sky Chaser complain, or talk at all about his past. In fact, mentioning his inexperience in love was about the closest he had ever gotten to spilling any of the many secrets that surrounded the mysterious stallion. Though ponies could see the scars on his legs and muzzle... There was much pain in his past, but it never seemed to show in his personality.

No one knew just how much blood was on his hooves...No one even began to expect just how many lives he had ended to get where he is now...
((Sorry, been busy)) Her ed visor and button up shirt looked weird on her grey fur. She spent the day rambling and cooking, ten she finally got home. "Ugh, work is exhausting." She said out loud in her home. "Maybe on my day off tomorrow I can see Splash and Derby in the morning." She smiled, thinking about it.
-At the bar-

Now back at zaka's bar the horseshoe ,

the two sat down for a rest.

Zaka finally answered her question saying "we'll, as soon as I can find a spare maids cap you can start whenever your ready.

I'll even give you a few bits in advance to help you get settled in."

-at Sky Chaser's house-

Without considering personal space, Rosie hugged Sky Chaser and siad "awe, Your really a sweety hun."

Sighing contently she decided that maybe

Sky Chaser would like some privacy in his house.

Patting his back with her hoof she said in a motherly voice "you take care, sweetness. I'll see you again soon."

As she Sauntering over to the door her tail swished happily with each step.

It was clear her confidence had returned.

-in the restaurant-

Feeling content with Fangs explanation, Steelheart relaxed and enjoyed her drink.

After they finished the two walked out and enjoyed the fresh air.

After some moment of silence Steelheart asked "so.. Would it be alright if we did shop for a dress?.. I don't really have any sense of fashion."

It was true that not being able to see also meant she had no idea what style even was.

Scoffing her hoof in the dirt she shyly added " but your a mare, I'm sure you know what's pretty."

Her voice was daliberatly pathetic as if to jokingly derive pity .
The next morning she trotted over and knocked on their door. She smiled, she had a loose floral top on.
viska said:
-At the bar-
Now back at zaka's bar the horseshoe ,

the two sat down for a rest.

Zaka finally answered her question saying "we'll, as soon as I can find a spare maids cap you can start whenever your ready.

I'll even give you a few bits in advance to help you get settled in."
BlueGrass walked and stopped at Zaka's bar, Horseshoe. "So this is the bar...." She said as she look back to Bluto and said, "I want you to be a good boy and stay outside..." Bluto give her a looks as he didn't want to stay outside alone. "I'll make it up to you, later, I promise..." BlueGrass pet his head as Bluto nodded. Then she want inside the bar, its her first time to go in the bar. And then she sit down for a rest while move her stuff down. And then Zaka said that she can start working whatever she ready. "Oh, I am ready.....and I would like some advise, if you please...." said BlueGrass.
Fang couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow at Steelheart as she talked. "Well, I'll see what I can do. But truth be told . . . I've never actually worn a dress. So, this could be an interesting trip." Even as a filly, the bat pony never held any interest in wearing a gown of any kind. Found them to just get in the way and be impractical. She even considered her dress uniforms from the Lunar Guard a bit much at times. And those were about as far as one could get from comfortable.

Sky Chaser couldn't help a smile as he watched her go. It was quite obvious just from the spring in her step that he had managed to cheer her up. He didn't fail to notice the motherly tone in her voice. Even if she got that way with most everypony, he still found it a touch ironic. After all, would she act so cheery around him if she knew the truth about him?

He watched her leave out the door, his expression turning serious as his horn glowed, locking the door behind her before he trotted over to one of the three doors in the back of the main room. He walked to the center room, his horn glowing brightly as he cast his magic upon the door, intricate gold designs etching themselves in the wood as the door swung open. Instead of a room, however, a downward staircase appeared. He walked down into the darkness as the door closed behind him. The gold etchings vanished, and if anyone tried to follow him now, the door would lead to the master bedroom instead of the stairs....

He still had much preparation to see to before the Two Sisters arrived.... After all, it would be quite a shame if he missed his opportunity...
Somewhere within the town of Hast, two ponies, a mare and a stallion were walking to a store, when they heard the sound of fighting in a nearby alley. At first they were getting ready to investigate when a small explosion happened, followed by a scream of pain. Shortly after that, a shadow shaped, three dimensional claw came flying out of the alley with a pony trapped in it. The claw dematerialized after impacting with a now cracked wall and the pony, now freed, tried to run, only for several shadow like chains to wrap around him, and dragged the pony back into the alley. Within a moment later, all of the fighting stopped, and all was quiet. The two ponies cautiously walked up to the entrance of the alley, and saw a scene that freaked them out. What they saw was several ponies tied upside down in shadow like chains on the sides of the alley, a few pony's littering the floor of the alley covered in cuts and bruises. Finally, a pony that was frozen in solid ice from head to hoof. The two ponies could only ask one thing as they ran off to find help "What happened?"

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