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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.


As the cloaked pony made his way through town, he took his time to just admire the peace this place had to offer. It was one of the reasons he had chosen to settle down here. However, he could feel in his bones that the fragile peace would soon be broken... and he knew he would be the cause of it. He shook that thought from his head as he pushed open the door to the Horseshoe.

Much to his surprise, he was not the first one there. He did recognize his old cloak however. "Good morning Zaka, I knew I smelled muffins on the way here" Sky Chaser laughed softly as he trotted to the bar. "Morning to you too, Fang. I hope you slept well?" He asked glancing over at her. He knew she still didn't trust him. She could cause him a lot of problems.... He needed to find a way to get on her good side before she got into contact with Luna or Celestia...


"I still haven't figured out why you're like an Ursa Major in the mornings..."

"You seem to forget I'm a bat pony.. Mornings and us do not get along very well at all." she grumbled as she drank more of her precious morning brew. She listened as her friend spoke of having no plans. "Well, exploring works for me. This place is far bigger than it appears on any map. There's probably a lot to be seen. Though honestly, I'm more interested for the night to come. If my hunch is correct, Hast is one of the best places in all the world for star gazing." she remarked, her eyes looking out the window at the sky.

She had always been fascinated by the moon and the stars. That was why she had been so interested in their stories from the time she was just a filly. It didn't really surprise anyone that her talent was knowing the stories of the stars.
-In zakas bar.-

Taking off his mits Zaka pushed over the tray before making himself sitting in a small stool on the other side.

With a concerned look he asked "rough night huh?"

Taking a small bite of his muffin he casually looked around before going on " I don't mean to pry mind you.. just call it's a bar tenders intuition."

Sliding a small China cup of coffee up to her he asked " if you wanna talk about it, I'm an experienced listiener. "

-along the road -

As the two walked Rosie couldn't help but blush as she responded to Bluegrass's question "special feelings.. You could say that. We grew up together. Then one day I realized I like him in a way.."

Her face saddened a bit as she finished "that he didn't feel for me."

Trying to shake off the small depression she changed the subject asking "so what brings you to Hast, sweets?"

-In Tilly's home-

Firecracker leered back at the angry bird.

After all, he was the reason he built that cannon in the first place.

The final shell that almost killed him was also designed with Konton in mind.

He didn't say anything as Shina asked her young pheonix if it was hungry.

It wasn't until Tilly finally broke the silence did he bake his stare

She exitedly shouted "Miss Shina your awake ! Good morning."

Finally looking at Shina as appose to her fire bird Firecracker smiled for the first time that day saying "good morning. Did you sleep well?"
BlueGrass see the expression on Rosie face when she said about having a "special feeling" and she was right about it. "Really...you like him but he doesn't....hmm....it make me curious about wanting to meet you're old friend...." Then when Rosie asked about why coming here. "Its simple....find a perfect home for my friend, Bluto and myself......so we can alway be together...."

Seeing Sky Chaser inter Zaka raised a hoof in greeting saying "there is my early bird. I thought I'd see you around today. Call it my 'bar tender's intuition'."

That devilish wink always accenting that old saying of his.

It always made ponies wunder if he knew more then he was letting on.

But Before anyone could ever ask he would always change the subject.

Picking up another muffin he juggled it a bit as he said. "Hot hot!.. You hungry Sky? I got plenty. Rosie should be here soon to."

-along the road -

As Rosie and Bluegrass traveled along to the horseshoe Rosie thought about her answer.

Finally speaking it still seemed like she was musing over it's true meaning. "The perfect home for you and your friend.. That's gotta be the most honest and sweet dream a pony can aspire to."

Giggling a bit she shook her head and added "sorry sweets, I'm a show pony. I get a little dramatic when faced with lofty goals and pure ambitions. . that really is a great reason to be here though.. I'm glad I can do my small part to help you two."

As the aproched Zakas bar the smell of fresh muffins wafted through the window..or what was left of it from the other night.

As the two walked in the door Rosie proudly announced "Zaka! We're he-e-'re! "

Shadow Fang

The bat pony gave a slight nod to Zaka's question. "I'm not sure rough even really covers it," She muttered, carefully taking a hot muffin. Accepting the cup of coffee, Fang shrugged. "It's more work stuff than anything really." Her ears pivoted towards the door as Sky Chaser waltzed in.

Just what she needed, being stuck alone with a potentially dangerous pony. Not that there was much of anything she could really do about it. Her gaze was focused more on the dark cup of coffee in front of her than the Alicorn asking her questions. "Well enough," was all she gave in response to his question. In the back of her mind she ran through different scenarios on how to handle him, but so far none of them seemed to end well. There were just too many unknowns still for her to do anything.

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower shook her head. "Not my fault you're a bat pony that insists on being up during the day with me," She muttered, finishing her glass of tea. "This place is a lot bigger than I was expecting. We'll probably find something to do for the day." The earth pony looked around the quiet inn. It was still fairly early in the morning and many visitors to the town likely weren't even up yet. Which wasn't a bad thing since the streets wouldn't be all that busy. They were fairly crazy when the pair first got off the train and tried to find their way to the inn.

"I should have known you'd want to go star gazing," she sighed. Sure Sunflower could see the beauty in the night sky, but it never seemed to captivate her like it did Midnight. Perhaps it was just a thing that came with being a bat pony? She certainly didn't know.

"Famished, actually. Got caught up in a little pet project of mine and I completely forgot that I need to eat dinner." Sky Chaser remarked, gratefully taking a muffin once it was offered and munching on it, his horn glowing to keep the treat suspended in the air. He seemed to be in a particularly cheery mood. Clearly whatever 'pet project' he was working on was advancing quite well... He looked up to see the window, still broken from Rosie's antics the night before. His tongue clicked a little as he set his breakfast back on the plate, his horn glowing once more as the window glowed bright blue, glass panes seeming to form from nothing to fill it in until it was fixed better than new.

Satisfied with his work, he nodded his head, his horn glowing once more as he returned to his muffin. He didn't draw attention to his work, nor did he make any sort of big deal out of it. Then again, people of Hast had kind of grown used to him doing stuff like that. He turned his head as Rosie made her grand appearance. "Good morning Miss Rosie" he nodded his head to her, taking another bite of his muffin as he noted the particular spring in her step. Clearly she was doing better than the day before. That was good at least.


Midnight Song laughed softly, rising from her seat and intentionally bumping her flank against Sunflower's as she passed. "Oh hush, you'd get lonely if I didn't spend the days awake keeping you company. Don't bother trying to deny it" She smirked a little as she set her coffee cup in the sink.

"I should have known you'd want to go star gazing,"

"Well duh. My cutie mark is a constellation after all. Stars are my thing!" She laughed softly, clearly more awake now that the coffee had taken effect. Of course, she didn't just love the stars because of their beauty alone. No, they were precious to her because of the memories she had with them. So many great memories had taken place under those stars, and yet, there was sadness to them as well.

After all, in the darkness, the stars can remind you of those you've lost.... Those that are never coming back...

Midnight liked to think that those who had passed looked down on us from those stars. So in a way, they were always with us, always watching over us and guiding us. Yes, to Midnight, the stars were more than just lights in the sky. So much more...
After he was clean Indicus thought on what to do next and the obvious answer came up quite quickly, he would have to apologize for his foolishness yesterday. He knew where Shadow Fang most likely would be but he was reluctant to face her so he opted to just wander the town for the time being her words still faintly echoing in his head. "Damn it, why am I so affected by Fang chewing me out so harshly I've been through harsher." Indicus muttered shaking his head before continuing to wander Hast.
Turning her attention from Konton to Tilly Shina gave polite bow of her head a bring smile hanging on her lips. "Good morning. Thank you so much for letting me stay here." She said gratefully. Having grown use to camping in the woods and staying in the occasional hotel sleeping in an actual home was nice change.

Shifting her attention to Firecracker Shina's smile widened, until of course he asked how she'd slept. "Oh, uh, I slept... alright." She lied just a little, not that she wanted to. There was no use in worrying others with her bad dreams. Not to mention she certainly didn't want Konton hearing about the dream, a or anything that might remind him of his life before his current incarnation. Though she'd yet to hear Konton speak during his current life cycle she was fairly certain he could understand not only their native tongue but the common tongue as well. She'd been speaking to him in both language while raising him, and though he didn't speak the grumpy bird usually responded.

Hoping to avoid any follow up questions Shina quickly turned it around to take the focus of the conversion off herself. "How was your night?"
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As Indicus was wandering Hast he heard Spyro's voice speak inside of his head saying. "Indicus, we need to speak. Meet me in my privet realm."
Indicus nodded and responded mentally, "Okay give me a sec." Indicus then opened a portal and entered it arriving in Spyro's private realm.
Spyro was waiting in his realm looking at the Sky. As he did this Indicus walked in through his portal. "Thank you for coming here Indicus, please, sit next to me." Spyro said motioning to the ground near his right side.
"Tell me, what troubles you Indicus? I can sense something like sadness radiating off of you, or is it regret? I can never tell the difference of the two." Spyro said.
Indicus sighed, "Regret is the better term." Sighing once more he continued "Yesterday evening when Shadow chewed my ass out she was quite correct. I relied on my gut a bit to much and it could have ended with Steelheart and Shadow dead. Twenty-two years of combat, tactical and infiltration knowledge, and I make a fucking rookie mistake like that all over getting some fucking lunch!"

Indicus took a heavy breath. "If Sky Chaser wanted to harm them there would be very little that they could do to stop it alone. Broken horn or not he's a Alicorn with who knows how long to hone his magic and grow even more powerful. Between myself and Shadow Fang I'm the magical powerhouse that could stand a snowballs chance in hell to fight him off long enough to let those two get away." Indicus left out how much more it hurt to have Shadow chew him out then it would have been with another.
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"We all make errors in life. Even the most greatest can make errors, like how I talked about the Order to outsiders." Spyro said, trying to comfort Indicus. "If you want, I can try to help you make it up for Fang, for I have a feeling that what Fang said is causing this grief."
Indicus shook his head, "No this is my screw up I must take responsibility of it myself, though thanks for listening Spyro."
"Promise me on this Indicus that you will make it up for her before it is to late. I used to have somepony I viewed as a sister, we got in a big argument, and..." Spyro just stared off, with a tear falling from one of his eyes. "And she isn't here anymore." Spyro said as a few more tears fell from his eyes "I must go now Indicus, I'll probably see you and Fang at the winter ball." Spyro said as he quickly opened a portal and left.
Indicus nodded and exited the realm through his own portal placing himself in front of the towns bar "It's about time I apologized." he muttered to himself before entering working up what ever courage he had in him to not turn tail and run.

Shadow Fang

Fang chose to remain silent as Sky Chaser brought up the little project he had spent the night working on. It caught her attention, there was no doubt about that. But it wasn't really something she could go ask him about either. The bat pony enjoyed the sweet moist bite of the fresh baked muffin as Rosie and a friend of hers walked inside. At least she seemed to be in a better mood today. "Morning, Rosie," Fang greeted past the bite of muffin.

Sunflower Fields

"Oh hush, you'd get lonely if I didn't spend the days awake keeping you company. Don't bother trying to deny it"

The white earth pony simply rolled her eyes at Midnight. "It's hard to miss the giant constellation on your butt, Midnight." Sunflower teased while getting up from the table. She knew about the bat pony's connection to the stars, the way she seemed to know the story behind each one. Besides there was a certain beauty to a clear night sky, a strange peacefulness about it.

"We'll go check out the town soon but you should probably grab a shower first." She mused, pulling some of Midnight's mane out of her face. "Your mane's practically sticking to you. How does it even get like that so fast?" It wasn't like her friend neglected washing it or anything.
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-in Zakas bar-

Rosie greeted everypony with a bright smile saying "Good morning. Let me introduce everyone. "

Motioning to each pony in turn she stated. "First we have Zaka, you've already met him.

Next is Sky Chaser." she added with a giggle "Be careful around that one. He's a mares dream and a stallions nightmare."

There was never anything to sugest sky Chaser was a professional heart braker.

But she couldn't resist teasing him.

Stepping over to shadow fang she announced "and last but not least we have..eehh..Steelys friend."

Trying to draw attention away from the fact that she forgot Shadow Fangs name she asked "where is Steely anyway. She's normally off today. I was sure she would be here by now. I normally make her some oat cakes."

Rosies maternal senses were tingling at the change in Steelheart's routine.

Her ears began to perk up as she looked around nervasly.

Zaka laughed in response saying "will you call down and have a muffin. She's just running late.

Your lucky to ever be on time.

-in Tilly's home-

Tilly smiled and turned back to her cooking letting Firecracker answer " I slept ..alright."

His eyes shifting away from her as he spoke.

He didn't have the heart to burden her with his regrets from Equinox.

As Tilly sat down four heaping plates of sweet food, and a small bowl of sunflower seeds she asked "so Fire Buby, are you gonna show your little mare friend around town? I'm sure she would love to see the falls. Oo or maybe the fashion boutiques."

Looking over to Shina he couldn't help but feel his cheeks burn.

Suddently Sparky chimed in our of turn "awe mamma, that's girly stuff. Velvet Rose can do that stuff with her."

Again raising her voice joyesly "oh that's true, you haven't seen your old friend in years. Fire bubbula you gotta go see her.

Firecracker took a deep gulp and nodded his head nervously in agreement.

Gesturing towards the door with his head he said "Shina after breakfast maybe we should go for a walk and have a nice talk."

Eyeing both Sparky and Tilly he added "alone"

-just outside Steelheart's house.-

Finally answering the knock on the door she was met with an odd silence.

Steelheart asked "hello?..is any pony there?"

After a brief silence a strangers voice asked in a hissy voice "are you Sssstealheart?"

Tilting her head she nervously replied "y yes. Can I help you?"

The stranger only lauged in his throat and replied "why yes my dear.. You can do me a favor, and not screen when I pierce your heart."

Suddenly darkly dressed pony in a devil mask emerged from the bushes with a dagger clenched in his teeth.

Though she couldn't see him, she could smell old blood on the stranger.

Her eyes widened and her lips quivered as she took a few steps back.

As she did the stranger only grew closer, laughing menacingly.
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Sky Chaser's eyes narrowed. There were two things you just came to expect living in Hast. First, Rosie would be the first to buck someone out a window if they were being rude. Secondly, her maternal instincts were almost never wrong. He closed his eyes, his horn glowing a deep blue as a pulse of magical energy seemed to radiate out in all directions. When his eyes opened, they were glowing blue much like the glow that came from his horn.

This was one of Umbra's signature techniques, Soul Search....

It allowed the evil unicorn to detect the presence of souls around him, primarily, those that were alone and vulnerable... As with Steelheart, Sky Chaser was quite adept at feeling the magic of those around him. His glowing eyes narrowed into slits as he saw Steelheart's soul trembling in the distance as he seemed to stare at a wall.

"No one is going to hurt her on my watch...." Almost as if on cue, Sky Chaser's voice dropped dangerously low, rumbling, dripping with violence, anger... Those in Hast had only seen him like this once before, when the Timberwolves attacked when he first arrived ten years ago... When he got like this, someone was going to get their flank righteously handed to them...

His eyes returned to normal, and in a bright flash he was gone, teleporting on the way and sporadically forward as his hooves pounded the ground. His crimson eyes flashed with vengeance when he saw the pony ahead, with a knife, threatening Steelheart. His horn glowed as all at once, the earth itself rose up as a wall between Steelheart and her attacker. His eyes seemed to be oozing magical energy, much the way seen by King Sombra during his days.... If this attacker knew what was good for him, he'd be long gone before Sky Chaser got a hold of him.

If not.... well... it's a good thing Steelheart is blind....


Midnight laughed softly. "Oh yeah? This coming from your big Sunflower butt?" she teased right back raising an eyebrow as she watched her friend. She rollled her eyes at the mention of a shower. "Believe me, I wish I knew why my main doesn't just magically look like sunshine and rainbows when I wake up. Sadly, I am cursed with a high maintenance look that is well worth it" She smirked as she carefully made her way up the stairs to get her shower.

She softly hummed an old lullaby to herself. She didn't know why, but it seemed right to do it now. She couldn't quite place why. It was something she had heard back when she was a little filly, and it had always succeeded in relaxing her..
Shina offered Tilly a bright smile as she spoke. In truth it didn't really matter to her where they went or what he showed her, getting to spend time with Firecracker was enough. Moving to take a seat her pearly cheeks flushed when Fire suggested a walk. "Sounds lovely." She replied with a light nod.

For a second she wondered if it wounds be wise to leave Konton behind though? What if something scared him while she wasn't there to put out the fire? He could burn Tilly's house down! Shina shook the thought from her head. Maybe she cookie convince Konton to go hunting while she and Fire walked. He was only picking at the seeds, getting more on the table and floor then he was eating.
Steelheart was finally able to let out a scream of fear when the earthen wall thrusted up between her and her attacker.

Though she couldn't see it, she felt a surge of magic that she thought was an attack.

The masked attacker turned and stood defiantly leering back at Sky Chaser from behind his devil visage.

Surprisingly he actually took a step forward and in a low hissing voice he spoke "ssssstep aside unicorn. You know not what that creature is.

Ssufice to say I have my reasonss."

This pony had a strange air about him.

He clearly didn't have magical powers, but he seems knowledgeable in them.

He was dressed only in his mask, but his coat was so blood stained it looked like an outfit all its own.

Unaware of what 'unicorn' the masked pony was talking talking about Steelheart called out from behind the wall "run away! He's dangerous.! "

Back in Tilly's kitchen the group had almost finished eating their breakfast when Tilly stood up and said "oh my goodness, in all this exitment I forgot I need to go open the bakery again."

As she spoke Sparky tried to creep away only to have his ear tugged magically.

Letting the soft pink glow fade from her stubby horn Tilly laughed at him saying "and you young colt need to go to school.

In a whiney voice he protested "but mamma"

Waving a hoof in authority she cut him off saying "don't you but mamma me sweet roll. You wanna grow up to be a successful Canterlot employed pony like your cousin you need an education."

Grinning confidently Firecracker added "and eat your grains."

Grumbling under his breath Sparky fallowed

Tilly out the front door, closing it behind them.

Sighing in relief Firecracker was glad for the quiet.

Without even thinking he rested his hoof oh hers and quietly laughed at how crazy his life had become sense he left Canterlot.
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"Dangerous? No.. he is little more than a fly compared to me...." Sky Chaser growled, walking forward calmly towards her defiant aggressor. "I don't care what reasons you think you have. I will not allow you to harm her. The fact you have the audacity to stand there and defend your actions sickens me." His voice seemed to echo with power as the magic continued to radiate around his eyes like it did for King Sombra.

His horn glowed and the dagger was yanked forcefully away from the assailant. "Is this the fickle blade you would have used? Perhaps I should show you what true pain is..." Sky Chaser mused, the blunt side of the dagger dragging slowly along the attacker's side. His eyes and horn both seemed to glow with a black aura. "That mask won't save you... I can still see your soul... I wonder... how long you will manage to endure this punishment...." He hissed. All at once, the attacker would feel a pain unlike any living pony could feel. It was as though his body was being burned from the inside.

Soul Torment...

Many identify it as the most terrifying of Umbra's abilities. Unlike Soul Steal, this spell caused the victim to feel all the pain they had caused others, or it could be used to inflict all the pain the caster has ever experienced on the victim. In this case, Sky Chaser was using the latter. Given his entire body was covered in scars, it was no small wonder how much pain Steelheart's attacker would be in.

Most ponies can survive a few minutes of Soul Torment without any long term problems. However, if done for longer periods of time, it can drive the victim to permanent insanity, if not causing them to die from their heart stopping due to the immense pain.

But of course, Sky Chaser wasn't going to kill this one just yet. No, there were questions that needed to be answered first. This would just ensure compliance for the questions that would come next...

It was a good thing Steelheart was blind. He would never want her to see him like this...

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower could only roll her eyes at Midnight's remark. After the bat pony went upstairs, she moved around the lobby of the inn in search of a map of something. While she hadn't been able to find one she did hear from a pony working in the inn that the bar the Horseshoe was a good place to visit. The owner, Zaka was a nice pony who would be more than willing to tell the pair a little more about the town. Not to mention the food was apparently pretty good too. Looks like that might be along our first stop then.

She paused as a faint rumble moved through the earth beneath the inn. Strange, earthquakes aren't supposed to be a thing in this area.

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