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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

He gives a small laugh of his own before slowly bringing his own hoof forward to meet hers "Hehe. Sorry about all that. I run into quite a few, uh...Weird situations. Call it bad luck. I'm Sotil, by the way. Just Sotil." He smiles a bit, seeming to be calming down "Traveling crystalworker at your service."

Sunflower Fields

"Nice to meet you, Sotil." The mention of him being a crystalworker caught her attention. "Bet you'd love to go to the Crystal Empire up north one day. Even the ponies there look like they're made of crystal."
And right then, she found the quickest way to get Sotil's attention: Talking about his profession

"Hoho, YES! Yes, I certainly would! Oh, just imagine what it must be like to be in the land's most potent birthplace of gems and crystals, where crystal work has no equal!" He gushes, holding a hoof to one of his cheeks "Such a marvel of craftsmanship that entire land is...Such beautiful and smooth architecture, all carefully fitted and balanced to cater to the powers of the mineral that makes them up...Oh, how I would love to visit such a place..." He soon blinks as he realizes he was ranting, a faint blush rising to his cheeks once more before he clears his throat "Ahem, right, uh...I mean, yes, I would absolutely love to visit the Crystal Empire...It would no doubt be quite the adventure." He ends his words with a simple smile

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower couldn't help but give off a quiet giggle at the sudden enthusiasm. "I live in Canterlot so I've heard some ponies that have been there talking about it. Apparently it's surrounded by an eternal winter but the city's protected by magic." She shrugged, "I've yet to go there myself. But maybe one day." With all the talk on how beautiful the city was she wanted to go there at least once in her lifetime.
He smiles and nods "Oh, yes, I'm positive it's an amazingly beautiful place, especially for ponies like me who specialize in crystalworking...It's, like...Like a dream location. A bucket list item, if you will." He says with the slightest chuckle before sighing a bit "Oh, what it would be like to visit it..." He rubs his head and smiles "Sorry, I...I tend to get carried away with things like that, y'know?"

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower nodded, "It's okay, you should hear my friend Midnight when you get her started talking about constellations. There's no stopping her once you've started it." She chuckled lightly, shaking her head.
He smiles "When you have your passion, it's there, right? Nopony can keep you from your true interests!" He says with a proud grin "Maybe it's best if we don't stand here in the middle of the night? I'm okay with temperature, but, I wouldn't want you to get cold out here."

Sunflower Fields

"Yeah, that might be a good idea." She laughed softly, turning down the road. "Come on, I'll show you to the inn since I'm staying there anyway." It's not like she had any idea when Midnight was going to show her speckled butt again. Chances were pretty high it wouldn't be until morning if things went her way. One of these days that filly's going to get herself into more trouble than she can handle...
He grins "Ah, thank you! I would have been dragging this thing all over town trying to find it otherwise, hehe..." He gives a grunt as he pulls the cart forward to get it moving again as he follows after the mare. He turns his head as he hears the waves crashing nearby "Oh, seafront even...This place must be beautiful during spring and summer..."

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower gave a short nod, "It probably is. Though I've heard it's pretty much the same temperature all year around." She shrugged, "Sounds nice compared to how unpredictable Canterlot's weather seems to be at times." She swore the weather teams just released false schedules on purpose to mess with everyone.
"Consistent climate?...Huh...Interesting. Seems like that would be desensitizing, or...Or something like that." He says with a shrug before nodding "And, yes, Canterlot's weather goes all over the place with no warning. It's strange...Nice place though, even if some of the occupants are rather snooty." He turns his attention to her "And with that topic, what is it you do, Sunflower?"

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower rolled her eyes, "Don't even get me started on those uptight nobles . . . " She glanced at him as he asked about her line of work. "Nothing special really, I own a little flower shop. Make and sell arrangements to other ponies. It's nice work, until you get that one client that's dead set on being a pain in the ass." She snorted and shook her head. No doubt he knew the kind of client she was talking about.
He nods in agreement as the nobles are mentioned "Oh, definitely...But, I've actually met at least one, maybe two nobles that weren't snooty. It was quite the relief." He smiles "Oh, a lovely profession...It's strange how a job that seems so simple can produce such complicated bouquets." He snickers a bit "Oh, boy, do I know that one...Being somepony that tends to deal with really expensive commissions, I've ran into more than I can count."

A faint blush came over Eclipse's cheeks as she actually hugged him for the first time. It actually took him a few seconds to even process it had happened. She tried to stammer something out, but it was clear she couldn't quite find the words. To calm her down, he gently wrapped his forelegs around her in return, gently hugging her against himself. Slowly, but surely, he watched her drift off to sleep.

A soft smile crossed his lips as he watched her rest. He kept her close against himself, just enjoying the moment for awhile longer. He knew full well Lavender Moon would probably kill him if she found the two sleeping together, given how protective she was of her sister. At that moment, however, he realized something. There was no possible way for him to get up without waking Steelheart up. For just a second, he considered moving, and taking the chance of waking her up, but when he saw her sleeping face, any thoughts of that went right out the window. There was no way he could bring himself to wake her up after she finally got some well deserved rest..

He sighed softly, a fresh smile crossing his lips as he just let himself relax, one of his wings gently covering Steelheart like a blanket as he stayed with her like this. Sure, he'd probably catch hell for this in the morning, but he had realized something.

It was worth the risk of potentially being roasted by her sister.

As long as she got her rest and felt safe, it was worth whatever risk to his health it would pose. With that thought in mind, he closed his eyes, his forehead still resting gently against hers as he followed her into the realm of dreams.

Sunflower Fields

The mare gave a knowing nod, "Thankfully most of my materials aren't usually all that valuable. But when you're making stuff for weddings and other big events . . . " She shook her head, her teal mane once again falling in her eyes. "I can't even begin to imagine the kind of chaos your line of work brings in."
He whistles a bit "I can't imagine the amount of lip you get when a simple and understandable mistake goes about your flowers...A shame ponies can be so misunderstanding." He chuckles "Oh, well, the most chaos I get is actually from trying to find my materials. You have to look close to find good crystals...And sometimes, finding one won't yield more nearby, at least, none that are shallow enough to actually dig up...Unless I know there's something nice down below, I definitely won't dig far, but, uh..." He bites his lip "I've definitely been in some rather sticky situations trying to scrounge around for crystals."

Sunflower Fields

"I can't even begin to imagine how hard crystals can be to come by sometimes. I wonder if a unicorn would be able to help with finding them. I've seen the work of some geomancers in Canterlot. If there are spells to create crystals then there has to be spells to track the things down." The mare paused a moment to let an excited group of fillies run across the road. Sunflower looked back at him, "I'm guessing Diamond Dogs? Nasty buggers aren't they?"
"Yes, I've heard of artificially made crystals, but, mine are all genuine, unless somepony has gone around burying them before I go hunting, hehe." He stops right behind her rather suddenly as the foals run across the street...Seems he wasn't paying attention, nearly running right into the mare guiding him "Heh...I've never tried hiring a tracker, but then again, I don't often make many friends between towns...I tend to be a bit of a hermit by accident." He quickly nods to her mention of the mining canines "Oh, definitely. If I see any caves, or anything of the sort, I be sure to check thoroughly for any kind of tracks...I've been involved with them more than once, and I prefer to keep that number as low as possible."

Sunflower Fields

"Yeah, it's best to just stay away from them. They seemed to have earned their nasty reputation." Sunflower came to a stop in front of one of the buildings. "This is it, hopefully they still have a room open." She turned towards the stallion and offered a smile. "I'm still tyring to get used to time differences so I think I'm going to head to bed a little early. Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow, ponies are bound to be excited about your crystals.."
He smiles and offers the mare his hoof "I really do appreciate you guiding me here...And, I will probably be up all night...I am a bit of an insomniac, so, I rarely get to sleep consistently, hehe..." He gives her a nod "So, be sure to get yourself some rest, if you have your own work to get to. I won't keep you up."

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower nodded, "Don't mention it. Maybe you can show me some of your projects tomorrow," she shrugged, turning for the inn. "Either way I'll probably see you tomorrow. Try to get some rest, you look exhausted." With that the mare slipped inside and headed for her room.
He chuckles "I'd be more than glad to show you plenty tomorrow...And, unfortunately, I look like that quite often." He says as he gives her a wave, soon getting himself unhook and heading in as well. With a bit of talking, bits, and finding his way through the building, Sotil would eventually land himself in his designated room, closing the door behind himself as he went to work as he normally did at night, hoping to tire himself out enough to sleep, though, it wasn't likely.
Shina simply smiled, blushing a bit at the compliment as her warm scales pressed against Firecracker's side. Shina had never really given much thought to weather or not she'd ever be a mother. Even now she was still unsure weather or not she'd ever have an actual foal. But she was content rising Konton. "Thanks." Shina replied with an embarrassed blush.

To Fire's joke Shina had to lift a hoof to her lips to hold in a giggle. She half snorted half snickered in her attempt to hold the sound in so as not to wake Konton. While she succeeded in staying quiet to let Konton sleep, the odd sound she had made turned the young mare's scales cheeks a bright red.

Eager to change the subject before her embarrassment could be noticed Shina quickly turned her attention to looking over the forge. She'd only ever seen this done, not done it herself before. Looking around the forge her antler like horn lit up as she levitated a few things around, setting up the tools as she remembered them when watching her father work. She wasn't overly sure what tools Fire spoke of. She barely knew their names in her own tongue.

"The last time I saw this done was more then four years ago." Shina explained as she seemed to finish arranging things to her liking. "Just before I left home, I helped my father forge a sword out of dragon fire." Stepping over to the actual fire pit in the forge Shina didn't hesitate to pop her head in to the opening of the concrete furnace to inspect it. Though no fire had burned in it for years, a more flammable pony might of hesitated before practically climbing half inside is.

"The real test will be if this thing can hold up to Konton's fire." Shina continued to explain as her voice echoed from inside the furnace.
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-In the Forge-

Firecracker could only cringe a bit seeing her stick her head inside the furnace.

While he wasn't a regular by any means, he did visit the Highwind forge from time to time to do tests on high temperature explosives.

He remembered the roaring fire that use to burn in the belly of that thing.

As he walked over and peeked his head next to hers he remarked "Well, I've done some thermite tests in there. That stuff burns at about 2477.594 Kalvin.."

Rubbing the back of his head he laughed at how strange he must sound as he re-phrased "Meaning pretty dang hot. Hopefully we won't have too much difficulty.."

looking back over at the sleeping Phoenix he couldn't help but think remark "It's not the heat that concerns me but rather the quality of the fire.. It would be magic in nature, and therefore mess with the structural stability of the stone it's self.. In what way I have no idea."

It was strange to see the clumsy, lighthearted pony so focused and knowledgeable.

He was clearly an expert in both the fields of Chemistry and it's uses for entertainment.

He rarely ever let this side of him show however.

Most of his social interaction before Equinox were only with clients who could care less what made the firework go boom.

Helping her not to bump her head or horn getting it back out of the furnace he explained with a reassuring confidence " We won't know until our little lava turkey wakes up. But if any pony can figure it out it's the two of us. You take care of the mystic fire, and I'll handle the boring old science."

He tilted his head to the side and smiled brightly to try and comfort Shina as he rested a hoof on her shoulder.

Deciding it was best to finish what little they could without Konton the two worked at assembling the Forge into a working order.

each with their own work spaces and tools as they decided necessary.

The cold and copper lights from their horns lighting up the forge in an ever shifting and almost angelic glow.

After a few hours the forge was as prepared as it could be and as Firecracker wiped the sweat from his brow he said " I think that will do it.."

Yawning discreetly he realized that thought.

Unable to make eye contact with Shina his Olive gold eyes began to shift from side to side nervously as he suggested .."Maybe we should...you know...get some rest?"

It was about this time there was a knock on the door that almost made him jump out his skin.

Fearing the worst he raised a hammer with his magic as he inched his way towards the door.

fortunately for everyone it was about his second step when Tilly called out from behind it "Fire bubby, it's your aunt Tilly, are you ..'Decent'"

Almost falling over and relief he dropped the hammer and joked "Not really"

He of course was referring to the sweat from not only the work, but the stress of what just happened.

Tilly replied rather flustered "Oh.. Oh my well, I just brought you a few things."

Firecracker didn't think the nightmare empire or the dragon had any intention simply targeting pony at random, but still didn't want her out after dark.

in a rather urgent voice he called back "Come in here Tills you know I don't like you out after dark. "

Even more flustered now Tilly snapped back " Now Fire I raised you better!"

Finally opening the door Firecracker asked very confused " What the hay are you talking about?"

Tilly stood holding a package and peeked inside to see that Shina was infact there with him.

It was strange to see Tilly flustered, however when she noticed neither one of them were embarrassed to have her show up her personality quickly returned as she announced " Now Fire Bubby I brought you and miss Shina some dinner. I thought you would enjoy something warm on a night like tonight. "

Tapping the top of the package she winked at Firecracker as she rather loudly whispered "There is also a box of 'you know whats' "

Snapping his attention down to the package Firecracker's face instantly turned blood red as he barely stifled a shout " Tilly, you didn't "

Seeming to ignore him she asked "Now you remember High school right, the demonstration with the Zucchini?"

Feeling faint Firecracker rubbed his forehead and pleaded "Dear goddess, Tilly please. I'm going to sick. "

Tilly only laughed in reply saying " Now Fire bubbala it's nothing to be embarrassed about. it's very natural at your age."

Before he could even try to reply Tilly interrupted as usual " I gotta get back to Sparky. You two have fun with your little 'assignment'.

Closing the door behind her, Firecracker could only lean against it.

He looked over to Konton, and somehow the Phoenix was still sleeping.

Stunned and at a loss for words he could only laugh.

-In the streets-

Zakka was out for a walk with Syble when he noticed Bluegrass searching for her friend.

She seemed a bit concerned so he thought he would stop her and ask " Everything ok hun?"

Knowing full well how crazy the day had been he hoped nothing else had happened.

Shadow Fang

Fang gave a short nod, pulling Midnight back with her as she moved away. Sure, Indicus may have known more on runes than she did but he had only just started studying them with Spyro. She couldn't help but be concerned over the chances of him being wrong on this one. But Spyro showing up here would only cause more issues than they needed to deal with tonight.

So this was the only chance they had.

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