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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

(Sorry, haven't been able to sit down long enough to post. x.x )

A grin played, on Shina's lips. Showing off just a little she levitated her letter, rolling it up while in the air. "This spell uses dragonfire to transport something by burning it to ashes. Then the ashes travel on a breeze straight to the desired recipient and resemble the item which was burnt."

For a second Shina's gaze shifted to Firecracker, looking to see if he'd catch her exaggerations as she elaborated just a little on the difficulty of this spell. "Dragonfire however, is very volatile and difficult to focus in such a precise and specific manner. If I am not careful the whole train could be engulfed in flames." As she spoke Shina's fuchsia eyes fixed on the rolled up parchment floating before her. Focusing on the letter her gold horn began to glow. Suddenly, all in one second, the rolled up letter was consumed in fuchsia flames while at the she time Shina's fuchsia eyes seemed to be replaced by fire but just for that second. The ashes of the letter drifted out a cracked window not to far down the train.
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-just outside the restaurant-

Steelheart tilted her head in a slight confusion.

While blind, she still new the old stereotype that mares wore gowns to formal events.

And while flutter pony had no sense of royalty, she would be one of the closest things they would have to a noble.

With every seramony of feast day her and Lavender would dress in garland and dresses wheaved of flowers and natural fabrics.

Deciding it would be best to not dwell on it she began to trot off in a seemingly random direction she happily asked "ready to go?"

-aboard the golden arrow-

As the ashes flew away Sparky's eyes grew wide as he let out a long "wo-o-ow".

Getting exited, he began to wiggle around in his chair as he explained "The past time I saw something burn up that fast was when cousin Fire tried to cook.

He ended up blowing-"

Cutting the Colts sentence off, Firecracker covered his mouth with a hoof and nervously said "h hey look. Its the mountan pass station. That means the next stop is Hast.

It was about this time the conductor announced "welcome to Mountan pass station just south of Teir dofrign. Our next stop will be departing in ten minutes to whisper wind station and the Towns of Hast and Marr."

The announcement was enough to wake Tilly who turned to firecracker and Shina asking "are you two exited?"

To which Firecracker didn't respond at first.

Seeming distracted he said " hm? Oh yes. Very exited."

His face paling slightly as he added

"can't wait."

-at Zakas bar-

Zaka thought about how to answer the question.

To him bar tending and everything that came with it was second nature.

Finally he said "well, one thing I can say for sure is stay clear of the front window. Some times a certain pony sends customers-"

A mares voice cutting him off "some times you shouldn't talk about a pony when she isn't around ."

Zaka sighed in defeat "speak of the devil "

Rosie walked in with a triumphant grin on her face as she remarked through a laugh "your lucky I love you to bits Zaka. Otherwise it would be your turn out the window."

Looking over to Bluegrass she asked "and who do we have here? My name is Rosie, singer, songstress, and unofficial bouncer.

Zaka chuckled and added "very unofficial"
Fang hesitated before trotting to catch up with the excited flutter pony. "H-hey, hang on a sec Stellheart!" She called after her. Catching up, she gave the younger mare a gentle boop on the nose. "Before we begin the Great Hunt for the Dress, I should probably meet with Spyro. It'll only take me a few minutes and he isn't the kind that likes to kept waiting. Okay?"
Steelheart paused for a moment before agreeing "oh, ok. Your probably right. If your boss came all this way it must be important."

With a bit of a wobble she found her way to a near by stone bench and had a seat.

It was uncanny how well she already knew Hast, even without the ability to see.
Kadje groaned, pushing his face into the wood of the table, both SnowShimmer and Thunder rubbed his back comfortingly as he still felt like absolute crap.

"Thunder, you sure you ordered that medicine?" SnowShimmer asked, beginning to wonder if taking the flu-stricken Prince in public was a good idea.

"Uh, should be coming into the port on a ship today. Want to go see if they have it there?" Thunder asked.

"Yeah, that'd be good." Kadje stood, fighting the drowsyness as the trio made their way to the port to try and get the medicine in Kadje early.
viska said:
-at Zakas bar-

Zaka thought about how to answer the question.

To him bar tending and everything that came with it was second nature.

Finally he said "well, one thing I can say for sure is stay clear of the front window. Some times a certain pony sends customers-"

A mares voice cutting him off "some times you shouldn't talk about a pony when she isn't around ."

Zaka sighed in defeat "speak of the devil "

Rosie walked in with a triumphant grin on her face as she remarked through a laugh "your lucky I love you to bits Zaka. Otherwise it would be your turn out the window."

Looking over to Bluegrass she asked "and who do we have here? My name is Rosie, singer, songstress, and unofficial bouncer.

Zaka chuckled and added "very unofficial"
BlueGrass make a quick look at the front window when Zaka said to stay clear from it.Then suddenly she hear a mare voice interrupting Zaka. She turn around and see a mare called Rosie. "Hello there, I'm BlueGrass NutMeg. I'm new around here along with Bluto..." She offer her her hoof.
Fang followed Steelheart to the bench before lightly nuzzling her. "Don't worry, I'm not blowing you off. I'll be back before you know it." Her eyes glowed as she took a few steps away from the flutter pony. With the portal open, she stepped through. The two better not keep her waiting around for long.

@Spyro @Shadow Dancer
Indicus glanced at a nearby clock and noticed the time before mumbling. "Eh guess that meeting with Soul is just about due." Indicus then looks at the others and says. "Well it's nice meeting you all but I need to get going." With that he walked out the door and once he found an empty alleyway he activated his magic and stepped through immediately seeing Shadow Fang as the portal closed behind him.
Fang glanced over at him as he stepped through the portal. A less than amused expression across her face. "Well there's one," she muttered, looking around once more for the missing draconicorn. "Enjoy your lunch?" The bat pony asked as she walked further into the Twilight Realm as she's come to call it. The name coming from the fact the sky seemed trapped in an eternal twilight.
As Indicus was about to respond, a portal opened a short distance away. Spyro casually walked out of the portal with some dark mist coming off of him. "I swear, you encounter them once and they never leave you alone." Spyro muttered.
Indicus looked at Spyro, "Well it seems we are all here so I guess it is quite appropriate to ask why you wanted to meet us here of all places?"
Fang quirked an eyebrow at the unicorn. "More and more ponies are steadily pouring into Hast, why wouldn't we want to meet somewhere no one could listen in?" Her tone carried traces of annoyance and bitterness. While the two stallions were certainly going to hear about their blunders that may have just doomed all three of them, she may as well listen to what the commander had to say first. "But I doubt you're here for the Winter Ball, Spyro."
"Well, yes and no." Spyro answered. "You see, I have been sensing some anomalies here, you two were on vacation, so I figured I should take maters in my own hooves. Also Fang nice job in talking about your past with others besides me and a few others. I'm guessing that you trust them enough to hear about, well, the whole story." Spyro said with a smile.
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"Yeah, about that . . ." The bat pony turned to face the draconicorn. "If you're talking about Sky Chaser, that cloaked pony whose house we were in, I don't trust him. Not in the slightest." Her dark gaze remained on him, "However, protecting Steelheart takes a much higher priority than keeping some story secret."
Spyro looked a Fang for a moment before simply stating. "Well I screwed up. So why do you distrust Sky Chaser, and why are you protecting Steelheart? Wait let me guess, Sky Chaser has something to do with that, and that is why you distrust him?"
Fang couldn't help but give an annoyed sigh, where could she even start? At least he realized the mistake... Though that wouldn't do much of anything to help the damage that's been done. Let alone make her feel any better about the whole mess. "After everything at the disaster that was Equinox, it's kind of hard not to be protective over Steelheart. Or anyone involved in that mess." She shook her head, she was getting off track. "As for why I don't trust Sky Chaser . . . Why don't we start with the fact he's a heavily scarred Alicorn with a broken horn who tried to flee Hast the moment we learned the Two Sisters were coming."

Her crimson hues shifted between the two stallions standing with her. "Add in his apparent ability to look into the souls of others, an obsession with them, and a deep interest in Steelheart who happens to be the new vessel for Anda. I see plenty of reasons right there not to trust him." She paused before shooting a dark glare towards Indicus, her eyes glowing faintly. "As for you," she turned to face him, bitter anger dripping from her words. "When we felt Anda, Sky Chaser had placed wards around his house to block us out. When Commander Soul tells him who we are and leaves, what do you go and do?"

Fang's glare narrowed, "You just get up and trot out of the place. Leaving me and Steelheart with a pony you knew damn well was a potential threat. Just what the hell were you thinking back there?"
Indicus did not react to the glare, "Whatever Sky Chaser is planning he dose not seem to see me as any sort of threat hell the way he looked at me, I'd wager he thinks i'm incompetent. While he sees you as a possible and bigger threat to his plans. Also if he was aiming to make a move then he would have already he sure as hell has the power. No his plans will take place later, for now he will play the role of storyteller and enigma."
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"He's waiting to make a move?" Fang snorted, stalking closer to the Unicorn. "That is one hell of a gamble to be making, Indicus. And it wasn't your life you were betting, it was mine and Steelheart's." The glow in her eyes seemed to brighten as her anger grew. "And you think he sees me as the threat? Then why the fuck did you just get up and leave me alone with him!?" She turned away from him, a fire burning behind those crimson eyes. "You are too experienced to be making such a rookie mistake. I expect a lot better from you."
"Well look on the bright side, you two didn't keep getting jumped every ten minutes." Spyro said as his horn flared and he grunted in pain as he yanked a dagger from his back that got wedged between his armor from before. The dagger was a solid pure black color if you ignored the small amount of blood on the blade part of the dagger, with a purplish grip, and a moon shaped pommel with the mare in the moon etched into it.
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The bat pony took a slow, calming breath. It was probably for the best that Spyro decided to change the topic. Otherwise Indicus may not have been standing much long. Fang's gaze studied the dagger for a moment. Her frown once against returning as she recognized the weapon. "The Nightmare Empire? Here?"

And things just went and got worse for them...
"Well, you know them, once anyone starts to hate what they like, they try to kill you every single day." Spyro said as he was tossing the dagger into the air and catching it with his magic before it hit the ground. "I was moving through the lower parts of Equestria and I stumbled on a small outpost of theirs and found that they plan to start an invasion around the area of hast. I thought that you two were here, maybe I could join in, and we could have a bonfire over the remains of their invasion force."
Hearing about the Nightmare Empire's presence Indicus sighed. "I guess a break from the bastards is a bit too much to ask for. So any idea on when they want to come visit?"
"They plan to attack either during the winter ball, or after, but most likely during the ball, for everypony will have their guard down." Spyro told Indicus.
Fang shook her head, sighing. "As if things weren't complicated enough... They'll likely attack during the Ball, the Two Sisters will be attending." So they had an Alicorn potentially following Umbra's path, and now the Nightmare Empire is at their doorstep. Any notion of a vacation was tossed out the window.
"And I fear that those magical anomalies are the Nightmare Empire trying to open a portal so they can surprise attack everypony." Spyro informed. "But until then act as you both have for now, I have encountered them a few times, and It's bad enough that they know I'm here, but I don't have any open connections to anypony here, only privet unlike you two. We don't want to endanger the town if they know that you two are here and have friendships with others in the town."

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