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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Spyro looked at the two of them as they talked to each other. As they continued to talk with each other, he watch the two and waited until Eclipse finished talking. "I hope I'm not interrupting anyone, but if I may ask for your name, and why you are here?" Spyro asked surprisingly calmly and politely given his mile long track record of his odd greetings and introductions.
-in Sky Chaser's home-

Lavender moon's indigo eyes lowered and darted from one side to the other as she tried to take it all in.

She was not one to outwardly show panic but looking carefully you could tell she was struggling with all this information.

She had survived Catchpenny's genasidal extortion of the nourthern grove.

She had seen the wrath of the dread spirit Anda..

But this was all so much, and so fast.

She felt her head spinning as the shock set in.

her sister almost being killed twice in the same day.

For no reason but to bring about some fiendish creature.

The flutter pony didn't know the word "dragon" in its traditional sense. To most pony it is a race of living creature . but to thre flutter pony It was a word given to Anda by a Pegasus who saw her centuries ago.

As that is what she looks like When she is defending her lands from invaders.

To them the name meant something akin to deity.

As the only "dragon" they had ever known was her.

This only made things worse in her mind.

A dark God coming to take her beloved sister away?!

This was the message she conveyed from Eclips .

She did feel some relief in the knowledge that her sisters Strangly powerful friend had some connection To the twin sisters .

To claim his power was above theirs was to say he was stronger then Anda herself.

To a flutter pony, such a statement would be insulting were the situation not so dire.

As she looked on his form she could see his magic; a talent her blind sister lacked.

It was almost the exact pattern of the sisters, but some how As if a combination of the two.

She had only met them once, but she never forgot a pattern.

Slowly it dawned on her that they had some relation though she couldn't tell just what.

She had so many questions.

And it seemed the answers only led to more questions.

She seemed about ready to crack and show panic when Spyro spoke up.

Snapping back She turned her gaze on Spyro.

Clearing her throat she took a calm step forward and spoke in common with a soft tone " my name..Lavender Moon. I have I have come to see min syster R..Steelheart."

Her accent made some words hard to understand, but She was trying to be polite.

She walked to her bedside and sat down beside the bed.

She nuzzled her gently and lovingly before going on now quieter than before "I had originally planned to take her back home..but it seems things have gotten out of hand."

-in the Clearing-

Firecracker felt ashamed of himself for his actions, but also felt a bit better in telling his story.

It was as if getting the weight off his shoulders could help him move on as an adult .

Slowly he raised his head, his olive gold eyes looking again to the clouds as he hoped out loud "yeah.. If any pony could forgive me for doing something like that.. it would be Vel."

Leaning into her warm scales like a half hug he whispered "thank you Shina.. For always putting me back together"

True to his nature he through in a joke saying- "I'll get you a nice box of bandages some time."

He laughed at his own dumb joke for what seemed like too long.

But in truth her was just so relived to have that secret out.

Both about his parents and velvet Rose.

Standing up and dusting himself off he offered a hoof to Shina and smiled britely for the first time all day.

With a determined smile he said "now that we got that mess out of the way we should probably do some training.

Who knows when that spiteful fire bird will be back.

"Gotten out of hoof would be putting it rather mildly..." Eclipse mused as he shook his head, speaking in common now that Lavender Moon was once more speaking it. He was already seated next to her by Steelheart's bed. "I won't allow your sister to be harmed, Lavender Moon. And in case you may think I do not have the magic to back up my words..." His horn glowed as a barrier formed around Steelheart. He didn't want what came next to potentially wake her up. As he let his power lose, the air in the room seemed to become heavy, almost as if gravity itself increased from the sheer overwhelming power he possessed. It was stifling, suffocating, and almost gave the impression that one was being crushed if too close to it.

This feeling lasted only a moment. It was over so fast it was almost like it never happened, except for the feeling that lingered afterwards. It was likely similar to standing before Anda, or in the presence of the two Sisters if they ever cut loose with their magic, only it was more intense... Once the demonstration was over, the barrier left the bed. He just hadn't wanted the sudden power spike to wake her up.

He knew what it must feel like for Lavender Moon, to know her sister was in such danger... He knew that helpless feeling all too well... He hoped that showing what he was capable of would put her at least a little more at ease.

"I'm sure you have many questions for me, so I'll try to answer a few you may have now... I get the impression you, like Steelheart, can either see or feel magic and recognize someone based on their magical aura, or by its magical signature. No doubt, you noticed mine was, in several ways, similar to the two Sisters. That's because I am their elder brother. If possible, I would like for that information not to leave this room. As for my age, frankly I do not know. I stopped keeping track centuries ago because frankly it's depressing to realize how damn old I am...." He chuckled softly as he closed his eyes.

"If you want to stay around, you are welcome here. This home is far bigger than it appears. As it happens, there are more rooms than I have uses for them. I will be having Steelheart stay here too so I can keep an eye on her until this situation is resolved." he offered with a soft smile. He knew Steelheart would positively be thrilled to have her sister here with her. She would be in for such a surprise when her nap finished....

So they had Shina, capable of using dragon fire; a phoenix; Shadow Fang, who still needed to master her Shade Crystals; Indicus, who, as far as Eclipse had seen, was of questionable usefulness; Spyro, whose abilities Eclipse was well aware of; and Firecracker, who unfortunately seemed to be struggling to recover his magic after the events at Equinox. And now Lavender Moon was here... If he were planning to go against a force like that, he would positively dread it. Such powerful pieces were on the game board... The wheels in Eclipse's head were already turning to figure out a way to combat the two Dragons with their sights set on Hast. A plan was beginning to form.

It wouldn't be easy, and it would depend quite wholly on everyone playing their part, but if it worked, they would all come out of this alive....


Midnight looked like Fang just stabbed a puppy. "w-....wait.. for cheesecake?! You are clinically insane!" Midnight protested as she flailed her forelimbs just a little bit. "You can wait, I'm not waiting for cheesecake.. After all, you're the one training, not me" She remarked with finality. "As for the fillies, they have no idea what I'm talking about, so hush" she couldn't help but hide a smirk though.

Their meal was rather standard, Midnight finished her burger rather quickly and moved onto the Cheesecake. Now this, she ate slowly, savoring every bite and actually snuggling into Fang's side as she enjoyed it.

In what seemed like no time, they were on the outskirts of Hast where they could have free room to train... "Now... I won't lie and tell you this will be easy. In many ways, it'll be very rough. I can just promise I'll try to be gentle." Midnight remarked. "Since this is your first time, we'll start slow." She remarked as her shade crystal horns appeared on her head. "Since it will be easier for you to work on getting in the right position if you can see it, I'll have to show you how to make your crystals come forth into this plane." She explained as her Crystals glowed and seemingly from thin air, several shade Crystals appeared in a starburst pattern around her. "To make them come for you, you have to feel them inside you. It will be unfamiliar at first, but once you have a firm hold on them, everything else will come naturally." she explained. Given her demeanor seemed to be rather serious, she likely didn't realize that about 90% of this lesson so far could be taken the completely wrong way. Although she was consciously trying to be serious, her subconscious was still very much in the gutter apparently...

"Now.. just close your eyes and feel the magic of the crystals inside of you. Once you feel them, you can pull them out...."

Shadow Fang

Fang gave Midnight a slight roll of her eyes as she pouted over the cheesecake. "Fine, but don't come crying to me when you get sick later." Granted, a burger wasn't really much better than the cheesecake. At least it wasn't all that warm in Hast, so chances are Midnight would be fine. If she did end up getting sick you better believe Fang wasn't going to pass up the chance at a little payback...

Finishing lunch, they made their way out of town and finally began their lesson. Midnight started out innocently enough, but that quickly went downhill. Fang honestly couldn't tell if she was trying to be serious or not. Now normally, breaking Fang's bearing was near impossible. She could stay serious in some of the most bizarre situations.

But this . . .

What was this so funny?

The Thestral poorly stifled a laugh in a small snort as she glanced away and cleared her throat. Luckily for Midnight she'd learned how to summon the crystals practically by accident. She never realized they were being summoned from another plane, Fang always just thought she was causing them to grow.
Lavender Moon could only sit there with a frown as her eyes darted back and forth.

It looked like she was running a million thoughts through her head at once. The truth was not for from that.

Trying to figure out the best way to keep her sister safe.

Who or what this pony before her was.

What this new threat had in-store .

And why of all pony did they need poor Steelheart.

Eclips's display of magic was impressive and did comfort her to a degree.

But She knew all too well that strength wasn't everything.

After all Anda was defeated by a group of normal pony.

Even if some of them were highly trained they still should have been no match for her.

She was unaware that he was also a tactition.

how could she, having only just arrived.

After a long pause she finally looked up with a surprisingly fixed gaze.

Her cold indigo eyes locking with Eclips's

She slowly stood up and spoke very softly to not wake her sister.

She also spoke very slowly to try and watch her language and not make mistakes.

" questions..yes. Very many . But my sister is sleeping it's best not to ask to many and wake her. But I will ask one.. "

She stroked her sisters hair lovingly and sighed before asking "by now you must know that in many ways min syster has more magical power then even I Do..

Her share of Our ..'inheritance' was by far greater.

I know you mean her well..

But the way she speaks of you in her letters..

Do you share my sister's feelings? Or is she just a source of power to you?

For all the power in creation can't protect her without devotion."

Her point blank question was in a way off topic and jarring.

But also very appropriate.

What she meant was that if he didn't care about her as much as Lavender Moon did.

There was no way she could trust him to protect her.

It was best to ask this while she was asleep and not hear any hurtful answers
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He had actually expected a question like this to come. Perhaps not as bluntly, but it would have surprise him if Lavender Moon hadn't commented in some way on his feelings towards Steelheart. He closed his eyes, as he tended to do whenever he needed to carefully chose his words. He didn't want anything to be misunderstood in translation, so he switched to flutter to answer her, that way she would know for sure what he was saying with no possible confusion.

"/Steelheart is very precious to me, but not because of what power she possesses. She is my Light. For centuries, I lived trapped in a darkness of my own design... I had no purpose, I only continued to live because I didn't want to die without paying my debts for the mistakes I had made. Steelheart brought me out of that abyss... In many ways, she saved me from myself, and I don't think even she realizes it.../" he chuckled softly as he gazed down at her sleeping form. There was no mistaking the tenderness in his gaze... That wasn't something any pony could fake.

His eyes slowly closed again as his horn glowed, the scene from earlier playing out where the daggers seemed to rain down from everywhere over Steelheart. Without a moment of hesitation, he had teleported to her and used his own body to shield her from the rain of daggers... To endure that kind of pain to protect her, to risk dying in such a horrible way.... Clearly his devotion to her was not in question...

The light from his horn faded, as did the projection on the wall. "/She means more to me than my own life... It is for that reason that I refuse to die. I never want to see her sad, especially not because of me./" he murmured gazing down at her sleeping form again. He had never felt this strongly before about any pony... Sure, he always cared about his sisters and sought to protect them, but this was something different, something even greater than that... Even Eclipse, with all of his knowledge, wasn't sure what it was... After all, it wasn't something he had ever felt before, and it wasn't something that could be explained in books...

Could it be love?
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"What's so damn funny?" Midnight asked tilting her head as she watched Fang have difficulty avoiding outright laughter. Clearly she completely missed the joke.... "Look, if I could pull it out for you, I would, but if you want things to get going, you need to do it yourself." She remarked sitting down as she waited for Fang to bring out her crystals.

Midnight blinked when they were finally summoned. "Well... I wasn't expecting this..." she murmured, noticing they were in the distinctive shape of a half moon. "Did you arrange them like this?" she asked, unaware that Eclipse had done it in order to break Fang out of her crystal cage when she had lost control. "Nevermind, that's not important. The half moon formation, like what it's in now, is good for breaking things down. Destruction magic in general is best used in this form..." She mused. She walked around Fang's crystals, noting that they were perfectly spaced and arranged. This wasn't something an amateur could do....

"Now, let's work on a few other formations...." She remarked, her eyes glowing as her own crystals shaped themselves into an arrowhead formation. "arrowhead formation is best for projectile or other offensive magics...." She explained, stepping out of Fang's Crystal array so she could organize them. She wasn't sure what to expect. Either Fang was a prodigy, or someone somehow arranged them for her.

The latter option was troublesome. Although just about any pony could learn how to use Crystals, the practice was so rare to find that the amount of actual users was nearly as rare as finding an alicorn. So if Fang didn't arrange them.... who did?...
Lavender Moon listened to him carefully as he spoke, trying be silent and respectful.

She closed her eyes and smiled as she had a hunch as to just shy he was so protective of her.

In a coy tone she looked back at him and sighed saying "/It seems my sister is in good care here . . you must forgive my blunt way of speaking. It is my nature.

I haven't time to mince words.

I will take you up in your offer for a place to stay.

Consider it an extra precaution to keep my sister safe./"

Her indigo eyes beginning to glow a pale blue as if to revieal something as she added-

"/you will find I am not as frail as my sister./"

Standing up and walking back to the door she gave a nod to Spyro and said "I will be back by night fall. You have no problem with this?"

Her question directed at both stallions.

Eclipse nodded at what she said. He couldn't blame her for asking such a question of the pony that was protecting her sister. He watched as she headed towards the door and he walked towards it with her. "/It may be dangerous going out there now with the Nightmare Empire about./" His horn and eyes both glowed as a new warmth came over Lavender's form. "/Just a precaution, a protection spell mixed with a tracking spell, just in case you run into any trouble. I do not doubt your strength, but I cannot afford to underestimate our enemy./" he explained.

If she was not aware of it before, it was becoming readily apparent that he was quite skilled as a tactician. Even now, his thoughts were five moves ahead. He didn't fail to notice that Lavender Moon looked a great deal like her sister. To the untrained eye, they could easily be mistaken for each other. Of course, she was clearly capable, but Nightmare Empire had skilled magic users of their own that had yet to reveal themselves.

One trick he hadn't told any pony yet, his tracking spells did more than just let him know where those involved were. It allowed him to use them as a target point for long range teleportation spells. The spell would only last a couple of days without being refreshed, but it would allow him to, he hoped, keep everypony here safe.

"/Make sure you're back before nightfall. The Nightmare Empire is brazen enough to attack in broad daylight. I would rather not find out what they'd do under cover of night. Besides, I know Steelheart will want to see you when she wakes up/" he smiled softly at that last part. He didn't know why she was going out, but he had faith it was something worth the risk. Even still, he wasn't going to let her get hurt out there. He was determined to keep everypony here alive, including Lavender Moon.
"Be safe out there, if you need any help, give me a shout." Spyro said to Lavender Moon as his horn glowed and a amulet that had what looked like a full moon with the silhouette of a dragon on it. "Use this to contact me and I'll be there in a moment. I watch out for my friends." Spyro said as he levitated the amulet to her.

Shadow Fang

Fang looked around, studying the formation her crystals were in when they appeared. "Hmm..." Her crimson hues narrowed as she continued studying them. "Odd, they normally appear in some erratic formation. I don't know how they ended up like this..." Chances are Eclipse was the one that took and moved them back in the Horseshoe, but her memories surrounding that little breakdown were fuzzy at best.

She nodded, listening to Midnight explain what that particular formation was best used for. A crescent moon, that would be simple enough for her to remember. Now associating that with destruction magic? That may take awhile... Wonder if the sun's associated with anything? She watched as Midnight moved her own crystals into a different formation before trying to do so herself. The dark crystals slowly moved into a rough arrowhead shape, though a few decided to appear wherever they felt like.

"Make sure everything lines up properly. If you don't, it'll hurt a bit when you try to push forward and cast a spell. Make the shape as perfectly as possible. The more accurate the shape, the better the results." She remarked, probably completely oblivious to the fact that first part came out naughty.... again....

"Once you get the formations down, casting spells is incredibly easy. You probably will be able to cast without even really trying too hard. The alignment of the crystals is about 90% of the spell casting process for Shade Crystals, after all" she explained. "But sadly, it's also the hardest. Learning to change their orientation on the fly, without looking at them, takes a good bit of practice. Thankfully, you have the best (and hottest) teacher in all of Equestria to show you how its done" She remarked with a coy little smirk as she walked in a circle around Fang, dragging her tail ever so lightly along Fang's side to tease her a bit more.

To some, making herself so distracting would take away from the lesson. On the contrary, there was a method to Midnight's flirtatious madness. In battle, there would be all kinds of distractions to make organizing the Shade Crystals harder. Now, Fang was likely used to combat, judging by the scars. Midnight was intentionally trying to distract her to force her to focus on organizing the Shade Crystals and to drown out distractions..

If she could somehow ignore Midnight's flirting, nothing would stop her in combat!

Shadow Fang

Poor Fang could only roll her eyes as Midnight once again went out and made a joke of . . . questionable nature. Though the question remained: was she doing it on purpose? Or was Midnight truly oblivious to the nature of all her comments. Then again . . . could Fang be the one with the dirty mind?

It didn't matter right now, what was important was fixing the alignment of her crystals. Thankfully her cloak provided a barrier between her and Midnight's attempt at a tickle. Changing the orientation of the crystals wasn't all that difficult, now getting them to line up in the proper formation? That was a little more difficult than she expected. Not impossible, just a nuisance.

The horns along the top of her head glowed faintly as the crystals slowly moved and corrected their alignment. There was likely one or two left that could have been spaced or lined up better. But the formation was a considerable improvement from the first attempt.
Lavender Moon smiled and nodded in acceptance of Eclipse's terms as.

As well as thanked Spyro with a short- "Understood"

As she left the home she walked slowly at first, then some fast, until she was in a full gallop.

She ran a full kilometer before stopping to catch her breath.

She needed a moment to gather her thoughts, and some space for what she had planned.

Taking a few deep breaths she slowly began to take everything in.

from her sister's new "protector" to the very reason she needed protection in the first place.

It was hard at first for her to understand what a group of fanatics would want with her innocent sister.

But as she rested a moment it began to all sink in.

Wherever there was power, there would be pony, ( or in this case dragons) that would seek to steel and or abuse it.

This was no different then what Catchpenny was trying to do.

Use something that wasn't his, for his own selfish ambition to rise above his station in life.

Lavender Moon could only sigh sadly at this realization.

Her sister was to innocent for this world, and yet for the second time she had become it's target.

All for the sake of a power she didn't ask for, and my not even fully know she has.

As Lavender Moon Mused over all these thoughts she could hear the bushes around her beginning to rustle.

The moment she looked up from her ruminating trance a large net fell on her.

The net was lined with large rocks making it to heavy to escape.

out of the shadows a pack of dark cloaked pony slowly approached.

All wearing cloth facial masks, and all of them seeming to move with a sinister intent.

One of them finally spoke "Well well, didn't I hear that our reward would be double if we brought her back to those empire nuts alive. "

A second one laughed and replied " You know, this flutter pony thing is kinda cute. I wounder if the mate as as well as a Pegasus"

As the first one struck the second one's head he explained " What, that Nightmare Empire general said he only wanted her 'alive' "

Lavender Moon quickly pieced together that these were not Nightmare Empire assassins, but simply hired goons.

It also dawned on her that they thought she was Steelheart.

There was such a striking resemblance that a physical description wouldn't be enough to tell them apart.

After all, how many flutter pony were there, let alone in Hast?

As all four gathered in closer Lavender Moon finally spoke; her accent deliberately thick to be 'seductive' " You caught poor me in your net. But did it ever occur to you that I wanted to find you?"

The apparent leader could only reply " and why wouldn't you wanna find us sweet cheeks? we're the rough riders, the best gang in all these parts"

Lavender Moon could only giggle softly as she closed her eyes and reply "Ja, so you are.. I was so hoping to meet min systers attackers though.. but I guess you will do for starters ja?"

The Second thug walked right up to her laughing "oo boy I likes me that accent cutie pie. how about you and I have some fun before we take you ba-"

Before he could finish Lavender Moon opened her eyes, now burning with indigo flame.

She opened her mouth and with enough force to send all of them flying she spewed Indigo fire from her mouth.

all Her attackers, the net, and even some poor trees all burnt to blue ash before they ever hit the ground.

It was now clear that when Anda died she departed her second aspect to the second sister.

Anda was a being of life and death, of restoration and destructing.

And so she lives on as Steelheart and Lavender Moon.

Her reason for leaving was also made known in that instant.

She was on the warpath.

She wanted to seek out those who would hurt her sister, and burn them to a fine blue ash.

It was not a bright idea to go off alone by any means.

But hell hath no fury like an older sister avenging her kin.
The moment the flames discharged from Lavender Moon Steelheart jumped, as if jarred by a bad dream.

Her pale eyes searching the room in vain for the cause of her discomfort.

Unknown to her it was the snuffing of almost a half dozen lives that woke her .

Her bond to both her sister and Anda's power were both a blessing and a curse.

She could Feel Eclips and Spyro near by and in a small desperate voice called out " E..Eclips, ..Mr.Spyro, are you there? I had a bad dream.."

As she sat up she curled her formers in as if curling up in a scared little ball.

Sinking into her blanket she added "I..I feel like I did something bad.."

It would seem the connection may run deeper still.

This could be either a good chance at tilting the odds.

Or a very dangerous liability .

Eclipse moved closer to her when she jolted awake, noting that her wakening happened at the same time as Lavender Moon's attack... Thanks to the spell he had cast, he knew exactly what had happened. Then again, he had completely expected this. Lavender Moon was on a warpath, that much was certain. Not that he could blame her. Frankly, he would do the same thing if Nightmare Empire wasn't terrified to go near him.

He carefully got up on the bed next to her, gently wrapping a hoof around her to calm her down. "I'm right here, Steelheart, you're safe, you've done nothing wrong.." He murmured softly to calm her down as he gently nuzzled her cheek.

Eclipse had seen bonds formed between ponies like this before, but never had he seen one quite so powerful... No doubt, this explained why Lavender Moon showed up when she did. She probably had felt Steelheart's fear and stress, and came to alleviate it. So they could feel each other's emotions, what the other was doing... He wondered how deep the bond went. It meant more than ever he would have to keep both of them safe... If they even felt each other's pain....

Then the death of one would be the death of both....

That wasn't something he was willing to leave to chance. His horn glowed as a pulse of magic went out, taking with it a message to Lavender Moon. "/Your Sister is awake. It seems you woke her up with that last attack... I think it would be good if you came back to see her, now that she's awake/"

This was both a blessing and a curse... If his hunch was correct, this new revelation could be just what they needed to turn the tide against the two Dragons....
Spyro looked with sorrow as he watched, quickly looking at Eclipse. "Eclipse. When Lavender Moon gets back here. I must tell you, Steelheart, and Lavender Moon something that I think you all should know." Spyro said to Eclipse with a bit of guilt in his tone. "I'ts something I have kept a secret for a long time, and Lavender Moon will hear this for she is Steelheart's sister, and she has as much of a right to as Steelheart."
@KageYuuki @One Mean Ghost

Indicus took some of the meat and put it in a freezer and the rest he either prepared to make jerky out of it or seasoned and started to cook on the stove as for the skin he hung it out to dry so he could treat it later in about twenty minutes he had himself two decent sized deer steaks though he realized that he would not eat both so he put one in the fridge wondering why he made the second for a moment before his mind brought him to moments that Shadow Fang and himself would talk about missions or even plan for them over the occasional serving of meat. Making a quip about a small mistake that the other did or just about the other in general.

As the memory's faded Indicus cursed he needed to set things at least somewhat strait or he would not be able to think strait. Somehow the mare had become something that he was used to having fight next to him or even talk to about whatever came to mind. Indicus put both steaks in the fridge and followed the faint trail of Shadow Fang's Psychic link to find an open field and streaks of magic going about he was at the edge of the clearing seeing Shadow Fang and two others seeming to be using magic with what looked like the same stuff as the "Horns" on Fangs head. After a breath he came out into the open gathered his balls up and prepared for whatever Fang would start with at this point knowing he could not afford to worry about interrupting or not.
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"That's much better, but it still could be improved. Just those few slightly out of place could be the difference between dropping your opponent and having them still standing. You need to strive to make it perfect..." She mused nodding to a few that were just slightly out of place. "Remember how this feels. You'll need to be able to put it in the right spot without looking at some point" She added, once more saying it in such a way that taken out of context it would be quite bad....

Given she was standing behind Fang when she said it, no doubt it would look even more awkward with where Indicus was standing... Of course, Midnight was far too preoccupied with the teacher's pet to pay Indicus much mind. "You're doing great for your first time... keep this up and I may just give you a 'special' reward" Midnight remarked in Fang's ear, this time clearly intentionally trying to flirt in spite of Indicus' presence. Not that she would stop if she knew he was there anyway...

Shadow Fang

Fang's eyes narrowed as she moved to get a closer look at the crystals. After a brief moment of fussing, she got the more stubborn crystals in place. "Almost like the things have a mind of their own," She muttered under her breath. Granted that wouldn't be too surprising given the wild nature of dark magic, or at least what she had seen of it anyway. "It may take me awhile to memorize setting up these patterns." And I don't exactly have a lot of time.

Feeling a familiar magical signature, the Thestral straightened and looked over her shoulder at Indicus. But that wasn't before giving Midnight a somewhat annoyed look for the little comment. "Something change out there?" She asked him.

(Assuming that you are referring to the current situation)

Indicus looked at Midnight with an odd look and shook his head before looking at Shadow Fang, "Besides what me and you already know and a few magic spikes indicating that Sky Chaser was warding off an attack nothing to my knowledge has changed. But I'm not here about that, I fucked up and that's why I'm here." Indicus sighed, "If you don't mind your friends hearing us then we can continue here if it's the other way around then we can take it to a place with less ears."
Steelheart slowly began to calm down as Eclipse comforted her.

That was until Spyro spoke.

unable to see the look on his face, she latched on to the two word she was so happy to hear "lavender Moon"

A bright and exited smile quickly spread across her face as she almost shouted "My sister is coming here?!"

She hadn't seen her in almost a year and to make matters worse she couldn't read her letters.

She always had to have some pony read them to her.

she also had to have some pony write hers.

This meant they couldn't speak on personal matters, or even use terms of endearment.

She had missed her so badly in the time she had been away.

It wasn't that she was too lonely, but nothing could replace her relationship with her older sister.

As Lavender Moon bitterly stomped on the ashes of the thugs that attacked her she heard a voice in her head.

"/Your Sister is awake. It seems you woke her up with that last attack... I think it would be good if you came back to see her, now that she's awake/"

As she let out a sharp and frustrated sigh, a small plum of indigo fire escaped her lips.

cursing them under her breath she finally tuned to head back to Eclipse's house.

As she walked she could see strange magical signatures hiding just out of the line of normal sight.

she began to walk a bit faster, but the signatures only fallowed that much closer.

To make matters worse, something was off about them.

Normally she saw magic in vivid colors, and patterns, but these seemed listless and gray.

Making perhaps an even worse choice, Lavender Moon stopped in her tracks and called out " If you are here for flutter pony, you found her!"

Her common a bit broken from the stress.

She held off any form of attack until she was sure of her hunch however.

She may have been on the offensive, but she didn't want to hurt any innocents just because she was becoming paranoid.
Three grey unicorns calmly walked out of the shadows, seeming to materialize from the darkness itself to surround Lavender Moon. "well well... you are awfully bold... You must not know who I am..." All three spoke at once, their voices seeming to mix together to form one, eerie, powerful voice. "I am the Dread Dragon Mephisto.... I'm sure you've heard of me... After all... I'm sure even Anda was scared of me..." the voices all remarked.

They walked to the front of her, their horns glowing as a spell circle formed in the ground behind them, from the circle rose a gigantic white dragon... The power emanating from him was suffocating, almost crushing.... And this wasn't even him... it was a copy.... He wasn't even at his full size, but the demon that stood before Lavender Moon was easily the stuff of nightmares themselves... Mephisto looked down on her, both literally and metaphorically. To him, she was nothing but an irritant.

"Tell me, flutter pony... are you scared?.... Do you fear death?.... I wonder how long it will take for you to break... After all, you aren't even the one I'm looking for.. Yes, physically you look alike, but my eyes see your soul. You are not Steelheart. I wonder how she will handle her sister becoming little more than a husk..." Mephisto slowly licked his lips, his eyes glowing with a pure black aura... All at once, Lavender Moon would feel like her soul was being burned from the inside out... It was the original Soul torment....


Eclipse narrowed his eyes as he felt the Soul Torment. There was no mistake, Mephisto was making a move... He knew immediately the sole intent of this attack was to draw him out... However, if he didn't go, Lavender Moon would die... And if she died... Then Steelheart might die too... He couldn't let that happen...

He realized Steelheart likely knew what was going on, or at the very least, she could feel the Soul Torment her sister was enduring... "Steelheart, I'm going to be right back with your sister. Just stay here and wait for me" He gently nuzzled her cheek gently. "I'll be back soon, I promise. Just stay here with Spyro and wait for me" He murmured gently in her ear. He hopped off the bed and walked over to Spyro, his expression dead serious. "You are not to leave for anything until I get back. Guard her with your life and do not let her leave" He murmured so Steelheart couldn't hear it.

He closed his eyes, his horn glowing as he suddenly vanished from the room.

All at once, Lavender would feel the Soul Torment lift from her. Directly in front of her she could see an Alicorn standing before her, his eyes glowing with the same darkness as Mephisto's...

"I was wondering when you'd show your face.... Mephisto..." Eclipse growled, his own power rivaling that of the Mephisto copy for now. I seemed like they were engaged in a staring contest, but the truth was far more sinister. They were both trying to hit the other with a Soul Torment... In this staring contest, the first one to blink would die a horrible, torturous, painful death...

Shadow Fang

Fang gave a slight snort as she turned to face Indicus, her crystals disappearing in thin plumes of black smoke. "So you actually were paying attention to the magic spikes in town?" Traces of bitterness lingered in her tone. The Thestral's tail flicked slightly as Indicus mentioned that he messed up. "Midnight, would you give us a few minutes?"

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