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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Steelheart only shook her head at first.

It looked almost like she was trying to shake something out of her mane.

Finally she said "I'm Steelheart. Please call me Steelheart."

In an angry low voice she said one final time

"I'm Steelheart."

Oddly enough the last one didn't seem like she was talking to any pony in the room.
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About the only word Indicus had for what was going on was amusing, "Sorry Soul the postcards ran away from me, I don't think they liked my slitted eyes fangs nor my spear for a horn. Or it could just be they were scared of you age old post card collection."
"What, I've been working on that collection forever and I still need to build on it." Spyro said with a grin. "I need all I can get."

Sky Chaser kept his gaze on Steelheart. He knew that was more Anda speaking than her. But of course, he couldn't say anything without breaking Steelheart's trust, so he just nuzzled her cheek lightly instead, silently agreeing with her and giving her a bit more support. He wasn't too sure he could believe what was going on. Spyro and Indicus didn't seem the least bit flustered talking about the Order out in the open like this. Perhaps, Sky Chaser figured, Spyro made the mistake of assuming all gathered were trusted friends and therefore such a secret didn't need to be a secret in this group.

He concluded that no doubt Fang had kept his Alicorn status to herself. Indicus was too calm and at ease to possibly know. Oh well, the more he knew and they didn't know, the better. If this was really the best the Order had to offer, it was clear he wouldn't have to worry about them interfering with his plans. Fang seemed to be the only one with change for horse sense, and she didn't seem inclined to test him. It was all for the better.. Maybe things weren't so complicated now after all...

He glanced down at his hooves, noting that Steelheart had yet to release his hoof. He, of course, didn't mind. It was actually rather pleasant.

At the very least, he should enjoy it while he could...
"I'm sorry to cut this greeting short, but I must be off, Fang, Indicus, meet me in soon at my personal area." Spyro said as he melted into the shadows and left the house.
Questionsrevealed said:
"Really?" Nostalgia's eye brightened. "I can draw, play video games, and sing on the sidelines of my cutiemark." She smiled, bouncing a bit. "Anyways, like I said, do you two have phones?" She was up from her leaned back position.
Splash shook her head. "We don't have the funding for that," she said. "But once Derby starts her races back up and I get some of my surfboard orders done, we should have enough for them."
"I could help out with some of the boards anytime. My address is on this then." She created a quill out of a napkin and used her smoothie as ink. She wrote it down. "In the olden days ponies used berries to write anyway as ink." She joked. She slid the napkin across the table. "I'll be free next week on the weekend if so. I got my schedule early."
Shina moved to help clean up, her cheeks suddenly blushing a soft pink when Firecracker found her photo. She gave a shy smile as he marveled at it a moment. She couldn't help but feel just a little self conscious wondering what Firecracker would think of her family. How would she explain everything them, or more importantly explain Firecracker to her father with out freaking him out. In a way she was almost glad they were so far away at the moment.

"Arigato," She said at first as Fire passed her the photo and papers. Realizing her error in language Shina quickly corrected her self. "I mean, thank you." Her face flushed with embarrassment before she continued to answered his question. "Hai, mama, papa, and Ryo." She said pointing the tip of her hoof at each as she named them.

Looking at the picture herself Shina's smile faded. It felt like a lifetime sense she'd seen any of them. She always kept so busy it was easy to forget just how much she missed them at times. Feeling tears trying to form in her eyes Shina quickly tucked the photo away.
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After spyro had left all was quiet for a moment as everypony was at a loss for words.

Some relieved that he was gone.

Others confused at his flippant behavior.

Others still were concerned about what he wanted to talk about.

A deep sigh of relief finally broke the silence.

Finally collected enough to notice Steelheart pulled her hoof away from Sky chaser's.

Her face flushed pink enough to notice even over her mane color as she spoke-

"oh..S sorry.

She felt a bit of reluctance in truth. She felt a strange comfort when she held his hoof.

A feeling she liked, but was so unfamiliar.

Turning to her friends, she replied "sorry everypony. I kinda made a scene. "

She felt guilty making them worry so on their vacation.

But it couldn't be helped.

-aboard the golden arrow-

Firecracker chuckled softly to himself as Shina flipped between languages.

He found it fascinating that she was able to speak common so well and it not be her native tongue.

He nodded along as she pointed out each family member pausing briefly to take in each of their faces.

He knew he would have to meet them some day if things works out.

This idea terrified him when he looked at her father.

He had never met a mares parents and he sure picked a doozy to start with.

When he saw Shina's expression sadden he couldn't help but feel a bit guilty.

He never knew what it was like to miss a family.

Tilly would visit him in Canterlot often, and as far as his birth parents ..

That was a whole nother story.

Resting his hoof on hers he spoke softly

"Shina..do you remember when I said that if I didn't find a solution to Konton in three days I would go anywhere with you?.."

A confidant smile began to cross his face as he went on "well by my math it's been over two hundred and seventy two days, and as far as I can see he's still around."

Brushing a hair from her face his voice shook a bit, but never lacked sincerity as he said "after we go to Hast..I'll come with you to your home town."
Indicus gave Soul a nod before turning towards Steelheart, "It's okay Steelheart, we care about your well being so you have no need for apologizing for making us worry. Anyway I haven't ate quite yet so I'm gonna go nice seeing you two." Indicus walked out the door sure that Sky Chaser had plans of his own. He seemed to be analyzing Fang and himself too closely for any other possibility to be plausible.

Indicus shook his head and headed for the nearest fast food place he could find which happened to be a Hayburger. Indicus figured he would really have to find a place to hunt soon the lack of meat otherwise would not be fun to deal with. At the fast food place he ordered a veggieburger, potato fries and a water.
Shina managed a light smile feeling Firecracker's hoof on her's. Her fuchsia eyes turned their focus on him as he spoke. Her smile brightened some to his offer but so did the color in her cheeks at the thought of subjecting him to her family.

"Maybe after the winter ball?" Shina suggested. It seemed to be an important event to him, and it would give her time to plan out how to approach the subject with her parents. Not to mention one other problem she needed to figure out.

"Also I am unsure if Konton will be allowed back..." Her gaze shifted up to the phoenix for a second before looking back to Firecracker. "So far he does not seem to remember anything before being reborn in Equinox. I worry taking him home her may remember being the spirit of fire and chaos. Even if he does not the people of Neighppon might not feel safe with him returning."

Leaning in she softly nuzzled against his cheek, perhaps forgetting his aunt and cousin were there for a second. "I will write home about it. If he behaves, they might not even know he is Konton." She suggested not wanting to dampen any hopes Fire might of had in getting to meet her family.
Fang watched Spyro leave in silence. It was probably best she didn't say anything. But later . . . later she was going to have a few words for her commander. None of which she'd dare say in Steelheart's presence. The mare had a temper to her, even if it could be difficult to kindle at times. But Spyro had done a great job sparking that.

At the flutter pony's quiet apology, Fang only pulled her closer with the help of her wing. "Nothing to be sorry for, Steelheart." She said lightly nuzzling the worried mare once more. "You didn't cause a scene. If anything, Spyro did." Crimson eyes watched Indicus as he mentioned he hadn't eaten and then promptly trotted out the door. Oh for fu- She gave an annoyed sigh before shaking her head. "You'd think a friend would ask if anyone else would want to come along," Fang tried to joke.

Looks like she was going to have a few choice words for two stallions later. They both knew Sky Chaser was an alicorn, one that didn't want to be found by the Two Sisters. One who seemed to have a very keen interest in the souls of others. All too much like a certain Soul Thief . . . And the jackass just left me alone with him and Steelheart... She lightly nudged the flutter pony at her side, "Want to go grab a bite to eat with me?" Fang wanted to get herself and Steelheart as far away from Sky Chaser as she could. And soon.
Steelheart was a bit confused at the abruptness to which Indicus had left.

For a moment she wondered if maybe he was angry about something.

She had been acting suspiciously lately.

And she hadn't been a very good host.

Her deep thought was broken by fang asking her to lunch.

She thought about it for only a moment before her normally happy face returned and she replied " I'm kinda not hungry at the moment.

But I could go for some rose water.

There is an Apple garden that serves great food and drinks."

Turning to Sky Chaser she asked "would it be alright if Fang took me dress shopping in sted? I'm sure you have wonderful taste,

But if I need help with fitting I would rather it be another mare.

She felt a bit bratty volunteering her for it, but she felt her friend wanted to speak with her in privet.

She could always sense magic very keenly, but lately she had been able to pick up on others feelings as well.

Not nearly as defined, it left room for error but it was an effective new skill in her job.

- aboard the golden arrow-

In reaction to all this affection sparky was making gagging gestures as Tilly silently watched with an ever growing smile.

That was until her characteristic energy took over and she fawned "Awwwee my little Fire buby is in love."

Firecracker's face turned bright read as he looked away and out the window.

He didn't deny it, but it was embarrassing to have his aunt point out so loud.

Lightly bopping him with her hoof she insisted "on bubbula it's nothing to be embarased about.

I suspected as much when you told the doctor you needed to make it home before the winter's ball."

Sparky chimed in with a whine "awe gross. You mean that old tradition you kept talking about last year. The one where you kissed me?"

Tilly winked at Shina as if to direct the answer to Sparkys question to her "well it's a bit different for them, sweety. Your my little colt. I just do it for good luck and because I love you. But for them it means-"

Firecracker chimed in as if to confess it's meaning before Tilly could.

He looked out the window, watching the scenery pass and mused -

"to the pony of Hast there is a tradition..

In the fountain plaza on the night of the winter's ball all young couples gather and pay respects the land that has supported their family up to this point.

We honor the sisters and all their contributions to keeping our land safe in the past year.

We honor mother and father both now and in times gone by..

He Covered his face with his foreleg as if embarrassed before he continued "mares and stallions do this by exchanging a very prechios gift..Their first kiss."
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"I understand completely, Steelheart" he smiled softly, even though he was a bit sad he wouldn't get to take her. He didn't let it show at all though, and unlike the others, he was incredibly skilled at hiding his emotions. This was a little bump in the road. No doubt, Fang wanted to get Steelheart away from him. He wondered if she would keep her word about keeping his secret...

Ultimately, he couldn't stop her without making a fuss, and he knew it. She played the game rather well. He didn't like it one bit, but ultimately the success or failure of his plans now rested on how their time alone went.... Sky Chaser was painfully aware that Fang could single hoofedly ruin everything he had so carefully planned... That is, if Steelheart would believe what Fang told her.
Questionsrevealed said:
"I could help out with some of the boards anytime. My address is on this then." She created a quill out of a napkin and used her smoothie as ink. She wrote it down. "In the olden days ponies used berries to write anyway as ink." She joked. She slid the napkin across the table. "I'll be free next week on the weekend if so. I got my schedule early."
Splash took the napkin and placed it in her saddlebag. "Thank you, Nostalgia," she said with a smile.

"Yeah, Thanks!" Derby echoed. "Any morning you're feeling peckish, our door's always open for oatcakes and OJ." She said, mirroring Splash's smile.

Splash facehoofed. "Derby! We never got Kadje and Thunder their breakfasts!"

Derby smiled. "Aw, its alright, Splash. Maybe we can give it to them for dinner." She suggested.

"Great Idea, Derby." Splash said, relaxing. "We'll get it to them after..."
viska said:
Zaka looked back at her with sympathy as he thought long and heard about an answer.
"Hmm most big fields that your friend would like have been coltavatd into farms."

Tapping his hoof on the tiles he was determined not to simply send her away.

"Tell you what, I just so happen to have a friend who owns a cabin that backs right up against a meadow.

Maybe I Could talk her into renting a room. At least until you find a place of your own."

Zaka wasn't lying when he said land was sparse in Hast.

It was a place where the old settled and raised foals and the foals moved away until they grew old and homesick.

Ancestral homes spanning hundreds of years and farms going back farther.

Even Zakas bar belonged in his family for the past two hundred years.[/quote
BlueGrass look at Zaka with a smiles. "Really? Can you really do that? I mean I hope you're friend won't mind about me and Bluto...." She said as she look at the young moose as Bluto is eating a grass on the ground.
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Shina couldn't help but giggle a little when Firecracker looked away. She found it hard not to when there was something so cute about seeing him embarrassed.

Her attention turned to Tilly as she began to explain why the winter's ball was such a big deal. Listening intently for a moment before Fire took over, her attention turning to him. The more he explained the redder Shina's cheeks grew. When he got to the end her gaze lowered in embarrassment looking silently down at her hooves for a moment her cheeks so red heat could be felt radiating from them.

"Oh." She said simply unsure if what else to say at first. "Sounds romantic." She admitted, though it also sounded like a lot of pressure was placed on one specific night, and Shina didn't even own a dress. It would just have to be one of the many things she'd add to the list of things she'd have to figure out later.
@sitanomoto @Questionsrevealed

Indicus ate his meal glancing at a more rambunctious group nearby listening to their laughter while thinking about what he would do later in the day. He did receive the occasional odd look that he attributed to being because of the eyes, fangs and sharper then normal horn.
Derby looked over at the pony that had just walked in. She cocked her head in curiosity, contemplating him for a moment, before smiling and waving after determining he seemed friendly.

@Shadow Dancer
-in city hall.-

Zaka couldn't help but chuckle at her exitment.

His greatest joy in life was helping other ponies.

Maybe it was a virtue, or maybe it came from him growing up in a well off bar in a

poor neighborhood.

His partner often worried that he may run them out of business with his charity .

But he always had greatful patrons pay the good will forward.

Looking around to see if she was in earshot he joked "just be warned you may have to put up with her randomly bursting into song"

-somewhere in Hast-

Deciding it would be best to just grab a muffin, Rosie went to Tilly's bakery.

Finding out that it was not only closed, but she was out of town Rosie groaned in frustration.

This was not turning out to be her day.

However her day turned on a dime when she read Tilly's note claiming she had gone to bring her son home.

Knowing just what that means, she grumbled in excitement as she blurted "Firecracker."

Immediately she began to rush towards Sky Chasers home.

Like most pony in the area, Rosie often asked him for advice when faced with major events.

Too exited and rushed to notice dashing right by Steelheart and Shadow fang she arrived at the door and began frantically knocking.
sitanomoto said:
Splash took the napkin and placed it in her saddlebag. "Thank you, Nostalgia," she said with a smile.
"Yeah, Thanks!" Derby echoed. "Any morning you're feeling peckish, our door's always open for oatcakes and OJ." She said, mirroring Splash's smile.

Splash facehoofed. "Derby! We never got Kadje and Thunder their breakfasts!"

Derby smiled. "Aw, its alright, Splash. Maybe we can give it to them for dinner." She suggested.

"Great Idea, Derby." Splash said, relaxing. "We'll get it to them after..."
"Bye!" She yelled back at the two ponies, feeling self-confident. She would get this job she asked for. She would survive....
Fang could only blink as Steelheart said she wanted her to come help pick out a dress for the Winter Ball. Of course the flutter pony wouldn't have known she's never actually worn a dress before. But they'd have to cross that bridge when they got there. For now, she just wanted to put some distance between herself and Sky Chaser. Part of her did consider explaining the situation to Steelheart, but given the way her companions had been behaving around him she really didn't want to have to deal with a rogue alicorn alone.

"I suppose I could help you find a dress after lunch," Fang said finally. "The ponies working the shop should be a lot of help too." Getting down from the couch, she tucked her wing closely by her side. In her rush to track down Sky Chaser and Steelheart, she'd abandoned her cloak somewhere between their cabin and the alicorn's home. This could prove to be a problem down the road.
viska said:
-in city hall.-
Zaka couldn't help but chuckle at her exitment.

His greatest joy in life was helping other ponies.

Maybe it was a virtue, or maybe it came from him growing up in a well off bar in a

poor neighborhood.

His partner often worried that he may run them out of business with his charity .

But he always had greatful patrons pay the good will forward.

Looking around to see if she was in earshot he joked "just be warned you may have to put up with her randomly bursting into song"
BlueGrass looked at Zaka as he warn her about his friend bursting into song. But she just smiles, "Don't worry, I can handle it...." She have never have a roommates or any friends at all, well expect Bluto, but it's the start for her new life. "So, which way to go?" She asked as she pick up her big luggages with her magic. Bluto stop eating as look at Zaka.
Indicus waved back at the pony though in a much more subdued fashion using the gesture as an acknowledgement more then anything. He watched one of the group started to leave while he somewhat thought of joining the group seeing as it would do no harm to talk to the kids.

Sky Chaser's horn glowed just a bit as Fang and Steelheart went to leave, a spare cloak floated in from the other room and wrapped around Shadow Fang, concealing her form. He just nodded his head to her, as if to say it was something of a gift from him to her. He knew what it was like to want to keep your face hidden. He could respect it. Just as he was about to open the door, he heard a frantic knocking, and his horn glowed once more as the door swung open, revealing a rather excited Rosie.

"Well well, Miss Rosie, what brings you here?" He asked curiously as he moved out of the way of the door to let Rosie in and to let Fang and Steelheart leave. It was strange, although he was used to visitors he usually wasn't quite this popular unless it was a story telling night...

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