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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

-In the streets-

Rosy made a quick hop in excitement when Sotil agreed to do her order. "Oh thank you, thank you.. I'm sure it will be marvelous"

She seemed to be back to her normal giddy self, or at least in a much better mood then yesterday.

It was about this time that Syble came wondering along.

She was still dripping wet, and grumbling incoherent curse words.

With a bent cigarette in her mouth and sea weed on her rump.

Not being the best on tact Zakka couldn't help but laugh saying " What happened to you? you look like a drowned-"

Syble cut him off by placing a hoof over his mouth and warning "Another word, and your gonna be a glue pot."

As if expecting as much, Rosy didn't react to Syble's hostility; in stead she greeted her saying "Just the pony I was hoping to see."

Turning back to Sotil she said "Would you mind if I took these two out for a breakfast picnic before I decide on the setting? I have something very important to talk to them about?"

-In Tilly's house-

Firecracker began to inch open the door before he heard a loud thud and a quiet "ow" prompted him to sling the door open.

Looking around the room, he did see Shina on the floor, all tangled up in the covers.

Rushing over to her he quickly looked her over and noticed that she didn't seem hurt..At least in the traditional sense of the word.

Getting down on her level he gently helped to de-tangle her from her cocoon of sheets and comforter.

In a gentle voice he asked " Are you alright?"

But as he looked into her eyes he could see that embarrassment in them.

For a moment he couldn't understand why? was it the fact that he had come into her room? No, it was day time now.

Then it finally dawned on him as he saw the mess her mane was in.

He mumbled to himself " Oh.. Oh I see."

Thinking quickly, he scruffled and fluffed his mane into a ridiculous mess.

True to his goof ball personality he joked " I never can keep up with these modern fashions."

His attempt almost seemed like some kind of clown trying to comfort a foal on a bad day.

He lacked a serious side most of the time, but that also made for a unique charm.

- In Eclipse's chambers-

Lavender Moon could only sigh in defeat, she wanted a reason to hate this Stallion, a reason to drive him from her sister..

But she could find none.

He was willing to endure every hardship her race offered, and still remained devoted.

The only thing she could do was relent saying " Very well..My sister means more to me then my own selfish desires to keep her to myself.. I will not get in your way, But know that if you should hurt her.."

She locked eyes with him unflinchingly, knowing all to well how powerless she really was and threatened " I will turn you to charcoal"

As she turned to head back she noticed a small box on the table.

Such a dainty thing seemed so out of place in such a cluttered study.

It seemed like it was handled with much more care then any of the other items there.

She felt strangely drawn to ask "W..What is this?"
Iden made it to the bar and entered it,what iden didn't realize is that they were disguised as a princess(celestia)iden sat down on a chair and waited for someone to take thier order.while iden was waiting they looked down beacuse they dropped a bit.thats when iden realizes who they were,iden was panicking inside but on the outside they seemed totally fine.iden picked up the bit and put it away.and kept waiting,hoping these ponies on this land don't become excited at a sight of a princess,or Had experience with changelings.
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Eclipse didn't flinch at her threat. "If I hurt her, I would already be dead" He replied. He blinked as she noticed the little jewelry box on the table. "Ah... that.... You should know.. I have been known in the past to create items imbued with magic for various purposes. It's not easy to do. A temporary spell is one thing, but weaving a spell that lasts takes a lot of work to get it just right. As you can see, even for me it takes a lot of study before I can make a spell just right" He gestured to the walls, where scrolls about eyes and sight were everywhere. "Before I say anymore, you are sworn to secrecy not to tell anyone what I am about to tell you, especially Steelheart" He looked back at her, waiting for her to consent before he continued.

"I realize the traditions I was raised with differ from flutter traditions, but in my culture, something like this is given along with a request of marriage" He smiled, a faint blush coming to his cheeks. "Granted, usually it's just normal jewelry in some fashion. This is something unique, the product of two years of arduous labor..." He remarked carefully opening the box so that Lavender Moon could see. Inside was a beautiful silver necklace. The metal weaved in and out around itself, creating a beautiful and ornate web of pure beauty. At its center was a heart shaped ruby, tying the whole piece together. The interesting thing was that in the complexity of the web, no actual end to it could be found other than where it clasped. The meaning was obvious. Once the two clasps were joined, there was no beginning or end to it.

Now, despite the beauty of the design, no doubt a master jeweler could recreate it in a few days. The design itself, although complex, wasn't out of the scope of any jeweler. But there was a magic to it. Some spell put upon it. He knew Lavender could feel it. The reason he kept it down here was because as long as it stayed there Steelheart wouldn't be able to feel it and spoil the surprise. "I'm sure you want to know what spell I put on this... well... " He paused, trying to find the words. "I want Steelheart to see me. To see the ceremony, to see the world and all the beauty it has to offer.... The spell I developed for this will allow her eyes to see as long as she wears it." He smiled softly to himself.

"My plan was to give it to her at the Winter Ball, but now it may have to wait until after we've dealt with these Dragons... I want her to see the beauty of this world, but I don't want her to see what I'm going to do to those fuckers that would dare harm her.... Pardon my french..." He smiled sheepishly, realizing he had let his mouth run away a bit on him there...

All of this work just for her... It made the question of whether or not he loved Steelheart seem rather... well.. silly....

Shadow Fang

Fang shifted under the pile of blankets. Damnable sun was already in her eyes, how did it even get past the blinds? The events from the previous day had left her completely exhausted, even now her body longed for more sleep. Wonder if I can block the wall with crystals . . . Something shifted beneath one of her wings. What? Slowly opening her eyes, her vision was filled with silver.

Fang blinked a few times in an attempt to will the sleep out of them as she lifted her head to get a better look. Midnight laid snuggled up beneath one of her large wings, still sound asleep. The Thestral stopped as she tried to remember why Midnight was even still with her, let alone in her own bed. They'd returned to the cabins and left Indicus to rest. She remembered Midnight following her into her own cabin asking if she was alright and saying she wasn't looking so good. All Fang had wanted was to sleep, Midnight had asked her something else as she collapsed into bed. But what was it? Hell, did Fang even give an answer?

I'm too tired for this shit, She sighed and settled her head back into the pillow.
viska said:
-In the streets-
Rosy made a quick hop in excitement when Sotil agreed to do her order. "Oh thank you, thank you.. I'm sure it will be marvelous"

She seemed to be back to her normal giddy self, or at least in a much better mood then yesterday.

It was about this time that Syble came wondering along.

She was still dripping wet, and grumbling incoherent curse words.

With a bent cigarette in her mouth and sea weed on her rump.

Not being the best on tact Zakka couldn't help but laugh saying " What happened to you? you look like a drowned-"

Syble cut him off by placing a hoof over his mouth and warning "Another word, and your gonna be a glue pot."

As if expecting as much, Rosy didn't react to Syble's hostility; in stead she greeted her saying "Just the pony I was hoping to see."

Turning back to Sotil she said "Would you mind if I took these two out for a breakfast picnic before I decide on the setting? I have something very important to talk to them about?"
Sotil smiles and nods "Don't let me keep you. Go on, and attend to your business, while I get this all underway." He begins pulling out various things from his saddlepack, including a very well-kept wooden box, polished and shined as if it were the most important wooden box around. Slowly but surely, he began to unload the various ingredients he needed to create the required commission.

Midnight stirred just a little as the light hit her when Fang moved her wing. "mmm... five for minutes... I was up all night..." Midnight grumbled tiredly, turning a little and promptly burying her face against Fang's chest to block out the light. Clearly any concept of personal space was completely lost on her first thing in the morning.

She had originally followed Fang just to be sure she was alright, then it was to be sure she was getting a raincheck on their stargazing date. When Fang just promptly passed out though... Midnight couldn't resist a little late night cuddling... As it happens, Fang's wings made quite a wonderful blanket. Odds are, Fang would have to get used to this, as thus far, it was evident Midnight wasn't one to take no for an answer.

Shadow Fang

Another sigh escaped Fang as she felt Midnight bury her muzzle against her chest. Crimson eyes slowly forced themselves to open and force themselves to focus on the figure curled up beside her. "Midnight . . . " Fang murmured, "Why the hell are you in my bed . . .?"

Midnight grumbled a little as she looked up at Fang. "It was late, I didn't feel like walking all the way back to where I"m staying, and you looked comfortable..." she murmured rubbing her eyes a little as she yawned. "Why? Don't tell me you're already tired of seeing me?" Midnight asked, pouting rather adorably as she looked up at Midnight. She was never much of a morning person, but at the very least Fang made it bearable....
Indicus found himself on his bed with light pouring through the window blinding him forcing Indicus to close his eyes. Moments later Indicus got out of his bed remembering the events of yesterday. "They must have dropped me off here, nice of them." Indicus entered his kitchen and got some eggs and some deer sausage and started the stove and began cooking. After awhile Indicus had his breakfast infront of him and began to eat.

Shadow Fang

Fang quirked an eyebrow as she looked at Midnight. Sure, Midnight was nice and all not to mention Fang may have had a soft spot for snuggling. "Well we did just meet yesterday . . ." She rubbed her eyes, as much as she wanted to sleep it was beginning to look like the sun wasn't going to allow that. "I wouldn't say I'm tired of seeing you, but I don't exactly remember saying I'd share a bed either." He expression, past the still half asleep look, was more of a mildly annoyed friend than someone truly unhappy.

It wasn't long before the smells from Indicus cooking had crept into the room. Yep, sleep was definitely out of the question now. There better be a warm spot to nap later on . . . "Sounds like Indicus is already up."

"you said I could though... just before you passed out I asked you if I could crash with you and you said yes" Midnight yawned again, still staying right where she was regardless. Granted, Fang was probably already asleeep when she answered, but it was still consent, and it still gave her permision to snuggle. Besides, Midnight could tell right off that Fang didn't really mind. Otherwise she was rather certain she'd have been kicked out of bed already.

Shadow Fang

Fang sighed, as tired as she was after everything that happened yesterday she wouldn't be surprised if she'd said yes before falling asleep. Her red eyes moved between Midnight and towards where Indicus was cooking, pondering whether she really wanted to get up. "Fuck it," She muttered, laying back down. "I'm not getting up until Indicus decides to show . . ." Spyro can wait for his report.

"Good, because I don't want to get up anyway" Midnight murmured snuggling up to Fang once again now that she was laying down. "Just don't forget..." Midnight began as she looked directly at Fang, her expression getting a bit more serious. "You still owe me a date. Don't think you're getting out of it just because we had a crazy night last night" she smirked, lightly booping Fang's nose.

It was rather obvious Fang wasn't going to be getting rid of Midnight very easily.

Shadow Fang

"Mmhmm . . ." Fang's eyes were already closed, her head resting just above Midnight's in a bid to get more comfortable. "You taught me about my Shade Crystals . . ." It seemed the Thestral was beginning to doze once more. "And you're actually nice . . . Pretty too . . . " The last part had been barely audible, though a Thestral's keen ears would probably pick up on it.

Had Fang actually been awake, that wasn't something you'd ever hear her say.
-At the horse shoe-

Unknown to Shina or Firecracker Tilly had already agreed to go to the horseshoe to prepare for the after party.

Catering to such a large crowd required a lot of prep work.

And sense it had a nice sized kitchen it would be simpler to prepare on site as appose to moving it from the bakery.

As Sparky walked out from the kitchen he rubbed the sleepy from his eyes before spotting the disguised changeling.

The exited foal shouted " Look Mamma, a princess!"

Tilly rushed out of the kitchen to spot who she thought was princess celestia

bowing in respect the rotund pony greeted " Oh my princess celestia , welcome to Hast. We weren't expecting you to arrive till much later with the other royal guests"

Not use to the educate of dealing with nobility Sparky approached the impostor with a smile and in a way only a child could ask " Hey, you want some oatmeal? Mamma just made some for breakfast. "
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viska said:
-At the horse shoe-
Unknown to Shina or Firecracker Tilly had already agreed to go to the horseshoe to prepare for the after party.

Catering to such a large crowd required a lot of prep work.

And sense it had a nice sized kitchen it would be simpler to prepare on site as appose to moving it from the bakery.

As Sparky walked out from the kitchen he rubbed the sleepy from his eyes before spotting the disguised changeling.

The exited foal shouted " Look Mamma, a princess!"

Tilly rushed out of the kitchen to spot who she thought was princess Twilight.

bowing in respect the rotund pony greeted " Oh my princess Twilight sparkle, welcome to Hast. We weren't expecting you to arrive till much later with the other royal guests"

Not use to the educate of dealing with nobility Sparky approached the impostor with a smile and in a way only a child could ask " Hey, you want some oatmeal? Mamma just made some for breakfast. "
Aalarms were blaring in iden's head now,they decide to give a silent nod,showing there are saying yes to the foal.iden then quickly pulls out a paper and writes on it giving it to tilly.

(I don't know how to do the paper style so this is all I can do.)

Sorry for surprising you,I came over early so I could help you all prepare.

If your wondering why I am not speaking,I tested a spell recently and it ended up taking my voice for the day.

If iden can manage to keep fooling evrey pony,they have a lot of work ahead of them.
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Indicus finished his meal and noticing Fang was not out he decided to see how she was doing. So he went up to her door and gave it a knock.
-In the horse shoe-

Tilly smiled brightly and replied to the note " awe, you poor dear. Let me get you some honey drops and tea. Maybe that will help your voice."

Ever the 'big mamma' figure the round pony remarked on her way back to the kitchen, "And don't you lift a hoof. I'm doing fantastically well in Mr. Zakka's kitchen, and your not feeling well.

It would seem that Tilly's maternal instincts were confusing an alleged backfired spell with a cold.

As she disappeared back into the kitchen The young colt sparky stayed behind.

Taking a seat right next to 'Celestia' he sat with his bowl of oatmeal and happily scooped some for 'her' in a spare bowl.

As he happily ate he mentioned " Your real good at pretend. Mamma is completely fooled."

With a short laugh he assured " Don't worry, I won't spoil your game. But can I play to? I wanna be a royal guard. Mamma is always going on about how handsome and strong they are."

Sparky had always been an observant foal, even to the point where some thought he would get his cutie mark for it.

Perhaps it was just the innocents of a child, blind to prejudges that could see through form and shroud.

-In Eclipse's Chamber-

Lavender Moon could only bow her head in silence for a moment.

It was hard for any of this to sink in, let alone all of it, and yet she had to accept it.

She didn't want things to change between her and her sister, but she had to face facts.

Whether she liked it or not, her baby sister had grown up, and discovered love.

While she couldn't ask for a better Stallion to pursue her, she still hated every part of it.

As she stood there in silence her hair slowly fell to obscure her face.

short *Sniffles* could be heard escaping the silence as the proud pony fought to save face.

Finally she spoke in her native language "/ It's sad... I am actually jealous of you. I had hoped to always be the glint of her eyes..But now you have given her more then I ever could.. And to give her sight?.. I never thought such a thing possible. . You would truly be giving her the world../"

A soft *Plit* could be heard a single drop struck the ground from Lavender Moon's obscured face as she went on

"/..Please, promise me this.. Once this is over.. Once she can see. Show her all the good things this world has to offer.

I don't want her to believe that there is only darkness left.. I don't want her to become..like me./"
-In the streets-

Rosy lead Zakka and Syble down the road and out of town to a secluded picnic spot.

As they walked up on the lovely display of food and flowers laid out before them Zakka couldn't help but ask " What in the hay is going on? I mean what did you mean by 'celebrating a new mother' "

Syble couldn't help but chime in joking "It's me Zak, and your the father."

Unfazed by Syble's catty ribbing he fired back saying "Aren't we 'Salty' this morning."

obviously picking on her for still being wet, and smelling like the sea.

Rosy intervened saying "Guyys, guyys, lets not bicker, today is a celebration.

Today is the day of the Winter's ball, and so much more."

As she ushered them to there places around the blanket even Syble couldn't help but raise an eye brow asking " You feeling ok hun?..Your acting kinda weird. "

Rosy only shook a hoof dismissively saying "..It's nothing Syble. I'm just ready for everything to make sense again.

Her tone took a slight change as she spoke the last few of those words.

It was distant and flat, almost like she was trying to disconnect herself from what was going on.

Pointing out some wine glasses she poured each of them some dark red wine and announced " A toast! To the world making sense again.

her tone again seemed disconnected but this time had a nervous desperation to it.

Zakka only looked at the drink and swirled it in his glass asking " where did you get this? and what in the hay is going on?

With an offended stare and tone Rosy chastised " Zakka, it's rude to refuse a toast. And today of all days. "

Sighing to himself Zakka decided she was right and maybe she would explain things better after the toast.

Raising his glass him and Syble both drank it down.

But Rosy did not..

Coughing and sputtering Zakka asked through his distaste for the awful wine " That taste I can't place it.. what's the flavor Syble"

Less polite about it Syble replied "Crap Zak. The taste is crap. what in the fires of Hell is in this?"

Rosy's head dropped as if she died sitting there.

She began to shake as she whispered "Nightshade, and Ghost-berry. "

Trying to spit out what was left in his mouth Zakka barked " The Hell Rosy that's the most poisonous combination this side of Equestria! you know that!

A sudden horror began to wash over him as it dawned on him " You..you knew that.."

As his vision began to blur he could see her sharply turning away from him.

In the end, she couldn't face him to see what she had done.

Almost blind now from the poison Zakka shakily sat his glass down and reached over and pulled Syble in close.

As the two embraced Zakka mumbled "chardonnay, I'm coming home to you a bit sooner then we thought.."

Syble slumped over on to Zakka unable to bare her weight anymore and Whispered "Sunspot.. I .. I can see you.. I'm coming "

Their words became weaker and weaker as the life left them.

A Rosy heard this she felt her heart braking, but it was far to late to turn back.

As they began to speak her eyes drained of all color.

The once bright colors faded to a gray as cold as the grave.

and as the two breathed their last, twin streaks of black tears raced down her face.

Black as midnight, they stained her cheeks with indelible lines.

Her guilt would mark her for the rest of her days.

In a pained, but determined voice she choked out the words " It's done! My fr..My only friends.. The only ones left who didn't betray my trust are dead by my hoof.. I've held my end of the deal..Now please, grant my wish....Lord Mephisto.

Eclipse honestly hadn't expected this reaction from her. She had always seemed so stoic in everything, but she was letting that facade down for the first time that Eclipse had seen. He closed the box, setting it carefully back in its place before he sat down in front of her, carefully picking his words as he always did. "/It is true, there is much I can do. When you've been around as long as me, well, you pick up a few tricks... But there's one thing I can never do, and that's be her sister. You will always be her sister Lavender Moon, and that will never change./" He reminded her, his voice soft and calm.

"/The whole time she's been here, she's talked about you all the time. She loves you, Lavender, don't ever forget that. She worries about you too/" He added as he watched her, gently pushing her mane back out of her face. "/Believe it or not... I know what it's like to feel like there is only darkness left in the world. Take it from me, as long as there are stars in the sky, there will be hope for a future we can look forward to./" he smiled softly to himself.

"/Just keep your heart and your eyes open so you can see the goodness this world has. If you keep your heart closed, you will never find it. If you doubt me, look at my scars. My life has been far from a walk in the light. But I can still find goodness in the world. Keep your heart open and Goodness will find you. It always does." He smiled softly as he watched her.

No one but Eclipse knew all the hellish torment he had endured in his life, but his body was a testament to all he had endured. If he could still find a cause to see the beauty in the world, if after everything he still saw light... Why couldn't Lavender Moon too? After all... wasn't Eclipse practically a living example of the light that still existed in the world?

Midnight smiled to herself at Fang's half asleep compliment. She, of course, was quite happy to receive it, even if it was done in a sleep deprived state. She didn't get long to enjoy it. The peace of the morning was shattered by a knocking at the door. She sighed, reluctantly getting out of bed so Fang could rest more. Her hair was an absolute mess and she didn't care to fix it as she grumbled to herself and walked to the door and pushed it open, finding who else but Indicus standing there.

"I'm just going to say this now, I have yet to have my coffee, so forgive me if I'm more than a little snippy... What's got you up so early in the fuck-mothering morning?" She asked, stifling a yawn behind her hoof. She never was a morning pony....And to force her out of bed after an all nighter to answer the door was a prime way to annoy her. At least she warned him before she started....
"Years of training and way too many ambushes." Indicus replied, "But that's beside the point I'll just start some coffee also If you like meat I can cook virtually anything deer for you now, if not I believe there are plenty of other things for that as well. Anyway sorry for disturbing your moment and I'll be in the kitchen if you need me Indicus then walked away leaving Midnight and Fang alone.

Shadow Fang

The sweet, tender embrace of sleep had found Fang once again before a sharp rap at the door jolted her awake again. She didn't realize how warm Midnight was until the mare slipped away to find out who was foolish enough to try and rouse Thestrals from bed during the day. She groaned as she forced herself from the bed after Indicus left. Yawns and stretches followed in an attempt to will sleep away. Without a cloak hiding her lean form, powerful muscles could be seen even beneath the scars. While not surprising given her occupation it wasn't exactly obvious with her cloak.

Sunflower Fields

Never mattered how late Sunflower would go to bed, but she'd always pop awake the moment the sun was in the sky. The town was bound to be crazy today with the ball happening that night. She muttered something under her breath as she climbed out of bed, chances are Midnight never came back that night. I really don't know what I'm going to do with her . . . It was supposed to be an exciting day, so why did something feel off? With something in the back of her mind saying something's not right, Sunflower opted to skip breakfast and go to a walk.

"Still out here?" She asked Sotil, surprised he was still near the inn. Though now his cart was unpacked and set up. "Did you even sleep last night?" The mare asked, quirking an eyebrow at him. A cold breeze swept through the street sending chills through the earth pony. Sunflower's teal eyes moved up towards the nearby mountain.

Something felt very wrong, but she couldn't even begin to put her hoof on just what.
"I'm fine." Shina answered with a somewhat defeated sigh as Firecracker helped her out of the wad of sheets and blankets. "That should be fun to make in minuet." She added to herself with heavy sarcasm as she kicked the mess of blankets back onto the bed with one of her back hooves.

With out the cocoon of blankets to hide her slept on mane Shina quickly blushed and tried to smooth it down with her hooves. Fire's antics quickly distracted her from worrying about it though. Giggling she playfully used her magic to tossed a pillow at him. "Oh stop." She teased.

Glancing at a near by dressed Shina used her magic to snatch a brush off of it. Giving a few quick brushed she tamed the worst parts of her mane. Before she could find her way to a mirror to make sure it was laying right a flash of red feathers caught her eye.

Tired of not being noticed Konton lifted himself sight with a few flaps of his wings and a loud squawk. "Hungry all re-" Shina stopped short seeing the large box her phoenix child was perched on. For a second she almost seemed at a loss for words. Shina was use to waking up to a scroll or letter her mother had sent in the middle of the night, but never anything this big. She hasn't asked them to send anything, and Shina hadn't told them about the dragon they might soon face so it couldn't have been weapons.

Tired of her mental guessing game Shina nodded toward her back, inviting Konton to land there. Levitating the lid off the package and tossing out a few pieces of tissue paper to reveal a letter sitting on top of what looked to be some very expensive looking black silk. Lifting and unfolding the letter Shina read it to her self, the letter clearly written in her native tongue. After reading the front of the letter Shina turned it over while creating a small flame levitating in the air behind the letter to reveal the invisible ink. The hidden message was much shorter, and something about it caused Shina to blush suddenly. Though she was probably the only one in Hast who could read it, the image of a pair of puckered lips were clearly painted in the invisible ink along side the short message.

Shina quickly put out the flame lighting the invisible ink and crumpled the paper before returning her attention to the box. Using her magic to lift the garment inside she suddenly froze up. Shina's fuchsia eyes grew wide, but seemed to somehow light up at the sometime, like a young filly looking at her first formal gown. From the box Shina had lifted a formal kimono in black silk with the image of flames coming up from the bottom of the robe continuing up the long billowy sleeves. The obi in the box under the kimono was an off white with the image of tree branches covered in cascading sakura blossoms embroidered on it.
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