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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

-Within Steelheart's soul-

Anda snorted in frustration but quickly composed herself with a few deep breaths.

As she calmed down, her form became younger and more radiant.

She looked very much like a opal maned Steelheart.

Her mane flowed as if caught in a phantom breeze and a calm air washed over the place.

Finally she spoke, the acid tone replaced with a respectable soft "very well.. For the time being I will not hinder you.. But nore shall I help you.

I suspect much, and fear even more.

But there is little I can do to stop you."

Her eyes then turned from a piecing blue to a soul chilling gray.

The very color could drive lesser pony to instant depression.

Again she spoke, this time a warning. "But know this south God. Purity is more important then a simple mare. If I feel you are atempting to taint her ..I will do what I must.."

And perhaps her darkest warning yet "I will take her life if I must..to protect her...purity"

Turning her back to him, she faded into the darkness like a wraith..

..She was gone
BlueGrass NutMeg

BlueGrass is looking as she checking on the map, until suddenly someone come up and talk to her.
"Huh? Oh, yes I am! We just barely got here," She said as she shake his hooves. He is also introducing his name is Zaka. 'Please to meet you, I'm BlueGrass NutMeg and this here is my companion, Bluto!" She introducing her pet moose, who is just show no interest in Zaka. "He's just a young bull....um he's a moose if you must know.

Sky Chaser watched her go, silently processing everything that she said. For the moment, it seemed, Anda was willing to at least somewhat trust him, that was good. However, her warning was troubling... Steelheart's life was very much precious to him for a few reasons.... His eyes slowly closed, and the darkness closed in around him. When his crimson eyes opened again, he was gazing into Steelheart's blind eyes. He slowly pulled back from her, sitting down in front of her.

"I did manage to speak to Anda. It seems she was just worrying about you." He informed her as he watched the blind Flutter pony before him. "I think I managed to assuage her fears for now. If she gets restless again, just let me know" he smiled softly at her, even though she couldn't see it. He wondered why Anda referred to Steelheart as Purity... What would constitute tainting that purity? So many questions, and no doubt Anda wouldn't just come out and tell him.

Oh well, when his plans came to fruition, it wouldn't matter anymore. Anda would come to see things from his point of view one way or another...

He was so caught up in thinking, he didn't bother to replace his hood just yet.
Indicus felt the magic fade and Anda's presence go away but he arrived just in time to see Sky Chaser with his hood off showing his broken horn and heavily scarred face "What the hell happened to you to get those injuries perhaps their story is part of why you want to avoid Celestia and Luna." Indicus muttered to himself as he continued to advance towards Steelheart and Sky Chaser.
Thirteen hours would be plenty of time to write a letter. It had been a while sense she'd written home and now there was some news to update them on, she just wasn't sure how much detail she should give on certain topics.

Tilly drew Shina from her thoughts, turning to glance at the larger mare. Again Shina couldn't help but giggle a little at how Tilly almost seemed to be trying to embarrass Firecracker.

Turning her attention back to Firecracker Shina took his hoof to help her to her feet. "Thank you." She said with a sweet smile.

Once standing her antler like horn glowed for a second levitating left overs and food containers to the trash. Turning her attention to Konton's mess she levitated as many of the crumbs as she could see in to the trash before turning her fuchsia eyes to the phoenix. "Stop giving death glares." She scolded seeing how he was looking at Fire. Giving a nod toward her back the crimson bird fluttered over his long tail streaming behind him.

Shina's gaze shifted back to Fire, then glanced toward Tilly offering a polite smile. "Ready when you are." She announced brightly.
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A frown formed on Fang's face as she noticed the feeling of Anda's magic was coming from Sky Chaser's home. Though just as she descended to land, the spirit's magic faded away. She growled seeing as the windows were blocked. "Just what the hell do you think you're doing?" The bat pony growled, eyes flashing in anger as she glared at the door. Even from where she stood she could feel some kind of ward begin to disspell. "I don't like this," she muttered, walking up to Indicus' side. While she had managed to regain her composure, a fire could still be seen in her eyes.
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Indicus gently pressed himself into Shadow Fang's side in a small attempt to calm her down some more. "Lets first go and let Sky Chaser Explain to us what the magic was that we just felt before we decide to do anything."
Fang snorted, "If Steelheart's hurt, he isn't getting that chance." Was she concerned about Anda potentially going out of a control again? Somewhat, but that wasn't at the front of her mind. After everything that happened in Equinox almost a year ago, the bat pony found herself a little protective over Steelheart. She couldn't let something else bad happen to her.

That said, she did take a slow breath in an attempt to calm down more. In her current mood, the first one to step outside just might end up getting bucked.
"Of course if he harms Steelheart I will hunt him down myself." Indicus smiled, "But I have a feeling it won't come to that."
Nostalgia's breath caught in her throat. She had finished her application. Her hair stuck out a bit. "I finished!" She smiled after having a all-nighter. She frowned. "I'm gonna have to get breakfast. I don't need sleep. I'm a halfie consisting of a bat pony you know." She closed her eyes, she seemed to act as she was being scolded by someone. "I got a idea.....I'll head to Bob Horton's and get some coffee, a breakfast sandwich with substitute bacon, and a hashbrown patty." She growled "No...I still have taxes and need to save up emergency money....Wait I forgot. I brought in all the money I had currently had when I moved in and my bank is here, so that means I still can get something to eat without worrying. I have all my tax money in my account." She smiled at her plan. "After Hayburger I should probably get a better job." Her head spun with all she was thinking about. "Okay! It is go time!" She trotted out to get her breakfast.
Within the town of Hast, all was going well, every pony was doing their daily routines. As this happened, a dark shadow started to form on a roof of a small house into the same pony from the clearing before. The pony looked around, ignoring the group of ponies that were watching him from his odd arrival. One unicorn looked at him and asked. "Who are you, and what are you doing up there?" All he did was look at the group before him for a moment, before his horn and eyes glowed "None shall know, none shall see." He said as he once again melted back into the shadows. Upon his departure, every pony looked around confused, before going on there daily routines as if nothing had ever happened. again except for the one unicorn that was still staring at the roof of the house. "I could have sworn I saw something, but what was it?" She asked herself as she walked away going back to what she was doing also forgetting what had transpired a moment ago.
She saw the hooded unicorn in the shadows. Her one sharp bat eye came upon his cloak. "Who could you be sir?" Her eyes flashed with determination to survive in this town.
He looked at her for a moment as he raised himself from the shadows. Shortly after his horn and eyes started to glowed.
She stepped back and closed her eyes. She wasn't going to have her memory removed. She thought that that was what he was going to do. She turned around and ran, eyes closed even though it was dangerous.
A portal open up right in front of her, and the pony walked out of it, his eyes and horn no longer glowing. "Shh, I wont erase your memory if you promise one thing for me." He said in a soothing voice.
Kadje and Snow shimmer were gone for quite a while after their fight, Kadje and Snow Shimmer and pieced together the miscommunications and found were the wrong information had been slipped to her chief in an attempt to turn the entire tribe against him. Snow Shimmer felt awful about it, but Kadje completely forgave her and offered all manner of hugs.

"Hey, Wanna learn more time magic?" Kadje asked. "I can teach you to speed up magic too!"

"That. actually sounds nice." Snow Shimmer smiled. Thunder was still unhappy about the situation, but hed just have to get over that now wouldn't he?
Fang shifted, looking back to the door. "I'm not so sure. We were able to feel Anda clear from the otherwise of town after all." How were they supposed to get in and find out what was going on? It wasn't like there was a back door to the place. Not to mention the ward-like Magic she'd felt when she arrives.
She accidently bumped into a pony and fell. She felt dazed as she got up. ((Whoever wants to be the pony she bumped into speak up x3))
The pony was the same one she was running from. "Will you listen to my offer, I swear, there are no strings attached." He said
"Listen, all I want is to not be know, I can teach you how to resist my mind wipe, for what you were doing would only protect some of the memory. intern, you won't speak of me, deal?" He asked as he looked at her.
"Oh...that was all?" She leaped up from her crouch. "I thought you were going to make me do something horrible." She smiled. "Okay." She shifted the eye patch on her face to where it was comfortable.
He only just chuckled lightly. "I would never do something cruel to someone just for finding me or bumping into me. Now, there are three ways to resist the mind wipe, one is to know my name, which will never happen. The other way is for me to hand you a charm that will allow you to resist the mind wipe. The final is that I enchant your mind and you will be able to resist it, which of the last two do you want?"
She smiled, thinking that it would be easier to not just lose it. "Enchant my mind. I was not going to speak of this anyway." She smiled a goofy half smile. "Its not like I have friends here." She chuckled.
"Thank you for trusting me." He said as his horn glowed, and a moment later, a slight glow came off of Nostalgia"s head, before disappearing. "It is done, how do you feel?" He asked her.

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