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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.


Sky Chaser nodded his head slowly as he listened intently to the entire story, or at least, what Indicus was willing to tell. "The soul never lies.. A tragic tale indeed.." He murmured, at last closing his eyes as if processing everything that was told. A part of him wanted to comment on it, but people were seldom appreciative of any comments on the story of their lives... When his eyes opened, he turned his piercing gaze to Fang. "And you? What is your story?" He inquired, standing up and walking around her, examining her scars and wings curiously.

As Steelheart knew, he just tended to get like this at the prospect of hearing new stories... No one could explain why. Like his cloak, this obsession with stories was just another quirk that everyone around here had learned to deal with. .
Steelheart Sat quietly as the two spoke.

Not wanting to interupt, she let her mind wonder.

For a moment her thoughts were troubled by the idea that her friends may tell the story of Equinox.

It was not a fond topic of hers.

But insted what came to mind was a memory.

A memory of a simpler time back when her and her sister lavender moon were together and happy.

She sighed in nostalgic contemplation of the time way back when.

-aboard the golden arrow-

After a short walk to the station the strange group had boarded the train.

Konton was almost forced into a pet care until firecracker claimed he was his seeing eye bird.

While he may not see eye to eye With the Phoenix , he respected that it was for better or worse Shina's chick.

As the group Sat down down and the train began its journey Tilly commented "very sneaky Buby. I told you you should have been a lawyer. "

Firecracker smirked victoriously as Konton could only sulk in reluctant gratitude.

Resting slightly against Shina Firecracker asked "maybe you should write home. After all, your going to a new location and they'll need to know where to send letters to."

His ears perking up Sparky chimed in "hey, that's right. You said you would tell me the story of what happened in Equinox today.

Did you really slay a dragon? Mamma said they found you with a buster cannon strapped to your back. Your so cool!"

Firecracker looked at his cousin and took a deep breath.

How could he brake it to him that not only did he not slay the dragon, but he blew himself up mostly out of desperation .

Not only did he want his cousin to respect him, but he also wanted him to grow up believing one pony can make a difference.

Looking out the window for dramatic effect he replied "sometimes what makes a hero great, is not talking about his feats.

But taking joy in the things they bring about.

Leaning forward in his seat Sparky whined "awe come on. Your dodging the question"

Smirking wickedly he leaned in close to his cousin and replied "ok how about this,ponies do crazy things.when they are in love"

Punctuated by a nice kiss on his cousin's cheek.

Realing back Sparky wiped his face and sputtered "gross awe come on. Mo-om! Make cousin Fire stop teasing me."

Tilly let out a slight giggle at the antics before looking at firecracker with a loving gaze.

In a tone more serious then she had taken before she said "your a good stallion Firecracker."

Respectfully nodding he also took a solom tone of voice in reply saying "I was raised well Tills."

It was clear there was a great deal of love and respect between the two of them. Despite the banter, they were unddeniably close.

It was also clear that Tilly knew what Firecracker was trying to accomplish.
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Zaka looked back at her with sympathy as he thought long and heard about an answer.

"Hmm most big fields that your friend would like have been coltavatd into farms."

Tapping his hoof on the tiles he was determined not to simply send her away.

"Tell you what, I just so happen to have a friend who owns a cabin that backs right up against a meadow.

Maybe I Could talk her into renting a room. At least until you find a place of your own."

Zaka wasn't lying when he said land was sparse in Hast.

It was a place where the old settled and raised foals and the foals moved away until they grew old and homesick.

Ancestral homes spanning hundreds of years and farms going back farther.

Even Zakas bar belonged in his family for the past two hundred years.
Fang watched Sky Chaser as he circled her, his gaze examining any detail. The bat pony gave a small flick of her tail to show her dislike of being studied like some sculpture. "I wouldn't say my story is too crazy," she replied. Her tone was calm, professional. Something Steelheart would have only heard once, when Fang had to address the Two Sisters about what happened on Hast. Indicus, however, would know she's more likely to use it when first meeting someone on a mission.

Or when speaking to a pony she doesn't particularly like or trust.

"I grew up in a fairly average family. Both of my parents had served in the Lunar Guard, though my mother retired when I was born. Ask any bat pony and they'll tell you the same, that they're a child of the night. That's still the case with me, the only reason either of us are actually awake is thanks to different time zones. Naturally, I followed in my parents' hoofprints and joined the Lunar Guard once I was old enough. I was at Her Grace's side many times following her return."

The bat pony fell silent for a moment, her gaze drifting as she worked to collect her thoughts once more. "You can thank a clash with a powerful dragon for my current appearance." She moved one of her wings slightly to emphasize. "I was forced to retired due to my injuries. Simple as that." Of course she left out any mention of the Order. Let alone the real reason she stepped down from her position was due to her no longer being able to face the Lunar Goddess. Not after what she'd done, the damaged she almost caused. All thanks to that damn dragon.

"A pony's soul never lies... there is more you do not wish to tell." he remarked, staring straight into her eyes the entire time she spoke. It was unnerving, the way his gaze seemed to look straight into the very soul of the target. Slowly his eyes closed. "Someday, perhaps, I will hear the rest. I suppose for now that will do" He remarked, hopping up on the couch next to Steelheart to examine the two.

"It seems my initial suspicion was correct. You are both more than the average pony. I should have expected as much, given you're Steelheart's friends." He remarked, his crimson gaze shifting over to her before returning to her two friends. He would have to be extra careful around Fang. She was too close to one of the Sisters... But at the same time... He almost felt a common ground with her. Something in her gaze... He had seen that look in her eyes before, only the eyes were his own.

His gaze never seemed to leave the two ponies. There was something unnatural about him. It was as if at a glance he could see your deepest fears... At least, that was the impression it gave off. Somehow, it always seemed like he knew so much more than he let on, and according to him, it was because he could see their souls... Was that not just like Umbra the Soul Thief?

When Umbra would approach his victims, he would often comment on their soul, how it looked, whether or not it betrayed their fear before he stole their magic...

Of course, Steelheart had heard him say stuff like this before. It was nothing new to her. After being around him so long, she was likely completely adjusted to that little quirk of his, like she was adjusted to really everything he did thus far.

"Since you both were so kind as to entertain my curiosity, is there anything you'd like to ask me now?" He asked, cocking his head just a little to the side as he watched them. This was another part of the game for him. Once he had heard a story, then it was their turn to ask him questions. Perhaps, if they were fortunate, they would acquire a story out of it.
Nostalgia blinked in surprise, until her face softened. "Why yes, it is. I haven't seen that quick of a reaction in awhile though." She sipped her smoothie. "Say, From what I hear, Splash's talent is racing, while yours is roller-skating, am I correct? If so, those are awesome."
When Shina had traveled with Konton in the past he'd been nothing but ashes in a crystal vial. She hadn't realized there might be trouble getting him in the train. She felt fortunate for Firecracker's quick thinking, and it seemed to have Konton behaving for at least the moment. The pouty bird sat perched on the back of Shina's seat as she sat leaning in toward Firecracker.

Her gaze shifted to Tilly then to Fire at the thought of him as a lawyer. She simply couldn't picture him doing something that required a suit and tie. She simply shrugged off the notion.

"Mother usually uses shadow portals to send me things regardless of where I am." Shina replied sweetly. "I probably should update them though." She agreed. Shuffling through her bag those doe like ears shifted to the different voice as the others spoke. Finally digging her calligraphy set out of the bottom of the bag a few blank pieces of paper fell out as she pulled up the box.

Among the pages the corner of a photo could be seen sticking out between the parchments. It looked to be a family portrait of four kirin. The tallest in the photo was an old stallion, his white scales looked as though they'd once had the same luster as Shina's but a combination of age and battle had left his scales worn with a few scars here and there. His steal blue mane and tail were kept short, wearing traditional samurai looking armor. His gold horn was much larger then Shina's, branching out like the antler of an old stag. His expression was tough even stern looking, a stark contrast to the almost seductive smirk on the mare next to him. The mare was more darkly colored, her scales a shimmering silver with a long black mane tied back a few red steaks running through it. Her horn was a little larger then Shina's and silver in color. In front of the mare sat a young foal, looking to be about five years of age in the picture. His scales were white with that same iridescent shimmer, a small sliver horn just beginning to branch out in to an antler like shape, sticking out of a blue mane. The final member in this family portrait was unmistakably Shina, though four years younger. The smile on her lips only a mask for the camera to hide the fears and sorrows of a young mare about to leave home, unsure of when or if she'd ever return.
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-Aboard the train-

Firecracker turned to watch Shina dig out her writing tools.

It never ceased to amaze him how her every move captivated him.

It was almost intransing to watch her every move and nuance.

As some papers spilled, Firecracker tried to help clean up the mess.

Noticing the corner he flipped a page to see the picture.

His eyes lit up at sight of the family.

Kirin pony always facenated him.

He had read about them in old brayjing firework scrolls. But he had never seen one before Shina.

Letting out a soft and drawn out "wow"

As his eyes scanned over the image he couldn't help but smile brightly.

Realizing he may be being rude he quckicly handed over the papers, picture and all.

Not knowing how to respond he simply asked "so.. Your family then?"

-within Sky Chaser's house-

Steelheart had sat quietly while everypony spoke and told their own story.

To her some of it was known, but other parts she was learning for the first time herself.

She smiled sweetly and silently not wanting to interupt until finally Sky Chaser asked if any pony had a question for him.

A small twinge of doubt troubled her serene smile.

She had never thought of Sky Chaser as being dangerous.

So why then we're her friends so stressed?

Even if they tried to hide it, She could pick up on their hostilities .

She could tell they had questions that leaned more towards an interrogation.

Every pony's magical energies were worn right on their sleaves; like they were ready to fight at any moment.

This was so strange to her, with every pony being so calm and agreeable.

Shaking her head she tried to get rid of the very idea.

After all it was thanks Sky Chaser that she was able to get past missing her sister.

It was thanks to his help she was able to acclimate to this new inviroment .

She decided that the tension had to be her falit.

It had to be Anda's presence making them all on edge.

She began to feel guilty about making her dear friends worry.

and worse still, casting Sky Chaser in a poor light.

Without even realizing It, she let out a small wimper as she lowered her eyes.
Questionsrevealed said:
Nostalgia blinked in surprise, until her face softened. "Why yes, it is. I haven't seen that quick of a reaction in awhile though." She sipped her smoothie. "Say, From what I hear, Splash's talent is racing, while yours is roller-skating, am I correct? If so, those are awesome."
Splash smiled. "For Derby, yes, hers is rollerskating. And me? Well.... Water magic and Surfing competitions are my thing. But on the side, Derby makes great breakfasts and I design and make custom surfboards."

Derby smiled. "That's pretty much us in a nutshell."
sitanomoto said:
Splash smiled. "For Derby, yes, hers is rollerskating. And me? Well.... Water magic and Surfing competitions are my thing. But on the side, Derby makes great breakfasts and I design and make custom surfboards."
Derby smiled. "That's pretty much us in a nutshell."
"Really?" Nostalgia's eye brightened. "I can draw, play video games, and sing on the sidelines of my cutiemark." She smiled, bouncing a bit. "Anyways, like I said, do you two have phones?" She was up from her leaned back position.
Outside of Sky Chasers house, a portal opened up outside, and a pony walked out of it. He looked around until he found the door into Sky Chasers house. He stepped towards the door and gave three calm, short knocks onto the door.
Fang remained silent at Sky Chaser's comments. She wasn't exactly a fan of the way he kept commenting on their souls. But for the time being it was best to remain silent on the issue. That's when the alicorn asked the two of them if they had any questions for him. Sure, she had plenty of them. But none of which could exactly be brought up just yet. Especially not in front of Steelheart. The moment the young flutter pony quietly whimpered, she appeared at her side. Gently, Fang draped a wing around Steelheart, just like she'd done to shield her back on Equinox. "You alright?" She quietly asked.

The bat pony's ears pivoted towards the sound of sharp knocks at the door. As if things weren't difficult enough.

Sky Chaser's gaze turned to Steelheart when she whimpered. His horn glowed slightly as his voice spoke in her mind. "What troubles you, Steelheart? If it's the tension, do not let it trouble you. My looks don't exactly scream trustworthy, so their apprehension is understandable. I'm sure I'll start to grow on them in time" A soft smile crossed his features. He wasn't going to let her think that Anda's presence is what had got her friends all riled up. That would just make her more sad. Of course, he suspected it wasn't just Anda's presence that had them so on edge.

No doubt there was more that had them so worked up. He had several guesses what, and likely all of them were correct. However, it seemed they didn't want to upset Steelheart, and would keep their questions at bay for now... He wondered how long he could successfully evade their questioning.. He only needed to make it through the Winter Ball... All would be revealed then....

A knock at the door drew his attention away. He looked to see Fang consoling Steelheart, so he adjusted his sight back to the door. "Well... it seems I'm quite popular today. Usually I'm only this popular on story nights..." He remarked, moving from Steelheart's side as his horn glowed, the door swinging open, revealing a new face...

As if things weren't difficult enough...
The Pony looked at Sky Chaser for a moment, shifting to make sure that the cloak was concealing his face. "Excuse me sir, but you wouldn't happen to know were two ponies are with the names of Fang and Indicus?" He asked.
A confliction grew inside Steelheart as on one hoof she loved the comforting embrace of an older mare; but on the other she hates how helpless and weak she must seem.

For a moment she nestled herself in Fangs wing before coming out to explain.

She replied softly "I'm fine. I just don't feel very well. Something in the air seems odd."

She couldn't bring herself to lie, so she hid her meaning in metaphor.

Suddenly the door knocked and her head popped up as if startled .

She blurted "some pony's here." in a frightened voice.

She could feel an immensely powerful magic just outside.

And as the pony spoke she heard her friends names called.

This only hightened her nervous demeanour.
Indicus wondered who could be at the door and in seconds his question was answered. When the voice asked for himself and Shadow he quickly figured out who it was. "What the hell is Soul doing here?" Indicus muttered to himself.

"It's almost like you knew they were here!" Sky Chaser laughed softly. "they're over in the corner." he remarked stepping out of the way for the pony to enter, nodding his head towards where Indicus and Fang were sitting. Just another obstacle in the plan. At least this obstacle only seemed interested in Fang and Indicus. That was good.

He glanced over to Steelheart, noticing her nervous change in demeanor. When the new arrival was inside, Sky Chaser's horn glowed and the door shut as he trotted over to sit next to Steelheart once more, letting his side rub against hers to help her relax just a little bit. Ever since her arrival, Sky Chaser had always watched out for her, and it seemed he was doing that once more. He even crossed one of his hooves with hers, just to give her a little more much needed support. He couldn't say he blamed her for being nervous. This new pony clearly had a lot of magic in him, after all.
Fang lightly nuzzled Steelheart and she leaned in closer to her. "I'm sorry," she whispered to the flutter pony, "I didn't mean to upset you..." Crimson eyes shifted to the door as Spyro asked for her and Indicus. "It's okay, Steelheart. Just a friend of ours." But why the hell is he here? Did it mean they had another mission already? What happened to their leave? It wasn't like they had any kind of specialties no other member of the Order held.

She quietly watched as Spyro entered Sky Chaser's home. Fang just hoped he wouldn't cause anything. Not with Steelheart right there.
Spyro walked over to both Fang and Indicus, taking off his cloak as he walked to them showing his black heavy armor, but showing the details of his face such as the midnight blue fur or the ebony black mane he had, along with his horn and wings. Though the disturbing part was how his eyes were silted and a ice blue color. He stopped a foot away from Fang and Indicus and stared at them before giving a slight grin, "Just because you two are not on Order grounds doesn't mean you can't send a postcard to let me know how my two friends are doing." he said with a smile.
Feeling more secure with the both of her friends comforting She seemed much calmer.

She reacted without thinking as the new pony aproched and pulled Sky Chaser's hoof in close.

Though she couldn't see her gaze was fixed on this new arival.

She could sense the his magic so strongly and so finely that it almost silhouetted him against the emptiness of her normal vision .

It was when she head the new pony speak that she felt more comfortable about his arrival.

She spoke out of turn, chiming in in a small voice "h..hello. Your a friend of Shadow fang and Mr. Indicus right?"

She aproched him so directly no one could tell she was blind if her pale eyes didn't give her away.

It seemed that even though she was still afraid of him, she was trying to prove her bravery in some minor way.
Spyro turned from Fang and Indicus and looked at Steelheart and gave her a smile. "Yes, and who are you?" He asked friendly. Before he even gave her any time to answer he said. "Wait. Were are my manners? My name is is Spyro, Spyro Soul, and you are?" He asked politely.
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Sky Chaser smiled softly when Steelheart pulled his hoof in closer. He didn't resist in the slightest, letting her use him for a bit of support. Not one thing about him changed when Spyro mentioned the Order, almost as if he didn't even notice, though in his mind he was processing the information. Now it was readily apparent that three ponies in this room were members of the Order....

That explained why Indicus and Shadow Fang seemed like far more than average ponies... That really did complicate things. He was well aware of the Order's existence, and had been making it a point to avoid them almost as readily as he avoided the Two Sisters, yet here he was with three of them in his damned living room!

Yet another obstacle he needed to account for. Nothing ever could be easy for him... It wouldn't be easy to keep their noses out of his business... He couldn't let them know what his plans were. No one could find out before it was time... It would ruin everything...

The only question was, what would happen if Fang decided to enlighten Spyro as to Sky Chaser's 'condition'? That could be problematic.... Very problematic indeed...

He was so caught up in his thinking that he had completely and totally forgotten to introduce himself to his guest...
Fang sat in silence as Spyro spoke. While her expression remained completely neutral, one of her ears twitched ever so slightly. Unlike her calm exterior her mind raced, trying to process what just happened let alone how to even respond to the whole thing. Did he just . . . ? You've got to be . . . You have no idea how badly you may have just screwed us over.
She bowed her head slightly to show respect before replying " my grandmother has named me Renhet. But everypony calls me Steelheart."

Renhet: the word meant purity in flutter but it was strange to hear that come from her.

It was the first time she had ever disconectd herself from her common name.

Was she reacting to Spyros magic and air of authority?

It was then a faint glow could be seen from her eyes.

The same glow that gave her away in the past.

It always signaled a brake between her norm and when the power within her began to swell.

Manifesting its self as far back as the guard house in Equinox when her light saved Indicus from a Timberwolf.

Closing her eyes tightly as if to snuff the light she backed away saying "but you came to speak with my friends, I'm so sorry."
"which would you prefer I call you?" Spyro asked "And Fang, before you get mad at me you know that we need outside connections in this world." Spyro explained.
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