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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

"Fine." She looked straight into his cloak. She thought ~What is under that cloak.~ Curiousness flashed in her eye.
-within Sky Chaser's house-

Steelheart smiled and looked up at him in satisfaction saying "thank you."

Her voice seemed tired and her breathing was a bit labored .

Was it taxing on her to simply let Anda speak?

She recovered quickly and wondered "why is grandmother Anda worried about me? I'm safer and doing better now then I ever was in the northern..in Equinox "

Equinox..once known simply as the northern grove. Cradle of the flutter pony.

Sense the incident it was to be strictly called by its modern name to avoid confusion.

But how could a native forget?

With a slight blush she looked slightly off from his face and said "Thats all thanks to you Sky Chaser. You've taken such good care of me.. I never stopped to ask why. To tell the truth, I didn't care. As long as you did."

Her trusting faith always carried the gamble for doom and salvation .

Weather it was in Equinox or Hast.

Her ears twitched as she looked to a solid wall and exclaimed "oh my friends are here. They seem a bit stressed." tilting her head she added " I wonder what about?"

It seems her ability to sense magic was a bit finer tuned then she let on.

It was no wonder Sky Chaser had to work so hard to hide his identity from her.
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"Well then, tis time for me to head off to somewhere else in this town." He said to Nostalgia as his horn glowed and a portal opened up in front of him. "And you do have a friend, it is up to you to view me as such. Until we meet again." He said as he walked through the portal which closed as soon as he entered.
She smiled wide, she was now considering him as a friend. She trotted, the scrolled glowing with magic as she stepped into the Hayburger, and came out with a meal and no sign of the scroll. She smiled and munched happily on it, realizing she had skipped breakfast. "The most important meal of the day can wait till tomorrow." She smiled as she trotted home. She sat down, sighing.

"Something I have learned, Steelheart, is that when you care about somepony, you always find reason to worry." he chuckled softly, listening to her talk about how he had taken care of her. He got a touch nervous when she admitted she never stopped to ask why, and for a moment, he thought that question would come up. He was already thinking, trying to concoct an answer for her when her attention shifted from him to her friends outside.

He blinked when she mentioned them. He had been so consumed in contemplating Anda's warning and trying to ponder an answer to a question that never came, that he hadn't taken the time to notice that they were indeed right outside his doorstep. No doubt they had sensed the powerful magic he had used. It was surprising. It took a great deal of training in most cases to detect when and where somepony was using magic, even powerful magic like Sky Chaser's. Steelheart was a rare exception, but he had long ago learned and adjusted to her uncanny natural talent for sensing magic around her.

Now he wondered about these two... They had been introduced as Shadow Fang and Indicus... Shadow Fang may be troublesome... She knew about his Alicorn status and very well may have told her companion. This could be very bad... He couldn't have Steelheart find out he was an Alicorn... Not now... not yet....

His horn glowed as his hood raised up to cover his features one again. "Well, Steelheart, there's only one way to find out what has them so worked up." He chuckled softly, completely hiding any apprehension he had as his horn glowed under the hood, the door unlocking and swinging open to allow the two access.

From the doorway, they could see that his little hole in the ground was actually incredibly nice, more like an underground mansion than anything. This first room they entered was, in essence, a massive library. After descending down a short ramp to reach the floor, they'd find themselves surrounded by bookshelves in a massive room. In one corner of the room, where Steelheart and Sky Chaser were now, there were two couches with a table before them, allowing for conversation or just pleasant reading.

Off to the left, there was a door leading to what was likely the kitchen, on the far wall from the entrance there were three closed doors leading to places one could only guess at, and off to the right was another closed door. Upon entering, Shadow Fang and Indicus would be readily able to see that Steelheart was fine, sitting on one of the couches with Sky Chaser standing in front of her, his entire form shrouded by his signature cloak.

"Welcome to my humble little hole in the ground" he nodded his head to the two of them. His statement was rather Ironic, given his home was anything but little. Although the door and windows in the hill didn't seem like much, it concealed a rather amazing home. "To what do I owe this visit? I hope you've come with stories." He asked, even though he already knew the answer. However, he knew that Steelheart had wanted to keep the issues with Anda to herself. Even though he was quite certain these ponies wouldn't be scared if they knew the truth, it wasn't his place to tell them.

He couldn't afford to risk breaking Steelheart's trust, after all...

He really did hope they had a story to tell him. These two were most curious, and their abilities were above that of an average pony... To have sensed his magic, they had to have been trained in the art.... These two might just be a problem.

They could spoil everything....
Nostalgia concentrated, in the middle of the floor, laying down. She looked exhausted. "Come on you've done this for years!" Nostalgia cried out as she concentrated. Then the purple wave blasted out as her head fell to the floor. "Ugh, today has taken a lot out of me." She heard then phone ring. She got up sluggishly and answered it, without looking, as usual. "Hello..." By the time the phone hung up, she shouted "Yes!~ I know am starting out at the Hayburger!" She smiled. The purple wave of nostalgia did come out successfully and know she can make money.
"We just felt some very strong magic from here and a presence that I honestly never thought I'd feel again, between those two things we kinda were worried about what was going on." Indicus figured that Sky Chaser would be able to quickly figure out what he was referencing. "As far as stories I may have a few."
She had to start in a week. She chilled inside the little restaurant with her phone, smiling.
Derby was sitting at a table slurping a Cherry shake.

Splash was up at the counter, paying for her blueberry shake and for Derby's cherry one. "Thanks!" She said, floating over the shake to the table and sitting down at it. Derby yawned, stretching her hooves, and accidentally knocked over what was left of her cherry shake onto her leg.

"SWEET CELESTIA THATS FREEZING!!!" she exclaimed, jumping about eight feet in the air.

Splash bit back laughter as she got a napkin and handed it to Derby. "Shhh!" She said, doing her best not to laugh as she helped Derby with the floor mess. "We are in public!"

"You think I don't know that, Splash?!?" Derby whisper-yelled, quite annoyed.

"Alright, Derby, calm down, I'm sorry."

"You don't sound very sorry,"
Derby said, pouting, by she was struggling to keep from grinning.
She looked over, smiling at the two friends. She mumbled. "I wish I had friend like that that lived here..." She grabbed a few napkins and trotted over with her goofy side-smile. "It looked like you needed these?" She set down the napkins on the table.
Questionsrevealed said:
She looked over, smiling at the two friends. She mumbled. "I wish I had friend like that that lived here..." She grabbed a few napkins and trotted over with her goofy side-smile. "It looked like you needed these?" She set down the napkins on the table.
Derby smiled goofily back at the pony. "Yeah, Thanks," she said, taking the napkins and wiping her leg with them. She crumpled them into a ball between her hooves and threw it into the wastebin.

Splash smiled. "I'm Splash Surfdown and this is Roller Derby, what's your name?"

Derby finished wiping the seat down of all cherry mess and threw the other napkins away as well. "Thanks for the extra napkins. I can be a real Klutz sometimes." She said sheepishly, Pushing back some of her mane from her face.
"I'm Nostalgia Heart. Don't worry. I can be a klutz, too." Her smile gradually widened, her fangs showing.
"I like your eyepatch," Derby said, smiling back.

Splash noticed the fangs, but she said nothing, since she wasn't the type of pony to judge anypony. If she was being quite honest with herself, she thought the fangs were rather cute. "Nice to meet you." She said. "Can I buy you something, Nostalgia?" She got up from the table and smiled at the pony who had helped her friend. "My treat."
She smiled, blushing. "Oh okay!" Her violet eye flashed. This was great. She hoped to make friends with these two interesting ponies. She said "Thank you." To Derby aswell.
Nostalgia sipped the smoothie she got while sitting with Derby and Splash. She smiled, hoping they wouldn't ask about her fangs or eye patch. ((That means you should in rp language xD ))
Questionsrevealed said:
Nostalgia sipped the smoothie she got while sitting with Derby and Splash. She smiled, hoping they wouldn't ask about her fangs or eye patch. ((That means you should in rp language xD ))

Splash was extremely curious. How'd she get her fangs? She wasnt a vampony, was she?

That was ridiculous, there were no such things as vamponies.

But Derby, bless her soul, piped up. "Where'd you get the eyepatch? Is it a fashion statement or some sort of a cover up?"

Splash bonked Derby on the head with her hoof. "Derby!" She reprimanded. "You don't just ask somepony that!"

"Well excuse me for being curious!" Derby replied indignantly.
She tilted her head back, her eye glimmering in the sunlight of the window. She didn't want to show or tell them She lied instead. "An accident when I was younger." She smiled her wide smile again. "It is fine. Anyways, do you guys have phones?" They all talked for a bit, so she did what seemed appropriate.
By the time Sky Chaser had opened the door, Fang seemed like a completely different pony from just moments ago. She appeared much more calm, collected. Though an experienced pony could tell it was an act. A mask soldiers and other professionals learn to don when need be. "It's the same as Indicus said," the bat pony told the cloaked Alicorn. "We felt a powerful and all too familiar magic and came to find out what was going on." The instant she stepped inside her gaze shifted to Steelheart. The flutter pony didn't seem harmed. Not even shaken. So just what was going on? "I can't say I've ever been much of a storyteller." She replied, not looking to Sky Chaser. Her concern for Steelheart overrided the fact she should have worried about her lack of a cloak.

Sky Chaser watched the two of them as they spoke, taking the opportunity to see how Shadow Fang looked without her cloak... Yes, these two were no ordinary ponies... "I'd say both of you have a rather interesting story to tell, if your looks are any judge. I know it is never wise to judge a book by its cover, but sometimes I find a cover can give you a good idea." He remarked as his crimson eyes watched the two ponies before him.

"As for the magic you felt, that was doubtless my magic." He remarked casually. "you're welcome to take a seat if you want. It looks like the two of you rushed over here and I'm sure it wore you out a little" he offered courteously, motioning with his hoof to the unoccupied couch. "Once you've had some time to catch your breath, I would love to hear your stories" he remarked, seeming to ignore the part of their statements involving Anda. If Steelheart chose to tell them, that was her choice, but he had promised he wouldn't tell a soul, and he wasn't about to break her trust now.

He could tell these two didn't exactly trust him. He could hardly blame them, truth be told...
-In Hast City Hall-

BlueGrass asked Zaka if there is any house available. She wanted a house that it close to the forest where Bluto can come and visit whenever he wants.
Nostalgia felt strange, she then was reminded she had to send out the wave of nostalgia. It affected people at different times. Days, weeks, months......It was rude to do so, but a powerful surge of pain rushed through her body. It had to be NOW. Her horn glistened as she squeezed her eyes shut. She grunted, concentrating solely on the magic. The magic became brighter and brighter until she sent the wave. How unlucky it chose this moment. She stared at the two nervously and embarrassed. She awaited a response.
Indicus looked at Steelheart for a moment then back at Sky Chaser before taking a seat on the couch. "You probally have a story preference, everyone dose. So care to tell me what it is? I will warn you I'm not known for too much comedy." Indicus was quite curious and figured that there was no harm playing Sky Chaser's game.

"No, you wouldn't be one for comedy, would you?.. No.." he murmured, slowly moving closer to Indicus. He was like this with pretty much anyone that agreed to share a story with him, so Steelheart wouldn't be the least bit surprised. She'd been around for several instances when he'd acquired someone's story, after all. His crimson gaze stared right at Indicus, seeming to stare right into his soul...

"I want to hear your story... As you can tell from my library, I am quite well read. Any story found in books I've heard before, so I entertain myself by hearing life stories from the ponies who live them." He explained, now standing directly in front of Indicus. "Your story... no.. It's no comedy..." he paused, slowly sitting down on his flank. "They say that eyes are the gateway to the soul.. Your soul has suffered greatly... If I had to make a guess... your story is a tragedy... isn't it? Please tell it to me..." Sky Chaser's eyes never once seemed to blink, his gaze chillingly calm as it seemed to pierce straight into the soul of the pony in front of him.

This would be quite familiar to Steelheart. He had been much the same when she agreed to tell part of her story, after all.

The people of Hast were all too familiar with this peculiar quirk of Sky Chaser's. He told his stories quite willingly, but he always wanted to know the life stories of those who listened. As such, he could tell you just about everything about everyone that has lived in Hast long enough to catch his attention, assuming, of course, they were willing to actually share their stories...
Splash closed her eyes. "Wow...." She said. "Hey, Derby?"


"Remember.... Remember my sixth birthday where you rollerskated 'happy birthday Splash' in the dirt outside my house?"


"And remember your first race?"

"The one where I skidded accross the finish line on my stomach and still won the cup?" Derby said with a grin.

"Yeah, that one. They both happened on the same day, remember?"


Splash opened her eyes. "Nostalgia Heart." She said with a smile, understanding."That's your talent, isn't it? Making people remember the happy times in their past."

"That was a wicked cool talent," Derby said with a grin.
Indicus did not seem to be phased by Sky Chaser's gaze "That would be correct and maybe one day I'll tell it all but for now a summary should suffice. I was born an orphan and adopted by a pony and griffin couple. Both raised me well and once i was old enough I joined the military. Months after i retired Luna was looking far and wide for recruits for a spec ops team, I refused and months later joined after my parents deaths. Serving luna I met a mare and over the years we grew close." Indicus fought tears and continued. "Capture and death and rage followed before we could tie the knot. Filled with grief I became like death while waiting for it. You should know most of the rest from there."

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