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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Spyro looked over to Eclipse. "Eclipse, you don't mind if I sleep on one of the couches in the living room tonight, do you? It'll save me the trouble in finding a place to sleep for the night. Before you ask, yes there is my little pocket dimension, but if I'm there to long, I think the Nightmare Empire will start getting ideas on how to get there. Your house though has the magical barrier, and it is technically part of the town so we don't have to worry the Nightmare Empire." Spyro said, hoping that Eclipse would say yes so he didn't have to go back to the old, ruined abandoned house he found in the forest on the border of the town.
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Shadow Fang

The Thestral waited, watching to see Midnight's reaction to her last remark. Something that could very easily be interpreted as her asking the other on a date. Whether or not that was the case . . . well the jury was still out on that one. However before Midnight could react, Indicus showed up and asked if she was ready to go. With a slight sigh, Fang nodded, "Yeah, let's just this over with I suppose." She glanced at Midnight, "I shouldn't be gone too long, I'll catch you later."
Indicus nodded before checking to see that his leather armor was secure along with his sword belt. Once the check was finished he asked, "You leading us there or do you want me to?"

Shadow Fang

Fang shook her head. "You go on ahead, you've got a better idea of the area by now than I do." Sure, he'd passed a map to her a few hours ago but it's not like she exactly had time to study the thing.
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"Okay then, flying should be safe as long as we don't run into a patrol. Also I set the wards to alert you myself and Spyro to any Nightmare Empire signature that passes through them, so if you feel a ping in a direction that is what it is." Indicus then activated the runes on his back and took off making sure Shadow Fang was following. The way was free of any patrols and when they got close Indicus landed in some tall grass a quarter of a kilometer away from the abandoned house.

Shadow Fang

Fang couldn't help but sigh as Indicus began talking about the Empire in front of Midnight, someone she preferred not get involved if she could help it. She watched him take off before shaking her head and removing her cloak. The Thestral sealed it inside a crystal so it wouldn't disappear while she was gone and so she could find it when the were finished. Stretching, she spread her wings before finally taking off and flying after her partner. She landed softly alongside of him once they had the house. "So that's it, hm? Looks like there are wards around it."
Indicus nodded and started to probe the wards checking for any weaknesses and security traps that the Empire loved to put in their wards. Once he finished checking he spoke. "Great one of the rare times they have a competent mage or mages in this case put the wards up. To make it even more fun it requires me to use the magic type used to construct each layer, the order is dark, necromancy, shadow, then crystal I believe is your magic is called. If the ward is tripped it will release all kinds of alarms and burn the place down so we will not only lose the information in there but a army will be on us within an hour. Only good news is that the protection means that there is something very damn important in there and possibly a nice number of HVT's (High Value Targets)."

Indicus sighed, "It also means that while I can take care of most of it myself you will have to take care of the last but thinnest layer with at most my guidance." Indicus paused to let it sink in for himself and for Shadow Fang.
Though the implications were obvious Shina felt confident they were both capable of staying focused on the task at hand and not act on impulse. However she found it difficult keeping her disciplined composure seeing Firecracker's obvious embarrassment. Her cheeks flushing Shina pawed at the floor with one of her forehooves nervously as she replied. "I don't mind if you don't..."

Before she could say much more Shina felt an all too familiar weight land on her horn. She was beginning to regret letting Konton perch there as a hatchling. It seemed difficult to break him of it now that he was too big for her to carry on her head. Frowning in annoyance Shina tried to look up to scowl at the jealous phoenix. Giving a quick toss of her head Shina threw Konton from her horn forcing him to flap down on to her back. At first Konton appeared irritated to be tossed from his perch, but his mood seemed to soften when Shina turned her head back to nuzzle him.

"Why don't you find a comfortable perch for the night and I will come sing you too sleep in just a moment." Shina offered sweetly to the young phoenix. Seeming to agree Konton flew off to find a spot to sleep, allowing Shina's attention to return to Firecracker.

"Of course." She answer him about sending a message, though her cheeks quickly blushed again. Shina's gaze lowered in embarrassment having to admit something. "Though you may want to write it... I am not very good at writing in the common tongue."
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Eclipse gently squeezed her hoof in return. "I can understand how that is. It takes some ponies time to readjust after some events in their life. I've had several of those. It takes some time, but eventually I get back to my old self" He remarked. It was most definitely true, after all, he had been living the last ten years in the guise of Sky Chaser, but now as Eclipse he was more like how he was before he had to take up that mantle. He looked out the window just seconds before Steelheart spoke. The two of them had an uncanny sense for when the sky would change. "Looks like we should all be preparing to rest."

He looked over at Spyro as he spoke up. "Do you really think I wouldn't have accommodations for you?" Eclipse laughed softly. "That door Lavender Moon went through has dozens of rooms you can use for the night. Pick any that suits you" Eclipse nodded his head.

Considering beyond this main foyer his home was basically a maze, Steelheart would be sleeping on the bed he had moved out here for her. He had been 'showing' her around there for some time, but all of the different twists and turns and different rooms made learning the layout rather difficult for someone that couldn't see. So rather than have her get lost in his home, he had her stay in the main foyer/kitchen areas unless she was with him.

"Do you need anything before bed?" Eclipse asked, still holding Steelheart's hoof as he gazed down at her.

"If you try doing that, you're going to righteously screw it up." A voice spoke up behind Fang and Indicus. Midnight yawned just a little as she looked at the building. "I give you credit though, most ponies can't tell when crystals are in use to make a barrier, and that's where they tend to screw up a lot. But you have a ways to go as far as learning what Shade Crystals are capable of" she mused. "Shade crystals are created when the magic a pony possesses cannot be contained within their bodies. These crystals are, in the most basic sense, concentrated magic. Taping into these crystals, otherwise non-unicorn ponies are able to create magic that, for all intents and purposes, looks and feels like other kinds of magic. If you can recognize the signature of crystals in any sort of magic, it's safe to assume the entirety of the magic is Shade Crystal magic utilized in different ways." She remarked looking over the building.

"You are right on the order, but it was all made with shade crystals. Trying to break this ward with non-shade crystal methods will trigger the wards. What concerns me is how somepony got that skilled in Shade Crystals.. It's not a common, or even well known type of magic, and finding a master in it to teach you is even harder..." She remarked glancing over at the two. It was really a great coincidence that Fang had found Midnight...

It... WAS... just a coincidence... right?...
Spyro looked at Eclipse with a smile. "Thank you Eclipse for your hospitality. I'll see you tomorrow." Spyro said and then walked through the door, and went to one of the unoccupied rooms.
-in the forge-

Firecracker bonked his head with his hoof at the realization of how foolish an oversight that was.

Of course she would have a hard time writing in a language that she wasn't that use to.

He would often forget that she was foreign at all and simply think of her as exotic, or fascinating.

Pulling a bit of paper and a quill from his satchel he replied " Of course I'll write it. I'm sorry, I forget that common is still kinda fuzzy to you.

dipping the tip in some soot he began to write.

As he wrote he looked up from his paper and with a coy smile he added "It slipped my mind sense usually when I have such a lovely assistant I'm working with a Canterlot noble."

At first he was at a loss for what to write.

How could he possible tell his aunt who raised him that he was staying the night with his marefriend without it sounding scandalous.

It also was a draw back that she knew nothing of the threat Hast faced.

Firecracker grappled with weather or not tell her, or let her live in blissful ignorance.

Taking a moment to look back at his 'muse' he heaved a sigh and a soft smile before returning to his note.

'dear Aunt Tilly.. Me and Shina will not be coming back home tonight. We will be at the Highwind Forge working on a project of the utmost importance.. I wish I could tell you more then this, but please know that I do not tell you for everypony involved's own good. Trust my judgment as you always have and when things become more stable I will tell you everything. ~Love Firecracker."

Rolling up the note he offered it to her saying "All done, once your finished tucking in the angry bird we can get right to work."

-In Eclipse's-

Steelheart could only sigh sadly and nod in agreement to what Eclipse had to say.

She was deeply worried that her sister may never return to her normal self, but had to hold out hope for her.

After all, she was the only pony Lavender Moon had in the world; what would she do if she gave up on her?

Knowing the general area of where her bed was, Steelheart Silently fluttered over to it's edge and after feeling it out, sat down to rest.

When Eclipse asked if there was anything Steelheart needed before bed she could only shyly nod.

Curling up on the bed she covered the top of her head with her for-hooves and replied in a tiny voice " Well..um.. Could you please Stay with me?..Just until I fall asleep? please."

She wasn't sure if she wanted him to stay because she was afraid, or because of other reasons.

She only knew that she felt very needy and emotionally vulnerable.

She needed some pony to comfort her, and her sister seemed to emotionally distant right now for that.

Shadow Fang

While she'd deny it to anyone that asked, Fang jumped a little as Midnight appeared suddenly behind the two. How'd she even manage to sneak up on them? It's not like the wings of a Thestral were made from flying silently . . . Her tail gave a slight flick as Midnight spoke, it seemed there was still a lot she had to learn about these Shade Crystals. But the mare had a point, users in that kind of magic were extremely rare, how'd the Empire end up with at least one so skilled?

Fang gave Midnight another quick glance. She was on their side . . . right? She'd never seen or heard of an agent of the Empire without one of their brands. Unless Indicus didn't have his medallion for some reason or was ignoring it, she wasn't triggering any of the Order's wards. No matter how Fang looked at it if they wanted to get inside without triggering that trap they were going to need Midnight's help.

She was going to have to take a chance and trust her with this.

"Alright, so now we know the wards were made using Shade Crystals . . . Why do I have a feeling it's going to take a more serious formation than just a crescent moon to disspell it?"
Indicus had his blade half drawn when Midnight Song spoke before realizing who it was and releasing the hold on his sword and listened. "I may have a guess on the master or how there was a master in the first place and that worries me." Indicus felt a bit of worry from the link, 'Shadow Fang my medallion did not go off, as for how she was so quiet I think she used her Shade Crystal magic for that.' Anyway like Shadow Fang said how dose a Shade Crystal user break the wards?"

A soft smile crossed Eclipse's lips. He wasn't going to say it, but he had fully intended on sleeping on the couch in case she needed him. Normally, it wasn't a problem for him to sleep in his own room while she was over, but given the present situation, he didn't want to leave anything to chance.

"Of course..." He murmured, carefully climbing up on the bed so she'd know where he was. He'd leave for the couch once she was asleep. For now, he could tell she needed the support. "I'll stay right here until you fall asleep, I promise" He murmured, gently nuzzling her cheek as he kept watch over her. He started to hum softly, a little lullaby from somewhere in his past to help her sleep.

He knew how stressed out she had to be after everything. At least now she could rest, and he would keep her safe through the night.

"You'd be right. It's a tiered spell.. Think of your previous formations as a one tier spell. This spell is three tiered. So you need to stack formations on top of each other, like floors to a building in order to make it work. Now, you could just knock it off piece by pieces, but that thin layer Indicus mistook for a Shade Crystal layer is likely a fail safe in case somepony tries to break them piece by piece." she explained as if it were obvious.

"Now, I don't have enough crystals right now to handle more than two tiers, so Fang, I'll need to borrow yours. Mind calling them up for me?" Midnight asked with a playful wink. She was clearly still flirting rather openly. Clearly she knew exactly what she was doing. The question is, how did SHE know so well? It was like she could just tell all of this on site...

Shadow Fang

So Indicus' medallion hadn't tipped him off to any trouble yet . . . The ward incorporated into the medallions was far beyond any of the ones he'd placed around the city. Likely more intricate than the ward they were currently dealing with right now. A skilled mage had created the formula decades before she was even born. It wasn't something you could easily get past.

But that still didn't explain how Midnight was able to figure everything out so quickly.

Fang only gave her a slight nod before calling up enough crystals for a formation. These ones hadn't been arranged any for a spell yet, those were still in there own realm. They were already arranged into an arrowhead.

Just in case things were to go south.
"Well I'll get on a cloud directly above us and make sure that we are not spotted while you two take care of the wards. I'll be within shouting distance if you need me." Indicus activated his runes and took to the sky and landed on a low hanging cloud directly above Shadow Fang and Midnight Song, making sure to keep an eye out for any enemy activity.
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"Perfect.. Now pay close attention Fang, I may test you on this later" she stuck her tongue out at Fang playfully as her own crystals came into sight, tripling the total number. The 'horns' appeared on her head as the shade crystals swirled around her and Fang in a vortex that rose up, with shade crystals staying basically on three levels in unique and complex formations.


The ward fell apart just like that. No noise, no sound, it just... well... shattered...

She stretched her wings a little and yawned again. "Any questions?" She smirked at fang, bumping her side against Fang's playfully. It seemed so... effortless to her....

Shadow Fang

And just like that, they were in. To be honest, it almost seemed too easy. Like Midnight had been doing it since . . . well, since forever. She sighed softly, looking back to the house as her crystals vanished in thin trails of smoke. "I don't exactly want you involved in this . . . but if they have a Shade Crystal user that good, I'm not going to be able to take him alone. Besides, I get the impression you wouldn't stay out here regardless."

Her crimson hues moved up towards the cloud Indicus was perched on. 'The ward's disabled, let's get this over with before they catch on.'
Indicus got down from the cloud and stood a foot or two away from the others, "Well that was rather quick." Indicus sighed something telling him this was way too easy there were no patrols on their way to the abandon house, only what seemed were a handful of groups were guarding the place, and apparently a level three or higher Shade Chrystal user was there or at least had been there at some point. "This is way too damn easy, it's like whoever is leading this is way too confident in the wards or is expecting company."

'The last time a mission was this easy my squad was captured, had plenty of unspeakable shit done to them and killed with me watching.' Indicus thought to himself

"In any case we should be careful."

"There is no conceivable way for you to keep me out of this. You asked me on a date, and I'm not letting you die or something before we get to that" she reminded Fang with a coy grin. "Given that particular ward had three tiers, which alone is incredibly hard to break, and was made by a shade crystal user, which is, I remind you, incredibly hard to find, they probably figured no one would be able to get through it." Midnight shrugged.

"And if they were expecting you two, they wouldn't be expecting me.. Call me the wild card." she remarked, walking up towards the house as her eyes examined it closely, carefully.
Indicus shook his head then dispelled the runes on his back and drew his sword, "Well lets get this done, I'll cover our backs."

Shadow Fang

Fang sighed, nodding. It's not like she had much of a choice in bringing Midnight along with them. "Indicus, I'd recommend already most of the matrix for a shield spell woven, just to keep it on a hair trigger." The Thestral looked towards the abandoned building, "They're going to have the advantage in there . . . "
"Good idea." Indicus nodded then in a span of fifteen seconds readied the spell using a bit of dark magic to let it strengthen slightly in the presence of anger and hate, "There spell's ready." Indicus decided to study a bit more on runic magic and enchanting after the mission so he could use a shield spell with a quick thought instead of having to prepare it due to his lesser familiarity with Alteration.

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