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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Shadow Fang

Looks like they may be able to get out of this mess alive. Once they made it outside, the trees surrounding the house should provide the group with more than enough shadows to slip out of sight. As luck may have it, Shade had already stepped away from the door giving them a clear way out. Of course the damned archer was waiting for them outside, but so long as they stuck to the shadows she shouldn't catch on. Let's just get out of here.
Indicus kept in the shadows and making sure Fang was close he continued to navigate the shadows to the buildings exit after awhile they did make it outside and Indicus made it to the forest a distance away from the house before checking out the area making sure the archer could not see them and that there were no patrols or scans and releasing the spell. It was clear that keeping all three of them in the shadow's took a lot out of him. "Fuck," Indicus panted, "We should be well out of sight of any patrols. You two should have a clear shot to the town I need to take a moment, I am not used to shadow melding others for that long. Sorry Midnight for dragging you like I did, but I did not have the time to let you get a feel for travel in a shadow meld."

Shadow walking.... Not exactly something Midnight was familiar with. As if that wasn't enough of a shock, she found herself tethered to Indicus.... Now, don't misunderstand, Midnight wasn't against bondage, but if any of that was to be going on, she would much prefer it to be with Fang, and for Midnight to be the one doing the binding instead of being bound. She shook the thought from her head, now wasn't exactly the time to start letting her mind wander too much on that particular subject. For now, she just let herself be led along until at last they were released from the shadows.

She looked over at Indicus as he spoke. "Well, you got me out, so I can't complain too much." she shrugged, her shade horns appearing on her head as crystals appeared around Indicus, circling him as he was levitated off the ground. "Since you got me this far, I'll just carry you the rest of the way." she remarked casually in spite of the situation.

"Come along, Fang. Sun's about to rise and I don't think we want them to have that extra light to find us with" She smirked as she took off, Indicus being carried along behind her by the crystals.

Shadow Fang

They actually made it. And just in the nick of time too seeing as how Indicus collapsed right afterwards. Fang let out a long sigh, just thankful to be back in a more solid form. Midnight beat her to the punch and already took care of picking up Indicus so they could make it out of there. "Let's . . . just head back to where we're staying. I don't think Indicus is going to be moving any time soon." With that, Fang easily passed Midnight up as she started leading the way the cabin Steelheart had arranged for them to stay at.
Seems a bit ironic to be carried around after dragging Midnight along for the sake of urgency. Indicus thought to himself as he was levitated and carried back to the town. Indicus just accepted his slightly embarrassing position knowing he would not have been able to move for awhile or he would have had to hunt after using blood to refresh himself faster thus running the risk of exposing his vamprism to both the Nightmare Empire who would kill him for the danger he presented or capture him for the power he wielded and he had very little idea on the Order's current policy on non Nightmare Empire affiliated vampires even if he had been working for them for almost a year. Either way it was currently unnecessary to tell anyone about his vampire heritage, not that he knew much about it in the first place.

Indicus shook his head free of the thoughts, "Thanks Midnight for the quite literal lift."
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Shina's gaze lowered as her hopes that maybe Fire's parents had died rather then abandoned him were quickly smothered. "Oh." She said simply unsure of what else to say. Though she'd never met Fire's parents, and from the sound of things hopefully never withhold, she already didn't like them. If they didn't want him then they didn't deserve him anyhow. Shina remained silent with her head hung low knowing nothing she could say or do would make this particular situation any better.

Her head lifted a little when Tilly spoke about heading to bed, giving a light nod in agreement. It was late and tomorrow would be a long day. She once watched her father fold metal for three days straight making a sword to present to the Emperor. To this day she still swore he must of folded that particularly sword at least a thousands times. His own swords were usually only folded about five hundred times. Shina wasn't sure if she could even managed to make that many in one day, and there was no time to spend more then a day on it.

Shina was pulled from her thoughts when Tilly looked back from the hall. A faint smile finally returned to her lips. "Never." She answered softly, even if Tilly hadn't waited to hear it. Saying it as more of a promise to herself then an answer to Tilly's request. She would never do anything to hurt Fire.

Heading to the room she was staying in Shina levitated Konton from her back as carefully as possible so as not to wake him. Rather then perching him on the head board or night stand Shina placed Konton on the bed before climbing in herself. With such a sad ending to her night Shina wanted to cuddle with someone. Curling up under the covers she pulled Konton in tight against her waking the phoenix a little. Seeing who was holding him Konton simply snuggled up against his mother before falling back to sheep.
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Mrjenkins said:
Realizing too late that they were going to fast,iden tries to stop the ship,but it was no use as it was about to crash.iden flew off the ship and watched as it crashed onto the land and shrapnel flys in several directions,one of them hitting iden right in the chest,which was enough to get them to fall to the ground next to the crashed ship.iden winces and looks around.seeing is any pony was around and was unlucky to get hurt.
(Forgot to mention ye @viska)

~Time exposition~

As daylight chases darkness a new day dawns.

With that ball nearly in sight, and even more revelations to behold the only certain thing is that there are no certainties.​
-In the streets-

Zakka could only smile to see the distracted pony working.

It was nice to see somepony else working hard at their craft.

When asked what he was doing out at this hour, Zakka could only laugh at the absurdity of it all.

It wasn't as if he could tell Skychaser's secret; so he simply responded "Lets just say I've had one heck of a day. Me and my partner were just enjoyed the night air for a bit too long I guess."

The faint wif of cigarettes still clinging to Zakka's mane made made him think fondly of Syble as he responded to his second question about being a customer.

With a bright smile Zakka announced " You know, I know a pony that would just love that Citrine broach. I'll take it!"

Without even asking the price, Zakka offered a large amount of bits to his new vendor friend.

The soft hearted pony never was good with money, but he also never saw it's allure.

It was as he admired the gems the first glint of dawn reflected from one of the stones facets.

Realizing it was already day brake Zakka remarked "Well I'll be. It looks like the sun is shining her grace on us another day. Tell you what, how about you come to my bar after the Ball. I throw a mean after party."

With a smile and a wink he added "It's usually booked up, but sense I'm sure this will make Syb's day I think I can squeeze you in."

After handing him a business card for the horseshoe he continued to admire the gems in the early morning light.

It was about this time a familiar voice chimed in "If that's the case, then he can hear me sing"

Zakka responded to the approaching mare with a delighted voice "Well if it isn't miss Rosey. up early for a change. I hope your feeling better today."

Rosey paused for a moment and replied "..Much.. In fact I wanted to invite you a Syble to a little breakfast picnic.."

Realizing she was being a bit rude, she turned and greeted Siol "oh, hello, I'm Velvet Rose, but most pony just call me Rosey.

-In Tilly's house-

The first rays of light began to peak through the windows to Tilly's house as Firecracker was already up.

Creeping out of the bed he shared with his cousin, he walked down the hall to the guest room.

He wasn't sure just what to say, but he knew he couldn't leave last night as it was.

between all the work they had to do at the forge, and the ball about to begin, he couldn't leave any time in this awkward limbo he had created.

tapping lightly on her door Firecracker spoke softly so as to not wake anyone else "Shina, are you up yet?.. I wan't to apologies..About last night I mean."

As early as it was, it was unlikely that she was up, but he wasn't able to sleep and had very little track of what time it actually was.

-At the beach-

Hearing the cries for help, and seeing about where they were Syble could only sigh and toss her cigarette aside into the ebbing water.

She hated swiming almost as much as she hated manual labor, but she was't about to let any pony drown.

Running at fully speed she dove into the simi shallow waters and began freeing the trapped pony as quickly as possible.

After a few minutes she burst from the water, her silver mane glittering in the dawns light.

This new rescuer would almost seem angelic framed in such a lovely setting in light.

That is until she began coughing and swearing in a manner that would make the sailors blush.

"*Cough* What the bloody Hell is you moron's problem? *gag* slamming into the damn beach like a buck in the rut..Shit."

Lifting a soggy cigarette to her lips she sneared at it and grumbled "...damn," before tossing it aside.

Sighing in defeat she relented " At least I came in time.. I guess I should be happy for that eh?"

Syble never spoke much sense her Husband Sunspot passed away.

This was inpart due to her disposition that made her very hard to get close to.

She did care for other pony just as deeply as Zakka, but had a very hard time showing it.

Perhaps it was the stress of the situation drawing out her, be it a touch vulgar, conversational skills.

-In Eclipse's Home.-

As the first rays of the sun began to peak over the hills and into Eclipse's home Stealheart's ears began to twitch and flick in response to the morning sun.

She always knew when it was day or night despite being blind.

Little did any pony know that Lavender Moon was the exact same way.

Waking just before the first morning light she walked the halls back to the living room where she last saw her sister.

It was there she not only found her, but Eclipse with her in the same bed.

To most this would be a sweet scene as the small Futter Pony cooed contently and she smiled in a blissful slumber.

But Lavender Moon was the elder sister, and as such had a distorted sense of what was 'cute'

As one of her eyes began to twitch, Indigo flames began to plume from her mouth as she breathed heavily trying to calm herself.

ulimatly she faled as she shouted "Vad fan gör du dig lite södra jävel ? Jag ska steka dig levande !" (very naughy things in swedish/Futter)-(I should roast you alive)

Eclipse, frankly, couldn't remember the last time he had actually rested peacefully through an entire night. Something or other always disturbed his rest, but that night, he slept it fully through. Perhaps that was just Steelheart's influence on him. Either way, for the first time in countless years he actually slept through the sunrise. Of course, his peaceful slumber was not to last long.

He wasn't fully asleep at this point, or at least, he wasn't dreaming. He was faintly aware of still cuddling with Steelheart, and he could hear her cooing softly in her sleep. So, really, he was somewhere between asleep and awake, while not fully on either side. He suddenly got an ominous feeling in the pit of his stomach.

'Strange.... my 'Imminent Danger' sense is tingling.... but what could possibly threaten me in my own ho-'

"Vad fan gör du dig lite södra jävel ? Jag ska steka dig levande !"

Yep... that would most certainly set it off... His eyes snapped open as his head turned to look at the face of pure, unadulterated overprotective rage.....

"Steelheart...I think it's time to get up. " He murmured calmly, slowly sitting up so as not to jolt Steelheart awake before gently nudging her, assuming that shout from her sister didn't do the job of waking her up already. He knew trying to explain wouldn't do crap coming from him. Lavender was in full blown overprotective sister mode. Anything he said would be just another nail in his coffin. His gaze turned back to Lavender. "/I'd appreciate if you didn't... I've already had that happen a few times.../" He spoke in flutter, hoping using her native language would calm her down. He wasn't joking, sadly. He had been burned badly numerous times in the past... The only reason the scars from those burns weren't noticed is because the criss-crossing scars from other injuries hid them in plain sight.
viska said:
-In the streets-
Zakka could only smile to see the distracted pony working.

It was nice to see somepony else working hard at their craft.

When asked what he was doing out at this hour, Zakka could only laugh at the absurdity of it all.

It wasn't as if he could tell Skychaser's secret; so he simply responded "Lets just say I've had one heck of a day. Me and my partner were just enjoyed the night air for a bit too long I guess."

The faint wif of cigarettes still clinging to Zakka's mane made made him think fondly of Syble as he responded to his second question about being a customer.

With a bright smile Zakka announced " You know, I know a pony that would just love that Citrine broach. I'll take it!"

Without even asking the price, Zakka offered a large amount of bits to his new vendor friend.

The soft hearted pony never was good with money, but he also never saw it's allure.

It was as he admired the gems the first glint of dawn reflected from one of the stones facets.

Realizing it was already day brake Zakka remarked "Well I'll be. It looks like the sun is shining her grace on us another day. Tell you what, how about you come to my bar after the Ball. I throw a mean after party."

With a smile and a wink he added "It's usually booked up, but sense I'm sure this will make Syb's day I think I can squeeze you in."

After handing him a business card for the horseshoe he continued to admire the gems in the early morning light.

It was about this time a familiar voice chimed in "If that's the case, then he can hear me sing"

Zakka responded to the approaching mare with a delighted voice "Well if it isn't miss Rosey. up early for a change. I hope your feeling better today."

Rosey paused for a moment and replied "..Much.. In fact I wanted to invite you a Syble to a little breakfast picnic.."

Realizing she was being a bit rude, she turned and greeted Siol "oh, hello, I'm Velvet Rose, but most pony just call me Rosey.
Sotil almost didn't seem like he realized there was a second pony nearby...As a matter of fact the very moment Zakka swiped up the brooch without asking about the craft, or getting any explanation for what he was looking at, the blue stallion seemed a bit dissatisfied himself "H-Hey, umh..." He clears his throat "Sir, you...You are really going to just grab a single item without any kind of details? You don't want something custom made? Something special? I mean, there's nothing at all wrong with wanting the brooch...I put effort into making it, slotting it, and shining the metal, but, I also do requests."

He wriggles a bit in place. It's easy to tell that the stallion took his job and his craft very seriously "You don't...You don't simply swipe up something and expect it to be the perfect gift. Buying it casually is one thing, sure, but if you want it to matter, you cannot simply just snap your eye right onto something and call it 'just what she would want!'." He gently waved the bits aside "Also, I do not take overpayment, sir. That would be cheating my customers, and degrade my as a professional, which means I really don't need charity...I make quite a bit, after all."

Sotil takes a short breath, seeming to regain his composure. He always has trouble with others in situations like these...It's just a strange tick he's always had. "Now, I am more than happy to sell you the brooch, without a doubt...But, if you wish, I can pull an empty one from my bag, and cut any color of crystal you wish to fit it, and even put more work into it than that! I don't get my name by offering the bare services that some do, despite calling themselves "Crystal vendors"...Simply ridiculous that they've no true knowledge of what they claim is their craft...But, the brooch itself pre-made is a simple 75 bits, and no more, though, I can add something a bit...Unique to it, if you wish, more than simple color, or design...I can make it practical!"
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-in front of Sotil's stand-

Zaka was taken back by Sotil's response.

He had always played things fast and loose at his bar and never gave much thought to anything.

He had always used his good will and cheer to get on every pony's good side.

He wasn't use to offending some one.

Rosy could only chime in agreeing "Zak you dork. He's right. His craft is an art, hay bit shop you can snap up a trinket from.

Think of it like this.. My singing is an art, you would never ask me to simply sing some dreck from an old song book would you?."

She shook her head and positioned herself between the two and added "No, You would respect my choice and freedom of expression."

Patting the confused bar tender on the head Rosy apologized "you'll have to forgive Zakka, I think he's been up too long."

Looking down at the assortment of crystals she remarked "so you cut these all yourself? Thsts very impressive. Have you been doing this long?"
viska said:
-In the streets-
Zakka could only smile to see the distracted pony working.

It was nice to see somepony else working hard at their craft.

When asked what he was doing out at this hour, Zakka could only laugh at the absurdity of it all.

It wasn't as if he could tell Skychaser's secret; so he simply responded "Lets just say I've had one heck of a day. Me and my partner were just enjoyed the night air for a bit too long I guess."

The faint wif of cigarettes still clinging to Zakka's mane made made him think fondly of Syble as he responded to his second question about being a customer.

With a bright smile Zakka announced " You know, I know a pony that would just love that Citrine broach. I'll take it!"

Without even asking the price, Zakka offered a large amount of bits to his new vendor friend.

The soft hearted pony never was good with money, but he also never saw it's allure.

It was as he admired the gems the first glint of dawn reflected from one of the stones facets.

Realizing it was already day brake Zakka remarked "Well I'll be. It looks like the sun is shining her grace on us another day. Tell you what, how about you come to my bar after the Ball. I throw a mean after party."

With a smile and a wink he added "It's usually booked up, but sense I'm sure this will make Syb's day I think I can squeeze you in."

After handing him a business card for the horseshoe he continued to admire the gems in the early morning light.

It was about this time a familiar voice chimed in "If that's the case, then he can hear me sing"

Zakka responded to the approaching mare with a delighted voice "Well if it isn't miss Rosey. up early for a change. I hope your feeling better today."

Rosey paused for a moment and replied "..Much.. In fact I wanted to invite you a Syble to a little breakfast picnic.."

Realizing she was being a bit rude, she turned and greeted Siol "oh, hello, I'm Velvet Rose, but most pony just call me Rosey.

-In Tilly's house-

The first rays of light began to peak through the windows to Tilly's house as Firecracker was already up.

Creeping out of the bed he shared with his cousin, he walked down the hall to the guest room.

He wasn't sure just what to say, but he knew he couldn't leave last night as it was.

between all the work they had to do at the forge, and the ball about to begin, he couldn't leave any time in this awkward limbo he had created.

tapping lightly on her door Firecracker spoke softly so as to not wake anyone else "Shina, are you up yet?.. I wan't to apologies..About last night I mean."

As early as it was, it was unlikely that she was up, but he wasn't able to sleep and had very little track of what time it actually was.

-At the beach-

Hearing the cries for help, and seeing about where they were Syble could only sigh and toss her cigarette aside into the ebbing water.

She hated swiming almost as much as she hated manual labor, but she was't about to let any pony drown.

Running at fully speed she dove into the simi shallow waters and began freeing the trapped pony as quickly as possible.

After a few minutes she burst from the water, her silver mane glittering in the dawns light.

This new rescuer would almost seem angelic framed in such a lovely setting in light.

That is until she began coughing and swearing in a manner that would make the sailors blush.

"*Cough* What the bloody Hell is you moron's problem? *gag* slamming into the damn beach like a buck in the rut..Shit."

Lifting a soggy cigarette to her lips she sneared at it and grumbled "...damn," before tossing it aside.

Sighing in defeat she relented " At least I came in time.. I guess I should be happy for that eh?"

Syble never spoke much sense her Husband Sunspot passed away.

This was inpart due to her disposition that made her very hard to get close to.

She did care for other pony just as deeply as Zakka, but had a very hard time showing it.

Perhaps it was the stress of the situation drawing out her, be it a touch vulgar, conversational skills.

-In Eclipse's Home.-

As the first rays of the sun began to peak over the hills and into Eclipse's home Stealheart's ears began to twitch and flick in response to the morning sun.

She always knew when it was day or night despite being blind.

Little did any pony know that Lavender Moon was the exact same way.

Waking just before the first morning light she walked the halls back to the living room where she last saw her sister.

It was there she not only found her, but Eclipse with her in the same bed.

To most this would be a sweet scene as the small Futter Pony cooed contently and she smiled in a blissful slumber.

But Lavender Moon was the elder sister, and as such had a distorted sense of what was 'cute'

As one of her eyes began to twitch, Indigo flames began to plume from her mouth as she breathed heavily trying to calm herself.

ulimatly she faled as she shouted "Vad fan gör du dig lite södra jävel ? Jag ska steka dig levande !" (very naughy things in swedish/Futter)-(I should roast you alive)
After coughing out water,iden looks at thier rescuer slightly surprised that they didn't care if iden was a changeling or not.iden lifts sand in the air with thier Magic making a simple words:thank you.

Iden was glad they were saved,but now they got some explaining to do.
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-in Eclipse's house-

Mistaking Eclipse's comment as sarcasm Lavender Moon's eyes narrowed as she hissed "/I can assure you, mine will be far worse./"

Idigo Fire seeping from the small gaps between her clinched teeth.

Meanwhile Steelheart sat up and was wiping the sleepy from her eyes.

She cringed at the scolding sound of her sisters voice.

She always hated it when she got angry, but even more so after she had changed.

Trying to get her sister to listen to reason she pleaded "it's not what it looks like."

That tired old set up line perhaps through Eclipse under the Lavender buss as she roared in anger "/and just what is it then?/"

Climbing down from the bed, Steelheart waved her hooves downward to try and calm her sister saying "syster please, you will wake Mr.Spyro "

Lavender Moon was dumbfounded by her sisters priorities and could only reply "/wake Mr.Spyro? Your lucky I don't burn this whole place down. I trust him with a piece of our very godass and I find him in your bed like your some-"

Cutting her off Steelheart shouted in flutter "sister , enough!"

It was strange to see her speak so boldly to her.

But stranger still was what she did next:

She whispered something in Lavender Moon's ear that made her eyes widen and her fire go right out.

Suddenly Lavender Moon began to stamp her hooves protesting "Nay. Nay Nay Nay Nay!"

Steelheart only replied with a soft and final "syster...ja." as she turned towards Eclipse with a sweet and Strangly confidant smile.

A warm blush covering her cheeks.

Snapping her attention to Eclipse Lavender Moon demanded in common "You, we speak privetly."

A hint of her Indigo flame dancing out of her mouth.

It seemed Lavender Moon was still intent on roasting him alive... And of course, in her innocence Steelheart uttered probably the worst line she could have possibly said in the situation, which predictably set Lavender off more.. Normally, Eclipse would say something himself to diffuse the situation, but he knew enough about overprotective siblings to know that only Steelheart would be able to talk Lavender down. Him opening his mouth would only make things worse..

"/wake Mr.Spyro? Your lucky I don't burn this whole place down. I trust him with a piece of our very godass and I find him in your bed like your some-"

On second thought... Maybe he would speak up. He wouldn't let ANYONE say something like that about Steelheart, even her own sister, but before he could say anything, Steelheart shocked him by cutting her off before he could even open his mouth. Then he could only watch, amazed as she whispered something that seemed to throw water all over Lavender's fire.. Well, at least temporarily...

He couldn't help but return Steelheart's soft smile with one of his own. It was just how they always were. When one smiled, the other smiled. It's like they were a mirror for each other. His gaze turned to Lavender Moon when she spoke up once more. It was clear she still had a bone to pick with him...He closed his eyes. "very well..." He turned to the middle door, the one which led to rooms that included his own room as his horn glowed, golden lines etched in the door appeared as the door opened, revealing instead of a hallway, stairs leading down deeper into the mountain.... "Steelheart... Please wait here until we come back." He walked over to her, gently nuzzling her cheek. "I won't be gone long." he lingered just a moment longer, not wanting to press his luck with Lavender Moon just yet before he walked down the staircase that had been formed.

The room illuminated was massive. All along the walls, charts, notes of all kinds were pinned with no real order to them. Some were notes copies of old texts in countless lost languages. The one commonality that could be picked up is they all had to do with eyes. Given his soul magic worked primarily through eye contact, it was no small wonder he would have done so much research on the subject. A desk was up against the furthest wall, with pictures of Steelheart along the frame of the backboard. In every one she was smiling.

This was Eclipse's private workshop. The pictures helped keep him smiling no matter how long he worked. It was so obvious he loved her, that pretty much anypony could see it who wasn't named Steelheart. Though, after everything odds are even she was starting to notice. He turned to face Lavender Moon, his gaze unflinching. "So... what did you want to say to me?" He asked, keeping calm lest he accidentally set off her sisterly rage once more.
Having been up so late Shina and Konton were both still fast asleep when the sun rose the next morning. The sound of a knock at the door and a familiar voice however caused one of them to stir. Unfortunately for Firecracker it was Konton who woke first. Lifting his head those piercing red eyes glared at the door wanting to simply go back to sleep and ignore the unicorn behind the door.

Just as he was about try lay his head back down against Shina, Konton caught sight of something that had not been in the room the day before. On the night stand next to the bed was a package bigger then him. Perking his head curiously to examine it the phoenix concluded it must have come from the same place the scrolls that always appeared over night must have come from. Shina was always so happy to read them, he wondered how she would react to this.

For a few seconds Konton looked back and forth between his mother and the door, debating if it was worth it or not. Maybe Fire wouldn't knock again and just think his mother was sleeping if he kept quiet. Konton could only hope as he rubbed the top of his feathed head against her scaled cheek while giving a series of soft, even cute, little chirps and peeps trying to wake Shina quietly.

Stirring with a tried groan Shina woke further when the warmth of a hot blood phoenix beside her left. Konton fluttered on to the package, wanting to draw Shina's attention their first before she could realize Firecracker was outside her door.

Sitting up with another weary groan Shina lifted a hoof to rub the sleep from her eyes. Her mane was a complete mess sticking in ever direction and looking a bit matted in places. Before she could give her attention to anyone Shina gave a long loud yawn trying to wake up and regain her senses.
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Sotil blinks a tad, his cheeks turning the slightest hint of red. Oh no...He's done it again. "Ah...Oh, no, it's...It's definitely perfectly fine." He says with a nervous smile, the stallion's personality essentially turning on a dime after shooting off such a lengthy response to something that should have been a closed and shut sale

He folds his ears back a moment, seeming to regret his sudden and rather bold response, though, he quickly tilts his ears back up "He doesn't need to apologize for anything. Being on the road as often as I am can turn you into a bit of, uh...I...Can't quite think of a word for it. If anything, I should be the one apologizing for such a response." He clears his throat and rubs the back of his head before taking a bit of a breath "And, to answer your question: Yes. Every crystal here is dug from the ground, cleaned, cut, slotted, and cared for by hoof." He smiles rather proudly "I've been doing it pretty much all my life, really. For as long as I've remembered, I was down below the house with my father, learning the trade, and even spending extra time down there myself, hehe...When you like the family trade, you don't turn it down."
-in Eclipse's chambers-

Steelheart only nodded and replied "it will be ok.."

But It wasn't clear just who she was adressing.

Lavender Moon couldn't help but notice how he treated and almost seemed to idolize her sister as they marched towards His inner chamber.

It took some of the sting away from what her sister had told her.

But it didn't take the burning from her heart.

When Eclipse finally asked what she wanted to say for the first time..she hesitated.

It looked like she was serching for the words to say and at the same time tamp down her own feelings.

Finally she spoke with a uncharacteristically soft voice. Her native tongue flowing much smoother then her stumbling attempts at comon.

"I bet you think I am here to kill you..no..I can not..not anymore."

Shaking her head defetedly she explained

"you..it is clear to any pony that you care deeply for my sister .. And that is why I fear you more then death it's self. You threaten to take the very breath from my lungs and the heart from my chest."

Looking into the distance she sighed before taking a reflective tone saying "my sister..she is in love... She doesn't know how to express it yet.. But then how could she? My tribe spent her whole life guarding her from the outside world for fear of losing her connection to Anda.."

Turning back to Eclipse she gave a stern look, not an angry one but one of dead serious. Her tone matched as she spoke.

"But do you know what a flutter pony really is?..We are beings born of pure magic. It took centuries before Anda granted us the ability to bare children.

As such our frames are so delicate that to have a foal could mean our deaths.

To have a second..Garentees it.

That is why 'sisters' such as us are such a rarity.

My birthgiver, what you would call a mother gave her life to breath it into my most precious treasure..my sister."

She began to pace as she tried so hard to remain calm her voice going up a pitch as she went on "could you deny her the right to be a mother knowing just the..'initial act' could badly hurt her? Could you both be happy without children ?"..

Her composure began to crack as her pacing quickened.

Her voice became more like a concerned mother grilling a prom date as she struggled to play nice "and then there is her age..if she never had children she would live to be 365 years old and not a day more..we are not emortal as you are.."

She took a moment to collect her self as her breathing began to shake.

Her voice took a soft pained tinge to it, as if speaking from experience "could you love her for a few mote centuries ..only to live an eternity of emptiness without her?..I want you to think long and hard before you answer me..but it is something you must tell me before her innocent heart is broken.. I will not judge you for your answer but..

Knowing what we are..what she is..Do you love my sister?

Eclipse listened quietly to everything she had to say. He wasn't about to interrupt her, since this had clearly been building up in her for some time. No, he let her say her peace. So many questions.. Though, he couldn't blame her. He would grill anyone that tried to date his sisters much the same way. Granted, as their brother he would make it well known that if they hurt one of his sisters, he would return that pain a thousand times over, but that was a different story.

"/Something you may not know, Lavender Moon, is that in terms of years I am much the same age as Anda if not older. I am quite certain my birth predates the birth of the Flutter pony race itself. I know about the lifespan of Flutter Ponies, and I know that it was only fairly recently that they were capable of giving birth. Nothing you've told me is something I wasn't already aware of/" He smiled softly as his eyes closed. Even now, his voice was calm.

"/As for children, that would entirely be up to her. I can neither force her to do anything against her heart's desires, nor can I deny her anything her heart wishes. Such is the spell she has on me. Her happiness is my happiness. If she did not desire children, I could live my entire existence without any./" He smiled softly, completely sincere in what he said. Although he'd be lying if he said he hadn't thought about being a father, it was true he could be happy without children so long as he had her.

He turned his gaze to the pictures of Steelheart on the wall. "/As for her age... I know full well she is not immortal. You asked me if I could love her for her whole life only to endure an eternity without her..../" He paused, considering his words before he continued. "/In all honesty... I am not sure I will be able to live without her. But there is one thing I am certain of. I will always love her, even long after I have drawn my last breath in this world./" he turned his gaze back to Lavender Moon. There was no deceit in his eyes. He truly meant everything he said.

Perhaps at this point, she would notice a jewelry box on the table... The velvet case seemed rather out of place among the papers and photographs, drawing the eye toward it even more. Given what he had just told her, there could be only one reason for that box to be there...

But there was far more to it than what Lavender Moon could even begin to realize...
-in the streets-

Could only giggle at the nervous pony's change in personality.

There was something very endearing to hear about seeing a stallion blush.

perhaps it was simply because it reminded of her of her easily embarrassed friend Firecracker.

Smiling brightly she replied "Tell you what, How about no on says they are sorry and in stead we make a sale?.

I haven't a head for shapes and facets, but I need something for a new mother.

Like I said, I am open to your suggestion for the cut, but I need a very specific color..

The stone has to be olive gold, a sort of rich mix between the two.

Im sure a clever colt like you can think of something to match that description.

And of course I would pick the specific one.

The mare is a very sensitive soul, one that's been hurt many times in the past but is about to find her happiness.

I know I'm not giving you much to work with, but I really can't say more or I will spoil the surprise. "

Zakka could only look at her confusedly and ask "What in the hay are you talking about Rosy?"

To which she only responded "Shush Zak!.. Oh, and I hate to be 'that kind' of customer, but I could really use it by sundown.."

With a wink she added "pretty please?"

-Along the beach-

Syble eyed the pony up and down as she read his message, and joked " A stallion who can't talk.. I think I'm in love"

Shaking the water from her hair she asked "So what kind of pony are you? some kind of unicorn?"

Of course she knew he was some a changeling. no pony could mistake that.

But she simply didn't care.

She had seen all sorts in her time as a bar owner, and she knew that even a diamond dog could be a friend if given a chance.

She also felt pity for the poor water logged creature.

wringing her long mane she joked " No wait.. don't answer that."

brushing some sea weed off of him she explained "Soggy pony should be in doors by a fire. If you fallow this mane road there is a bar called the horse shoe.. It's quiet this time day so it's a good place to rest and dry off.. But I gotta warn you, I am part owner, brake anything and I'll brake your legs"

The sinister tone she took made it hard to tell if she was joking about that last part.

Holding up a hoof she announced "Oh, and one more thing.. When I get there, you better have a damn good explanation as to what in the hay is going on."

-At Tillys house-

Firecracker could hear Shina stirring and yawning on the other side of the door.

it quickly dawned on him that he had woken her up.

And while he felt guilty about it, it did give him a chance to talk to her about last night without his aunts interfering.

Again he tapped lightly on the door "Shina.. may I come in?. I'll only be a minute."

Konton could only groan at the persistence of his mother's suitor.

Couldn't this pony leave well enough alone and bother some pony else?

An annoyed squawk escaped his beak before he realized that more noise would only farther wake up Shina.

His sharp eyes darting back to his mother to see if she was going to wake up all the way or not.
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viska said:
-in the streets-
Could only giggle at the nervous pony's change in personality.

There was something very endearing to hear about seeing a stallion blush.

perhaps it was simply because it reminded of her of her easily embarrassed friend Firecracker.

Smiling brightly she replied "Tell you what, How about no on says they are sorry and in stead we make a sale?.

I haven't a head for shapes and facets, but I need something for a new mother.

Like I said, I am open to your suggestion for the cut, but I need a very specific color..

The stone has to be olive gold, a sort of rich mix between the two.

Im sure a clever colt like you can think of something to match that description.

And of course I would pick the specific one.

The mare is a very sensitive soul, one that's been hurt many times in the past but is about to find her happiness.

I know I'm not giving you much to work with, but I really can't say more or I will spoil the surprise. "

Zakka could only look at her confusedly and ask "What in the hay are you talking about Rosy?"

To which she only responded "Shush Zak!.. Oh, and I hate to be 'that kind' of customer, but I could really use it by sundown.."

With a wink she added "pretty please?"

-Along the beach-

Syble eyed the pony up and down as she read his message, and joked " A stallion who can't talk.. I think I'm in love"

Shaking the water from her hair she asked "So what kind of pony are you? some kind of unicorn?"

Of course she knew he was some a changeling. no pony could mistake that.

But she simply didn't care.

She had seen all sorts in her time as a bar owner, and she knew that even a diamond dog could be a friend if given a chance.

She also felt pity for the poor water logged creature.

wringing her long mane she joked " No wait.. don't answer that."

brushing some sea weed off of him she explained "Soggy pony should be in doors by a fire. If you fallow this mane road there is a bar called the horse shoe.. It's quiet this time day so it's a good place to rest and dry off.. But I gotta warn you, I am part owner, brake anything and I'll brake your legs"

The sinister tone she took made it hard to tell if she was joking about that last part.

Holding up a hoof she announced "Oh, and one more thing.. When I get there, you better have a damn good explanation as to what in the hay is going on."

-At Tillys house-

Firecracker could hear Shina stirring and yawning on the other side of the door.

it quickly dawned on him that he had woken her up.

And while he felt guilty about it, it did give him a chance to talk to her about last night without his aunts interfering.

Again he tapped lightly on the door "Shina.. may I come in?. I'll only be a minute."

Konton could only groan at the persistence of his mother's suitor.

Couldn't this pony leave well enough alone and bother some pony else?

An annoyed squawk escaped his beak before he realized that more noise would only farther wake up Shina.

His sharp eyes darting back to his mother to see if she was going to wake up all the way or not.
The changeling nods and gets up,pulling out some bits from a small satchel,and gives them to sable,it was the least they could do.the changeling disguises themself and starts walking to the bar,they hope the pony was kidding.iden needs thier legs.as they were walking to the bar,iden wonders if this land is the solution to all of thier problems.
viska said:
-in the streets-
Could only giggle at the nervous pony's change in personality.

There was something very endearing to hear about seeing a stallion blush.

perhaps it was simply because it reminded of her of her easily embarrassed friend Firecracker.

Smiling brightly she replied "Tell you what, How about no on says they are sorry and in stead we make a sale?.

I haven't a head for shapes and facets, but I need something for a new mother.

Like I said, I am open to your suggestion for the cut, but I need a very specific color..

The stone has to be olive gold, a sort of rich mix between the two.

Im sure a clever colt like you can think of something to match that description.

And of course I would pick the specific one.

The mare is a very sensitive soul, one that's been hurt many times in the past but is about to find her happiness.

I know I'm not giving you much to work with, but I really can't say more or I will spoil the surprise. "

Zakka could only look at her confusedly and ask "What in the hay are you talking about Rosy?"

To which she only responded "Shush Zak!.. Oh, and I hate to be 'that kind' of customer, but I could really use it by sundown.."

With a wink she added "pretty please?"
Sotil would nod his head at each and every detail mentioned, soon giving a smile "Of course! Of Course! I've done the whole "New mother" thing more times than I can count...And there's nothing wrong with getting it quickly." He pulls out a small notepad, jotting down the various requested details, colors, and such, and even the mentioned attributes of the pony the commission was for.

After a few moments of muttering to himself, the stallion raises his head "And did you still want that to be a broach? Or were you wanting me to make it something else? I have many bases that I can apply the crystal to, and I can no doubt make any of them work with some effort."
Before the words from behind the door even fully registered Shina answered with a tired "Mhm." Agreeing with out even realizing what the question was.

As her sleepy gaze panned over the room Shina caught sight of a truly horrifying image. Those fuchsia eyes suddenly grew wide seeing her own reflection in the mirror, she looked a complete mess. Well good thing only Konton was there to see her, but wait did she just tell Firecracker he could come in?

Now more awake panic suddenly struck her as she tried to say something to stop Fire from coming in while scrambling off the bed. However Shina only managed to get herself tangled in the blankets and fell with a loud thud on to the floor. "Ow..." She said flatly, her tone sounding more humiliated then hurt though. Apparently the ow had been for her injured pride.
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At FTI CO. (Flash tech industries company)

Flash tech was at her big office desk sketching new computer designs. The secretary came in and looked at flash respectfully. "Boss tech? We have two weeks to put the new design in motion how is it coming along? " Flash looks up "yes its coming along quickly it will be called an Ipony." She lifted up her sketch to show the secretary. The secretary smiled at the improvements "a computer you can carry in a satchual or pocket nice improvement boss." Flash nods "yes it is now we have to put it to work shall we?" She hands the sketch to the secretary "give this to the manufacturer. " she then pulled out a catalog of her products going over the sale stats. The secretary nods leaving with the plans. Suddenly a mail pony arrived and handed a letter "an invitation for you miss flash tech." The mail pony announced handing it to her as the mail pony trouted off to deliver more mail. Flash looked at it curiously "an invitation huh?" She looked at the envelope curiously before opening it.

The letter read clearly and in bold print

Dear,Flash Tech

You are invited to a royal ball! You are so important to equestria so be there and wear your most wonderous outfit.

With sincere respect, Princess Celestia

After flash read this she smiled and slid the letter back in the envelope. Seems like im going to a ball I'll order a dress from raity ponyvilles top designer. She started writing a letter.

Dear, designer Raity

I am going to a royal ball and need something to wear i need it before the ball. I need something of your best work I'm sure you can handle it. Let me know the cost of bits. You can come by my mansion and drop it off.

From, Flash Tech ;owner of FTI CO.

After she signed and and put in the envelop she pressed a button making one of her workers in. The worker came in quickly and looked at flash. "Yes boss?" The worker said. "I need you to mail this don't loose it. " she handed it to the worker who nodded and walked out.

She put on the intercom and spoke in it. "How are the ipony plans working." She said cheerfully. Everyone shouted positive different things. Like great , good or fantastic. "Very well she said closing the intercom. She pulled out her coat and decided to dine at one of her favorite restaurants she ordered a limo to pick her up. She put on a fashionable white trench coat and designer sunglasses and walked out of office. She passed her workers who smiled and waved as she passed. She was not a rich snob she was well respected and admired for her work she didnt just lay around. She walked out of the building to see her limo got here on time the limo driver opened the door for her and she got in. The limo driver closed the door and got in the drivers seat. "Where to miss tech?" The driver said calming. "My usual dining esablishment sir." The driver nodded and started driving it was a short 12 minute drive the driver arrived at the destination a fancy italian restaurant with an outside patio. The driver got out and opened the door for her. She got out and thanked the driver and walked into the restaurant. The owner greeted her. "Hello welcome Ma'mesel. " the owner led her to a table and seated her and gave her a menu. "Enjoy i will be back to take your order" the owner said in an italian accent. She looked at the menu for about 5 menu before a waiter came to take her order. "What would you like"

She smiled putting her menu down. "Spaghetti and tomato sauce and I'd like some italian rolls and to drink i'd like some cherryaid." The waited smiled writting down her order and nodded. "Coming right up. " she then left to get her drink which took 2 minutes . The waiter brought it back setting it infront of her. She nodded respectfully and started sipping the cherryaid because she was thirsty the waiter smiled and left leaving her to herself.
Rosary was in her garden planting new rose bushes. She smiled as she watered them. It was a sunny day in pony ville and she was happy because the sunlight would help her flowers grow. She put down her tools and ate a cupcake that pinkie pie brought her. "Life is great.." she sighed as she bit into her cupcake and she smiled wide and ate the whole cupcake in one mouth full.she decided to take a walk up to sugar cane corners to give a good report on the cupcakes. She grabbed her satchel and trouted out to town. It was quite busy every pony doing something.she finally got to sugarcane corners and walked in and the door made a ding sound as she walked in. She saw mrs cakes at the counter smiling. Rosary waved happily and walked up to the counter. "One sugar cream supreme to go!" She said happily and put 4 bits on the counter. "Comin right up missy" mrs cakes she got a cupcake box and put the cupcake in the box and took the bits. "Here you go." She gave the box to rosary. rosary took the box and smiled "hows pinkie pie?" She asked looking at mrs cakes. mrs cake smiled "shes good dear hows your flower bussiness?" She said kindly resting a hoof on the side of her face. Rosary looked at mrs cakes and sighed. "well you gotta be patient when your a gardener some customers will come i'm hoping to move a flower business place to manehattan when i get enough bits to buy a store." Rosary said leaning her straw gardening hat out of her face. "Ah...i see will good luck to you rosary." Mrs cake said as she looked at her. Rosary smiled "by the way i have to say you have the best cupcakes. " rosary saluted and started heading for the door. Mrs cakes smiled "thanks dear have a wonderful day!" Said mrs cakes waving as rosary left out the door.

As rosary was walking back to her home she stopped to take a look at her cupcake her mouth watered. She thought maybe i can stop and eat my cupcake. She sat down on the side of the dirt road and took a bite of her cupcake "mmmmmmh" she said out loud munching on it in delight.

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